Favorite THR Quotes....

Archer over there started that one. He always refers to K as LOM, using it sarcastically and thinking he is real witty. Yet another absolute moron over there.
He must have his own definition of witty, because again I don't get how that's a joke; well, if someone is in their own world probably best to leave it alone
Courtesy of mental midget @Archer2:

"Rosh spends all his time talking trash about UNC on DI. Like most dook and State fans, they hate UNC more than they like their team. And most couldn't name the starting QB on their football team. Sad excuses for fans."

I thought he didn't read this board? Also, I love his nonsensical generalizations about our fans. What a clown. Would love for him to respond over here.
AS dukiejay said, Archer reads this board all the time. You know you are reading this Archer. Rosh hasn't posted here in a couple years, but don't let that stop you from making yet another false statement.

Keep up the good work Archer! You are helping prolong this thread almost every time you type a thought out. Can't wait until this thread reaches 200 pages.
Wow someone go check out that thesis paper DSouthr wrote on why Roy Williams isn't getting enough credit in their Duke recruiting thread. He lists out 25, yes 25 reasons to support his position. No matter how many people criticize his posts, he just keeps trucking, I guess you almost have to respect that level tone deaf.
Speaking of Archer, he chimed in with the below gem about how he doesn't want UNC to become a OAD revolving door like Duke or UK:
"Actually, I don't think dook had any OAD's on that '10 team, it was the definition of a team composed of 3-4 year players. They've won 1 title since Knight Lite went all in on OAD's, as has UK. And don't forget, dook lost their 1st round game in '12(Lehigh) and '14(Mercer), and didn't even make the G8 last year, despite having all that OAD talent. Can you imagine the roasting Roy would have gotten if his teams had underachieved to that extent with all that talent? This board would have gone up in flames and people would have been calling for Roy's head. Yet not a peep of that on DI. Are they more loyal than we are? Or do they just have more perspective?"

Didn't even make the Elite 8 with all that OAD talent last year? Or in '12 or in '14? If memory serves me correctly we had one single OAD on each of those rosters. In 2012 Ryan Kelly was injured. In '14 we had no big men and Quinn was unreliable at the point. Last year we had 6 guys total that we could rely on and to even make it to the S16 I was pretty proud of them.

The other thing to note that they love to bring up is that neither Nova nor UNC had a single OAD kid on their roster last year and that worked out just fine for them both. Sure. It's a solid way to spin it. Or you could look at the fact that college basketball was down as a whole AND the class itself was not as stacked as it is this year. Nearly every expert last year admitted that the overall talent in CBB was down compared to year's past. That doesn't diminish the accomplishment's of the teams like UNC or NOVA- it does however debunk the notion that having a OAD or a few OADs on your team is the same every year- some classes are just head and shoulders above others.
Never understood why people care about what is written on opposing teams boards. As if their opinion means anything.

Having a person share their opinion verbally is more interesting b/c keyboard courage factor is negated.
Speaking of Archer, he chimed in with the below gem about how he doesn't want UNC to become a OAD revolving door like Duke or UK:
"Actually, I don't think dook had any OAD's on that '10 team, it was the definition of a team composed of 3-4 year players. They've won 1 title since Knight Lite went all in on OAD's, as has UK. And don't forget, dook lost their 1st round game in '12(Lehigh) and '14(Mercer), and didn't even make the G8 last year, despite having all that OAD talent. Can you imagine the roasting Roy would have gotten if his teams had underachieved to that extent with all that talent? This board would have gone up in flames and people would have been calling for Roy's head. Yet not a peep of that on DI. Are they more loyal than we are? Or do they just have more perspective?"

Didn't even make the Elite 8 with all that OAD talent last year? Or in '12 or in '14? If memory serves me correctly we had one single OAD on each of those rosters. In 2012 Ryan Kelly was injured. In '14 we had no big men and Quinn was unreliable at the point. Last year we had 6 guys total that we could rely on and to even make it to the S16 I was pretty proud of them.

The other thing to note that they love to bring up is that neither Nova nor UNC had a single OAD kid on their roster last year and that worked out just fine for them both. Sure. It's a solid way to spin it. Or you could look at the fact that college basketball was down as a whole AND the class itself was not as stacked as it is this year. Nearly every expert last year admitted that the overall talent in CBB was down compared to year's past. That doesn't diminish the accomplishment's of the teams like UNC or NOVA- it does however debunk the notion that having a OAD or a few OADs on your team is the same every year- some classes are just head and shoulders above others.

