The New Lounge

The fact that you think that any comparison to any portion of the Holocaust is permissible tells me that you and KD and everyone else who is going to jump down my throat really don't understand what is going on now, don't seem to comprehend the depth of the horror of the Holocaust, or how offensive that comparison is, so yes I think that a certain amount of education is in order.
I have been pretty consistent in my belief that mandates should be enforced and that masks work. You don't like that fine but actually mandates are working. As for calling people Nazis, i do not believe that term should be thrown around and until Trump started forcibly separating migrants (who btw were attempting to enter this country legally) from their children, I consistently told my friends that he was not a Nazi and he should not be referred to that way. Your comments and the comments of others bringing up the tattoos are simply beyond the pale of any human decency and while I know you won't, you should be ashamed of yourself.
Oh Durham you have hit one way off into the woods haven’t you? While you’re looking for your ball take comfort in this: you’re probably not evil just a washed out ideologue like Dattier who has been busy grading papers since Labor Day
Great question. I was referring to the Covid/quarantine internment camps that have been suggested in westernized countries such as New Zealand and Australia since last fall. My point is, when are people going to stop being so naive to say- “oh well all we have to do is X, and that’s it and we’ll be back to normal.”

That. Never. Happens. Never ever ever in the history of civilized culture has the govt ever relinquished control once it’s been given to them. And if you think that this administration is stopping once you’re at 100% vaccination your crazy. Masks aren’t going anywhere. Boosters are right around the corner and children will be mandated by end of February or March guaranteed.

This has zero to do with public health and I honestly hope you realize that.
timo, you asked me earlier if I knew you were being facetious. As you and I both know, I've already answered that question. I also understand why you asked me that. My dead pan simple minded description of a horrible period in time came across as missing your point. When in fact, it was purposeful for the useful idiots that still don't get it. And man, did they chime in, in perfect timing. LMFAO...

Forgot to add.... LGBFJB!
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timo, you asked me earlier if I knew you were being facetious. As you and I both know, I've already answered that question. I also understand why you asked me that. My dead pan simple minded description of a horrible period in time came across as missing your point. When in fact, it was purposeful for the useful idiots that still don't get it. And man, did they chime in, in perfect timing. LMFAO...

Forgot to add.... LGBFJB!
It must be frustrating to be so much smarter than everyone around you . You’re like Edison or Steve Jobs!!!
The fact that you think that any comparison to any portion of the Holocaust is permissible tells me that you and KD and everyone else who is going to jump down my throat really don't understand what is going on now, don't seem to comprehend the depth of the horror of the Holocaust, or how offensive that comparison is, so yes I think that a certain amount of education is in order.
I have been pretty consistent in my belief that mandates should be enforced and that masks work. You don't like that fine but actually mandates are working. As for calling people Nazis, i do not believe that term should be thrown around and until Trump started forcibly separating migrants (who btw were attempting to enter this country legally) from their children, I consistently told my friends that he was not a Nazi and he should not be referred to that way. Your comments and the comments of others bringing up the tattoos are simply beyond the pale of any human decency and while I know you won't, you should be ashamed of yourself.
Delusions and lies. Typical
Delusions and lies. Typical
When your first instinct is to always be offended you have to justify why you’re offended, even if that means making stretch Armstrong assumptions and accusations and trying to cast the other person as some hateful bigot.

Problem with that is many, but really it’s when you don’t have facts, logic and data to counter logically, you resort to making things up or defamation on someone’s character to prop up what you want to believe is true.

What we know is true, is we went from 15 days to slow the spread to fining private corporations up to six figures for non compliance on a vaccine mandate. A vaccine that doesn’t prevent the contraction nor spread of the virus. We chastise anyone who dares suggest natural immunity or any other therapeutics or drug treatments that aren’t the “vaccine.” We know who and what the virus attacks and harms the most, yet we are punishing children by masking them up and soon forcing a vaccine they neither need or deserve. We know people with comorbidities such as fat butt disease, as Darryl from the Office calls it, are at serious risk, yet we don’t tell them to eat healthier or begin an exercise regiment to lower their risk of serious harm. No, we just attack each other and how dare you even question it.

