Bolden trending for Duke

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I really liked Chase down the stretch of the season. He showed improvement. Maybe not leaps and bounds but you could tell he was gaining confidence. I think he will be huge this year, especially with Amile on the court taking pressure off.

And by the way the Giants have 8 world championships...4 pre super bowl and 4 super bowl.
I really like Jeter's defensive ability. And next year he obviously won't be asked to be a go to scorer. So if he is going to see significant PT he really needs to work on catching a pass and holding onto rebounds. He seemed to be in good position a lot this past year. But constantly fumbled the ball away and let his opponents bully him for the ball. Bolden would be a good pick up if for no other reason than to push Jeter.
I hate that expression its just so warped yet has hit mainstream somehow
But i will counter with another more appropriate expression

Hard work beats talent if talent does not work hard - now THIS is true.

Yeah. I'm not a huge fan of it either. However, sometimes it holds true. Those who are natural talents oftentimes make for the worst coaches... until you get to the highest levels. It's more difficult for most naturals to explain to a student how to work on something that came naturally to them. Most great coaches had to really work through some adversity in order to get to the same level as a naturally-gifted actor/player/musician/etc.

However, those of the highest level of natural talent who do more than just rely on that talent, and really do the work to understand the why and the how? They sometimes end up coaching at the highest level.

A paraphrase of your last thought could be, "Gifted is as gifted does".
Any Bolden news? Didn't he say he wanted to announce at his school?

Did you actually read what I said?

How convenient that you quote Mencken at the end -- to someone in education -- as your entire post fits perfectly with Mencken's observation of America: “canned soup, of canned pork and beans, of whole meals in cans, and of everything else ready-made.” (He blamed the freedom of women, too, so that's the kind of guy whose opinion on teachers you're reheating.) Your post is a can of low quality, mushy, flavorless beans.

Guys w/ lesser talent have to work harder to reach the same level as more talented guys... who aren't working hard. How about those naturally skilled guys who rise so far above what any scrappy, character-rich little underdog ever achieves? Is it ever b/c in addition to being more naturally gifted, they also bust their butts and work as hard as they possibly can, or is it just b/c they have a 7'5" wingspan and were born being able to dribble? Like I said and like you modeled perfectly, we tie in scrappiness and grit to character when we shouldn't.

Okay. Nice job. I honestly wasn't trying to knock educators. I have many teachers, both current and former, in my family. I merely wanted to illustrate that sometimes the best talents coast on their talent. Oftentimes, when teaching something like music or a sport, it's difficult to explain something that comes naturally to you. Krzyzewski was never a tremendous talent as a naturally gifted basketball player. But he has a gifted mind. Can you imagine Kobe as a coach in college?

"Hey coach? How do you do _________?"

"Uhh... I don't know. I just did it."

Someone who had to work hard on, for example, a crossover dribble, will be able to better break down the physics for someone for whom it doesn't come naturally.

Mencken's quote breaks down when it comes to most aspects of academia. And, speaking specifically to music and acting, it breaks down at the conservatory level.

Either way, I hope clarification helped. I don't look at teachers as schlebs who couldn't hack it in the real world. I'm sorry if I gave that impression.
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I hope Bolden comes here. And, think it would be great for him and for the program.

But, I have to say that latest article was not super encouraging and didn't exude the confidence that some here have expressed. But the little tidbit at the end that Jarrett Allen is not going to go to UK didn't sound like a great development. Nor that he has friends on both teams and is torn.

I think he's genuinely torn with what he wants to do.
“I need to know how important I am going to be to a university,” Bolden said. “A lot of guys do a lot of talking. It’s hard to tell who’s real and who’s not. For me, I have to trust that guy and know I will be an important factor at the university.”

I think Bolden's a good prospect and I have no reason do doubt that he's a good kid. But, it also seems as if he's hoping to attend a school where he will be the focal point of the team -- which is a bit odd considering that he's narrowed his list down to 2 schools where he will almost certainly be surrounded by more talented players. I'd love Bolden to come if he has the right attitude about his role / be willing to stay a couple years if that's what it takes for him to develop into a focal point of the team. With that said, at Duke, he would be entering a situation where he is arguably only the 4th most talented recruit in his recruiting class and likely would not be considered one of the team's 5 best players at this stage of their career (e.g., Giles, Tatum, Allen, Frank Jackson, Amile). I think he can help and could serve as an important defensive anchor when we play teams, like UK, that have more size. But if he's defining "important" in the way most high school prospects would define it -- e.g., shot attempts, post-ups, minutes, Duke may not be the right place for him -- though, admittedly, neither is UK. I mean, if Karl Anthony Towns only got 6.6 shots per game as a freshman, what's Bolden going to get in a frontcourt that's nearly as crowded.
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I really liked Chase down the stretch of the season. He showed improvement. Maybe not leaps and bounds but you could tell he was gaining confidence. I think he will be huge this year, especially with Amile on the court taking pressure off.

Agreed. Chase is going to be a pivotal part of this Duke team regardless of what Bolden decides. With Bolden, Duke might do the four-big platoon they did a lot in 2010. But no matter what, Chase is in the rotation I would think.
I've been thinking along the same lines Aah. I read that part too, and it seems to me, based on these comments he would be better at a school with a lesser program alla Ben Simmons.

But maybe we are taking a few sentences of the young man's comments out of context or weighing them more heavily than we should.

