Bolden trending for Duke

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Datt and Aah, I can just be wrong, and you guys right if you want. I think very highly of all the players we have discussed. They were all more mature than myself at that age.
You're fine, man. It's not about right and wrong. Just differences of opinion. (Tell me that next time I get worked up about one... which will be too late by then, of course.)
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Well, yes and no. I think all our OADs have generally played as hard as they know how to play -- and I don't think for a second that they gave us anything less than their 100% b/c they were more concerned about the NBA. The point I was just making there is to say that even if you believe someone like Grayson plays harder than Jahlil, I don't think that has anything to do with one of those kids having their mind on the NBA. I think it's just b/c some guys have a higher motor than others. IMO, there are always going to be certain guys (Lance, Grayson, Wojo, etc.) who are noteworthy for how hard they play and have partly reached the levels they have b/c of their work ethic / tenacity. But, frankly, I think that has nothing to do with the NBA. I just think that's b/c there are some guys who have better motors than others.
I hear you. 2 things still, though: 1, Can a really talented guy ever get credit for being a hard worker? Just like coaches who recruit the best talent have a harder time getting credit for their Xs-and-Os, guys w/ the greatest natural gifts have a harder time getting credit for being "gritty," "gutsy," "scrappy," "hard-working," etc. It's like that's reserved for guys who aren't as naturally talented. 2, there's a tendency to associate that w/ character, and that's not a good thing.
I hear you. 2 things still, though: 1, Can a really talented guy ever get credit for being a hard worker? Just like coaches who recruit the best talent have a harder time getting credit for their Xs-and-Os, guys w/ the greatest natural gifts have a harder time getting credit for being "gritty," "gutsy," "scrappy," "hard-working," etc. It's like that's reserved for guys who aren't as naturally talented. 2, there's a tendency to associate that w/ character, and that's not a good thing.

Guys who have the greatest natural gifts never have to work as hard as those who don't. Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach.
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Guys who have the greatest natural gifts never have to work as hard as those who don't. Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach.

Did you actually read what I said?

How convenient that you quote Mencken at the end -- to someone in education -- as your entire post fits perfectly with Mencken's observation of America: “canned soup, of canned pork and beans, of whole meals in cans, and of everything else ready-made.” (He blamed the freedom of women, too, so that's the kind of guy whose opinion on teachers you're reheating.) Your post is a can of low quality, mushy, flavorless beans.

Guys w/ lesser talent have to work harder to reach the same level as more talented guys... who aren't working hard. How about those naturally skilled guys who rise so far above what any scrappy, character-rich little underdog ever achieves? Is it ever b/c in addition to being more naturally gifted, they also bust their butts and work as hard as they possibly can, or is it just b/c they have a 7'5" wingspan and were born being able to dribble? Like I said and like you modeled perfectly, we tie in scrappiness and grit to character when we shouldn't.
If and its a big if (I trust Show, Timo, Dukehokie, and DJ) he comes here, All the people that are saying we don't need him or I don't care if he comes here, just remember these statements with he's putting up double doubles and protecting the rim on the defensive end.

Be Patient, this will be over soon. It's spring time, enjoy the weather!
If and its a big if (I trust Show, Timo, Dukehokie, and DJ) he comes here, All the people that are saying we don't need him or I don't care if he comes here, just remember these statements with he's putting up double doubles and protecting the rim on the defensive end.

Be Patient, this will be over soon. It's spring time, enjoy the weather!

I feel ya. But if you think people on this board have downplayed him, you should see what the fans of the other team that is recruiting him have said about him and his mother. That is up until he mysteriously because a UK lean last week.

Either way, I stick to my opinion that he would be a good get and would love to see him on the roster. But Duke will be a great team regardless.
I totally agree we will be a great team, but I think we could elite with him. I just want to let the kid have his moment. He really hasn't made it the drama fest like past recruits have made it
If and its a big if (I trust Show, Timo, Dukehokie, and DJ) he comes here, All the people that are saying we don't need him or I don't care if he comes here, just remember these statements with he's putting up double doubles and protecting the rim on the defensive end.

Be Patient, this will be over soon. It's spring time, enjoy the weather!

I believe Chase will be just as influential, if not more than, Bolden
We have lost a fair share of late recruiting battles to UK over the years. It would be nice to flip the script so to speak.
Guys who have the greatest natural gifts never have to work as hard as those who don't. Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach.

I hate that expression its just so warped yet has hit mainstream somehow
But i will counter with another more appropriate expression

Hard work beats talent if talent does not work hard - now THIS is true.
I would like another athletic big man on the roster for next year.
Chase may be better than Bolden next year. Duke will be elite without Bolden if no injuries to any bigs. If a big goes down, Duke could be one piece short. With Bolden, Duke remains elite even if Giles gets hurt. With Giles and Jefferson coming off of injuries, getting Bolden is a little more important. Seem like a nice kid too, who already has a good relationship with Duke's other recruits.
Wouldn't it be better if K just got every top recruit in the world. That way we'd always win the Ship! Too bad we already missed on Luke Maye.
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We may have to start a RR thread similar to our THR thread with what some of those loonies are saying over there....

Something to the effect of If Duke lands Bolden it was K that was telling him to delay the announcement so that UK couldn't land a back up plan....or Cal is clean and runs a clean program and doesn't get involved in that crap...or Bolden really wants UK but prolly won't overcome his parents desires...

Bolden is not the top player of this class but he is a very highly rated player who could help either program next year. This has been a hard fought recruiting battle by both sides. Wherever and whenever Bolden chooses it will be because he felt the place and time was right. Any other conspiracy theory or weak ass justification is nonsense.
I hate that expression its just so warped yet has hit mainstream somehow
But i will counter with another more appropriate expression

Hard work beats talent if talent does not work hard - now THIS is true.
The indication of your appropriate expression being that talent gets you nowhere if you don't work hard, but good luck getting people to acknowledge it.

