The New Lounge

Irrelevant. The point is that Truman was not popular when he left office in 1953. Many scholars now disagree that he truly needed to drop the bombs, but his status in the top 10 is evidence that his decision is viewed within the context of the time he made it. Just like Washington and Jefferson get some leniency for owning slaves, Jackson gets some leniency for killing Native Americans, and FDR and LBJ get some leniency for social reforms that are still imperfect.
Irrelevant that he dropped two atomic bombs, killed thousands of civilians, and left these places unliveable for generations? You’ll defend Demorats no matter what? Good little sheep Baah baah
Sen Byrd famously renounced his brief membership in the KKK for years.

While data on Republican and Democratic historians is available, I focused on conservative and liberal, which aren't inherently the same.

President Jackson is certainly a darling of conservatives, whatever his political party was. Washington and Jefferson were both top 5 for liberal historians despite having owned slaves.

It seems like you're just looking for a fight. All I did was present facts and reasonable analysis.
Ah the “ I used to beat my wife a lot but I didn’t mean it” argument. Do you hear yourself?
No, moron, name-calling would be like what I just did in the second word of this sentence. When there's a thorough explanation with it, it's appropriate labeling.

Stereotypes all have a prototype. There's a fine line between talking about trends and stereotyping. I tried to be careful, using words like "more often" and "broadly." It appears I was right on the money predicting you would not concede that there's any gray area.

Further, don't be a hypocrite about name-calling and stereotyping. You do both all the time, as do most of us. I acknowledge my role in that.
Thanks for that. Be sure to tell your therapist how much you’ve grown the past week.
Ps whatever you’re paying him/her/ their DOUBLE IT
I don't see the relevance in engineering or accounting, either. I know from teaching middle school, high school, and college that students often bring these things up themselves whether it's related to the class content or not. Those are teachable moments and contribute to building rapport and classroom culture.

There are certain things that are absolutely vital to schools' missions of educating all their students that qualify as beliefs, and unapologetically so. For example, courts have consistently ruled that while students have free speech on campus (Tinker v Des Moines, for one), there are permissible restrictions on free speech that disrupts the school's educational purpose (Bethel v Frasier, for one). A kid denouncing homosexuality in a public school classroom, for example, may be seen as threatening to a gay student, and school employees would be within their rights to quash it. That's not "pushing a gay agenda." That's maintaining a safe environment for all students. That could happen even in an engineering or accounting class.

Courts have also ruled that students deserve public school educations regardless of immigration status (Plyer v Doe). Obviously that gets into a hot button political issue. If it comes to it, it would be appropriate for school employees to quash certain conservative rhetoric about immigration as threatening toward immigrant classmates. (Again, certain rhetoric.)

There is a difference between stating one's beliefs and pushing those beliefs just like there's a difference between teaching how to think (critical thinking skills) and what to think (specific beliefs).

(Speaking of taxpayer funded positions, as long as public schools are funded by tax dollars, as they should be, there will always be an inherently political element to them.)
Thanks for the links. No one said ever
Agreed. Liberal students freak out over conservative guest speakers. Full stop.

And conservative students freak out over liberal professors.

Those may not be equivalent things, but the freaking out is: both are emotionally compromised and exaggerated. Again, I doubt you'll concede anything here because you're rigid.
What you fail to acknowledge is that 90% of professors are Leftist. My dear beloved Dr Locke was the only conservative prof I had and he told me point blank theydve never hired me today. They’re weeding out all faculty with opposing view points and you’re a liar and fraud if you’re not willing to at least concede that obvious, basic point
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I did a little deeper digging. (Don't worry; it was fun.) There's a link in the article to the rankings themselves.
Here are some numbers:
* Conservatives and liberals agree on 7 of the top 10, 18 of the top 20, and all of the bottom 7, in some order.
* 32 of the 45 (remember, Grover Cleveland counts twice as both the 22nd and 24th President) were ranked within 3 spots of each other, from conservatives to liberals.
* More recent Presidents had the biggest disparity in ranking from one group to the next. In reverse order, with the difference in parentheses: Biden (17), Trump (just 2), Obama (7), GW Bush (14), Clinton (just 2, but w/ conservatives ranking him better!), GHW Bush (11), Reagan (12), Carter (just 1, w/ both in the top 20!), Ford (just 3), Nixon (6), LBJ (5).
* From LBJ, you have to skip the four before him back to Hoover, and right before him, Coolidge, to get a difference greater than 3 (6 each).
* From Coolidge -- the 30th President -- you have to go all the way back to Garfield -- the 20th President -- to find the next difference higher than three (9).
* Of the first 19 Presidents, only Grant at #18 was higher than 4 (6), and only Van Buren at #8 and Jackson at #7 were as high as that.

