Favorite THR Quotes....

I believe this was Archer. How hilarious. They still talk about themselves as some academic bastion. Loll.

"It goes without saying that he needs to qualify academically. In fact, I think entrance requirements should be considerably higher, even at the expense of some of the better athletes not qualifying."
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I believe this was Archer. How hilarious. They still talk about themselves as some academic bastion. Loll.

"It goes without saying that he needs to qualify academically. In fact, I think entrance requirements should be considerably higher, even at the expense of some of the better athletes not qualifying."
Now that is hilarious. Do they hear these things they say?
Archer again. Wow. We all know the SEC doesn't "quibble" over grades but the Holes do????? LOL! They have no shame. Most people wouldn't even go there knowing their situation. Unreal.

"Well, if Brooks' grades aren't up to snuff, he's most likely Auburn bound. Pearl has made him a priority and the SEC doesn't quibble over a little thing like grades."
Archer again. Wow. We all know the SEC doesn't "quibble" over grades but the Holes do????? LOL! They have no shame. Most people wouldn't even go there knowing their situation. Unreal.

"Well, if Brooks' grades aren't up to snuff, he's most likely Auburn bound. Pearl has made him a priority and the SEC doesn't quibble over a little thing like grades."
The funny part about that is I think Gary went to auburn. So should be fun to see if he weighs in.
Sort of Duke related, but when Spurrier was at Florida, there was a fire at the Auburn library. He was made aware of that at a press conference and his response was something like "I don't know how they'll replace all those coloring books". :)
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I can say this because it's public knowledge, Zion didn't come to LNWR.

Can't speculate as to why, although Evan Daniels is public enemy #1 to us now lol.

All I know, is that him not coming really sucks and I'm too drunk to care. Feel free to bask in my misery.
I can say this because it's public knowledge, Zion didn't come to LNWR.

Can't speculate as to why, although Evan Daniels is public enemy #1 to us now lol.

All I know, is that him not coming really sucks and I'm too drunk to care. Feel free to bask in my misery.

Sounds like good news, early on at least, for DUKE.
dadika frustrated that WKU is obviously pulling something shady since he went to "Hilltopper Hysteria" (LOL!!!) instead of Late Night With Roy. How embarrassing must that be?? I LOVE it!!!

"I'm so fed up with this crap. If WKU and other programs aren't playing by the rules then the freaking NCAA needs to do something about this. I feel like I'm in the movie Blue Chips."
Butterbutt from THR insinuating that there may be some sort of "handler" involved that is, of course, forcing Roy to back off. Because, as we well know, Roy doesn't deal with that crap.

"Some are still insisting hes not coming. Not only that, that someone in his camp is now hooked into the shady dude from WKU, this person is claimingl he wouldnt be surprised to see UNC cut ties very shortly. Since rumor mode is full on at the moment, just thought I would share. No this does not come from anyone on this site."
Butterbutt from THR insinuating that there may be some sort of "handler" involved that is, of course, forcing Roy to back off. Because, as we well know, Roy doesn't deal with that crap.

"Some are still insisting hes not coming. Not only that, that someone in his camp is now hooked into the shady dude from WKU, this person is claimingl he wouldnt be surprised to see UNC cut ties very shortly. Since rumor mode is full on at the moment, just thought I would share. No this does not come from anyone on this site."

Ol Roy has had his own set of "handlers" for years!!! Yep,Crowder, Nyang'oro, Wayne Walden and more...Oh yeah Roy loves "handlers!!"

gary setting them straight at 1:28 yesterday afternoon. Damn right Zion will be at LNWR!!

"Zion's coach says he is indeed coming to LNWR. Unsubstantiated rumors and stuff..."

gary always has the inside scoop!
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Sk1310 said:

LOL. Evan Daniels with the false report, getting UNC fans in hysteria.

"Wow. Daniels is a snake. Puts out a false story to drum up interest in his Alma Mater. Crazy."

This garbage before they knew Daniels was, indeed, CORRECT!!. HA HA HA HA HA HAAAAAAA!!!!
Sk1310 said:

"LOL. Evan Daniels with the false report, getting UNC fans in hysteria."

Then gary:

"Imagine that..." LOLLLL.

Hey, goofballs, guess what? Evan was right, Zion did not make it to your little get together!!! How embarrassing for those dolts.

"Wow Daniels seriously did that? How unprofessional."

