Got to get this off my mind today.

I have one person on ignore. But, I usually click “show ignored posts” when it pops up. We’ll call it a selective ignore based on the topic of the thread.

I don't think I have anyone here on ignore, but I definitely have a few trolls on the national board on ignore. I actually NEVER click on show ignored posts... I have like, the opposite of curiosity. Like, if you've gotten to the point where I am ignoring you, you've earned it, and I've decided you aren't worth even the time it takes to read your posts. I'm the type of person who, when I make up my mind that you are dead to me, you are straight DEAD to me. I've one or two exs who learned that the hard way:) There are only a few of those types on the national board, and I don't think there are any here.
Ah, I just realized you can check to see who you ignore! Yep, nobody here, although a bunch on the main board. I think only two or three who are actual PEOPLE, though... there were a bunch of chinese spammers that got ignored for a while there.
1st of all I do not dislike any Duke posters here. Some of you I don't agree with on things and vive versa of course but we have different ways of looking at things. One thing I've found out is there is a large age difference in our youngest and oldest poster so we also because of age differences look at things differently. Nothing wrong with that. I really didn't know it was that much of a gap. I only know about how old the OFC's are. I'm sort of rambling here but what I want to say is that at one time when I felt like my toes were being stepped out I would just use the ignore button but I got to thinking that I could be just as much as a pain in ass as the few I would ignore. No one is on my ignore button anymore. I now just don't respond if I feel what is being posted bothers me. Another reason I might miss a great post that I need to see. I don't care for anything political. As far as religion goes I support when someone ask for prayers as well wishes but discussing religious views is for other forums. To so it up we all have common ground to stand on. We are Duke fans. OFC
Never understood why anyone would the ignore button.Imo a message board would be boring if you only Gerard opinions that you agreed with.I want to know other people’s ideas even if they are wrong and don’t agree with me lol
Never understood why anyone would the ignore button.Imo a message board would be boring if you only Gerard opinions that you agreed with.I want to know other people’s ideas even if they are wrong and don’t agree with me lol

I love it. Has nothing to do with disagreements... I ignore the annoying trolls. I always say... imagine you were in you car with a friend, discussing something, windows open, and you pulled up at a stop light. Some crazy guy starts yelling nonsense in the window at you. Would we say “Don’t roll up the window; you should hear all opinions!”? Nope. The ignore feature is like rolling up the windows:)
1st of all I do not dislike any Duke posters here. Some of you I don't agree with on things and vive versa of course but we have different ways of looking at things. One thing I've found out is there is a large age difference in our youngest and oldest poster so we also because of age differences look at things differently. Nothing wrong with that. I really didn't know it was that much of a gap. I only know about how old the OFC's are. I'm sort of rambling here but what I want to say is that at one time when I felt like my toes were being stepped out I would just use the ignore button but I got to thinking that I could be just as much as a pain in ass as the few I would ignore. No one is on my ignore button anymore. I now just don't respond if I feel what is being posted bothers me. Another reason I might miss a great post that I need to see. I don't care for anything political. As far as religion goes I support when someone ask for prayers as well wishes but discussing religious views is for other forums. To so it up we all have common ground to stand on. We are Duke fans. OFC

Good post. Thanks.

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Can you see who has you on ignore? I haven’t seen much activity here from @QC Dukie for awhile??
Can you see this? I didn’t post on the game thread last night because my time is way too valuable to watch live. I’ll watch tonight and see if I can critique K or notice any bad body language or weak high fives.
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Little one? Lmao spud.

Like a lost puppy you least you stopped burying yourself with your attempted post-game critiquing! Bravo.

Just stop, you’re boring with your schtick. Go ahead and do the last word here as I know your inferiority complex needs it. Good day :D
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Like a lost puppy you least you stopped burying yourself with your attempted post-game critiquing! Bravo.

Just stop, you’re boring with your schtick. Go ahead and do the last word here as I know your inferiority complex needs it. Good day :D
Do I need to be more of an internet tough guy like you and your schtick?
1st of all I do not dislike any Duke posters here. Some of you I don't agree with on things and vive versa of course but we have different ways of looking at things. One thing I've found out is there is a large age difference in our youngest and oldest poster so we also because of age differences look at things differently. Nothing wrong with that. I really didn't know it was that much of a gap. I only know about how old the OFC's are. I'm sort of rambling here but what I want to say is that at one time when I felt like my toes were being stepped out I would just use the ignore button but I got to thinking that I could be just as much as a pain in ass as the few I would ignore. No one is on my ignore button anymore. I now just don't respond if I feel what is being posted bothers me. Another reason I might miss a great post that I need to see. I don't care for anything political. As far as religion goes I support when someone ask for prayers as well wishes but discussing religious views is for other forums. To so it up we all have common ground to stand on. We are Duke fans. OFC
Not even jbsmoove!?!?!
Not even jbsmoove!?!?!

He was just fun to make fun of and besides I'm not sure he was even a Duke fan even though he posted a lot here for a while. Never found out who his sick friend in Elon and he may be still with us under another name. He was a classic though. OFC
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He was just fun to make fun of snd besides I'm not sure he was even a Duke fan even though he posted a lot here for a while. Never found out who his sick friend in Elon and he may be still with us under another name. He was a classic though. OFC

He is hold up in his moms basement, frantically on the computer trying to find @dukiejay home address!! He was PISSED at Jay!!
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You guys need to visit Rupp Rafters. We all get along and welcome visitors very friendly, especially Duke fans ;)
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