Amile ....


Devils Illustrated Hall of Famer
Nov 21, 2006
Someone just asked Matt how Amile was, Matt shook his head and said "this team just can't catch a break."
I went from nervous when he left the game to hopeful when he came back on the bench with no boot or brace or ice, to seeing wiseman tweet this out and getting real nervous... I hope it's not serious!
This will be dukes what 5th foot injury this season , none of which are sprained ankles... there's an issue that needs to be figured out
We really need Amile for that FSU game. That's a really good frontcourt over there in Tallahassee. Bolden and Jeter need to step up.
Read on another Duke board that someone got a text from a source that Amile broke his foot and is done for the year...

God I hope not!!
I just hope it's someone trolling....but it would fit right into this season...
Read on another Duke board that someone got a text from a source that Amile broke his foot and is done for the year...

God I hope not!!

DBR? Or TDD premium?

That would just be unfair on a level we've never seen.
Read on another Duke board that someone got a text from a source that Amile broke his foot and is done for the year...

God I hope not!!
I would be pleasantly surprised with any news other than it's broken at this point.
Not fair for a player as good as Amile to have his Duke career end this way...
You can search him and read the tweets...seems to be a few "insiders" and people who live in Amiles Apartment complex reporting it...

Best you can hope is that it's trolling...but a lot of smoke between twitter and other boards..doesn't sound good...
I'm hoping it's all be honest...I'm really hoping it's just a foot sprain...
I am old and don't know how to search him. Little help for the old man?
You just type Amile Jefferson in the search on Twitter....then can click on "All Tweets"...stuff starts popping up

I don't use it a I had to play with it myself...

FWIW just read it will take some time but he will be fine also...I'm hoping for this one....
Personally I would think he would have been in a boot if it was broken...and possibly crutches so I'm hopeful it's just a bad foot sprain....
Ya just can't read into his return with or without the boot. Heck, Amile may have known he won't put that jersey back on and wanted to go out one more time with it on. I cannot imagine the devastation of that thought process..... I just highly doubt there is any accurate info out tonight..... A lot speculation, trolling and throwing stuff at the wall. I'm holding out Hope Amile goes out the right way yet!!!!
I'm crossing my fingers, but some trustworthy sources seem to be indicating it's not good. Sad, if true.
Mother F!!!!!!!

Worse news in a long time..... That's saying something!!!
The twitter talk is literally a pizza delivery guy that said he was ok crutches
I just can't wrap my head around it. Absolutely sucks for Amile. It's really what bothers me the most....

There is still hope, but the more we hear it confirms what we all saw. He looked devastated. He couldn't walk. 1+1 I'm afraid.
Can't ever remember a Duke team that has been this cursed. The fall on video seemed pretty ordinary and nothing that looked overly bad.

Hope for the best, but expect the worst with the way our luck has gone this year.

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