The New Lounge

It is so hard for these guys to see how insulted people are by where our government's priorities have been. They can't even see how it really is our own government prioritizing foreign needs and illegal immigrants over the needs of U.S. citizens. The money and the national guard are things any president would provide. They just needed people are the ground sooner and the money is laughable. But whatever, not publicly criticizing equals praising, so everything has been great.
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The difference makers after this (and any other disaster) has been the American people, not our government. I'm not saying they aren't doing anything, but it's hard to defend them (both sides) when they've been spending (and wasting) astronomical amounts of money for decades. So when our VP publicly says to people that have lost their homes, businesses, and/or family members that you're going to give them $750? That only proves how disengaged she is. She's not a leader, and never will be one. You can try spinning this all you want, and if you do, it will just continue to prove how out of touch you really are. And who the real partisan hack is here.

It's ok to admit you're wrong. I promise I won't belittle you. Pinky promise.
I wonder how many times that the $750 is not the only money they will be getting. This is to deal with immediate needs while other money is made available.
I wonder how many times that the $750 is not the only money they will be getting. This is to deal with immediate needs while other money is made available.
True we don't know what's happening behind the scenes, which is why wording is so important when tragedies happen. Leaders are better equipped to handle difficult situations, but Kamala's not one.
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Liberal academia is now a bastion of antisemitism cloaked in anti Zionism and Marxism. Did you type all of this with a straight face or did your students wonder why you were giggling maniacally? To think that liberal or conservatives for that matter can check their politics at the door when evaluating presidencies is a preposterous assertion even by your standards
Do you even know what any of that means? All together it’s just gobbledygook and word salad the right throws at everything it lacks the nuance to criticize in legitimate, coherent ways. When was the last time you were in a classroom? Looked at curriculum?

You’re saying much more about your own integrity than anyone else when you claim liberals and conservatives can’t check their politics at the door.
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The difference makers after this (and any other disaster) has been the American people, not our government. I'm not saying they aren't doing anything, but it's hard to defend them (both sides) when they've been spending (and wasting) astronomical amounts of money for decades. So when our VP publicly says to people that have lost their homes, businesses, and/or family members that you're going to give them $750? That only proves how disengaged she is. She's not a leader, and never will be one. You can try spinning this all you want, and if you do, it will just continue to prove how out of touch you really are. And who the real partisan hack is here.

It's ok to admit you're wrong. I promise I won't belittle you. Pinky promise.
Agree that the biggest difference has been made by people, including people you deny are real Americans. In light of that, your pinkie promise isn’t worth the boogers under your fingernail.
True we don't know what's happening behind the scenes, which is why wording is so important when tragedies happen. Leaders are better equipped to handle difficult situations, but Kamala's not one.
You may be the only person who does not understand this. It has been explained numerous times by elected officials, web sites etc. You guys talk about how I refuse to budge and then you take what Biden and Harris say or do, make something up about it and launch insults. This is a prime example.
Do you even know what any of that means? All together it’s just gobbledygook and word salad the right throws at everything it lacks the nuance to criticize in legitimate, coherent ways. When was the last time you were in a classroom? Looked at curriculum?