Duke didn't make the final 8 last year despite "all that OAD talent"???!!! Lol. Brandon Ingram was it and we all knew Duke was most likely not a championship caliber team last year. Good Lord. And he tries to put Duke down for only winning one title since they became more open to one and doners. Well, Arch, it has only been going on regularly at Duke for a few years now sooooo.......not too shabby.
Yep, the only difference there is they were so dirty at that time, they couldn't land a one and doner.
Archer over there started that one. He always refers to K as LOM, using it sarcastically and thinking he is real witty. Yet another absolute moron over there.

Well I definitely agree with archer on this Coach K is a leader of men. No question. OFC
Even better if Tatum and Giles can get an exception and apply the "Kyrie Irving RULE". The Kyrie Irving Rule allows a Duke player to play a few games for Duke and jump to the NBA and exclude Duke completely as the college attended on the player profile. The Kyrie Irving Rule allows a player to list his player profile as "jumping directly to the NBA from high school" excluding the college name altogether. That's one of the reasons I love Kyrie Irving as a player. Officially, he never attended Duke. Just like Labron James and many others, Kyrie Irving jumped directly from high school to the NBA. Duke is not listed on his player profile.

dr steat is mad in a mental way not in an angry way. Just look at Cleveland's roster and it clearly gives Duke as his college. As Barney Fife used to say about Ernest T. Bass from the Andy Griffith Show "He's a nut." OFC
In the THR Tatum injury thread Archer and Dsouthr arguing that Cal and K aka Knite Light do not develop their OAD recruits because they're already good and just rented players for a year. But poor Roy on the other hand does develop his guys who are all lowly ranked and undervalued and no better example of that than him getting unc to the championship game last year and being in the top ten this year.

In summary basically their logic is that any player that stays more than one year is developed by the coach and any kid that leaves after a year gets zero development from his coaches.

Can't argue with that- Roy developed JMM from a top five ranked kid and should have been OAD to staying three years and not getting drafted at all! You win.
Marcus Paige and McaDon't say hi. Pretty sure the regressed. Strickland was a burger boy. So were the Wears and Drew, among many others that never developed.
Steat responding to TRU CANE.

"Tatum and Giles will be in the lineup vs UNC barring any future injuries."

"I think K-Rat is the only Dookie not happy about this. Heard he is very distraught about them missing ANY games....even the exhibition games.

K, The Leader of Men always doing what is best for his players. Hallelujah!"
Yeah, with Grayson, Jayson, Luke, Matt, and Frank on the team, something would have to go terribly wrong for us not to be the better shooting team. I don't know who on their team can hit an outside shot other than Jackson or Britt.
Steat responding to TRU CANE.

"Tatum and Giles will be in the lineup vs UNC barring any future injuries."

"I think K-Rat is the only Dookie not happy about this. Heard he is very distraught about them missing ANY games....even the exhibition games.

K, The Leader of Men always doing what is best for his players. Hallelujah!"
Damnation, this Steat is really an idiot!
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Your team isn't going to destroy us . . even with the help of your corrupt clock operator and Kaptain Krybaby-Ass Koach.

GTFOH with your BS, Tru ." .
DSouthr here. And he actually says he believes they will be a better outside shooting team than Duke. LOL. WOW.

"As for our back court defending your dukies, When we have guys like Joel, Kenny, 7th in our back court, Theo when he comes back, I think what you will see is a better defensive back court than we have had in several years, yeah more so than last season. We don't know if our back court can score like we think they can but our back court defense may in fact be our over all team strength this coming season. Combine that with this may be a very talented big duke team, this is not your typical great outside jump shooting duke team. Allen and Jackson are drivers more than shooters, kennard is a solid jump shooter and IMO the best shooter you guys have, Jones is OK but has so far not been spectacular and not sure he is going to get a ton of chances. Your advantage should be mid range jump shooting bigs when Giles and Tatum are both healthy, we IMO will be the better outside jump shooting team but that has to be proven and is not just yet."

"That wasn't friendly sparring. What do you think the reaction would be if I posted the same thing on DI? It wouldn't go aver well at all, just as your post didn't here. Your team underachieves once again and the only thing dookies can hang their hat on is that we came up short in the final game. Now that you have another class full of OAD's, you come here to gloat. I repeat what I said before, if I want to read dook propaganda, I'll go to DI."

