It's not entirely out of the question. hof coach roy williams has made references to some of the things posted here in the past such as his ugly ties. OFC
I could see it happening too, who knows with that guy!
It's not entirely out of the question. hof coach roy williams has made references to some of the things posted here in the past such as his ugly ties. OFC
You may not for a little bit, but continue to be civil. Mikey stated on the OOTB board that any fan who comes civil will be given every chance. Test the theory.Well I think most of the UNC fans on the board are bowing out of this one except Steat who keeps stating his opinions as facts with nothing to back them up. I'm being as polite as can be while refuting his points so if I get banned so be it.
I saw that and that is the plan.You may not for a little bit, but continue to be civil. Mikey stated on the OOTB board that any fan who comes civil will be given every chance. Test the theory.
Aw hell, dbav, I should have just done this in the first place.
Denn, I mentioned earlier and in this 94 page thread probably a dozen times- you cannot argue with stupid. Like you said, they make up things in their own mind and try and pass them off as fact. And the more and more you do that the more and more you believe it to be. I wish any poster from here well when they go over there to refute the moronic statements being made and especially the ones that are so callous in nature. I would say i think it's pretty futile though and it doesnt matter what you say.I would like to know whose life K has ruined while playing hoops for him. I would also like facts and at least a shred of proof of that. If any of those guys can come up with it (and not just a+b=c crap dsouth posted. What is A, what is B?) I know they can't come up with any facts, because they have no clue. Just what they want to be true. They seem to tell themselves so often that what they want to be true about K and Duke is, so they actually have started believing dumb things. Dumb even for those types over there.
After reading through part of that thread, all I've got to say is that Steat is still one of if not the biggest morons on THR.Aw hell, dbav, I should have just done this in the first place.
Denn, I mentioned earlier and in this 94 page thread probably a dozen times- you cannot argue with stupid. Like you said, they make up things in their own mind and try and pass them off as fact. And the more and more you do that the more and more you believe it to be. I wish any poster from here well when they go over there to refute the moronic statements being made and especially the ones that are so callous in nature. I would say i think it's pretty futile though and it doesnt matter what you say.
Agreed. He also questioned how such a speculative discussion about a stranger's mental health is really a good topic for a messageboard, to which @heelbent responded with the following:I saw it, haha. I will say, tarheel0910 or whatever it is had a classy post at the end. Basically told Steat it is pretty arrogant to assume the condition of someone suffering with a mental health issue. I respect him for that.
They're basically proving to a T what the OOTB thread is talking about. If you are honestly that big of an asshole that you're telling someone else how they should handle the loss of a direct family member you're one of the biggest POS on the internet. How in God's name he can even think that is appropriate is beyond me. To suggest that another human being (K) would try and manipulate a 18 year old kid who just lost his sister in a tragic car accident for a few wins (as the 8th or 9th man) is so beyond sick, it is you that has the problems. What a loser.Agreed. He also questioned how such a speculative discussion about a stranger's mental health is really a good topic for a messageboard, to which @heelbent responded with the following:
He played ball at dook so it's relevant. I can name a couple of Tar Heels whose mental faculties have been debated here, and I'm sure elsewhere.
Besides, I question the mental make-up of anyone who chooses to play for that rat bastage
That's not your call. If you don't want to discuss it...don't.
Great look for them when their mods are silencing their own reasonable fans and encouraging Steat's lunacy. What a sad group of individuals for the most part over there, ESPECIALLY the goons that run the board. I seriously wonder what would think if they knew what kind of garbage they have in charge of one of their biggest messageboards. Talk about a black eye for the site.
Agreed 100%, which only makes @heelbent encouraging and condoning the behavior all the more despicable.They're basically proving to a T what the OOTB thread is talking about. If you are honestly that big of an asshole that you're telling someone else how they should handle the loss of a direct family member you're one of the biggest POS on the internet. How in God's name he can even think that is appropriate is beyond me. To suggest that another human being (K) would try and manipulate a 18 year old kid who just lost his sister in a tragic car accident for a few wins (as the 8th or 9th man) is so beyond sick, it is you that has the problems. What a loser.
A lot of conspiracy theorists over there, that's for sure.I liked that Steat was going back to "The Code". I honestly think Sulaimon's mom was referring to the idea that when you leave one lockerroom for another, you don't air the dirty laundry of the one you left. That actually just happened with Keenan Robinson of the Giants when he made comments about the Redskins lockerroom and took some heat for it. I think he is interpreting "The Code" as a manifesto or Jedi mind trick.