You’re saying much more about your own integrity than anyone else when you claim liberals and conservatives can’t check their politics at the door.
I’ve already wasted enough time responding to your ridiculous posts. Yes, antisemitism is a growing problem in the Dem Party. Go ahead and talk about Charlottesville, but these were local yokels coming out of the woods. The Dems have actual members of Congress who can’t condemn the rape and murder of civilians on Oct 7, who support chants of “From the River to the Sea”, and who are generally anti- American in their outlook.
As for your pres rankings, I’m sorry I hurt your feeling my pointing out the bias of those involved. It’s got little to do with integrity and everything to do with common sense. There is a liberal echo chamber and extreme pressure by the conformists of the Left. Too bad you can’t see what’s happening
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You may be the only person who does not understand this. It has been explained numerous times by elected officials, web sites etc. You guys talk about how I refuse to budge and then you take what Biden and Harris say or do, make something up about it and launch insults. This is a prime example.
You’re the only poster on here who concludes her posts by telling us how good it is. ‘This is a prime example’. We’ll be the judge of that
You’re the only poster on here who concludes her posts by telling us how good it is. ‘This is a prime example’. We’ll be the judge of that
Yeah they are both nuttier than a squirrel turd. @Dattier is your typical white male liberal. Educated, but little intelligence.
@SDevada? The Ol gal acts like Joy Behar. She probably has pills that say take 2 for TDS every 2-4 hours.
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You’re the only poster on here who concludes her posts by telling us how good it is. ‘This is a prime example’. We’ll be the judge of that
My “prime example” wasn’t directed at me. It was directed at Mac.
I like Vance, and he definitely knows how to handle himself. My hope is Trump is the next President, and he can get some of this corruption cleaned up, then hand the keys to guys like Vance and Desantis.

The intelligent pool is very shallow on demorats. The proof is the two retards in this thread.
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I like Vance, and he definitely knows how to handle himself. My hope is Trump is the next President, and he can get some of this corruption cleaned up, then hand the keys to guys like Vance and Desantis.

The intelligent pool is very shallow on demorats. The proof is the two retards in this thread.
They tried to paint Vance as a buffoon Dan Quayle style, but after he dominated Walz in the debate crickets. He tried to make the childless cat lady joke which fell flat. Seems like Datt and Durham could relate to a joke that falls flat. Then he should have never waded into the cats and ducks waters, but he listens to his constituents. Not perfect, but a strong candidate. The two reprobates on this board will never admit that Rep are scrutinized at a high level. The Dems have cheerleaders in the msm. Witness that dog and pony show re: the hurricane yesterday. They didn’t seem too worried about Helene. WTH changed?
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I’m surprised Kamala didn’t get more of a bounce in the polls after her commanding performances on The View and 60 Minutes. God bless Whitaker for holding her accountable and not letting her get away with ignoring the questions and throwing up more word salad.
I was proud of her, though, on Colbert with that Miller Lite. For a minute there, I wasn’t sure she knew how to open a can.
If it is true that Obama was in PA and told the blacks to vote for Kamala, then he is even worse than I thought. What a racist thing to say. I guess 3 terms as President weren't enough.
If it is true that Obama was in PA and told the blacks to vote for Kamala, then he is even worse than I thought. What a racist thing to say. I guess 3 terms as President weren't enough.
They think they own the Black vote. Dems the party of slavery and Jim Crow laws. Can’t have people thinking for themselves. It never occurs to the Obamas of the world that other Blacks may have a different set of values than they do
I’ve already wasted enough time responding to your ridiculous posts. Yes, antisemitism is a growing problem in the Dem Party. Go ahead and talk about Charlottesville, but these were local yokels coming out of the woods. The Dems have actual members of Congress who can’t condemn the rape and murder of civilians on Oct 7, who support chants of “From the River to the Sea”, and who are generally anti- American in their outlook.
As for your pres rankings, I’m sorry I hurt your feeling my pointing out the bias of those involved. It’s got little to do with integrity and everything to do with common sense. There is a liberal echo chamber and extreme pressure by the conformists of the Left. Too bad you can’t see what’s happening
Yes, there is a liberal echo chamber. Multiple, in fact. You're not accurately identifying one here. With no knowledge other than that you don't like the results, you're impugning the process, assuming bias where academics have checked each other and done their best to look at it without bias. Of course a ranking of "best" or "worst" will be subjective. It does not follow that people are just doing it emotionally.

