The New Lounge

His question, basically. Why does Biden send $150 million to Lebanon without congressional approval but he can't do it for the people of NC?

Her, basically. Blah blah blah, misinformation. Lies, lies, lies. Congress needs to come back and approve more money for the people of NC.

This is the biggest shit administration in our country's history.

I guess you are unaware that there is a specific statute that allows the President to issue aid in foreign policy without Congressional approval. FEMA has different rules. Ince again, those pesky facts.
I guess you are unaware that there is a specific statute that allows the President to issue aid in foreign policy without Congressional approval. FEMA has different rules. Ince again, those pesky facts.

Once again, or ince again. Idk. You say something that you think is smart and a gotcha moment, but it just makes you look stupid. Again. The president can sign an EO and give NC a $ billion if he wanted to. Coming from a president who hasn't given a single shit about the rules when it comes to hurting Americans, he could do something to help. But again, it's not just the money, it's the caring more about foreigners than NC residents that is bothering people. You act like it is just a couple of people on a Duke message board that arr upset about this. It's not.
Ol @SDevadais just refuses to budge. Nothing is her “sides” fault. As the evidence continues to mount, she just digs in deeper.

Almost admirable.
Once again, or ince again. Idk. You say something that you think is smart and a gotcha moment, but it just makes you look stupid. Again. The president can sign an EO and give NC a $ billion if he wanted to. Coming from a president who hasn't given a single shit about the rules when it comes to hurting Americans, he could do something to help. But again, it's not just the money, it's the caring more about foreigners than NC residents that is bothering people. You act like it is just a couple of people on a Duke message board that arr upset about this. It's not.
Actually, FEMA places limits on when a President can issue an EO and the amount. Beyond that, he has to report ro Congress. As far as caring more about foreigners, that idiocy is based on out and out lies. I know tat you mouth breathers are not the only ones who bought this crap. Sadly this message board does not have the market cornered on idiots, which is why America is in as much trouble as it is.
I now know the dumbest breed of people:
Liberal lesbians. They’ve cornered the market on stupidity.
Actually, FEMA places limits on when a President can issue an EO and the amount. Beyond that, he has to report ro Congress. As far as caring more about foreigners, that idiocy is based on out and out lies. I know tat you mouth breathers are not the only ones who bought this crap. Sadly this message board does not have the market cornered on idiots, which is why America is in as much trouble as it is.
They’re especially fond of foreigners who are getting their asses kicked by the IDF. Let’s write a big check to Hezbollah. The UN will make sure that Hezbollah doesn’t use it for weapons. Hard to believe how evil this regime is. Why on Earth would these fools be opposed to Israel taking out Irans nukes? Oil refineries? Gas prices I get that but these people are horrifyingly clueless and devious
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Ol @SDevadais just refuses to budge. Nothing is her “sides” fault. As the evidence continues to mount, she just digs in deeper.

Almost admirable.
Yup. Unable or unwilling to adjust course in the midst of failure, but maybe failure is the goal.
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When I saw a clip of him being asked by reporters why he didn't leave his vacation house to go command from the White House. It was also well reported that he was at his vacation house.
Do you have one of those jobs where you don’t get anything done unless you’re standing on the designated tiles in front of the fryer?
Ol @SDevadais just refuses to budge. Nothing is her “sides” fault. As the evidence continues to mount, she just digs in deeper.

Almost admirable.
When your “evidence” includes things like $ being available for anything else, the President lounging around at his beach house, and the VP living it up in California, nothing is mounting, no digging required.

Everything our “side” does is evidence of a deliberate plot to deliberately destroy the country deliberately and to eat all teh puppies, according to you, mac, specifically — worse than any other regular poster here. Yet you’re practically begging for us to concede a single thing.

Like your liberal lesbian comment: they don’t agree with you and they won’t be conquered by you, therefore they must be dumb.
So glad the governor of Georgia speaks for the people in western NC. Well, actually, he didn't. He spoke to the needs of people in Georgia. The internet isn't going to recover bodies out of the mud or get dying people aid. Another stupid hill for you to hang yourself on.
As I’ve already mentioned, the Republican governors of Va, SC, & Tn have also praised the President’s efforts. Gov Cooper has, too, but he’s a Democrat, so that could only mean the exact opposite is true. Clearly President Biden is doing everything to help everyone except NC.
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Do you have one of those jobs where you don’t get anything done unless you’re standing on the designated tiles in front of the fryer?
It's really sad watching you too try to be funny.