They're basically proving to a T what the OOTB thread is talking about. If you are honestly that big of an asshole that you're telling someone else how they should handle the loss of a direct family member you're one of the biggest POS on the internet. How in God's name he can even think that is appropriate is beyond me. To suggest that another human being (K) would try and manipulate a 18 year old kid who just lost his sister in a tragic car accident for a few wins (as the 8th or 9th man) is so beyond sick, it is you that has the problems. What a loser.
Any moderator on any sports board that makes comments like hellbent and irby did apparently have little pride in their duties as a mod and they show a real lack of decency and control on their board. To not have respect for a players health or mental concerns and allow others to belittle that player with such innunendo just does not sit right with me. I know and am glad that our Duke mods are on a higher ground. Another huge concern to other thr board members should be one of non acceptance of a poster like steat and a few others. I applaud the heels and fellow dukies who stand up against such hatred against Coach K and such unfound comments. I really find this kind of shenanigans unacceptable even by my low standards.
Well let's see, I love they call him bail out...what a knock!Steat, and a few others, are trying to say that Duke wouldn't have won the 2010 title if not for Dawkins and that is why K "talked him into" staying with the team. Then the next year K thought they would be better off without him so K told him, "redshirt or transfer!" Run off a kid that was supposedly instrumental in winning NC, huh??? Where in hell do they come up with this s**t?!!What a joke.
II think its pretty evident that some of them just have a hatred of K fueled by jealously which they seem to take pride with and they feed on one another.Once again I wish for the best with mike and his health but this is what I just don't understand about the man. 1st he allows them to talk about health issue not out of concern but a knock on Coach K which he knows is not true. Secondly he says he is a Christian but allows all sorts of trashy talk and trashy other things to be poasted. e-mailed him a few years ago and questioned him why he allowed Coach K to be referred to as Satan, Hitler or even a rat on a sports board that he can control those things. He got back and said he was going to stop things like that but it has crept back in. I wonder if he his a split personality. The unc fan/thr mod and mike irby the nice Christian he claims says he is. This is the reason I wish he would post his reasoning here. I know gottagonow has a relationship with him because of what they have in common. mike to my knowledge you are allowed to poast here. The space is open. Maybe you can convince us as to why. OFC
II think its pretty evident that some of them just have a hatred of K fueled by jealously which they seem to take pride with and they feed on one another.
I liked that Steat was going back to "The Code". I honestly think Sulaimon's mom was referring to the idea that when you leave one lockerroom for another, you don't air the dirty laundry of the one you left. That actually just happened with Keenan Robinson of the Giants when he made comments about the Redskins lockerroom and took some heat for it. I think he is interpreting "The Code" as a manifesto or Jedi mind trick.
The hating is strong in that thread, but haters gonna hate.
Thanks. I just think someone's mental health is not an appropriate topic to discus on a message board. It's a serious issue and one that shouldn't be taken lightly or speculated on. His mental health has absolutely nothing to do with his skill or performance on the court.I saw it, haha. I will say, tarheel0910 or whatever it is had a classy post at the end. Basically told Steat it is pretty arrogant to assume the condition of someone suffering with a mental health issue. I respect him for that.
As much as gunslingerdick trolled this board, it's kind of nice to see him lash out against the full-throttle THR stupidity. lol. This is actually an awesome, awesome post by little Richard.
Steat: FACT:... K forces Dawkins to take a redshirt year.
Gunslinger: I think this is where the debate lies. You're selling that as fact when you have not provided any proof that Dawkins was forced to take a redshirt.
mikeirbyusa: And it matters why?
Umm,...because when you debate a topic, one must present evidence of his or her case.
Was that a serious question?
This thread has devolved into a -2 star thread. It started off as a zero star thread and has gone downhill from there. It's purposeless, baseless and baiting. Oh, and ridiculously inaccurate. And stupid. Inane. Just an overall terrible thread. I wish it was never poasted and I grow more and more embarrassed by the minute that I've had anything whatsoever to do with it. Years from now, our descendants will cite this thread when discussing the worst message board threads of all time. In fact, I predict that my great, great grandson will poast a Rank 'em thread on some message board in the future asking other poasters to rank the worst message board threads of all time and this one will win hands down.
Thanks. I just think someone's mental health is not an appropriate topic to discus on a message board. It's a serious issue and one that shouldn't be taken lightly or speculated on. His mental health has absolutely nothing to do with his skill or performance on the court.
Kudos on your statements in that thread. Too bad your mods are incapable of such reasonable and empathetic thinking.Thanks. I just think someone's mental health is not an appropriate topic to discus on a message board. It's a serious issue and one that shouldn't be taken lightly or speculated on. His mental health has absolutely nothing to do with his skill or performance on the court.