"What do you need? Berry can shoot the three, Jackson can shoot the three, Robinson can shoot the three, Williams can shoot the three, Britt can shoot the three. Our inside game will be strong like always. Hicks will be a monster. Bradley is very very good, you will see. I dont think you will destroy us."

Williams can shoot the three? Well, they claim he can in practice from all I've

"That thread on DI is actually pretty funny. Those morons over there don't understand the irony when they comment about stupid things people poast."
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Get a load of this Steat lie.

Steat said:
"Even better if Tatum and Giles can get an exception and apply the "Kyrie Irving RULE". The Kyrie Irving Rule allows a Duke player to play a few games for Duke and jump to the NBA and exclude Duke completely as the college attended on the player profile. The Kyrie Irving Rule allows a player to list his player profile as "jumping directly to the NBA from high school" excluding the college name altogether. That's one of the reasons I love Kyrie Irving as a player. Officially, he never attended Duke. Just like Labron James and many others, Kyrie Irving jumped directly from high school to the NBA. Duke is not listed on his player profile."
Archer....loll. Roy the great developer of talent. Ha haaa. McAdoo and Justin Jackson agree. Brice Johnson is the ONE that they hang their hats on with this argument.

It proves there is very little "developing" OAD's, their talent alone guarantees the next level. This BS about Cal and Knight Lite "developing" talent is a myth. Now Roy develops talent.
This DSouthr post was referred to by someone above ITT. I wanted to post this as I believe it is proof that DSouthr is clinically, certifiably insane. Wow.

"When you step back and really look at things, what Roy has been able to do and how he has been able to get it done doesn't IMO get near the credit he deserves. We can fuss that we are not killing it in recruiting at levels we are used to but goodness, just look what Roy has had to deal with over the last few years.

  1. His own health considering knee and hip replacements.
  2. Clearly the AFAM NCAA dark cloud we have been under for what seems like forever now has been used very successfully against us on the recruiting trail.
  3. 2 of our most hated rivals winning nattys and snagging future star NBA players in bunches most every season now days.
  4. The PJ/Lmac scandal, PJ never played again for us.
  5. Rashad running off at the lip
  6. Top 10 UNC recruits not really being one & done quality and yet Roy is accused of holding them back from being one & done.
  7. The loss of both Dean and Gut
  8. Roy loses his closest friend
  9. Kendal untimely injury
  10. 4-5 solid years of extremely negative media reporting and references made to it multiple times in every single game we have played for the last several years.
  11. Fan apathy and negativity, way to many o four fans now expect the worse and are surprised at solid results.
  12. Fans calling for Roy to step down saying the game has passed him by.
  13. Lack of NBA lotto selections and a lack of NBA star players as compared to our rivals.
  14. Marcus and Justin shooting slumps last season.
  15. UNC employees turning on the school and the program looking to sell a book.
  16. The states largest paper lead sports writer trying to turn a vendetta against the program in to a Pulitzer prize.
  17. Larry Drew and his family
  18. Both the Wear twins running back home to cali in the middle of the night and having daddy explain they were gone.
  19. Meeks injury last 2 seasons resulting in late season dips in his play.
  20. Injuries in Marcus's Jr season to the point that they could not have enough PGs healthy to practice.
  21. VERY questionable NCAA seeding leaving one to question if there was more to the seeding placements than what was deserved by on court play.
  22. NCAA investigation not completely over.
  23. Created phony perception by our hated rivals that UNC is not the place for the best talents to play. They spin that Roy holds them back.
  24. Not having the clear open spots that allow package deal mega talented players to all see open starting spots. One & done factory programs have the natural openings because they ship them out as quickly as they bring them in.
  25. Players leaving unexpectedly as in JP and JMM
That just off the top of my head but it is amazing that we are not the worst team in the ACC considering what the program and Roy personally has gone thru over the last few years. Yet still, after all of that, we played in the natty game this past season and are pre-season top 10 now."
15 and 16 are pretty funny. Just the fact that he could rattle off 25 excuses, most of them spin created in his own warped mind, shows one what a loony tune he truly is.
Get a load of this Steat lie.