That’s not science. That’s not data. That’s not logic. It’s sick and it’s deliberate.
When your first instinct is to always be offended you have to justify why you’re offended, even if that means making stretch Armstrong assumptions and accusations and trying to cast the other person as some hateful bigot.

Problem with that is many, but really it’s when you don’t have facts, logic and data to counter logically, you resort to making things up or defamation on someone’s character to prop up what you want to believe is true.

What we know is true, is we went from 15 days to slow the spread to fining private corporations up to six figures for non compliance on a vaccine mandate. A vaccine that doesn’t prevent the contraction nor spread of the virus. We chastise anyone who dares suggest natural immunity or any other therapeutics or drug treatments that aren’t the “vaccine.” We know who and what the virus attacks and harms the most, yet we are punishing children by masking them up and soon forcing a vaccine they neither need or deserve. We know people with comorbidities such as fat butt disease, as Darryl from the Office calls it, are at serious risk, yet we don’t tell them to eat healthier or begin an exercise regiment to lower their risk of serious harm. No, we just attack each other and how dare you even question it.

That’s not science. That’s not data. That’s not logic. It’s sick and it’s deliberate.
At first. I was going to say that they THINK we are stupid. But we aren't stupid enough to believe this kind of deliberate lie.

But then I realized that we, as a collective group, ARE stupid.I mean, look who we allowed to run our country. Ruin our country, I should say.

Some people just love being ruled by the government that is supposed to work for them. I prefer we stay an independent nation myself.
At first. I was going to say that they THINK we are stupid. But we aren't stupid enough to believe this kind of deliberate lie.

But then I realized that we, as a collective group, ARE stupid.I mean, look who we allowed to run our country. Ruin our country, I should say.

Some people just love being ruled by the government that is supposed to work for them. I prefer we stay an independent nation myself.
I don’t know if they think we are stupid. It’s possible. I personally just don’t think they give a shit. They’ll shove this agenda so far down your throat you’ll have no choice. Meanwhile we have what 10M plus jobs open? CNN and MSNBC telling us this will be the most expensive Thanksgiving ever. I should have saved some of my hot dogs and burgers from July 4th when I saved 16 cents.
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This is the kind of mental illness the left has created. Kudos to the pilot for saying what he said.

I think its a parody....couple of things tip it off....the plane, the destination ( you have to be vaxxed to get into the UK), no insignia on the pilot or the flight attendant and the calm demeanour of every one except the loon....that said, we are right there at the moment...pitting the logical against the illogical/emotional.
I think its a parody....couple of things tip it off....the plane, the destination ( you have to be vaxxed to get into the UK), no insignia on the pilot or the flight attendant and the calm demeanour of every one except the loon....that said, we are right there at the moment...pitting the logical against the illogical/emotional.
Wouldn't surprise me, I guess. Everything is fake. But I thought the UK gave up on the vaccine passport?
They know many aren’t dumb, but there is an overflow of dumb people. People like durhamgolfer, datt, and a few others on here. They are in that large group of dipshits that as long as their side says it, or denies it, that’s good enough for them.

Follow the science my ass. Follow the money.

I wonder how many of our elected officials are prospering $$ with the companies making the vaccines.
They know many aren’t dumb, but there is an overflow of dumb people. People like durhamgolfer, datt, and a few others on here. They are in that large group of dipshits that as long as their side says it, or denies it, that’s good enough for them.

Follow the science my ass. Follow the money.

I wonder how many of our elected officials are prospering $$ with the companies making the vaccines.
Every damn one of them!
Meanwhile a covid therapy pill quietly was approved in UK yesterday. It’ll be possibly reviewed here by December but no rush as once that’s approved, the children EUA jab would be sidelined. Sickening.
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It's like they're looking for new ways to poke holes in the ship so that it sinks faster...

