Newest Kenpom ACC ratings

Unfortunately, this could happen. It chaps me to have all this 'talent' and still predicted to lose 5 more conference games. Hopefully our kids see this and make Kenpom eat a sh*% burger. I think we are better than this as well, but there's absolutely nothing I can do about it.
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What’s their rationale for Virginia having the best record?
Style of play I assume, usually doesn't lead to a ton of upsets but also doesn't lead to post season success. I don't think they have the talent to win the ACC this year though, would think Duke, UNC, Miami would be ahead of them... Maybe FSU or Notre Dame.
Style of play I assume, usually doesn't lead to a ton of upsets but also doesn't lead to post season success. I don't think they have the talent to win the ACC this year though, would think Duke, UNC, Miami would be ahead of them... Maybe FSU or Notre Dame.

At the very least the first three teams you mentioned are better. And probably will finish better.
I don’t know about other Duke fan’s on this board, but I don’t want to hear a UNC fan’s opinion on college ball. They are gonna be as optimistic as they can possibly be about their Heels and be as pessimistic as they can realistically be about Duke.
Maybe I’m being a jerk, but the 2 threads I happened to be reading today just turned into 2 UNC posters giving their UNC biased opinion about college ball. Why do we want this on a Duke board?
I don’t know about other Duke fan’s on this board, but I don’t want to hear a UNC fan’s opinion on college ball. They are gonna be as optimistic as they can possibly be about their Heels and be as pessimistic as they can realistically be about Duke.
Maybe I’m being a jerk, but the 2 threads I happened to be reading today just turned into 2 UNC posters giving their UNC biased opinion about college ball. Why do we want this on a Duke board?

Visitors are welcome here. If they’re a-holes they’ll be gone.
I don’t know about other Duke fan’s on this board, but I don’t want to hear a UNC fan’s opinion on college ball. They are gonna be as optimistic as they can possibly be about their Heels and be as pessimistic as they can realistically be about Duke.
Maybe I’m being a jerk, but the 2 threads I happened to be reading today just turned into 2 UNC posters giving their UNC biased opinion about college ball. Why do we want this on a Duke board?
Because it's not healthy to live in an echo chamber
Because it's not healthy to live in an echo chamber
There's plenty of differentiating opinions from Duke fans on this board about our team. So I don't see there being any sort of echo chamber thing going on.
But I can tell you exactly what a UNC fan's opinion of Duke is. They are hoping for the worst. They're opinion is coming from a place of "hoping for the worst for Duke".
I don't have a dog in the fight but from what I've seen UNC looks like Duke of old this year while Duke looks more like traditional UNC teams. UNC seems to really be able to shoot the 3 while Duke has great inside presence.
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I don't have a dog in the fight but from what I've seen UNC looks like Duke of old this year while Duke looks more like traditional UNC teams. UNC seems to really be able to shoot the 3 while Duke has great inside presence.
The lamecocks are getting back to normal form though. (I’m from Cola)
There's plenty of differentiating opinions from Duke fans on this board about our team. So I don't see there being any sort of echo chamber thing going on.
But I can tell you exactly what a UNC fan's opinion of Duke is. They are hoping for the worst. They're opinion is coming from a place of "hoping for the worst for Duke".
What do you expect from a Hole? Heck, I'm hoping they lose out, it's called a rivalry for a reason. Unfortunately, they have looked much better than I expected. I still can't see us losing more than 4 in conference games.
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There's plenty of differentiating opinions from Duke fans on this board about our team. So I don't see there being any sort of echo chamber thing going on.
But I can tell you exactly what a UNC fan's opinion of Duke is. They are hoping for the worst. They're opinion is coming from a place of "hoping for the worst for Duke".
Perhaps not everyone shares the same outlook you have?
But I can tell you exactly what a UNC fan's opinion of Duke is. They are hoping for the worst. They're opinion is coming from a place of "hoping for the worst for Duke".

Of course they are we hoping for the worst for them. That's kind of what a rivalry is all about. It doesn't mean the two sides can't be capable of rational discussion. Like I said, this is still our (Duke fans) board and if any of them get out of line a mod will show them the door. Ticket and CarolinaBlue haven't been guilty of that.
Those UNC posters were on here chatting it up about college ball yesterday because UNC pulled out the win against Tennessee. When Michigan St. put that whoopin on the Heels a few weeks back, those posters went and hid.
I just get easily aggravated by the UNC fan who wants to talk college ball when UNC has a good moment and then runs and hides when they are struggling.
I’ll try and shut up about this now because I know I’m being “negative”.
Those UNC posters were on here chatting it up about college ball yesterday because UNC pulled out the win against Tennessee. When Michigan St. put that whoopin on the Heels a few weeks back, those posters went and hid.
I just get easily aggravated by the UNC fan who wants to talk college ball when UNC has a good moment and then runs and hides when they are struggling.
I’ll try and shut up about this now because I know I’m being “negative”.
I get what you are saying. A hole fan can come over here and predict a final four run for their team and they aren’t called a homer or shown the door. Now if one of us that hasn’t been banned yet did that on thr, the tombstone would come quickly. I got banned the first time for saying I thought JJ Redick was the best long range shooter in the history of the acc. Nothing more. The second time, I knew I was gonna get banned, so I got my money’s worth. I have no desire to post over there ever again. Jmo
Those UNC posters were on here chatting it up about college ball yesterday because UNC pulled out the win against Tennessee. When Michigan St. put that whoopin on the Heels a few weeks back, those posters went and hid.
I just get easily aggravated by the UNC fan who wants to talk college ball when UNC has a good moment and then runs and hides when they are struggling.
I’ll try and shut up about this now because I know I’m being “negative”.
Maybe lighten up, Francis?
I get what you are saying. A hole fan can come over here and predict a final four run for their team and they aren’t called a homer or shown the door. Now if one of us that hasn’t been banned yet did that on thr, the tombstone would come quickly. I got banned the first time for saying I thought JJ Redick was the best long range shooter in the history of the acc. Nothing more. The second time, I knew I was gonna get banned, so I got my money’s worth. I have no desire to post over there ever again. Jmo

And that's the thing....we don't want to be like THR. That's a good thing.