Steat said:
"Even better if Tatum and Giles can get an exception and apply the "Kyrie Irving RULE". The Kyrie Irving Rule allows a Duke player to play a few games for Duke and jump to the NBA and exclude Duke completely as the college attended on the player profile. The Kyrie Irving Rule allows a player to list his player profile as "jumping directly to the NBA from high school" excluding the college name altogether. That's one of the reasons I love Kyrie Irving as a player. Officially, he never attended Duke. Just like Labron James and many others, Kyrie Irving jumped directly from high school to the NBA. Duke is not listed on his player profile."
Lol! Steat is an Idiot! Can't even spell Lebron's name correctly.
"When you step back and really look at things, what Roy has been able to do and how he has been able to get it done doesn't IMO get near the credit he deserves. We can fuss that we are not killing it in recruiting at levels we are used to but goodness, just look what Roy has had to deal with over the last few years.

  1. His own health considering knee and hip replacements.
  2. Clearly the AFAM NCAA dark cloud we have been under for what seems like forever now has been used very successfully against us on the recruiting trail.
  3. 2 of our most hated rivals winning nattys and snagging future star NBA players in bunches most every season now days.
  4. The PJ/Lmac scandal, PJ never played again for us.
  5. Rashad running off at the lip
  6. Top 10 UNC recruits not really being one & done quality and yet Roy is accused of holding them back from being one & done.
  7. The loss of both Dean and Gut
  8. Roy loses his closest friend
  9. Kendal untimely injury
  10. 4-5 solid years of extremely negative media reporting and references made to it multiple times in every single game we have played for the last several years.
  11. Fan apathy and negativity, way to many o four fans now expect the worse and are surprised at solid results.
  12. Fans calling for Roy to step down saying the game has passed him by.
  13. Lack of NBA lotto selections and a lack of NBA star players as compared to our rivals.
  14. Marcus and Justin shooting slumps last season.
  15. UNC employees turning on the school and the program looking to sell a book.
  16. The states largest paper lead sports writer trying to turn a vendetta against the program in to a Pulitzer prize.
  17. Larry Drew and his family
  18. Both the Wear twins running back home to cali in the middle of the night and having daddy explain they were gone.
  19. Meeks injury last 2 seasons resulting in late season dips in his play.
  20. Injuries in Marcus's Jr season to the point that they could not have enough PGs healthy to practice.
  21. VERY questionable NCAA seeding leaving one to question if there was more to the seeding placements than what was deserved by on court play.
  22. NCAA investigation not completely over.
  23. Created phony perception by our hated rivals that UNC is not the place for the best talents to play. They spin that Roy holds them back.
  24. Not having the clear open spots that allow package deal mega talented players to all see open starting spots. One & done factory programs have the natural openings because they ship them out as quickly as they bring them in.
  25. Players leaving unexpectedly as in JP and JMM
  26. Duke doing things right, recruiting top players we should get, coaching their players up to NBA level talent. We still beat them 4 times out of 17 .
I added one for him.
Just think what the crybaby will come up with in the next few years after their team declines to mid major status due to recruiting.
15 and 16 are pretty funny. Just the fact that he could rattle off 25 excuses, most of them spin created in his own warped mind, shows one what a loony tune he truly is.
#23 is funny. Some programs do not need to tell recruits and their families that UNC will not get you to the NBA as quick as you'd like to get there. The results speak for themselves. Some lesser programs might use it, but Duke and Kentucky have a model for getting guys in to the NBA draft quickly and it works. Talking crap about UNC is not really necessary for those programs.
Get a load of this Steat lie.

Steat said:
"Even better if Tatum and Giles can get an exception and apply the "Kyrie Irving RULE". The Kyrie Irving Rule allows a Duke player to play a few games for Duke and jump to the NBA and exclude Duke completely as the college attended on the player profile. The Kyrie Irving Rule allows a player to list his player profile as "jumping directly to the NBA from high school" excluding the college name altogether. That's one of the reasons I love Kyrie Irving as a player. Officially, he never attended Duke. Just like Labron James and many others, Kyrie Irving jumped directly from high school to the NBA. Duke is not listed on his player profile."
Posts like this is are why I think Steat is just trying to get a reaction out of Duke fans rather than a guy like dsouthr who I think actually buys into his own hot air.