Unprofessional for reporting factual information??? Lolllll. This is great. At this time they believed Evan Daniels lied in order to rile up UNC fans and that Zion was actually gonna be there. Ooooppss...
RoseHeel making his pea brain feel better by rationalizing it as though Zion really wanted to go to LNWR but probably pulled out due to Evan Daniels riling up two fanbases. LOL!!!! Zion not going, or the mention that he wasn't going caused quite the meltdown over there. Good stuff.

"Would also like confirmation if possible.

Daniels now claims that they're "staying home tonight". I don't buy anything he says at this point, but I wouldn't blame Zion & Family for staying home after Daniels riled up 2 fanbases in a matter of hours with his fake claims.

Amazes me that this guy is still employed."

"Can we as a fan base all agree to tweet him pictures of Zion at LNWR tonight?"

Sorry, son, but you won't get that chance since Zion will NOT be there. Ha haaaaa........

How steamed will they be when (ok, if) Zion commits to Duke?? Gonna be great.

"Someone get down to Franklin Street or the basketball museum and snap a photo of Zion in God's Country today!! =)"

Well, ummm...gonna be difficult to do so when he is nowhere near Chapel Hill. Lol....

"Some folks will do anything to get hits. Smh"

Yep, mikey, that darn Evan Daniels throwing around false info just to get a few more "hits" for his site. Lollll.
Whatever happened to the idea that journalists were interested in reporting truth?
Is this laziness, lacking ethics, or driven by the pressure of filling 24/365 news cycles?

Tar Heels better really let this youngster know how much we want him tonight!

This is the only thing we control.

Go Tar Heels!

208 TPFKAPFS, Yesterday at 4:19 PM
RoseHeel making his pea brain feel better by rationalizing it as though Zion really wanted to go to LNWR but probably pulled out due to Evan Daniels riling up two fanbases. LOL!!!! Zion not going, or the mention that he wasn't going caused quite the meltdown over there. Good stuff.

"Would also like confirmation if possible.

Daniels now claims that they're "staying home tonight". I don't buy anything he says at this point, but I wouldn't blame Zion & Family for staying home after Daniels riled up 2 fanbases in a matter of hours with his fake claims.

Amazes me that this guy is still employed."

This is probably my favorite.

"Wow Daniels seriously did that? How unprofessional."

Unprofessional for reporting factual information??? Lolllll. This is great. At this time they believed Evan Daniels lied in order to rile up UNC fans and that Zion was actually gonna be there. Ooooppss...

I love this thread, it actually is pretty funny haha. For clarity, I said this because Daniels was saying Zion was attending WKU Hilltopper hyseria last night, which turned out to be totally false. I just thought that was unprofessional to report that without obviously knowing for sure. Carry on.
RoseHeel with more of his rationalizing. Yes, Rose, Evan Daniels screwed Zion out of a great time last night. How about he WAS NOT INTERESTED IN ATTENDING!! Haaaaa, eat it you fools.

"Well seeing that it's now the case, my answer is still the same.

I think the blame mostly lies with Daniels. I'd be willing to bet he'd have still visited had they not had to deal with another one of Daniel's Whiffs. Like I said earlier, Stansbury is known for his shadiness, and getting involved with him could cause other schools to back out.

Not sure what his angle was here, but this could have definitely damaged a kid's credibility. Just downright sloppy work IMHO. Essentially, Daniels screwed Zion and UNC out of an Unofficial Visit."
I love this thread, it actually is pretty funny haha. For clarity, I said this because Daniels was saying Zion was attending WKU Hilltopper hyseria last night, which turned out to be totally false. I just thought that was unprofessional to report that without obviously knowing for sure. Carry on.

I'm carrying on, thanks. Daniels was correct in saying he wasn't going to see that corny sounding Late Night With Roy junk. And I read a little while ago where it said he was planning on going to WKU yesterday but has supposedly postponed a visit to there for a later date.
And Butterbutt, doesn't it ever astound any of you over there the way arrogant, condescending asshat gary speaks as if he has all this inside info and is some big know it all with insiders and coaches he speaks with on the "AAU circuit", yet about 97% of the s**t he spews is inaccurate??? That guy is a joker.
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Butterbutt, I did find it funny that you questioning DSouthr's ridiculous rationalizing caught you some s**t. You, actually being rational and believing him not going last night, was definitely not a good sign, catches you crap from some of those morons. If say, Harry Giles last year, was supposedly going to Duke's big shindig (CTC) and ended up not attending, I would be thinking the same thing. "Uhhh, this isn't good."

