What is your favorite video game?


Devils Illustrated Hall of Famer
May 2, 2017
Man I need a break from basketball. Tough loss but it was a fun year and Jon did a good job. What games do you play? What are your favorites? Do you play on line? Do you like old or new games?
Myself I'm an 80's kid. So Super Mario All Stars/World, Zelda, Metroid and Super Castlevania. I love old first person shooters like Doom, Quake and Castle Wolfenstein. Platformers like Crash Bandicoot. Racing games like Waverace 64 and Ridge Racer and Burnout. Scary games like Resident Evil 2 and Silent Hill. Fighting games like Marvel vs Capcom and Tekken. I have an XBox 360 but lately I am playing a lot of pre-2000 games, even Atari and Sonic. If I had to pick one favorite game it would be Doom or Super Mario World.
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I grew up on NES but mostly SEGA!

Playstation is still so cool. My close buddies agreed to switch for the first time and get Xbox (one) . Still have.

Favorite games today - CIV on PC. I still do COD/Warzone here and there. Battlefield WW1 I loved.

Sports I picked up MLB a few months ago. FIFA & Madden I'm kinda tired.


Played this ALOT

There is a website one can still play Red Alert for free!

I downloaded it's safe.
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I played a lot of Donkey Kong and Super Mario Land and Links Awakening on Gameboy. I still play Gameboy. I can play it on my tv. Those college football games were great. I used to play on hard the first half, then on easy in the second half to make a comeback.
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I played a lot of Donkey Kong and Super Mario Land and Links Awakening on Gameboy. I still play Gameboy. I can play it on my tv. Those college football games were great. I used to play on hard the first half, then on easy in the second half to make a comeback.
Gameboy kinda the original Cell Phone

I personally never got into Gameboy/Game Gear and today I still don't play video games on my phone hahah

Now that I think longer - Great Theft Auto was game changing.
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GTA 3 on ps2 was an incredible game. Easily in my top 10.
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Donkey Kong, Super Mario Bros I, II, III, and World, Metal Gear Solid, and you mentioned Silent Hill. I had forgotten all about that one. One of the only film adaptations of a video game that is actually good too!
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All the classic Nintendo stuff. Enough time has passed that I’d probably be excited to play those games again. But unfortunately I do not own any system at the moment.
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Silent Hill 2 was the only game I stopped playing for being too scared. I was like "hell no I ain't going in that dark building."
Metal Gear originated on the MSX 2, which was Microsoft's first system. It then got ported to the NES.
Zelda: Link to the Past is really good on SNES. Super Mario World was the pack in game. I think F Zero was the first game I ever bought.
Gauntlet was also a favorite of mine at the arcade. That game would never end. Can't imagine how much money I wasted in that machine 😂
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