RJ Barrett

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OMG, I was cracking up when I saw that. The funny thing, them idiots ate it up too. I wanted to respond so bad, but got banned the second day for agreeing with another Duke poster by saying "be careful, these kittens are going to be mad". No matter how off the wall a post can be about Duke, they are so gullible to the fact it's scary!
They literally do believe everything! You can go tell them the Sky is pink and they will believe it!
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He did have injuries, that's a fair point, but I'm personally not using that as we don't know if he would have progressed at a faster pace (and rank has spent much time in a walking boot himself at Duke). As for Vrank - he's been efficient in very limited action but has sat behind higher-rated 5 star guys. Zoobs, even healthy, sat behind a 6'8 guy playing out-of-position, then a 3 star prospect, Miles Plumlee, and then he played alongside Thomas. And to further clarify, I'm replying to the narrow minded view that a team of star-studded 5 star 1-4 positions cannot be helped by a solid, developed 3 star player. According to that theory, Duke needs a 5 star, high profile player, which IMO is, again, off-base.

Can you clarify how you feel Zoobs was highly skilled? He was slow and methodical, very similar to Vrank. A big body who was very fundamental, again, just like Antonio.

I do agree though; hope I'm right on Antonio!

Zoubek was never really healthy, though....that’s the thing. When he re-injured his foot the doctors realized that the bone never healed correctly.

Zoubek came to Duke with the reputation as being a low-post scorer. Howard Garfunkel, one of the best basketball scouts ever, called him a sleeping giant. He routinely averaged 20 points per game on the AAU circuit. Heck, people forget that he scored double figures the first three games of his Duke career. His injuries just stunted his growth in many areas. It’s a shame it took him over three years to get fully healthy.
That's it? You realize we won a ship with Zoubek as center right?? Vrank would be fine in the starting C spot next year
No Pisgah, we can't win it all with 3 stud freshmen, a possible explosive junior in Delaurier, and Vrank starting at center. On paper, all we need is another big or so as his backup.
You show that roster to 99.9% of the coaches across the country and they would take their chances. Sounds silly huh?
That's it? You realize we won a ship with Zoubek as center right?? Vrank would be fine in the starting C spot next year

Not quite... we won the ship with zoubek at starting center, NBA stalwart Lance Thomas at PF, and two future NBA bigs (and a Pete Newell winner!) in MP1 and MP2:)
Not quite... we won the ship with zoubek at starting center, NBA stalwart Lance Thomas at PF, and two future NBA bigs (and a Pete Newell winner!) in MP1 and MP2:)
Yeah but no one thought Thomas would make it in the pros, and the Plumlees were backups. Matter of fact, Miles was originally going to Stanford. That team, for their now NBA talent, is probably the 4th or 5th best of Duke's title teams.
The point is silly to suggest that with 3 freshmen studs, Duke won't have a chance to win it all if Vrank is their starting center. Really? That is putting NO faith at all in Vrank to be a solid senior. He's about 7-0 tall and not a bad athlete. Did you think the 10 team in December of 09 had a chance to win it all? Honestly I didn't
Yeah but no one thought Thomas would make it in the pros, and the Plumlees were backups. Matter of fact, Miles was originally going to Stanford. That team, for their now NBA talent, is probably the 4th or 5th best of Duke's title teams.
The point is silly to suggest that with 3 freshmen studs, Duke won't have a chance to win it all if Vrank is their starting center. Really? That is putting NO faith at all in Vrank to be a solid senior. He's about 7-0 tall and not a bad athlete. Did you think the 10 team in December of 09 had a chance to win it all? Honestly I didn't

Who said Duke wouldn’t have a chance?
Who said Duke wouldn’t have a chance?
Haha I was just reading through and go im not really sure what we are arguing here.

A lineup of Tre, RJ, Cam, Javin and Vrank is really special. Does that mean we shouldn't go after another elite big? Absolutely not.
Haha I was just reading through and go im not really sure what we are arguing here.