"That wasn't friendly sparring. What do you think the reaction would be if I posted the same thing on DI? It wouldn't go aver well at all, just as your post didn't here. Your team underachieves once again and the only thing dookies can hang their hat on is that we came up short in the final game. Now that you have another class full of OAD's, you come here to gloat. I repeat what I said before, if I want to read dook propaganda, I'll go to DI."
So much in this post, i do not even know where to start.
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This DSouthr post was referred to by someone above ITT. I wanted to post this as I believe it is proof that DSouthr is clinically, certifiably insane. Wow.

"When you step back and really look at things, what Roy has been able to do and how he has been able to get it done doesn't IMO get near the credit he deserves. We can fuss that we are not killing it in recruiting at levels we are used to but goodness, just look what Roy has had to deal with over the last few years.

  1. His own health considering knee and hip replacements. Ah K hasn't had his share. Both hips replaced, knee replacement this year, and of course...the well mocked back problems that Tar Heels fans make fun of all the time.
  2. Clearly the AFAM NCAA dark cloud we have been under for what seems like forever now has been used very successfully against us on the recruiting trail. Cheating does present a few problems that even the Tar Heel PR Machine can't sweep under the rug. And negative recruiting? Hmmm, Duke can't develop big men ring a bell?
  3. 2 of our most hated rivals winning nattys and snagging future star NBA players in bunches most every season now days. Yeah, that does kinda suck...for you guys! Try harder, and quit cheating.
  4. The PJ/Lmac scandal, PJ never played again for us. More scandals? Seems to be a lot of that going on. By the way, who is the head coach of that program?
  5. Rashad running off at the lip. Well, he is an idiot...a Tar heel idiot. I don't like to pile on someone when they're down...but again, who is that head honcho over there that does the recruiting? I hear you can't outwork him. Maybe he better slow down a little, and check out the guys he's recruiting. Of course, integrity won't help you bounce a basketball
  6. Top 10 UNC recruits not really being one & done quality and yet Roy is accused of holding them back from being one & done. So now you're throwing your own highly recruited players under the bus. Roy has taught you well.
  7. The loss of both Dean and Gut. This is very sad, and I do feel sorry for Roy, anyone else losing loved ones. But death stalks us all, and when you get to be as old as Roy, Coach K (and millions of myself ) it shows it's ugly head more and more. And it never gets easier.
  8. Roy loses his closest friend. Again, I'm very sorry. Coach K lost his older brother 2 years ago.
  9. Kendal untimely injury. Yeah, it sucks, but UNC doesn't have a monopoly on matter how many times they say it.
  10. 4-5 solid years of extremely negative media reporting and references made to it multiple times in every single game we have played for the last several years. Yeah, well, another one of those little nagging things that go along with cheating your azz off for 20+ years.
  11. Fan apathy and negativity, way to many o four fans now expect the worse and are surprised at solid results. You sound like Roy again...when he's talking about UNC fans on his radio show. Roy is really proud you're listening.
  12. Fans calling for Roy to step down saying the game has passed him by. I remember that happened to Dean too...back in the 90's when K was winning multiple National Championships. Hey...maybe there's something in common here.
  13. Lack of NBA lotto selections and a lack of NBA star players as compared to our rivals. Again, check on that guy that heads up recruiting. And quit cheating.
  14. Marcus and Justin shooting slumps last season. Oh shit, that dang UNC has a monopoly on shooting slumps too.
  15. UNC employees turning on the school and the program looking to sell a book. Yeah, it's a damn shame they have a little integrity. You need to screen those applicants a little better.
  16. The states largest paper lead sports writer trying to turn a vendetta against the program in to a Pulitzer prize. I'm laughing pretty hard here...because for my entire life the Charlotte Observer has bent over backwards to portray UNC in a positive light. Now that they show a little integrity (that word shows up again) they are completely evil. Yeah, that's got to be it.
  17. Larry Drew and his family. Crank up the bus again.
  18. Both the Wear twins running back home to cali in the middle of the night and having daddy explain they were gone. That dang bus is going be wore out at this rate. Well at least the Wear twins were young and perhaps hadn't developed a little integrity at this point (oh dear, the dreaded integrity word again). And speaking of integrity, what about an older renowned coach devoting a chapter of his book to calling a young man that he recruited...a liar. Yeah, integrity sure seems to be in short supply around Chapel Hill.
  19. Meeks injury last 2 seasons resulting in late season dips in his play. Again, injuries suck, but Duke has had their share...with many other teams also. No monopoly on injuries by the Tar Heels.
  20. Injuries in Marcus's Jr season to the point that they could not have enough PGs healthy to practice. See above
  21. VERY questionable NCAA seeding leaving one to question if there was more to the seeding placements than what was deserved by on court play. Yeah, that damn Duke gets the easy road every frickin' time, and the Tar Heels get the shaft. Tain't fair.
  22. NCAA investigation not completely over. Cheating is never having to say you're sorry.
  23. Created phony perception by our hated rivals that UNC is not the place for the best talents to play. They spin that Roy holds them back. Damn, I know I'm old, but it seems like I've heard this before somewhere above. Quit padding your dang poasts, Dsouth.
  24. Not having the clear open spots that allow package deal mega talented players to all see open starting spots. One & done factory programs have the natural openings because they ship them out as quickly as they bring them in. And all this time I thought Tar Heel nation didn't want OAD's, let along package deals of multiple players.
  25. Players leaving unexpectedly as in JP and JMM. you're complaining that you can't keep every single player...every single year of their eligibility? Why that sounds like you're a little selfish, besides whining like a baby.
That just off the top of my head but it is amazing that we are not the worst team in the ACC considering what the program and Roy personally has gone thru over the last few years. Yet still, after all of that, we played in the natty game this past season and are pre-season top 10 now."