A few observations, then...
* It would be easy to conclude that we're living in more polarized times than any time in US history at least since the Civil War. I tend to agree, but not because of these numbers. I'm guessing it's more due to how things settle over time. Like, 50 years from now, those same discrepancies probably will have shrunk some. GW Bush has already risen from last place among liberals at the time he left office to 32nd. I suspect he might climb another spot or 3, and he may drop a few from 18th for conservatives. Truman went from pretty unpopular at the time he left office to top 10. Wilson has dropped from the top 10 to 15th or 16th and I suspect he will continue to drop sharply. Neither Eisenhower nor LBJ were anywhere near the top 10 when I was a kid.
* Y'all are speaking from emotion and recency bias when you claim Biden is the worst ever ever ever by far, and that Obama is the next worst ever ever ever by far. Conservative scholars -- scholars, mind you, not message board keyboard warriors and social media blowhards -- rank Biden 30th, 13 spots above where they themselves rank Trump. (I'm not sure where I would rank Biden, but I suspect it would be closer to 30th than the 13th liberals have him at in this study.)
* You can disagree with any or all of these rankings. I certainly disagree with many. You're a hypocrite and an idiot to question the integrity of the people participating and compiling them... when all you do is trot out your spoon-fed rightwing talking points about mainstream media and socialist educators. Show your receipts or shut up or just keep announcing your idiocy to the world as is. If this were a proverbial d***-measuring contest, they just lay their junk out on the table while you cover your crotches in shame and back away claiming you're bigger. Show. Your. Work. (Proverbially).
Clown show. Sorry no links
You really don't know me. I could tell you stories about how I'm the voice of reason speaking up against adding language about social and racial justice to the preamble of a certain group's constitution, or advising the room against ousting amiable school board members who break from our opinion on very few, select issues. Well, I guess I just gave you a summary; I doubt you'll believe me anyway.

But also, that's just a stupid, unfounded claim. There's no actual way to prove it either way unless liberals DO become the norm here, and there's no risk of that. So you're making up something negative without evidence. That's illogical, stupid, bad faith, and really immature. You're so rigid and intellectually insecure you project your fears onto us.
Immature, stupid, rigid. We’ve heard it all before At least Durham has the good sense to take a break every now and then, but good Lord you’re just pitiful
Irrelevant that he dropped two atomic bombs, killed thousands of civilians, and left these places unliveable for generations? You’ll defend Demorats no matter what? Good little sheep Baah baah
If we're talking about the pre-Super Bowl NFL championship of 1957, President Truman's decision to drop two atomic bombs is irrelevant. Would you agree? Or is that somehow an insult to the thousands of civilians killed there, too, snowflake? Killing all those Japanese citizens was bad, mkay? Happy?

Which part of "Many scholars now disagree that he truly needed to drop the bombs..." is my defending Democrats?
I accept the factual facty fact of the Great Party switch, which happened after Truman, so any current party affiliation is irrelevant.
Ah the “ I used to beat my wife a lot but I didn’t mean it” argument. Do you hear yourself?
I hear myself not saying anything you just put between quotation marks, yes.

Again, you're just looking for a fight where there is none to be had.
Thanks for the links. No one said ever
You imply it every time you go into a rant about what's wrong with public schools today. The truth is, you have no actual clue, and all it takes is for me to rain knowledge down on your head for you to duck and run for cover mumbling "no one said ever..."
What you fail to acknowledge is that 90% of professors are Leftist. My dear beloved Dr Locke was the only conservative prof I had and he told me point blank theydve never hired me today. They’re weeding out all faculty with opposing view points and you’re a liar and fraud if you’re not willing to at least concede that obvious, basic point
90%? Where did you get that figure? Surely you have a fact to back that up.