This is the absolute worst Pres/VP admin in history.
The senile puppet and the cackling fool. Enough to make you think it’s Halloween year round, I mean without the fun parts
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The fact that you think that any comparison to any portion of the Holocaust is permissible tells me that you and KD and everyone else who is going to jump down my throat really don't understand what is going on now, don't seem to comprehend the depth of the horror of the Holocaust, or how offensive that comparison is, so yes I think that a certain amount of education is in order.
I have been pretty consistent in my belief that mandates should be enforced and that masks work. You don't like that fine but actually mandates are working. As for calling people Nazis, i do not believe that term should be thrown around and until Trump started forcibly separating migrants (who btw were attempting to enter this country legally) from their children, I consistently told my friends that he was not a Nazi and he should not be referred to that way. Your comments and the comments of others bringing up the tattoos are simply beyond the pale of any human decency and while I know you won't, you should be ashamed of yourself.
I think you are an attorney so please answer a question for me.If an American citizen is arrested do they get separated from their children? Is so why do aliens breaking our laws by illegally entering our country merit special consideration.Please don’t try to tell me that they are leaving their country in fear of their lives because most of them say they are coming here to have a better life.I understand and sympathize with this but does mitigate the fact that they need to come here legally
I think you are an attorney so please answer a question for me.If an American citizen is arrested do they get separated from their children? Is so why do aliens breaking our laws by illegally entering our country merit special consideration.Please don’t try to tell me that they are leaving their country in fear of their lives because most of them say they are coming here to have a better life.I understand and sympathize with this but does mitigate the fact that they need to come here legally
You are correct that when a defendant can't make bail or is convicted of a crime and receives a jail sentence, he/she gets separated from the children. BUT and this is a pretty big but, the defendant does not get to that place until he is accorded due process AND again a big and, there are provisions for visiting. They may be hard for relatives to get to the prisons, which raises another set of problems, but those provisions are in place. Here, first of all, the immigrants were attempting to enter legally as they were going to seek asylum. Trump was supposed to have a border crossing at the border so that they could announce that before they got into the country. He acted in violation of international norms, so a large part of this crises was on him. Also, the immigrants had no due process at all. Just ICE guards taking these kids away with no provision, not just for visiting, but so they could be reunited easily with their families.
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They weren't seeking asylum. They were attempting to use asylum as a loophole to cut in line ahead of the people who were actually trying to come here legally. The majority of them were caught crossing the border illegally and then claimed asylum. International norm is that asylum seekers seek asylum in the first peaceful country. Mexico offered all of them asylum, but they turned them down and continued their illegal pursuit to overwhelm our border. There really is no other way to look at this while being honest at the same time. These families knew they were going to be separated. Some families even sent their children with strangers. Some of the children were kidnapped. They were at far greater danger on their trek to the United States than they were ever put in while here. It's all sensationalized bullshit from the usual crowd.
They weren't seeking asylum. They were attempting to use asylum as a loophole to cut in line ahead of the people who were actually trying to come here legally. The majority of them were caught crossing the border illegally and then claimed asylum. International norm is that asylum seekers seek asylum in the first peaceful country. Mexico offered all of them asylum, but they turned them down and continued their illegal pursuit to overwhelm our border. There really is no other way to look at this while being honest at the same time. These families knew they were going to be separated. Some families even sent their children with strangers. Some of the children were kidnapped. They were at far greater danger on their trek to the United States than they were ever put in while here. It's all sensationalized bullshit from the usual crowd.
I guess if you think that taking their children away from them is sensationalized bullshit, there really is no point continuing the discussion.
You are correct that when a defendant can't make bail or is convicted of a crime and receives a jail sentence, he/she gets separated from the children. BUT and this is a pretty big but, the defendant does not get to that place until he is accorded due process AND again a big and, there are provisions for visiting. They may be hard for relatives to get to the prisons, which raises another set of problems, but those provisions are in place. Here, first of all, the immigrants were attempting to enter legally as they were going to seek asylum. Trump was supposed to have a border crossing at the border so that they could announce that before they got into the country. He acted in violation of international norms, so a large part of this crises was on him. Also, the immigrants had no due process at all. Just ICE guards taking these kids away with no provision, not just for visiting, but so they could be reunited easily with their families.
My understanding of seeking asylum is that you must be in fear of your life if you remain in your country.Correct if I am wrong about this basic fact.As a previous poster said anyone seeking asylum must stay in the first free country they get too .Since the majority of people coming to our say they are coming to our country say they want to better themselves economically doesn’t that make them guilty of breaking our laws.If that is correct why doesn’t our border police have the right to place them under arrest?Going back to my original point any American citizen placed under arrest is separated from his family
My understanding of seeking asylum is that you must be in fear of your life if you remain in your country.Correct if I am wrong about this basic fact.As a previous poster said anyone seeking asylum must stay in the first free country they get too .Since the majority of people coming to our say they are coming to our country say they want to better themselves economically doesn’t that make them guilty of breaking our laws.If that is correct why doesn’t our border police have the right to place them under arrest?Going back to my original point any American citizen placed under arrest is separated from his family
I explained that part to you about family separation.
safe third country asylum is negotiated between the countries. In 2018, there was no such agreement between the US and Mexico.
safe third country asylum is negotiated between the countries. In 2018, there was no such agreement between the US and Mexico.
You are wrong. There does not need to be an agreement between US and Mexico. You seek asylum in the first peaceful country. They refused Mexico's asylum because seeking asylum was never their intention.
I guess if you think that taking their children away from them is sensationalized bullshit, there really is no point continuing the discussion.
This is stupid. You and all the other fraudulent libs sensationalize everything. It's not the separation of children that is the sensationalized bullshit, it's who and what you loons blame it on. The reason you want to act like it is me that makes it so there is no point in continuing the conversation is because you never have any intentions of having an honest conversation. You won't respond to anything except what forms your own narrative. It's what makes you a grossly partisan hack.
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You are wrong. There does not need to be an agreement between US and Mexico. You seek asylum in the first peaceful country. They refused Mexico's asylum because seeking asylum was never their intention.
Ok. I did some research on this before I posted. If you can show me where you got your info from that would be good.
not an easy issue to discuss as its emotional for some....however, the use of asylum is being broadened to accommodate those who just wish a better life than the one afforded to them in their own country.
The origins of asylum provisions are simple-
Why was the US asylum system originally created?