"I'm going to say this without trepidation.
1. Stansbury is one of THE dirtiest coaches in the game. His act was the stuff of legend in the SEC.
2. Evan Daniels will waste no opportunity to stir the pot in a way favorable to uk (or wku in this case) and negative to Carolina. As you know, I've warned about him before on here and some scoffed. He makes himself part of the recruiting and that's inexcusable.

As for Zion, let's not be jumping to conclusions and trashing the kid for adults behaving badly."
Yeah I havent been over there a month and Ive had a few run ins already. To me its a terrible sign that Zion didnt come last night, especially since Roy has clearly prioritized him and made him his number one target, which I feel he should. Anyone trying to spin it and say otherwise is being disingenuous. Ive also caught heat for questioning UNC recruiting for next year and going after a lot of lower tier bigs who will eat up scholarships for at least 3 years.
My only question for the head of the coaching mafia would be if there are any coaches other than Roy that are clean? It seems the answer is no.
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That's right, dbav. And here's gary reminding everyone of such. ROY WON"T DEAL WITH IT!! Lollll.

HeelFan58 said:
"from other reports the WKU visit was scheduled and Daniels wasn't lying. There seems to be some forces working against UNC and someone pointed a finger at an ex-UNC great. I just don't know about this one. A lot of smoke."


"Scheduled by whom? That's the key. Again, apparently we have adults behaving badly... and Daniels is a cheap propagandist with a long-standing barely opaque agenda.

It does no good to assume anything concerning Zion --- first, he's an '18 kid so this wasn't some make or break deal... and second, the key is obviously in his "camp", and that part could be trouble, and Roy won't deal with that if it is. Hopefully that will clean itself out..."
Uh oh, the dreaded "handler" term they like to use as an excuse when things don't look good for a recruit they desperately want but realize they aren't gonna get!!

Someone that goes by "truetarheelraider." Never heard of him:

"In regards to Williamson he was all set to come then some shanagans happened with wku and a well known to be sleazy aau coach. at the last minute zion cancelled his trip to wku but it was to late for him to then come to chapel hill. Don't be surprised if Roy backs off of Zion because of this handler."
Holy s**t, just when I thought I had seen it all over there. DSouthr trying to crazily (is that a word? ha) spin this asZion was actually classy for cancelling his visit to WKU because he realized Roy may not be happy about it?!!! WOW!!! He tries to actually play this off as if he kmnows for a fact that is what Zion was thinking and that it is the factual reason he cancelled. Even for DSouthr that one is waaaayyy the hell out there. Yeah, DSouthr, it's PRETTY DARN CLEAR, alright! Good Lord.

"First, Zion not coming to Late Night does not mean he is no longer interested in playing for Roy at UNC. It ain't no big deal, the kid is a high school Jr, the real recruiting for him has not even started yet. I swear, folks will freak out over the smallest things, what color shirt did he wear, OMG his dad worn Ky colors when he was at Ky on his son's visit...I think it is pretty darn clear, if Zion had scheduled a WKy visit the moment he realized that may not be cool with Roy he cancelled it. Pretty darn respectful to me that the kid realized it may not be the best look to attend the WKy deal and cancelled it to make sure he did not upset Roy."
And Butterbutt, doesn't it ever astound any of you over there the way arrogant, condescending asshat gary speaks as if he has all this inside info and is some big know it all with insiders and coaches he speaks with on the "AAU circuit", yet about 97% of the s**t he spews is inaccurate??? That guy is a joker.

We all know what a condescending jackass Gary is, that's old news. But it's somewhat understandable why I our fan base is wondering one of our top targets didn't show to late night when it was initially reported he was going. There's nothing wrong with speculation
Roy goes after 5* players, but the ones he gets are mostly those who need some development and are self-aware enough to realize it. If they don't realize it, they go to UK or Duke.... And some of them later transfer when it doesn't get them to the NBA right away.

I like Roy's approach, but I wish more kids were self-aware enough to realize UNC offers what they need.

Oh boy. So, the 5* players who go to UNC are the smart one who realize their game needs work and obviously only Roy is the coach to do that. The others go to UK or Duke.

Doesn't that then imply that the elite 5* players by picking Duke and UK realize that K and Calipari are the best at helping them? And that Roy is not good with elite 5* players?
But let's be real. Here is why 5* players dont want to go to UNC/Roy. Because of lame stuff like Late Night with Roy. Here is a pic of a truly cringe worthy dance last night. Sadly, this was tame compared to the dance skit where the other half of the team dressed up in really cheesy sailor outfits (that's not a joke, by the way, they were really wearing sailor outfits).

UNC is outdated with the top recruits.