Here's a much more respectable critique of presidential rankings by the Cato Institute (who despite being heavily biased to the right, is highly accurate with facts -- where applicable; this is an opinion piece), and a quote: "Self-described liberal and conservative scholars didn’t diverge much in their rankings of most presidents until Reagan. Our most recent presidents are more visible to the participants, and it’s hard to resist one’s personal preferences. Reagan, both Bushes, Obama, and Biden show sharp partisan divides. But not Trump, rated the worst president by liberals (really? worse than Wilson?) and 3rd worst by conservatives."
I’ll bet you $100 to a donut hole that there isn’t a conservative out there that would rank Trump as the 3rd worst.

Figures don’t lie, but liars figure.
All I had to read to confirm my suspicions about @Dattier link to this being a hatchet job was the first two paragraphs.

Academic experts. Talk about an oxymoron.
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All I had to read to confirm my suspicions about @Dattier link to this being a hatchet job was the first two paragraphs.

Academic experts. Talk about an oxymoron.
He’s in that ivory tower bubble with these “scholars” so it’s no surprise that he cant look at this situation clearly. This is the elite; they create zilch, build zilch, and spend half their time either indoctrinating students or trying to sleep with loose co-eds
Libs like Datt can’t admit how conformist their side is. If one of these guys rated Trump or Reagan near the top they would be villified and bullied until they’re brought back to the rest of the herd of sheep
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Not that we need more proof on how corrupt the left is, but other than Elon, almost all (if not all) billionaires support the Democrats.
Not that we need more proof on how corrupt the left is, but other than Elon, almost all (if not all) billionaires support the Democrats.
They’re insulated from the everyday worries of the working man: inflation, crime, the border. You think Springsteen cares about any of this? Like all Leftists he has his wishlist: free health care, open borders, Green New Deal, America becoming more like Sweden or France. A neutered power at the mercy of our adversaries
All I had to read to confirm my suspicions about @Dattier link to this being a hatchet job was the first two paragraphs.

Academic experts. Talk about an oxymoron.
The article is from the conservative Cato Institute offering valid criticism of presidential rankings, as I said.
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He’s in that ivory tower bubble with these “scholars” so it’s no surprise that he cant look at this situation clearly. This is the elite; they create zilch, build zilch, and spend half their time either indoctrinating students or trying to sleep with loose co-eds
Libs like Datt can’t admit how conformist their side is. If one of these guys rated Trump or Reagan near the top they would be villified and bullied until they’re brought back to the rest of the herd of sheep
K-12 public schools an ivory tower? lol

As an educator with more than 28 years of experience, I've sent students to universities, community colleges, trade schools, the military, job programs, the job market, the arts, etc. I've long recognized and respected different forms of intelligence and that one-size does not fit all. I'm not at all exceptional in this regard when it comes to public school educators. We know how messed up standardized testing is. We know there's an appalling lack of vocational ed. We know and respect that a 4-year university education isn't for everyone.

I'm the last person here who would claim my multiple degrees are a sign of my intelligence. My perseverance, grit, and certain knowledge, certainly, but not my intelligence. And I'm confident of the intelligence I have while aware of its limits.

Ironically, it's conservatives intimidated by educational institutions who lack respect for different forms of intelligence. You inherently distrust and fear academic intelligence and therefore disrespect and insult it as a means of bringing it down to your level.

Teaching critical thinking is what leads to questioning the status quo, not indoctrination. Teach someone critical thinking skills and they stop obeying blindly. That's why conservative parents hate public school and that's why conservatives hate and fear academia.
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I looked up a few of those claims, and as expected, your source exaggerates.

I agree with all the conservatives here that there's a liberal bias in mainstream media. I do not agree that finding deliberately slanted twitter accounts on the right is appropriate counterbalance. It's just evidence of how blind you are to your own need for validation through confirmation bias.
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Not that we need more proof on how corrupt the left is, but other than Elon, almost all (if not all) billionaires support the Democrats.
list of billionaires supporting President Trump

list of billionaires supporting VP Harris

info on the source

^Even if I'm missing something, I've at least put in some effort. You haven't. You're missing everything. You're just throwing out an unsubstantiated claim like an emotionally compromised moron.
Tomorrow you'll be back to worshipping billionaires as geniuses and job creators, defending their tax breaks, and supporting a self-proclaimed billionaire for President.
I looked up a few of those claims, and as expected, your source exaggerates.

