Bolden trending for Duke

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So, I assume Bolden is not making an announcement today. At least that's what I can gather.

Frankly, I hope he makes the choice that's best for him and I hope he makes it on the timetable that he is most comfortable with. Selfishly, I'd like it to be us because he seems like a good kid. Even if he doesn't, I wish him all the best and I'll continue to root for Duke.
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How is it there in Kentucky being a Duke fan? Are the fans really as idiotic as they seem?

Lol! That's why I have such a Hate for Kentucky basketball. I take a lot of crap from Kentucky fans. I even graduated from UK. I didn't care. I would wear my Duke stuff up on campus but there were other Duke fans there too I would hang out with. I have always loved the Duke program and its class. I can't even begin to tell I what I have heard from Kentucky fans. I could write a comedy on it. Lol
Lol! That's why I have such a Hate for Kentucky basketball. I take a lot of crap from Kentucky fans. I even graduated from UK. I didn't care. I would wear my Duke stuff up on campus but there were other Duke fans there too I would hang out with. I have always loved the Duke program and its class. I can't even begin to tell I what I have heard from Kentucky fans. I could write a comedy on it. Lol

It's kind of like being a Duke fan living in North Carolina. Seriously guys. Only if you are a Duke fan living in North Carolina can you relate to what I'm saying although there seems to be less unc fans around the last couple of weeks. OFC
Yes Sky speaks the truth. Living here in the Carolinas with these idiots is pure hell. But I agree with Sky. I haven't seen or heard from any at all the last couple of weeks. It's amazing.

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This past season when UK was playing Duke I went to get something to eat with my family and when I walked in the restaurant they told me and my family to sit in the corner of the restaurant because I was wearing my Duke shirt. It was funny while I ate because a bunch of UK fans were staring me down while i ate. They couldn't stand it that I was wearing my Duke stuff. Lol
2 weeks ago one would think that it was a unc world. There was no doubt they were going to win. I don't know of anyone other than some Villanova fans that thought they were going to win. Just the atmosphere here in N.C. was that they were about to win that 6th nc and it was all a matter of just dotting the i's and crossing the t's. I even fell into the trap of conceding that they were going to win and win big. I had accepted the fact that the tar heel fans were triple on Tuesday morning and was already feeling sorry for Dick's Sporting Goods employees and all other stores that were stocked with national championship gear. I could just see the tar heel fans lined up way before dawn to wipe out the inventory. I remember last year walking into our local DSG after lunch and buying what I wanted and not waiting in line. I can't recall seeing any unc fans at all on Tuesday. It was amazing. For lack of a better analogy or comparison it was like an atomic or nuclear bomb on tar heel world. I was elated to say the least. Now I can go about my days without hearing the crap other than hearing " the refs cost them the game" to which i just say "you're right" which really throws them off. It's always great to be a Duke fan. OFC
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2 weeks ago one would think that it was a unc world. There was no doubt they were going to win. I don't know of anyone other than some Villanova fans that thought they were going to win. Just the atmosphere here in N.C. was that they were about to win that 6th nc and it was all a matter of just dotting the i's and crossing the t's. I even fell into the trap of conceding that they were going to win and win big. I had accepted the fact that the tar heel fans were triple on Tuesday morning and was already feeling sorry for Dick's Sporting Goods employees and all other stores that were stocked with national championship gear. I could just see the tar heel fans lined up way before dawn to wipe out the inventory. I remember last year walking into our local DSG after lunch and buying what I wanted and not waiting in line. I can't recall seeing any unc fans at all on Tuesday. It was amazing. For lack of a better analogy or comparison it was like an atomic or nuclear bomb on tar heel world. I was elated to say the least. Now I can go about my days without hearing the crap other than hearing " the refs cost them the game" to which i just say "you're right" which really throws them off. It's always great to be a Duke fan. OFC
I always say when UNCheat, Maryland or Kentucky loses, Duke wins:)
I'm the only cowboy fan in my family. My Mom, Dad and brother are all Panther bandwagon jumpers haha.

U think the Cowboys should draft a QB in the first round? I think they should because I don't expect Romo to play every game this season. If they do draft a QB I hope they are better than Weeden or Cassel! Lol! Man what disasters those two were.
U think the Cowboys should draft a QB in the first round? I think they should because I don't expect Romo to play every game this season. If they do draft a QB I hope they are better than Weeden or Cassel! Lol! Man what disasters those two were.
Yea def a QB with the first pick. He'll get to play as soon as Romo cracks his collarbone again haha. We need some playoff wins. It's been a long time.

