Favorite THR Quotes....


"Yep, there are literally pages of posts on DI dedicated to a couple of our regular posters( #1 and #2 on the dookie 10 most wanted list, if you will). They delight in roasting them in particular and anything UNC related in general.

I don't post there at all anymore but I do visit occasionally to get a laugh, just as I do Crack Ride. When I do go to DI, I usually take a few minutes to read the nonsense on their 100+ page UNC thread. That's how I happened across BB's comments.

So BB, post whatever you want, wherever you want. But don't be surprised if someone cites what you write on another board. It's all in the public domain."

57 Archer2, Today at 2:41 AM
the real insecurity is the person who claims they never visit our board, but checks in daily behind the scenes. I can admit that I travel over there frequently if nothing more than pure entertainment. The fact that some of them swear that they never travel over here is L.O.L funny

"Just to add, you are right, there is over a 100 page thread there that is all about THU posters and yet here, how often do you see even the slightest mention of DI posters unless we are addressing something they say on this board? In and of itself that is bad enough but to see Tar Heels join in and degrade THU posters that do not post on DI is really a sad thing to see. It is an act of strong disrespect to the posters on this site and this site as a whole."
The new thread about the ongoing NCAA investigation makes me laugh. So much blind optimism about how that case is going to end up. Honestly, that's how it has been ever since the amended NOA, despite the reality that this case is far, far from over. "Lawyer up" and "fight" seem to be consistent themes over there. I find that line of thinking hilarious because it all but assumes UNC will have better legal representation than the NCAA. Pretty sure the NCAA has deeper pockets, and judging by the tenor of their latest correspondence, they don't seem to have taken too kindly to UNC's procedural defense.

But by all means, I hope UNC keeps poking the bear and assuming it has the strongest argument. After all, pride goes before a fall... they really not realize we are laughing at their nonsense?? Talk about unnecessarily flattering

"The 100 page.... ONE HUNDRED PAGES !!!!!!! thread devoted to US and our posters that the doochies have over there at that sewer they call a website, is so revealing and defines their basic insecurity as a fan base.

The FACT they devote so much attention to what we say HERE...and the FACT WE devote so LITTLE attention to what is said THERE, is just fantastic from my perspective. They have a massive inferiority complex and they display it every day.

please keep it up doochies are a never ending source of amusement and entertainment for us...when we bother to take notice."
It is actually 112 pages. LOL. I wonder if keyser understands the reason this thread is so long? I mean, it isn't about the dumb things Duke fans type.....

"Butt, let me try to give you some insight on one of the issues that have been a sore spot in the past. First, I have not visited the Duke board in a long time, so I don't know what you post over there. There is one trait that I recommend you avoid as much as possible. In chat board language it's called "feeding the wolves". Let me give you an example. Lets say one of the Duke posters makes a comment that a particular UNC poster is a "deadbeat". Then the UNC poster chimes in and agree with the Duke poster and add in negative comments about the UNC poster. This is called "feeding the wolves". The Duke posters love UNC fans that visit their board to assist them in chopping up UNC fans. Not saying you do this because I don't visit their board and have not reviewed any of your comments. I look at it as a respect issue. One should never criticize a UNC poster on a rival chat board. Don't feed the wolves. Again, not saying you are guilty of this, but "feeding the wolves" will tick some folks off over here. If you are going to criticize a UNC poster, then keep it in house. I have been posting on this board for several years and there has been several UNC posters guilty of feeding the wolves. In most cases, the UNC posters eventually are baited and banned from the Duke site. You will never see a Duke fan posting on our site that is critical of other Duke fans. They just don't do it. If they did, they would get banned from the Duke site. Our Mods don't ban UNC fans for what they post on other sites. It's just a protocol issue. I disagree with a lot of UNC posters on this site, but I will never criticize them on a rival site. Never have...never will."
Steat is encouraging UNC posters to not think for themselves and be true to what they actually believe and not some twisted, not so well thought out mob mentality?

"Yep, there are literally pages of posts on DI dedicated to a couple of our regular posters( #1 and #2 on the dookie 10 most wanted list, if you will). They delight in roasting them in particular and anything UNC related in general.

I don't post there at all anymore but I do visit occasionally to get a laugh, just as I do Crack Ride. When I do go to DI, I usually take a few minutes to read the nonsense on their 100+ page UNC thread. That's how I happened across BB's comments.

So BB, post whatever you want, wherever you want. But don't be surprised if someone cites what you write on another board. It's all in the public domain."

57 Archer2, Today at 2:41 AM
Archer, I ask this guessing you wouldn't be able to respond here anyway, but how many times have you acted like a fool here and gotten yourself blacklisted? Let's not pretend like you just choose not to post over here.
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"Just to add, you are right, there is over a 100 page thread there that is all about THU posters and yet here, how often do you see even the slightest mention of DI posters unless we are addressing something they say on this board? In and of itself that is bad enough but to see Tar Heels join in and degrade THU posters that do not post on DI is really a sad thing to see. It is an act of strong disrespect to the posters on this site and this site as a whole."
I wonder if David knows that this thread is about dumb things UNC posters say. almost half of this thread is quoted from dsouthr. So the conclusion I see here is that dsouthr says a lot of dumb things. Maybe if he and a few others over there start posting sensible things. there would not be a 112 page thread about them doing just that.
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Bingo. This thread wouldn't exist if they were actually reasonable. Why is that so hard for them to understand?
It is beyond them at this point. I welcome any of them to come over and talk with us about though. In this very thread we have a few UNC posters who have been given a lot of freedom to post their opinions. (jericho and carolinablue specifically)