A lineup of Tre, RJ, Cam, Javin and Vrank is really special. Does that mean we shouldn't go after another elite big? Absolutely not.
The initial statement was made that Duke couldn't win it all with Vrank as the starting center. The part about what caliber of big is another subject. As said earlier, a few of us think Vrank with the others is a contender. Whether Duke gets an elite big for next season is to me not a must.
Who said Duke wouldn’t have a chance?
Most people didn't think that Duke team was special, yet. That team didn't wow you, they were just so efficient, and Zoubek started owning the paint. The Maryland win was where he got some love from the media as well. I remember him being interviewed after the game, and the lady asked him what had gotten into him. His reply was priceless: I'm not ready for my year to end, or something like that.
Most people didn't think that Duke team was special, yet. That team didn't wow you, they just were so efficient, and Zoubek started owning the paint. The Maryland win was where he got some love from the media as well. I remember him being interviewed after the game, and the lady asked him what had gotten into him. His reply was priceless: I'm not ready for my year to end, or something like that.
I'd agree, I started having a feeling about that team after we won the preseason tourney over Uconn in the garden. There was something about them. But you're right, the Maryland game was the coming out party for Zoubs. He only got to have a semester unfortunately, but he sure made the most of it.
That's it? You realize we won a ship with Zoubek as center right?? Vrank would be fine in the starting C spot next year
And you realize Zoubek was a 5-star center who played in the Mcdonalds All-American game, right?????
Why would he take money when he's going to be a top 3 pick in 9 months doesn't make sense. Enlighten me[/QUOTE
Listen to Dick Vitale's take on this. I will be very surprised if Bagley plays one minute of college basketball.
Listen to what Dick Vitale is saying about this. Bagley will never play one minute of college basketball.
OMG, I was cracking up when I saw that. The funny thing, them idiots ate it up too. I wanted to respond so bad, but got banned the second day for agreeing with another Duke poster by saying "be careful, these kittens are going to be mad". No matter how off the wall a post can be about Duke, they are so gullible to the fact it's scary!
That's as many minutes as UK played in the 2015 Natty title.
Stupid reply. Lots of shaky recruiting going on in Durham with a known cheater in Capel.
Duvall and Bagley are very suspicious, I'm sure some of those coaches that were arrested are spilling the beans about your program right now. You should be worried.
Stupid reply. Lots of shaky recruiting going on in Durham with a known cheater in Capel.
Duvall and Bagley are very suspicious, I'm sure some of those coaches that were arrested are spilling the beans about your program right now. You should be worried.

People in glass houses shouldn't be throwing boulders around.
Bagley is your Brian Bowen, just wait.
Lol! You and your fan base is one talk. I still think the whole Knox situation is rather shady. Still don’t understand how a player goes to a place that is log jammed in his position when Duke and the holes had his position wide open. If I didn’t think Duke was going to get him, then I certainly would have thought the holes or FSU would. I think him going to uk might have been more than playing the two position. Also, I think he turned down 1.4 Million dollars to play in China.
My point is that Zoubek and Vrank are nowhere near similar basketball players. Isn't that obvious?
No it's not. For Duke to be good, if Vrank plays, he will have to do the same things Zoubek did. Zoubek wasn't asked to score 15-20, he was asked to set screens, rebound, and take up good space. It's simple to see that Vrank will be used about the exact same way. As was with Zoubek, any points Vrank provide will be a plus. That Ace, is obvious.
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I think the point is, although Zoubek and Vrank are different athletes with different skill sets, what they are/were asked to do could very well be the same. Similar to Marshall Plumlee who was more athletic but until his 5th year less talented than Zoubek.
And you realize Zoubek was a 5-star center who played in the Mcdonalds All-American game, right?????
So was Matt Jones. Be totally honest here, did he have the overall game of a 5 star? You put way too much emphasis on a kid's rating. It is accurate, yet not a given that a player will be as good as his rating says, or as average as a "3 star." Like the example on Steph and Seth Curry. Remember what college Seth started at?
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Most people didn't think that Duke team was special, yet. That team didn't wow you, they were just so efficient, and Zoubek started owning the paint. The Maryland win was where he got some love from the media as well. I remember him being interviewed after the game, and the lady asked him what had gotten into him. His reply was priceless: I'm not ready for my year to end, or something like that.