I think it ties in with jealousy and feelings of insecurity that people search for some way to disparage others for their good genetic fortune. It makes some people feel better about themselves to pretend the gifted are less honorable.
I hate that expression its just so warped yet has hit mainstream somehow
But i will counter with another more appropriate expression

Hard work beats talent if talent does not work hard - now THIS is true.

School of Rock
We may have to start a RR thread similar to our THR thread with what some of those loonies are saying over there....

Something to the effect of If Duke lands Bolden it was K that was telling him to delay the announcement so that UK couldn't land a back up plan....or Cal is clean and runs a clean program and doesn't get involved in that crap...or Bolden really wants UK but prolly won't overcome his parents desires...

Bolden is not the top player of this class but he is a very highly rated player who could help either program next year. This has been a hard fought recruiting battle by both sides. Wherever and whenever Bolden chooses it will be because he felt the place and time was right. Any other conspiracy theory or weak ass justification is nonsense.


"Catscratch81Blue Chip Prospect

NewOk everyone, take this for what it's worth but this is the latest I've heard from a couple of guys from Desoto that work at Baylor. The kid wants to come to UK but his Mom is a huge Dallas Cowboy fan and was apparently influenced of all things by Tony Romo's attendance at Duke games. Sounds crazy but I would not doubt this one bit. Also, she likes the fact that it's an ACC school and we all know how the media tries to promote Duke. So, one could take this script and write a pretty good soap opera out of it. If he goes to Duke just gives one another reason to hate the Cowboys."

"Catscratch81Blue Chip Prospect

NewOk everyone, take this for what it's worth but this is the latest I've heard from a couple of guys from Desoto that work at Baylor. The kid wants to come to UK but his Mom is a huge Dallas Cowboy fan and was apparently influenced of all things by Tony Romo's attendance at Duke games. Sounds crazy but I would not doubt this one bit. Also, she likes the fact that it's an ACC school and we all know how the media tries to promote Duke. So, one could take this script and write a pretty good soap opera out of it. If he goes to Duke just gives one another reason to hate the Cowboys."
Hahahahahahahaha that can't be a real thought process.

"Catscratch81Blue Chip Prospect

NewOk everyone, take this for what it's worth but this is the latest I've heard from a couple of guys from Desoto that work at Baylor. The kid wants to come to UK but his Mom is a huge Dallas Cowboy fan and was apparently influenced of all things by Tony Romo's attendance at Duke games. Sounds crazy but I would not doubt this one bit. Also, she likes the fact that it's an ACC school and we all know how the media tries to promote Duke. So, one could take this script and write a pretty good soap opera out of it. If he goes to Duke just gives one another reason to hate the Cowboys."
Go Boys
As a Giants fan, it is hard not to hate the Cowboys. Then you see Romo and his coach at the Duke games and it makes you want to hate them a little less. Just goes to show how stupid hatred in sports is. One of the nice things about last year's team was it was easier to root for them and enjoy the process. Yeah, I want Duke to get all of our favorite recruits and win it all. But if not no biggie.

Like we have been saying, grab your favorite beverage, some good wings, and desirable company, relax and enjoy-no matter what the outcomes.
Just remember that not everyone that posts on RR is a true UK fan. A lot of trolls that just like to be stupid, post on that addition to some really crazy fans. It's not always easy to distinguish the difference. :)
Just remember that not everyone that posts on RR is a true UK fan. A lot of trolls that just like to be stupid, post on that addition to some really crazy fans. It's not always easy to distinguish the difference. :)

I wonder if that's thr's excuse. OFC
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"Catscratch81Blue Chip Prospect

NewOk everyone, take this for what it's worth but this is the latest I've heard from a couple of guys from Desoto that work at Baylor. The kid wants to come to UK but his Mom is a huge Dallas Cowboy fan and was apparently influenced of all things by Tony Romo's attendance at Duke games. Sounds crazy but I would not doubt this one bit. Also, she likes the fact that it's an ACC school and we all know how the media tries to promote Duke. So, one could take this script and write a pretty good soap opera out of it. If he goes to Duke just gives one another reason to hate the Cowboys."

This has to be voted the dumbest post I've ever read! I can't stop laughing at this.
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"Catscratch81Blue Chip Prospect

NewOk everyone, take this for what it's worth but this is the latest I've heard from a couple of guys from Desoto that work at Baylor. The kid wants to come to UK but his Mom is a huge Dallas Cowboy fan and was apparently influenced of all things by Tony Romo's attendance at Duke games. Sounds crazy but I would not doubt this one bit. Also, she likes the fact that it's an ACC school and we all know how the media tries to promote Duke. So, one could take this script and write a pretty good soap opera out of it. If he goes to Duke just gives one another reason to hate the Cowboys."
That has to be the most ignorant thing anyone could say. LMAO!!
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I'm still mad it says on the front of the board...discuss your 3 times national champs...just saying.
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I think both Duke and UK will be fine either way.

I want the kid to pick where he wants to go. That's all that matters to me.
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As a Giants fan, it is hard not to hate the Cowboys. Then you see Romo and his coach at the Duke games and it makes you want to hate them a little less. Just goes to show how stupid hatred in sports is. One of the nice things about last year's team was it was easier to root for them and enjoy the process. Yeah, I want Duke to get all of our favorite recruits and win it all. But if not no biggie.

Like we have been saying, grab your favorite beverage, some good wings, and desirable company, relax and enjoy-no matter what the outcomes.
Big Giants fan as well and hate that K let them come in and see how a winning program operates
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