Bolden trending for Duke

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The only time I really get frustrated is when recruitment's first start and people start listing what our starting lineup next year will be and they place people who are far from decisions yet in the lineups. It scares me a lil. ;)

Agreed. I really don't like the posting of "lineups" that include recruits that have not committed. All that does is set you up for disappointment. Or, worse, jinx it! ( if you're a believer in that kind of stuff). :)
No they don't dude. I haven't seen a single one day that and I practically live on that board. I've seen a couple say they prefer Jarrett Allen, but some of them said that before Bolden seemed destined for Duke. I personally prefer Bolden myself but I also don't think he's a make-or-break prospect for either team. He'd be very nice to have, as neither Duke nor Kentucky have a real back-to-the-basket scorer. But you guys have Giles, Jefferson, Jeter & Obi (who I admittedly know nothing about) at the 4 & 5 and we have Lee, Killeya-Jones, Bam, & Humphries. He's a luxury more than a need for either of us.

There's the difference between Duke and UK fans. They think of these kids as "luxuries". We think of them as family. I like our chances. :)
We think of them as family. I like our chances. :)
Agreed on both accounts.

One counter to jpross is that the national board UK fans by and large now prefer Allen. Which is cool because he is the guy they are going after stronger now.
A "smack to the face"? Hardly. We have five 5-star recruits and are either the #1 or #2 ranked recruiting class, depending on who you ask, along with you guys. Not to mention plenty of depth along our front line and no scholly's to give him even if he did pick us, without forcing someone out the door ::cough:: Thornton ::cough::.

::cough::Harrison twins::cough:: Dakari::cough::Goodwin::cough

sorry had something stuck in my throat
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They weren't forced to transfer, they went to the NBA and got paid. D-League money, sure, but they got paid.

You should have said ::cough:: Wiltjer ::cough::
Actually Wiltjer was just on Kentucky Sports Radio last week talking about how awesome Kentucky fans were and how they supported him after he left. He said Cal tried to encourage him to stay but he totally supported him too after he decided to leave. I guess he still feels like he's part of the family.
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They weren't forced to transfer, they went to the NBA and got paid. D-League money, sure, but they got paid.

You should have said ::cough:: Wiltjer ::cough::

You clearly are not familiar with the D-league salary scale for players who end up in the D-league on non-guaranteed NBA deals. At least Wiltjer's leaving this year with multiple college degrees. Dakari and Andrew Harrison are leaving this year with almost nothing in saving (hard to save on a $30K salary) and no other marketable skills. Maybe they make it. Honestly, I hope all these guys end up doing well. But, for recruits who had the raw natural talent to be considered top 10 overall players out of high school, bouncing around rural America in the d-league is a pretty hard fall from grace. These guys should not have been leaving the college ranks after year 2.

Nobody can deny that the Calipari NBA-prep. league model has clearly worked for some of its top end guys who had elite talent that translated well to the next level. But, the rush to the NBA has also produced a substantial list of guys who clearly jumped too early and have yet to find any kind of footing in the NBA -- Doran Lamb, Daniel Orton, James Young, Andrew Harrison, Aaron Harrison, Dakari Johnson. Getting drafted is great; but it's not the end-all / be-all. Ultimately, the goal is to have a career in the NBA.
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There's the difference between Duke and UK fans. They think of these kids as "luxuries". We think of them as family. I like our chances. :)

UK needs a skilled big that can be a scoring threat on the block desparately. Bolden wouldn't be a luxury...he's a necessity! He would've been the answer THIS YEAR for UK. Nothing changes next season without Bolden.
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I wonder if that's how Thornton feels.
Derryck himself loved Duke and his teammates. I can't say as much about his father and "Uncle." Coach K wanted him to stay the course ans develop. He would have had the opportunity to lead a very talented team next season and show the pro scouts how he could lead a team. Instead he will seek to find his way elsewhere. It happens and no program is perfect.
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I think some of you will be shocked tomorrow. That's all I'll say.

Ever since the Barnes fiasco I never count my chickens before they hatch. We are gonna be OK either way. So if he chooses UK you guys can go back to saying Bolden was the one y'all wanted all along and throw Allen back in the trash.
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Really not the end of the world either way. On some level, clears up some roster issues and helps to build a more cohesive team. Giles, Jefferson, and Jeter with some emergency depth from Delaurier should be more than enough if we can stay healthy.

Nothing about this even remotely compares to HB2. Barnes was not only rated as arguably the #1 prospect at a position of expected need (everyone thought Singler was going to declare after his Jr. year), it was perceived as a pretty crushing blow at the time b/c it seemed to cement a trend of UNC dominance in the rivalry. Bolden is a one-off recruit that has no real impact on either team except potentially improve one of our squad's post depth -- particularly in case of injury. The one trepidation I've had about Bolden all along is that he'd squeeze Jeter out of the rotation and lead him to transfer -- which would create major issues heading in 17-18.
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I wonder if that's how Thornton feels.

From what I've read, I suspect Thornton would have stayed had his family encouraged him. And, I think he'd have improved and would have still seen PT at PG next year. But, by year 3-4 he'd be a solid starting PG for Duke. I don't see him as an NBA talent, at this point, however.
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No idea. Though, at least one UK rivals recruiting "insider" / quasi-reporter claims to have heard that Bolden will be committing to them tomorrow. Nowithstanding all the recent predictions of Bolden to Duke, it wouldn't shock me at all if that's how it ends up; as I'm not just not sure if there are any real great sources in this recruitment. I genuinely think the kid entered the all-star circuit undecided.
RR is like "we got him" lol when they didn't want him for the past week.. Also @Crank_it_loud needs to go over there... They think your pic is of you lol I'm banned or I woulda told them. I'm not sure why you even came up in the thread
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No idea. Though, at least one UK rivals recruiting "insider" / quasi-reporter claims to have heard that Bolden will be committing to them tomorrow. Nowithstanding all the recent predictions of Bolden to Duke, it wouldn't shock me at all if that's how it ends up; as I'm not just not sure if there are any real great sources in this recruitment. I genuinely think the kid entered the all-star circuit undecided.
That's just one source saying that though. How many times have we heard in the past 2 and half weeks that Bolden has already committed to Duke and is just waiting to announce it from sources?
All of Duke's titles have come with rosters full of true blue Devils. If Bolden just wants to "kind of" be in Durham, like Austin Rivers or Luol Deng, then it's less of a loss for us. It would suck either way to miss on the big fella. He seems like a Blue Devil in interviews.
Luol Deng was true blue..

Agreed. Just b/c he reversed course on his initial promises to stay more than 1 yr. doesn't suddenly make him disloyal. His draft stock soared higher than he thought and he decided to make the jump. He was the best overall player on a team that came painfully close to winning a national title. By any standard, his career here was a success.
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Luol Deng was true blue..
I knew him personally. He loved K and Duke. He got along well with everyone there. But the NBA draft and his family were all that mattered. Hell, he wore a leather jacket with all the NBA team logos on it almost every day.
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