As I’ve already mentioned, the Republican governors of Va, SC, & Tn have also praised the President’s efforts. Gov Cooper has, too, but he’s a Democrat, so that could only mean the exact opposite is true. Clearly President Biden is doing everything to help everyone except NC.
What you are calling praise is nothing but political correctness. Thank God for Samaritan's Purse, Cajun Navy, Red Cross and thousands of citizens volunteering. Without them, NC would be in even more hard times than they already are.
As I’ve already mentioned, the Republican governors of Va, SC, & Tn have also praised the President’s efforts. Gov Cooper has, too, but he’s a Democrat, so that could only mean the exact opposite is true. Clearly President Biden is doing everything to help everyone except NC.
These governors have watched and learned. Piss Sleepy off and you’re liable to be indicted. Eric Adams and Menendez say hello.
As I’ve already mentioned, the Republican governors of Va, SC, & Tn have also praised the President’s efforts. Gov Cooper has, too, but he’s a Democrat, so that could only mean the exact opposite is true. Clearly President Biden is doing everything to help everyone except NC.
They’re just being polite plus they don’t want to be thrown in jail
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Read em. Hell he may have written em. I’m still not entirely sure we’re dealing with two people here instead of one
They may be one and the same. If they are, they do a good job of splitting. He actually comes across like his thoughts are his own, even though they’re lies. He also comes across as your typical card carrying voice for the downtrodden.

Her on the other hand? One rigid, angry, regurgitated version of Whoopi and Joy Behar.
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They may be one and the same. If they are, they do a good job of splitting. He actually comes across like his thoughts are his own, even though they’re lies. He also comes across as your typical card carrying voice for the downtrodden.

Her on the other hand? One rigid, angry, regurgitated version of Whoopi and Joy Behar.
Their writing styles were once more similar but Sd’s anger and anti- white male rhetoric would be hard for even Dattier to pull off copying that lunatic style
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It's really sad watching you too try to be funny.

What you are calling praise is nothing but political correctness. Thank God for Samaritan's Purse, Cajun Navy, Red Cross and thousands of citizens volunteering. Without them, NC would be in even more hard times than they already are.
You too try to too?

Republican governors are not in the habit of being politically correct, especially during an election year. What a pathetic deflection.

Yes, we are far better off for the efforts of other organizations, as well.
His question, basically. Why does Biden send $150 million to Lebanon without congressional approval but he can't do it for the people of NC?

Her, basically. Blah blah blah, misinformation. Lies, lies, lies. Congress needs to come back and approve more money for the people of NC.

This is the biggest shit administration in our country's history.

Easy explanations: some things require Congressional approval and some things don’t; there’s money in different pots; people in this very thread have been mocking the $750 figure, so why would $ alone be the end-all, be-all?

You act as if “evidence” you present is completely objective. It isn’t. It’s all spun. I haven’t seen you post something objective and discuss it objectively this entire administration.

Scholars consistently rank President Biden in the upper half of US Presidents. That’s surprisingly high to me, but it’s what scholars and historians — not partisan pundits — say. You’ve been saying since his first year in office that he was by far the worst ever ever ever and it wasn’t even close. So Presidents Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, Pierce, WH Harrison, Hoover, Harding, Nixon… not even close?!?

You’re a complete joke.
Easy explanations: some things require Congressional approval and some things don’t; there’s money in different pots; people in this very thread have been mocking the $750 figure, so why would $ alone be the end-all, be-all?

You act as if “evidence” you present is completely objective. It isn’t. It’s all spun. I haven’t seen you post something objective and discuss it objectively this entire administration.

Scholars consistently rank President Biden in the upper half of US Presidents. That’s surprisingly high to me, but it’s what scholars and historians — not partisan pundits — say. You’ve been saying since his first year in office that he was by far the worst ever ever ever and it wasn’t even close. So Presidents Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, Pierce, WH Harrison, Hoover, Harding, Nixon… not even close?!?