Cool anecdotal story about your beloved Dr. Locke. I once saw a professor who walked around with no shoes. How kooky! lol

As terrified as I am of being labeled a liar and fraud by someone so emotionally compromised as you, I'll wait on receipts. Until then, I'll stick w/ my opinion (repeat, opinion, which I will not pretend is fact) that as society evolves, certain people become obsolete primarily due to their own stubbornness, not their political values.
Immature, stupid, rigid. We’ve heard it all before At least Durham has the good sense to take a break every now and then, but good Lord you’re just pitiful
I think you're mistaken. Most of Durham would be pretty consistent in finding the rhetoric you present here immature, stupid, rigid, and illogical (you forgot illogical).

Clown show: Sorry no links
Ah the “ I used to beat my wife a lot but I didn’t mean it” argument. Do you hear yourself?
Not only did Senator Byrd renounce his Klan membership but he dedicated his career to promoting legislation that helped African-Americans, so much so that when he died the NAACP issued a statement lauding his actions over the span of his lifetime. So, if you really want to stick with that ridiculous "beat my wife" analogy, it is really "I beat my wife. Realized how wrong it was and repented by starting a shelter for battered women." Not to mention, I thought you were against cancel culture. But that is what you are engaging in when you bring up Senator Byrd.
After all your complaining about the media hiding Biden's supposed mental decline, will you now do something and demand that they highlight Trump's clear lack of mental fitness to be President, or was this just posturing garbage on your parts?
After all your complaining about the media hiding Biden's supposed mental decline, will you now do something and demand that they highlight Trump's clear lack of mental fitness to be President, or was this just posturing garbage on your parts?
I get it. We're just two weeks from your queen losing to a narcissistic, nazi. So we need to grasp at every straw possible. For as flawed as Trump is, it is strange that the left has to rely on flat out lies and desperate attempts such as in your article, to try and get a last minute boost before election day.
I get it. We're just two weeks from your queen losing to a narcissistic, nazi. So we need to grasp at every straw possible. For as flawed as Trump is, it is strange that the left has to rely on flat out lies and desperate attempts such as in your article, to try and get a last minute boost before election day.
Well, he has behaved weirdly (or is mentioning the size of Arnold Palmer's penis normal for a presidential candidate) and he is supposedly too exhausted to conduct interviews. So what are those flat out lies?
Well, he has behaved weirdly (or is mentioning the size of Arnold Palmer's penis normal for a presidential candidate) and he is supposedly too exhausted to conduct interviews. So what are those flat out lies?
I would definitely prefer my presidential candidate not comment on the size of another man's penis. I don't find it appropriate. But I also don't prefer my presidential candidate to please a penis to get to where they are politically. So I am in a bit of a pickle here. Guess I will just have to stick to who has better policies.

Where are you getting that he is too exhausted to conduct interviews? The man is all over the place. What a stupid accusation.
After all your complaining about the media hiding Biden's supposed mental decline, will you now do something and demand that they highlight Trump's clear lack of mental fitness to be President, or was this just posturing garbage on your parts?
Trump never stops. But even if he has declined some, he’s still 10x sharper than 95% of politicians, and 50x sharper than Ol Joe and the Ho.

You’re really grasping Ol gal.
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Trump never stops. But even if he has declined some, he’s still 10x sharper than 95% of politicians, and 50x sharper than Ol Joe and the Ho.

You’re really grasping Ol gal.
Well even with dementia, he is clearly able to snowball you and the rest of your boyfriends on this site but that is a very low bar. Too low to be president.
Anyone with a brain in 2020 "Joe Biden is suffering from early stage dementia."

Libs. "You're not a doctor."