Maybe watching someone like Allen come back for a third year will inspire him?? I can hope, right? :)

There were times down the stretch that I actually thought we were better with Chase in the game than MP3. Would never have even thought that the first 2.5 months of the season.
Great informative reply. Thanks for the addition to the thread.

Okay, welk you didn't provide anything informative for why you had that opinion. I simply disagreed.

But in the final 10 games Plumlee had 3 double doubles. 7 games with 8+ rebounds, 5 of those games 10+, 4 of those games 13+ including two 17 rebound games. He had 4 10+ point games including a 23 point game. Not to mention averaging 3 blocks a game in that span. He struggled in 3 of those games but still out performed Jeter.

I am not knocking Jeter more than I am defending Plumlee. We just disagree, no need to get offended by it.
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My sources say Bolden to Duke. Will make announcement Wednesday at his high school.

I am not saying that your sources are wrong. But both sides of this recruitment have had "sources" that say conflicting things. I don't have sources, but the people who tend to be right most of the time have never changed their confidence through all of the drama last week.
“I need to know how important I am going to be to a university,” Bolden said. “A lot of guys do a lot of talking. It’s hard to tell who’s real and who’s not. For me, I have to trust that guy and know I will be an important factor at the university.”

I think Bolden's a good prospect and I have no reason do doubt that he's a good kid. But, it also seems as if he's hoping to attend a school where he will be the focal point of the team -- which is a bit odd considering that he's narrowed his list down to 2 schools where he will almost certainly be surrounded by more talented players. I'd love Bolden to come if he has the right attitude about his role / be willing to stay a couple years if that's what it takes for him to develop into a focal point of the team. With that said, at Duke, he would be entering a situation where he is arguably only the 4th most talented recruit in his recruiting class and likely would not be considered one of the team's 5 best players at this stage of their career (e.g., Giles, Tatum, Allen, Frank Jackson, Amile). I think he can help and could serve as an important defensive anchor when we play teams, like UK, that have more size. But if he's defining "important" in the way most high school prospects would define it -- e.g., shot attempts, post-ups, minutes, Duke may not be the right place for him -- though, admittedly, neither is UK. I mean, if Karl Anthony Towns only got 6.6 shots per game as a freshman, what's Bolden going to get in a frontcourt that's nearly as crowded.

From what that sounds like neither Duke or UK are going to be able to provide him to be the focal point not that what's he's expecting. He may end up elsewhere. Who knows but it doesn't sound as positive that he's a Dukie like a week ago. OFC
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Ehh id say he's coming to us. The people on RR that are so sure he's going to them are some of the same 40-0 crowd. They don't kno anything
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If he truly wants to be the focal point, TCU would probably be the right choice. When you're used to being the big man on campus, transitioning to a college team where you're simply a role player can be a tough and humbling experience. I suppose I might also be underestimating his ability too - perhaps he's way better than anyone is projecting. Most 5-star recruits aren't lacking in the confidence category though; it's only after you've gone through the freshman woes that these kids begin doubting their own ability. I can't blame the kid for his perspective though - if you're a dominant player, you're going to be highly confident in your ability. And you know, coaches don't go out recruiting players who are lacking confidence. We want the big fish, and Bolden is certainly one of them.
If he truly wants to be the focal point, TCU would probably be the right choice. When you're used to being the big man on campus, transitioning to a college team where you're simply a role player can be a tough and humbling experience. I suppose I might also be underestimating his ability too - perhaps he's way better than anyone is projecting. Most 5-star recruits aren't lacking in the confidence category though; it's only after you've gone through the freshman woes that these kids begin doubting their own ability. I can't blame the kid for his perspective though - if you're a dominant player, you're going to be highly confident in your ability. And you know, coaches don't go out recruiting players who are lacking confidence. We want the big fish, and Bolden is certainly one of them.
I would be ok if he goes to TCU because at least UK won't get him either.
with mustard and some of dem french fried potaters...the big'uns...*slingblade voice*

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There's lots of kinds of biscuits. There's butter biscuits, jelly biscuits, butter and jelly biscuits, cheese biscuits, pimento cheese biscuits, egg biscuits, ham biscuits, ham and egg biscuits, ham ,egg and cheese biscuits, sausage biscuits , sausage and egg biscuits, sausage, egg and cheese biscuits, bacon biscuits, bacon and egg biscuits, bacon ,egg and cheese biscuits, pork chop biscuits, pork chop and egg biscuits, pork chop , egg and cheese biscuits, steak biscuits, steak and egg biscuits, steak egg and cheese biscuits, chicken biscuits, chicken and egg biscuits , chicken, egg and cheese biscuits, pork tenderloin biscuits, pork tenderloin and egg biscuits, pork tenderloin, egg and cheese biscuits, smoked sausage biscuits , smoked sausage and egg biscuits, smoked sausage, egg and cheese biscuits. gravy biscuits, gravy and sausage biscuits, gravy and steak biscuits, gravy and chicken biscuits, gravy and pork chop biscuits. gravy and pork tenderloin biscuits, fried potato biscuits, fried potato and cheese biscuits. tomato biscuits and plain biscuits. You can put mayo, mustard or ketchup on any biscuit. That, that's about it.
Now skysdad, you're mixing two of my favorite movies together. And I like it.
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Guys. Are you still taking RR's word on this ? I'm ashamed of Ya. Let's see how many Kentucky fans are certain. Make a wager, any wager, we'll send cash to a Mod here to hold the winnings. I'll take Bolden to Duke , You take Kentucky, winner gets the money mailed to him from the Mod. I'll cover any bet up to 500 bucks.
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