Hindsight is always 20/20.

That 2010 team was blessed with a lot of size. A lot of size. Early projections now for the 2018-19 team show us lacking in overall size. That doesn't mean we can't be very good if no one is added. We can be. I just think some folks would prefer we added a piece or two to put around Vrank. If he's good enough, then he will play. That's the bottom line.
I think the point is, although Zoubek and Vrank are different athletes with different skill sets, what they are/were asked to do could very well be the same. Similar to Marshall Plumlee who was more athletic but until his 5th year less talented than Zoubek.
Yes. However given the recruiting tear we have been on, and also seemingly how K wants to go out, I don't know how many players fitting that mold we will be starting.
Don't get me wrong, every team needs a guy to do the dirty work: screens, talk on D, etc. However, I'd assume we will be starting uber talented big guys who can much MORE than just the dirty work. A guy who does set great screens, is a great help defender, but ALSO can catch the ball in the post and score at will.

Basically, I don't believe we will be handicapping our offense by starting guys who fit the Marshall mold, and man did I love Marshall, but face it: he made scoring harder for the 4 guys around him.

That guy isn't on the roster for next year YET, but I'm sure he will be. If Bolden or Carter return, than I think that may be the man.
I'm not a huge fan of this comeback. We all know there's always exceptions to the rule. For every 3* Steph Curry, there's 500 3* kids we never know about. The rankings system isn't perfect....but you have to admit it's a pretty tried and true system.

You're rught I agree but to say vrank can't even be zoo good is selling him very short. I get zoo injuries but I'm talking about the zoo we did have not the one people expected
So, Barrett may be committing sooner than expected?
Zoubek minutes played by year (235, 262, 427, 746)
Frank minutes played by year (14, 101, TBD, TBD)

I'm not picking a side here. People who are using ratings as some external, numerical measure to claim Frank is not a fair comparison to Zoubek are at least using some data (you may think the data is trash, but at least it's something). By what measure other than their own personal eye test are people claiming Frank is as good as or better than Zoubek? And how are you able to make that evaluation given the much smaller sample size?
If it's just your gut, fine. I can buy that. But you shouldn't also throw out data that goes against your claim. That is THR stuff if I've ever seen it.

I'm cheering like hell for Frank to get a chance. I think he can help. At the same time, we were bad, bad at times last year on defense and this is something we *think* Frank can provide help with. Given that he didn't see much action last year, and the fact that we were clearly very thin inside, I don't think that speaks for Frank being a blow up candidate for us.
You're rught I agree but to say vrank can't even be zoo good is selling him very short. I get zoo injuries but I'm talking about the zoo we did have not the one people expected

I don't think anyone is saying he can't be like Zoubs....but I think it's wrong to just assume he will be.

We need to add size for 2018-19....especially if we're assuming Marques and Wendell are going to be gone. It's not because I don't think Vrank can't become a player who excels in a similar role. I just don't think we can 1) assume it happens, and 2) take the chance on it happening with no size in the stable, so to speak. Vrank could be outstanding or he could get hurt. Or both. I just think you want some depth.
also just cuz you aren't steph curry as a 3 don't mean you're a scrub. Plenty of other
good to great ones. And plenty of 5* dudes too.
I don't think anyone is saying he can't be like Zoubs....but I think it's wrong to just assume he will be.

We need to add size for 2018-19....especially if we're assuming Marques and Wendell are going to be gone. It's not because I don't think Vrank can't become a player who excels in a similar role. I just don't think we can 1) assume it happens, and 2) take the chance on it happening with no size in the stable, so to speak. Vrank could be outstanding or he could get hurt. Or both. I just think you want some depth.

We're on the same page but he has a lot more physical gifts then zoo ever had. Potential wise at this point his ceiling is way higher
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