Initially, it was developed to “address the needs of thousands of children in Southeast Asia” who were displaced due to civil unrest and economic problems resulting from the aftermath of the Vietnam War

Its now being adopted for anyone fleeing a third world impoverished country looking to improve their opportunity. Not the intended use case. Unfortunate for those fleeing but we cannot take all the worlds poor....its unsustainable
Ok. I did some research on this before I posted. If you can show me where you got your info from that would be good.
Lol. Not doing your homework for you. Maybe if you didn't just ignore 90% of the conversation. What percentage of those people do you think are actually seeking asylum and not using that as a loophole to cut in line? Why don't you care about the parents putting their children in danger by making that trek where women and children are routinely kidnapped and used as sex slaves or ransom leverage? Why weren't you outraged about it in 2011 or 2012 or 2013 or 2014 or 2015 or 2016? Why was it 2017 that you became outraged and in 2021 your outraged is gone again? Because it is sensationalized bullshit.
Silicon Valley entrepreneur claims Gavin Newsom developed Bell's Palsy from his booster shot. Says he's 90% certain about it.

Anonymously sourced, so take it with a big grain of salt.
Lol. Not doing your homework for you. Maybe if you didn't just ignore 90% of the conversation. What percentage of those people do you think are actually seeking asylum and not using that as a loophole to cut in line? Why don't you care about the parents putting their children in danger by making that trek where women and children are routinely kidnapped and used as sex slaves or ransom leverage? Why weren't you outraged about it in 2011 or 2012 or 2013 or 2014 or 2015 or 2016? Why was it 2017 that you became outraged and in 2021 your outraged is gone again? Because it is sensationalized bullshit.
Your cutting the line comment is nonsensical and demonstrates that you actually don't know what you are talking about. I thought as much at first but decided I would give you the benefit of the doubt. Always nice to be proved correct.
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