Thank goodness that DSouth only had 25 points to respond to...instead of a 1000.

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Grayson might be known more as a slasher....I'll give DSouthr that. That said, he shot almost 42% from three last season. Just to give you an example, but since UNC's 2009 team where three guys shot 41% or better from three (Lawson, Green and Ellington), the Heels have had a grand total of one player have a better shooting season than Grayson did last year. ONE. That was Reggie Bullock in 2012-13 when he shot almost 44%.

(And I didn't count a couple of walk-on's who were 2-for-4 one season. Let's just say they had to have a minimum of 20 three-point attempts on the season.)
"When you step back and really look at things, what Roy has been able to do and how he has been able to get it done doesn't IMO get near the credit he deserves. We can fuss that we are not killing it in recruiting at levels we are used to but goodness, just look what Roy has had to deal with over the last few years.

  1. His own health considering knee and hip replacements.
  2. Clearly the AFAM NCAA dark cloud we have been under for what seems like forever now has been used very successfully against us on the recruiting trail.
  3. 2 of our most hated rivals winning nattys and snagging future star NBA players in bunches most every season now days.
  4. The PJ/Lmac scandal, PJ never played again for us.
  5. Rashad running off at the lip
  6. Top 10 UNC recruits not really being one & done quality and yet Roy is accused of holding them back from being one & done.
  7. The loss of both Dean and Gut
  8. Roy loses his closest friend
  9. Kendal untimely injury
  10. 4-5 solid years of extremely negative media reporting and references made to it multiple times in every single game we have played for the last several years.
  11. Fan apathy and negativity, way to many o four fans now expect the worse and are surprised at solid results.
  12. Fans calling for Roy to step down saying the game has passed him by.
  13. Lack of NBA lotto selections and a lack of NBA star players as compared to our rivals.
  14. Marcus and Justin shooting slumps last season.
  15. UNC employees turning on the school and the program looking to sell a book.
  16. The states largest paper lead sports writer trying to turn a vendetta against the program in to a Pulitzer prize.
  17. Larry Drew and his family
  18. Both the Wear twins running back home to cali in the middle of the night and having daddy explain they were gone.
  19. Meeks injury last 2 seasons resulting in late season dips in his play.
  20. Injuries in Marcus's Jr season to the point that they could not have enough PGs healthy to practice.
  21. VERY questionable NCAA seeding leaving one to question if there was more to the seeding placements than what was deserved by on court play.
  22. NCAA investigation not completely over.
  23. Created phony perception by our hated rivals that UNC is not the place for the best talents to play. They spin that Roy holds them back.
  24. Not having the clear open spots that allow package deal mega talented players to all see open starting spots. One & done factory programs have the natural openings because they ship them out as quickly as they bring them in.
  25. Players leaving unexpectedly as in JP and JMM
  26. Duke doing things right, recruiting top players we should get, coaching their players up to NBA level talent. We still beat them 4 times out of 17 .
I added one for him.
Just think what the crybaby will come up with in the next few years after their team declines to mid major status due to recruiting.

Who is the poster on this. OFC