"Just to add, you are right, there is over a 100 page thread there that is all about THU posters and yet here, how often do you see even the slightest mention of DI posters unless we are addressing something they say on this board? In and of itself that is bad enough but to see Tar Heels join in and degrade THU posters that do not post on DI is really a sad thing to see. It is an act of strong disrespect to the posters on this site and this site as a whole."
The funny thing is he has posted on this board. It is all easily searchable. #hypocrite
I glanced at their Tatum thread. It is the absolute epitome of THR. If anyone wants to know anything about that site and its populace, that thread is all you need.
There is a reason why Steat, DSouthr and Gary are the absolute locks for 1 seeds in the moronic poster brackets that will be coming out. The fourth is still up for grabs. Lot of contenders for that one.

Honestly this thread is 112 pages and it is filled with probably less than 10 posters from THR- it's mostly the same guys overall. hence the ones being defensive. It's pretty simple, if you want the thread to die, stop posting moronic things that make people laugh, cringe, or say, "i'll have what he's having."
There is a reason why Steat, DSouthr and Gary are the absolute locks for 1 seeds in the moronic poster brackets that will be coming out. The fourth is still up for grabs. Lot of contenders for that one.
Haha. I think Steat is level below gary and an eternity behind dsouthr. Steat is an antagonist and looks for a reaction. He is basically baiting Duke fans. (which dukiejay eluded to in this thread already) Gary has his opinions but it is the usual UNC fan boy BS that we have heard for years. dsouth is on another level from those two.
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Haha. I think Steat is level below gary and an eternity behind dsouthr. Steat is an antagonist and looks for a reaction. He is basically baiting Duke fans. (which dukiejay eluded to in this thread already) Gary has his opinions but it is the usual UNC fan boy BS that we have heard for years. dsouth is on another level from those two.
Yeah you and DJ seem to think that Steat's whole thing is just an act to rile up Duke fans. I used to buy into that but if you actually read the things he has posted regularly the last few months, I think he's just absolutely out there and a misguided individual. I dont think it's all an act, i think he really thinks K is the anti-christ.
Haha. I think Steat is level below gary and an eternity behind dsouthr. Steat is an antagonist and looks for a reaction. He is basically baiting Duke fans. (which dukiejay eluded to in this thread already) Gary has his opinions but it is the usual UNC fan boy BS that we have heard for years. dsouth is on another level from those two.
denniden I think you have described the 3 of them perfectly in the food chain. dsouthr is by far the brighter of the 3 which doesn't make him necessarily bright unless compared with the other 2. Steat is just a jealous, vile, disgusting hater.
  • Like
Reactions: KellenPatrick they really not realize we are laughing at their nonsense?? Talk about unnecessarily flattering

"The 100 page.... ONE HUNDRED PAGES !!!!!!! thread devoted to US and our posters that the doochies have over there at that sewer they call a website, is so revealing and defines their basic insecurity as a fan base.

The FACT they devote so much attention to what we say HERE...and the FACT WE devote so LITTLE attention to what is said THERE, is just fantastic from my perspective. They have a massive inferiority complex and they display it every day.

please keep it up doochies are a never ending source of amusement and entertainment for us...when we bother to take notice."

He doesn't get it....he's just not smart enough to understand.
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Yea, DSouthr seems like one of those fellas who collects moth larvae and has a pit in the basement with a well bucket for lowering food and water.
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they are all at it again in the tatum thread at THR. Just slide over with some popcorn, it is getting pretty interesting
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I love how they all claim to never come over here and yet put other people on blast for comments made while over here. you can't make this stuff up.
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While I have no new quotes to add, I find it so funny that Carolina fans have completely bought in to the conspiracies of Dukes 30 PLUS years of sustained excellence is merely refs, the media, and God knows what else. At what point do 30 years suggests maybe they just play great ball at Duke?

And have they forgotten
that ACC use to stand for Another Carolina Call???????
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While I have no new quotes to add, I find it so funny that Carolina fans have completely bought in to the conspiracies of Dukes 30 PLUS years of sustained excellence is merely refs, the media, and God knows what else. At what point do 30 years suggests maybe they just play great ball at Duke?

And have they forgotten
that ACC use to stand for Another Carolina Call???????
Well this is the same group that says 30 years of academic cheating was just the "junk".
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Well this is the same group that says 30 years of academic cheating was just the "junk".

No big deal, everybody does it. Different story with the LOM, he's a rat-faced, egomaniacal, piece of...
Oh. My. God. THE IRONY!!!

Courtesy of @DSouthr: You just can not have a reasonable discussion with someone that is unwilling to respect the opinions of others and considers opinions that are not lock step with his own to be BS.
I was bored so I decide to venture over to THR and when I saw this I was like WOW did he actually say that and my first thought was isn't that the pot calling the kettle black
I'm not even sure how that's even a diss, but what do I know of those guys at THR; the Leader of Scholars thing, now THAT'S funny

Archer over there started that one. He always refers to K as LOM, using it sarcastically and thinking he is real witty. Yet another absolute moron over there.
Courtesy of mental midget @Archer2:

"Rosh spends all his time talking trash about UNC on DI. Like most dook and State fans, they hate UNC more than they like their team. And most couldn't name the starting QB on their football team. Sad excuses for fans."

I thought he didn't read this board? Also, I love his nonsensical generalizations about our fans. What a clown. Would love for him to respond over here.