This is one of the most comical, hypocritical, lying through your teeth posts I’ve seen to date. You’d do well I’m politics. Twist and put words in peoples mouths and walk back or make up shit as you go. Classic. For the record I didn’t bring up the Holocaust because that’s not what we are talking about, you brought it up. I correctly brought up the authoritarian measures that the Biden administration is implementing. The same one that just 10 months ago said they’d never do because it was not constitutional and not the role of the government. Biden, Psaki, Nancy, they all said exactly that. What. Happened? Surely you won’t cal them all what they are which is power hungry liars that don’t even abide by their own “talk down to average citizen rhetoric.” How many examples are enough of them breaking their own “rules” before you admit they’re completely Full of shit?
The more control you give govt the more they’ll take and the less you’ll ever get back. Guess who’s taught us that!? HISTORY. Being the historian you are you should know that though.
Where do these mandates work? LA? Australia? New Zealand? Vermont? Germany? Sweden? Pick a place. County. State. Country. I’m game. Because guess what they have been proven not to work time and time again in the last two years.
But it’s always someone else’s fault right? It’s the “unvaccinated” it’s the unmasked! It’s the kids! It’s the evil trump supporters.
It’s definitely not Cuomo, Murphy, governors of PA, MI and so I’m that forced sick people into nursing homes, the most vulnerable populations, killing thousands. Nope definitely not their fault. And it’s definitely not Fauxi, who said today he’s not responsible at all! The same guy who’s killing beagles. Who do you side with there? Your friends at PETA or Tony?