You’re a complete joke.
What, is it nap time for your students or something?
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What, is it nap time for your students or something?
Last I recall, you also work a tax-payer funded job that does not include being a message board warrior during traditional work hours.

Remind me: what subject(s) and grade(s) do I teach? Or am I a support educator outside the classroom? Do I have planning period(s) and if so, when? What % of the day is direct instruction? Guided practice? Independent practice?
That’s plenty of guidance for how you might continue avoiding what I said.
Last I recall, you also work a tax-payer funded job that does not include being a message board warrior during traditional work hours.

Remind me: what subject(s) and grade(s) do I teach? Or am I a support educator outside the classroom? Do I have planning period(s) and if so, when? What % of the day is direct instruction? Guided practice? Independent practice?
That’s plenty of guidance for how you might continue avoiding what I said.
So are they at recess?
Easy explanations: some things require Congressional approval and some things don’t; there’s money in different pots; people in this very thread have been mocking the $750 figure, so why would $ alone be the end-all, be-all?
In times of crisis, leaders know what to say. Biden and Kamala aren't leaders, and we've all seen them in action. Again, it's the fact that she gave the amount she did (which was low too), considering the devastation these people have suffered. And when you add in the amount of money our government has thrown to help non Americans, and other countries... well, you may as well have told the residents of the mountains of NC they are second rate people by the offer of $750.

This is obvious to see. You just have to be openminded, and quit doing what you've always done, which is play party politics.
What, is it nap time for your students or something?
He probably runs one of those New Age hippie camps, where the students run the classroom and he sits back and “ facilitates”, i.e. plays on his phone
Easy explanations: some things require Congressional approval and some things don’t; there’s money in different pots; people in this very thread have been mocking the $750 figure, so why would $ alone be the end-all, be-all?

You act as if “evidence” you present is completely objective. It isn’t. It’s all spun. I haven’t seen you post something objective and discuss it objectively this entire administration.

Scholars consistently rank President Biden in the upper half of US Presidents. That’s surprisingly high to me, but it’s what scholars and historians — not partisan pundits — say. You’ve been saying since his first year in office that he was by far the worst ever ever ever and it wasn’t even close. So Presidents Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, Pierce, WH Harrison, Hoover, Harding, Nixon… not even close?!?

You’re a complete joke.
Liberals dominate the ranks of “historians” so if you weed out all the Republicans, voila, upper half He’ll be remembered for speeding up one party rule with his open border fiasco. If the demographics of this country were that of just twenty years ago, Trump would win easily The only thing that gives Republicans a chance in natl elections going forward is the sheer incompetence of the Dem Party
They’re not getting away with probation violations, I can assure you.
Funny thing is, none of my people are on probation. And there is probably a good percentage of your people who end up there because of how shitty public school is because of people like you.
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Liberals dominate the ranks of “historians” so if you weed out all the Republicans, voila, upper half He’ll be remembered for speeding up one party rule with his open border fiasco. If the demographics of this country were that of just twenty years ago, Trump would win easily The only thing that gives Republicans a chance in natl elections going forward is the sheer incompetence of the Dem Party
I agree on that last part. Well, that and the Electoral College.

It’s important to note that these historians are scholars, and that they conduct their work with academic integrity. The right has fomented suspicion about academia because it helps them with low info voters.

Y’all are fools to think that so much of academia and so much of the media sacrifice all integrity for being on the ground floor of a political party. There’s bias everywhere, and liberals are far better at being aware of their own, checking their own, and turning to things like peer review.
Y’all are fools to think that so much of academia and so much of the media sacrifice all integrity for being on the ground floor of a political party. There’s bias everywhere, and liberals are far better at being aware of their own, checking their own, and turning to things like peer review.
I stand corrected. You are pretty funny.
Funny thing is, none of my people are on probation. And there is probably a good percentage of your people who end up there because of how shitty public school is because of people like you.
I don’t even know exactly what you do. Just like you don’t know anything about what I do.