I have a friend who is a cowboys fan and he says if the Cowboys don't get to the NFC championship game, then Garrett should be fired. What do u all think? I disagree because last year wasn't really Garretts fault. They just didn't have a QB worth a crap when Romo was hurt.
It's kind of like being a Duke fan living in North Carolina. Seriously guys. Only if you are a Duke fan living in North Carolina can you relate to what I'm saying although there seems to be less unc fans around the last couple of weeks. OFC

Agreed unless you live it you don't understand. Although I will say I see a lot more Duke fans now than ever before especially from the younger generation. The "Deans Disciples" are aging and the younger group aren't following their lead. As for State fans the only ones I know went there
There's ton of unc fans that went elsewhere also like A.S.U. , E.C.U. , Elon. Western Carolina , etc. Their alliances remain with unc so that myth that is out there about tar heels fans all going to unc is just that. It's a bunch of bull. I feel comfortable in saying that in the state of North Carolina less than 10 % of unc fans actually went to unc. I must say this though I know of at least two Duke fans that went to unc , one on the G.II. bill and one a single mom that went to unc after her children were up in age a little simply because of the cost and they took advantage and I don't blame them. You ask them who they pull for and you're going to get a solid Duke. The guy that went on the G.I. bill even wore his Duke gear to class. He was a 8 year or so vet of them Marine Corp. who was deployed at least twice in the middle east and didn't get a lot of flack from those on Franklin St. So to sum it up most unc fans like Duke fans never went to school of the program they support and that I imagine goes for just about every program in the country and that includes UK and perhaps the exceptions being our armed services schools and even then I think they may have a favorite besides the academy's OFC
You know we've gotten way of thread topic here. So my feelings are beginning to wonder about Bolden just a little bit. I really hope he does come here and thought we would know by now but I feel he is really giving it some thought. With that said if his heart is set on UK then that's where he should go. He's going to be a OAD more than likely and indeed that Duke education and degree is second to none it is doubtful that he gets a degree from anywhere. Want him in the worst way but in the end he needs to go where he wants to go whether it's UK, Duke or Southwestern College whose Director of Athletics is our own. K-ville. OFC
I love the Giants, but I can't help but like that goober Romo. I kinda like Witten and Coach Garrett as well but wish the Giants would learn to beat them on season openers. They've dramatically improved the defense and hope they continue to build it in the draft. Besides Eli comes down and works with Coach Cut.
One would be quite disappointed if they thought this was 15 pages of Bolden and recruiting talk!!

Couple things:

I REALLY want MB at Duke

B Dubbs is quite avg

As a Packer fan it's entertaining listening to cowboys and giants discussing success ;) ;)

I REALLY want MB at Duke

Carolina Sucks
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One would be quite disappointed if they thought this was 15 pages of Bolden and recruiting talk!!

Couple things:

I REALLY want MB at Duke

B Dubbs is quite avg

As a Packer fan it's entertaining listening to cowboys and giants discussing success ;) ;)

I REALLY want MB at Duke

Carolina Sucks
1. I want MB also at Duke
2. Cowboys super bowl wins: 5
Packers: 4
3. Yes Carolina Sucks!!
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"Catscratch81Blue Chip Prospect

NewOk everyone, take this for what it's worth but this is the latest I've heard from a couple of guys from Desoto that work at Baylor. The kid wants to come to UK but his Mom is a huge Dallas Cowboy fan and was apparently influenced of all things by Tony Romo's attendance at Duke games. Sounds crazy but I would not doubt this one bit. Also, she likes the fact that it's an ACC school and we all know how the media tries to promote Duke. So, one could take this script and write a pretty good soap opera out of it. If he goes to Duke just gives one another reason to hate the Cowboys."
Duke nation called this idiot out on their Twitter page!
Yes Sky speaks the truth. Living here in the Carolinas with these idiots is pure hell. But I agree with Sky. I haven't seen or heard from any at all the last couple of weeks. It's amazing.

I totally agree...I live about 20 minutes from Durham/Duke and maybe 30 minutes from Chapel Hill/UNC. About half my friends are Duke fans and the other half are UNC fans then throw in a few NC State fans. A majority of my friends that are UNC fans are actually reasonable and you can have reasonable conversations with them but of course a few of my friends that are UNC fans are some of the most annoying and obnoxious people when it comes to UNC and the rivalry. Sometimes I can't help but laugh at them because they'll be all over Facebook during games but if UNC loses then they disappear faster than a magician's assistant in a Las Vegas show lol
I believe Chase will be just as influential, if not more than, Bolden

That would be a fantastic development, for sure. But, I just do not see that at all. Not this year. Maybe if he really busts his butt, by his senior year. I think Chase will be a 3-4 year player.
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Here is the thing with Chase. If you look at all of last year, you remember a lot of the early, completely unready to contribute. The last couple of weeks, were way, way better. If Chase makes reasonable improvement over those last couple of weeks (not the whole year), he is more than ready to contribute and a solid contributor. Now, if he doesn't, then yes we really need Bolden. I expect a very solid Chase this year.
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