Mr. Okafor


Devils Illustrated Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2011
Just wanted to dedicate a thread to Jahlil's dad. He seems like a great dad and has raised a fine young man. I love seeing him in the crowd and the fun he has cheering on his son. He is like a big Cameron crazy.
That Dude is making the most of his kid's year in college, and I think its fantastic. There will be only one go round, then most likely a few miserable years on the Knicks.
It was also an interesting time they had him on TV last night, and showed how cool he seems.

They were on Chuck during Jahs obviously frustrating 0-5 start from the ft line. And especially when he stepped up and missed #6, he was shown still being positive with a big smile on his face having a word with surrounding fans, and then when he finally made 1 to go 1-7 his dad had the biggest child-like grin and just the biggest cheer, cause he was so thrilled for Jah that he got that off his back.

He wasn't negative about his misses, knowing its obviously something his son is battling with and is mental at this point, and was his biggest fan and encourager once he made one. Handled it the perfect way I thought. Seems like a very cool dad.
Originally posted by CRAZIE4LIFE:
Just wanted to dedicate a thread to Jahlil's dad. He seems like a great dad and has raised a fine young man. I love seeing him in the crowd and the fun he has cheering on his son. He is like a big Cameron crazy.
Crazie, couldn't have said it better. Nice post and well deserved. He has to really have a lot of good qualities as a father to raise such an outstanding young man. Jah represents everything Duke stands for.
Go Duke!!

He looks like he's having a ball. Looks like to me he's having so much fun that he wants to do it again next year.
Originally posted by dadecodevil:
That Dude is making the most of his kid's year in college, and I think its fantastic. There will be only one go round, then most likely a few miserable years on the Knicks.
He could end up a Laker. If Love ends up there next year, then that would be one hell of a front court (Love and Jah). He could also end up in Minnesota or Philly (please no).
Originally posted by skysdad:
He looks like he's having a ball. Looks like to me he's having so much fun that he wants to do it again next year.
Sky, you seem to have pretty good influence with the refs. You think you could ummm... have some "influence" here too?!?

On a serious note, my friend and I were talking at the game. Could you imagine having a SR Oak, Justice and Tyus. Obviously that's NOT going to happen but very fun to think about. Obviously my odds of winning the lottery, getting struck by lightening, getting attacked by a grizzly bear and polar bear all on the same day are better.
Originally posted by JCColsCane:

Originally posted by CRAZIE4LIFE:
Just wanted to dedicate a thread to Jahlil's dad. He seems like a great dad and has raised a fine young man. I love seeing him in the crowd and the fun he has cheering on his son. He is like a big Cameron crazy.
Crazie, couldn't have said it better. Nice post and well deserved. He has to really have a lot of good qualities as a father to raise such an outstanding young man. Jah represents everything Duke stands for.
Go Duke!!

He's having a ball.


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