I’ve thrown down the gauntlet here about public education and nobody has even attempted to challenge me on anything substantive. Just cheap shots that don’t phase me at all.
I don’t even know exactly what you do. Just like you don’t know anything about what I do.

I’ve thrown down the gauntlet here about public education and nobody has even attempted to challenge me on anything substantive. Just cheap shots that don’t phase me at all.
So is it a teacher work day, or what?
In times of crisis, leaders know what to say. Biden and Kamala aren't leaders, and we've all seen them in action. Again, it's the fact that she gave the amount she did (which was low too), considering the devastation these people have suffered. And when you add in the amount of money our government has thrown to help non Americans, and other countries... well, you may as well have told the residents of the mountains of NC they are second rate people by the offer of $750.

This is obvious to see. You just have to be openminded, and quit doing what you've always done, which is play party politics.
In times of crisis, I’d say it’s more important for leaders to know what to do, and according to the Republican governors in all 4 states bordering NC, the Biden administration’s response has been great. Same with Gov Cooper, but he’s a Dem, so you’ve already tuned out everything he says.

We have enough money to do all of it (at least on credit). It’s not an either/or proposition. And $ doesn’t actually fix everything. The idea that Biden & Harris are taking $ away from WNC to give away frivolously is dumber than you, mac, accuse them of being.

Yesterday you said there are 2 kinds of people: Americans and Democrats… and you think that absolves you of being a partisan hack.
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Y’all are fools to think that so much of academia and so much of the media sacrifice all integrity for being on the ground floor of a political party. There’s bias everywhere, and liberals are far better at being aware of their own, checking their own, and turning to things like peer review.
To elaborate, almost all people, of all political stripes, take pride in their work. Any one of us who is honest can point to numerous coworkers we’ve had whom we’ve respected professionally, maybe even liked as friends, yet who’ve had very different political views. I know that’s true for me, and if it isn’t true for you, I think it’s your ignorance and blindness.

Why, then, would y’all act like professional integrity is something that divides us?
I agree on that last part. Well, that and the Electoral College.

It’s important to note that these historians are scholars, and that they conduct their work with academic integrity. The right has fomented suspicion about academia because it helps them with low info voters.

Y’all are fools to think that so much of academia and so much of the media sacrifice all integrity for being on the ground floor of a political party. There’s bias everywhere, and liberals are far better at being aware of their own, checking their own, and turning to things like peer review.
Liberal academia is now a bastion of antisemitism cloaked in anti Zionism and Marxism. Did you type all of this with a straight face or did your students wonder why you were giggling maniacally? To think that liberal or conservatives for that matter can check their politics at the door when evaluating presidencies is a preposterous assertion even by your standards
To elaborate, almost all people, of all political stripes, take pride in their work. Any one of us who is honest can point to numerous coworkers we’ve had whom we’ve respected professionally, maybe even liked as friends, yet who’ve had very different political views. I know that’s true for me, and if it isn’t true for you, I think it’s your ignorance and blindness.

Why, then, would y’all act like professional integrity is something that divides us?
Damn that’s a long recess. Are you making sure your young charges are staying hydrated?
In times of crisis, I’d say it’s more important for leaders to know what to do, and according to the Republican governors in all 4 states bordering NC, the Biden administration’s response has been great. Same with Gov Cooper, but he’s a Dem, so you’ve already tuned out everything he says.

We have enough money to do all of it (at least on credit). It’s not an either/or proposition. And $ doesn’t actually fix everything. The idea that Biden & Harris are taking $ away from WNC to give away frivolously is dumber than you, mac, accuse them of being.

Yesterday you said there are 2 kinds of people: Americans and Democrats… and you think that absolves you of being a partisan hack.
The difference makers after this (and any other disaster) has been the American people, not our government. I'm not saying they aren't doing anything, but it's hard to defend them (both sides) when they've been spending (and wasting) astronomical amounts of money for decades. So when our VP publicly says to people that have lost their homes, businesses, and/or family members that you're going to give them $750? That only proves how disengaged she is. She's not a leader, and never will be one. You can try spinning this all you want, and if you do, it will just continue to prove how out of touch you really are. And who the real partisan hack is here.

It's ok to admit you're wrong. I promise I won't belittle you. Pinky promise.
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