Bolden trending for Duke

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my question here is regarding the scholarships. laure keeled has been reporting there is no scholarship for Bolden ?

has this been discussed?
Lol y'all got me ..what can I say ...but what got me was him saying he doesn't want his recruitment to be a distraction and that is why he hasn't picked a school .. when you ,me, and everybody in the brother Knows that's a lie ...the distraction ends when u pick a school enough said
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It's not funny. I mean at first yea ..crank you really need to stop being a follower and maybe try to be a let me guess your one of those guys in school that A. either got picked on or B saw somebody get picked on and joined lol . On a message board really??? LMAO good luck in life buddyroo
Guess bunch of y'all are bunch of followers lol I'm truly sorry I don't like bolden and hurt you guys feelings maybe it's time to loosin up
I mean y'all are really making fun of somebody grammar on a message board?? Think about that..I'm typing on a phone that auto corrects everything and screws everything up I'm sorry I don't take time to properly write to a message board that doesn't mean a hill of beans expectations lol sue me let me correct your grammar because I don't agree with your opinion ..big guys lol
You guys are smart ...I really would like to hear what you say if bolden doesn't sighn at Duke..probably be like Kentucky fans and then agreeing with me ...but that's my opinion
If he goes elsewhere then the beat at Duke goes on, the kid is talented and will be great wherever. Duke was Duke before him and will be fine long after. RELAX give the kid a break
I didn't know I was so hard on him have to give him a break lol .guess I hurt his feelings as much as I hurt yalls lol
And how do you Know if he's gonna be great?? ..exactly you don't don't Know as I don't ..difference is I've stated that you wanna attack somebody's grammar along with the rest of the crew for having an opinion that differs which I've cleared stated I'm probably wrong lol but OK your right he's gonna be great !
I won't post here anymore .glad I gave you all a laugh and lossened things up for a bit .this is a pretty good site thank you and sorry
Either he's a genius or a fool. "Lossened?" Everybody "in the" brother. That is hysterical. I think we just got trolled by Borat.
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I've never in my life seen "lossened" ever one time. Honestly I had to type it 10000 times in my iPhone to get it to work lol. If we don't get Bolden ok haha we'll still be the best team next year
God i wish my moderator abilities would get approved b/c this guy would have gotten bounced a while ago as my first executive action. Got to be another historynerd or just a flat out UK fan posing. @dukiejay
Was a lot more than simple grammar. Seemed like the dude smoked too many maryjanes while creating his posts. Rambled all over the place. Auto correct, which all of us suffer from, can only explain so much. Oh the unexpected consequences of legalizing the stuff.
Jordand Brand Classic = "Gonna be a great day "
I see that you're extremely confident with this one but you were not with Giles, and posts like this made about HG from other posters you would get pissed at. What is the difference here? For the record, i've gone back and forth about what Bolden would do- this fall thought he was ours, throughout the process until the last couple weeks or so thought it was UK, now obviously back to us. The HG situation was never like that, it was always us, always.

Just curious that is all, doesnt make a difference either way of course but very interesting.
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I'd answer you but I'm not sure what you just asked. I'm fairly confident we're gonna get Bolden. I'm fairly confident he announces at Jordan Brand. And you're right, I wasn't sure about Giles, I was praying we'd get'em, but just wasn't sure. And the two fellas that usually give me great info on situations really didn't give me great confidence with the Giles situation. Rare, but that's how it went.
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The only time I really get frustrated is when recruitment's first start and people start listing what our starting lineup next year will be and they place people who are far from decisions yet in the lineups. It scares me a lil. ;)
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