I agree with all the conservatives here that there's a liberal bias in mainstream media. I do not agree that finding deliberately slanted twitter accounts on the right is appropriate counterbalance. It's just evidence of how blind you are to your own need for validation through confirmation bias.
Jesus, Datt. It’s just a random tweet. Not a source. Lol.

JD Vance is weird .


I do stand corrected about the comment of almost all billionaires supporting Democrats. It appears they would like the tax cuts, which who doesn't? Also, the ones now supporting Trump are disappointed in the last 4 years. These guys aren't stupid.
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K-12 public schools an ivory tower? lol

As an educator with more than 28 years of experience, I've sent students to universities, community colleges, trade schools, the military, job programs, the job market, the arts, etc. I've long recognized and respected different forms of intelligence and that one-size does not fit all. I'm not at all exceptional in this regard when it comes to public school educators. We know how messed up standardized testing is. We know there's an appalling lack of vocational ed. We know and respect that a 4-year university education isn't for everyone.

I'm the last person here who would claim my multiple degrees are a sign of my intelligence. My perseverance, grit, and certain knowledge, certainly, but not my intelligence. And I'm confident of the intelligence I have while aware of its limits.

Ironically, it's conservatives intimidated by educational institutions who lack respect for different forms of intelligence. You inherently distrust and fear academic intelligence and therefore disrespect and insult it as a means of bringing it down to your level.

Teaching critical thinking is what leads to questioning the status quo, not indoctrination. Teach someone critical thinking skills and they stop obeying blindly. That's why conservative parents hate public school and that's why conservatives hate and fear academia.
I skipped most of that, but I caught the last paragraph. You’re absolutely right. If there’s one thing our public schools are famous for, it’s teaching critical thinking skills. Are you high?
I skipped most of that, but I caught the last paragraph. You’re absolutely right. If there’s one thing our public schools are famous for, it’s teaching critical thinking skills. Are you high?
Critical thinking = thinking like a progressive Democrat.
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K-12 public schools an ivory tower? lol

As an educator with more than 28 years of experience, I've sent students to universities, community colleges, trade schools, the military, job programs, the job market, the arts, etc. I've long recognized and respected different forms of intelligence and that one-size does not fit all. I'm not at all exceptional in this regard when it comes to public school educators. We know how messed up standardized testing is. We know there's an appalling lack of vocational ed. We know and respect that a 4-year university education isn't for everyone.

I'm the last person here who would claim my multiple degrees are a sign of my intelligence. My perseverance, grit, and certain knowledge, certainly, but not my intelligence. And I'm confident of the intelligence I have while aware of its limits.

Ironically, it's conservatives intimidated by educational institutions who lack respect for different forms of intelligence. You inherently distrust and fear academic intelligence and therefore disrespect and insult it as a means of bringing it down to your level.

Teaching critical thinking is what leads to questioning the status quo, not indoctrination. Teach someone critical thinking skills and they stop obeying blindly. That's why conservative parents hate public school and that's why conservatives hate and fear academia.
Standardized testing is the only subjective measure we have when comparing applicants to univ or grad school from wildly different academic backgrounds. A kid from an inner city school may make straight A’s but would flunk out of a rigorous prep school.
A lot of affirmative action enrollees simply can’t make the grade at top universities or switch majors from engineering to the humanities for example. At least standardized testing gives admissions officials something to go by, esp in this era of rampant grade inflation.
Critical thinking = thinking like a progressive Democrat.
Precisely. He claims not to be an elitist, but it shows up in posts like this. We’re the deplorables. Although I haven’t shot anything lately. I may have to traipse into the woods during deer season Walz style

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