"Is the "most" opposing fans wanting Giles to sit statement reflective of your duke fans base? Because that is not what you have seen from this fan base, what you have seen from us is that we hate the kid got hurt and wish him well. Your "assume" does not seem to agree with what has been expressed by tar Heels in this thread, it that how your dukies see things, do your dukies cheer for a kid to be injured so their opponents can be weaker?
I hate having the excuses in place for losses, dukies tried to explain away last season as only happening because of jefferson's injury, excuse is all that was. As much as your dukies like to spin what I say, you don't see me jump on the refs after a loss, I don't like using excuses for losses. But it must be a foreign concept to dukies to not use excuses to try to explain losses, it is AMAZING...
I would rather we beat duke with Giles than without him!"
The old "I wanna beat them at their best" FALSE bravado. What bulls**t.