Dr. Steat is much smarter than Giles's actual doctors here at Duke though. I know there is a slight chance that Steat hasn't ever met giles, seen any of his MRIs, X-Rays, or been a part of any of his consultations, rehab sessions, conversations with family, friends, advisors, coaches and other doctors, but i'll give him the benefit of the doubt, because as he said, he's thinking about Giles, where as K is only thinking about himself. I know that statement where he said he hates it for the kid and is looking out for his best interest while K is only looking out for his own "rat interests" can be seen as extremely ironic, but again Dr. Steat, M.D. knows what's best.Doc Steat, setting the record straight. Not only can he set your finances up for a comfortable retirement, he can also tell you what is the correct pan of action for a kid having a scope. THR is lucky to have the multi dimensional figure on their board to help them along. Between him, gary and the davidbagofwindR....what more would anyone want?
Seriously, it doesn't take much research to find out why Giles is having a "clean up' surgery. The Duke doctors will not allow Giles to play if he is not ready to go. It is not K's call. It is Giles, his family and his doctors call.
Dr.DSouth will also explain that this was an extremely major surgery and the fact that he had shoulder surgery himself will prove that there are no such things as minor procedures when a knife is involved. That's, Dr. South....M D.