Now that is hilarious. Do they hear these things they say?I believe this was Archer. How hilarious. They still talk about themselves as some academic bastion. Loll.
"It goes without saying that he needs to qualify academically. In fact, I think entrance requirements should be considerably higher, even at the expense of some of the better athletes not qualifying."
The funny part about that is I think Gary went to auburn. So should be fun to see if he weighs in.Archer again. Wow. We all know the SEC doesn't "quibble" over grades but the Holes do????? LOL! They have no shame. Most people wouldn't even go there knowing their situation. Unreal.
"Well, if Brooks' grades aren't up to snuff, he's most likely Auburn bound. Pearl has made him a priority and the SEC doesn't quibble over a little thing like grades."
I can say this because it's public knowledge, Zion didn't come to LNWR.
Can't speculate as to why, although Evan Daniels is public enemy #1 to us now lol.
All I know, is that him not coming really sucks and I'm too drunk to care. Feel free to bask in my misery.
They should be mad at Gary-7 for bad recruiting info!! LolI don't get why they're so mad at Evan Daniels. Do they really think he's the reason Zion didn't go to UNC last night?
Butterbutt from THR insinuating that there may be some sort of "handler" involved that is, of course, forcing Roy to back off. Because, as we well know, Roy doesn't deal with that crap.
"Some are still insisting hes not coming. Not only that, that someone in his camp is now hooked into the shady dude from WKU, this person is claimingl he wouldnt be surprised to see UNC cut ties very shortly. Since rumor mode is full on at the moment, just thought I would share. No this does not come from anyone on this site."
RoseHeel making his pea brain feel better by rationalizing it as though Zion really wanted to go to LNWR but probably pulled out due to Evan Daniels riling up two fanbases. LOL!!!! Zion not going, or the mention that he wasn't going caused quite the meltdown over there. Good stuff.
"Would also like confirmation if possible.
Daniels now claims that they're "staying home tonight". I don't buy anything he says at this point, but I wouldn't blame Zion & Family for staying home after Daniels riled up 2 fanbases in a matter of hours with his fake claims.
Amazes me that this guy is still employed."
"Wow Daniels seriously did that? How unprofessional."
Unprofessional for reporting factual information??? Lolllll. This is great. At this time they believed Evan Daniels lied in order to rile up UNC fans and that Zion was actually gonna be there. Ooooppss...
I love this thread, it actually is pretty funny haha. For clarity, I said this because Daniels was saying Zion was attending WKU Hilltopper hyseria last night, which turned out to be totally false. I just thought that was unprofessional to report that without obviously knowing for sure. Carry on.
And Butterbutt, doesn't it ever astound any of you over there the way arrogant, condescending asshat gary speaks as if he has all this inside info and is some big know it all with insiders and coaches he speaks with on the "AAU circuit", yet about 97% of the s**t he spews is inaccurate??? That guy is a joker.
Roy goes after 5* players, but the ones he gets are mostly those who need some development and are self-aware enough to realize it. If they don't realize it, they go to UK or Duke.... And some of them later transfer when it doesn't get them to the NBA right away.
I like Roy's approach, but I wish more kids were self-aware enough to realize UNC offers what they need.
Sounds like good news, early on at least, for DUKE.