Libs in 2024. "Trump has dementia."
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Next, she's going to tell us Trump's McDonald’s gig was a stunt and that he was never a tight end for the Pittsburgh Steelers.
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Not only did Senator Byrd renounce his Klan membership but he dedicated his career to promoting legislation that helped African-Americans, so much so that when he died the NAACP issued a statement lauding his actions over the span of his lifetime. So, if you really want to stick with that ridiculous "beat my wife" analogy, it is really "I beat my wife. Realized how wrong it was and repented by starting a shelter for battered women." Not to mention, I thought you were against cancel culture. But that is what you are engaging in when you bring up Senator Byrd.
Being “against cancel culture” and pointing out the Left only cancels Republicans are two entirely different things. Once the Dem Party became immersed in identity politics, it may have been simply necessary for Byrd to kiss the ring of the powerbrokers. I don’t know what was in the man’s heart and neither do you The NAACP hasn’t been relevant in decades
Being “against cancel culture” and pointing out the Left only cancels Republicans are two entirely different things. Once the Dem Party became immersed in identity politics, it may have been simply necessary for Byrd to kiss the ring of the powerbrokers. I don’t know what was in the man’s heart and neither do you The NAACP hasn’t been relevant in decades
Byrd was in the Senate long before anyone was talking about cancel culture and the NAACP is relevant today and for most of his career. God forbid you admit you made a judgment based on less than all the facts.
Next, she's going to tell us Trump's McDonald’s gig was a stunt and that he was never a tight end for the Pittsburgh Steelers.
Of course it was a stunt. It would have been a stunt had Kamala done it as well. I can’t quite tell if you are joking or serious about that AI generated picture of him in a Steeler’s shirt so I will refrain from commenting on that.
I never said “ you are not a doctor” and plenty of people have been complaining about his cognitive decline for months. Finally the MSM has stopped protecting him snd is reporting this.
Do you think the MSM has been protecting Trump? You are beyond delusional
Byrd was in the Senate long before anyone was talking about cancel culture and the NAACP is relevant today and for most of his career. God forbid you admit you made a judgment based on less than all the facts.
I’m done commenting on a Klan member who only had a change of heart re: Black people when it became politically expedient to do so
Since you all insist you don’t bother with MSM, how precisely do you have an opinion on this?
This is a cop out. Which is very typical of you.

So you repeated Kamala's hilarious claims that Trump has been canceling events because he is exhausted. What do you say about her taking the day off just 14 days before the election? Sleeping off a hangover?
Kamala is in a helluva bind. She needs to be doing interviews, but then when she does, it’s awful.
Even though Ol Joe has never been the sharpest knife in the drawer, and has dealt with mental decline the last 5 plus years, the Ho has no excuse. This broad is just dumb and ignorant.

Nothing is working. Even the black savior, Obama, got his ass handed to him over chastising black men.

The Dems have cheating, so there’s still a good chance.
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Kamala is in a helluva bind. She needs to be doing interviews, but then when she does, it’s awful.
Even though Ol Joe has never been the sharpest knife in the drawer, and has dealt with mental decline the last 5 plus years, the Ho has no excuse. This broad is just dumb and ignorant.

Nothing is working. Even the black savior, Obama, got his ass handed to him over chastising black men.

The Dems have cheating, so there’s still a good chance.
Obama has nerve I’ll give him that. Dude with a white mother, raised by white people in Hawaii, lecturing Black men on what it means to be Black in America Classic
Kamala is in a helluva bind. She needs to be doing interviews, but then when she does, it’s awful.
Even though Ol Joe has never been the sharpest knife in the drawer, and has dealt with mental decline the last 5 plus years, the Ho has no excuse. This broad is just dumb and ignorant.

Nothing is working. Even the black savior, Obama, got his ass handed to him over chastising black men.

The Dems have cheating, so there’s still a good chance.
The Dems have worked overtime for the past four years to stigmatize anyone who challenges a Pres election so that makes me nervous.
Since you all insist you don’t bother with MSM, how precisely do you have an opinion on this?
Clips of delusional idiots calling Trump Hitler and fascist on a daily basis on CNN, The View, and MSNBC among others are all over YouTube and Facebook
Clips of delusional idiots calling Trump Hitler and fascist on a daily basis on CNN, The View, and MSNBC among others are all over YouTube and Facebook
Her source is Hillary Clinton. Hilldogg said recently that the media hasn't been doing their job by giving negative press on Trump. Like @Mac9192 has said, the delusion is strong with these people. The perpetrators in the media know exactly what they're doing. They are spoon feeding a class of people who are insanely loyal to their progressive news sources, knowing that they won't question anything they tell them. The minority news outlets are called conspiracy theorists and somehow become the crazy ones.
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