Maybe lighten up, Francis?

That's a troll job, ticket. Not your place.
Dude, why troll a competitor board? Quite a life you have carved out, impressive.
If the phrase ‘lighten up Francis’ doesn’t put a smile on your face, it’s time to re-evaluate your life choices.

There was a time when some Heels posted here regularly. The banter was cheeky and fun. We discussed basketball. Let’s bring it back.
And that's the thing....we don't want to be like THR. That's a good thing.

That's a troll job, ticket. Not your place.
I’ll play nicer but see my other post. Just hoping to get back a little to the old days. This was a great free board to discuss hoops.
I really want to see some good thr posters over here discussing the rivalry and college basketball but they are visitors here in my opinion and should respect this board just as they would visiting some ones home. From time to time we get that but it seems sooner or later those discussions turn into trolls and flamers. Fact is they are tar heel fans. They can't help it. It's their nature. And it's so true that DI posters can get banned from thr for something they post here. It happens often. I've been banned and I should have but I can't help it. I'm a Duke fan. It's my nature. I do remember when I started posting here back in 2006 there were several thr posters that were regulars here and it was pretty civil discussions but unc was still coming off their 2005 natty and it had been a while since Duke had won a natty. Then unc wins in 2009 and we still have some thr regulars here. Then we win it in 2010, unc has that NIT runner up season, the 82-50 game and to me that's when all the thr banning started for things DI posters said on DI. Sensitive group over there. unc nation as a whole just can't stand to be threatened and it goes back for years and years. The unc/Duke rivalry has always been and always will be but there was a time in the early 70's to mid 70's that Duke wasn't a threat but NCSU,MD and South Carolina to a degree were a big threat. unc fans of course will never hate any coach as much as Coach K. and I really to believe there are unc fans who do actually hate him but Lefty Driesell, Norman Sloan and even former coach Frank McQuire all had their spot light of spite simply because they had the nerve to whip unc's rear ends on a consistent basis. Nothings gonna change. unc nation as a whole feel entitled and always will . I Miami, UVA ,FSU, Clemson or any other program in the ACC started beating unc regularly then whoever the coach is or who the players are they will be just like Coach K and Duke. One more thing about unc fans and I guess it may because I live in N.C. There are more unc fans here than Duke, NSCU, Wake Forest and ECU fans put together. Now a good percentage of them have no idea of who even plays for unc but they are still tar heel fans and unc nation has the nerve to call Duke fans band wagon fans and question them just because they didn't attend Duke. How's that for arrogance and ignorance. My apologies to unc fans who are good fans and come here to discuss the game we all love. How do you like this post dsouther? :) OFC
I really want to see some good thr posters over here discussing the rivalry and college basketball but they are visitors here in my opinion and should respect this board just as they would visiting some ones home. From time to time we get that but it seems sooner or later those discussions turn into trolls and flamers. Fact is they are tar heel fans. They can't help it. It's their nature. And it's so true that DI posters can get banned from thr for something they post here. It happens often. I've been banned and I should have but I can't help it. I'm a Duke fan. It's my nature. I do remember when I started posting here back in 2006 there were several thr posters that were regulars here and it was pretty civil discussions but unc was still coming off their 2005 natty and it had been a while since Duke had won a natty. Then unc wins in 2009 and we still have some thr regulars here. Then we win it in 2010, unc has that NIT runner up season, the 82-50 game and to me that's when all the thr banning started for things DI posters said on DI. Sensitive group over there. unc nation as a whole just can't stand to be threatened and it goes back for years and years. The unc/Duke rivalry has always been and always will be but there was a time in the early 70's to mid 70's that Duke wasn't a threat but NCSU,MD and South Carolina to a degree were a big threat. unc fans of course will never hate any coach as much as Coach K. and I really to believe there are unc fans who do actually hate him but Lefty Driesell, Norman Sloan and even former coach Frank McQuire all had their spot light of spite simply because they had the nerve to whip unc's rear ends on a consistent basis. Nothings gonna change. unc nation as a whole feel entitled and always will . I Miami, UVA ,FSU, Clemson or any other program in the ACC started beating unc regularly then whoever the coach is or who the players are they will be just like Coach K and Duke. One more thing about unc fans and I guess it may because I live in N.C. There are more unc fans here than Duke, NSCU, Wake Forest and ECU fans put together. Now a good percentage of them have no idea of who even plays for unc but they are still tar heel fans and unc nation has the nerve to call Duke fans band wagon fans and question them just because they didn't attend Duke. How's that for arrogance and ignorance. My apologies to unc fans who are good fans and come here to discuss the game we all love. How do you like this post dsouther? :) OFC
sky, toss me a paragraph or two brother!

THR went down the gutter when the moderation changed. It was made worse when all the NCAA/Academic stuff came to head. For me personally, I just quit talking about UNC sports with anyone because it always came back to scandal. Even during our run the last 2 years, I rarely posted here or on the National boards. Now that it has wrapped, I'm hoping to post more. I know the Cheats moniker will continue to be thrown around, but I suspect with not as much fervor.

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