The New Lounge

Your cutting the line comment is nonsensical and demonstrates that you actually don't know what you are talking about. I thought as much at first but decided I would give you the benefit of the doubt. Always nice to be proved correct.
It's exactly what they're doing. And here you go again, refusing to actually address the issues.
Let's see. There is a process to entering the United States for extended stays. Whether it be for residency, work or time with family. This process requires files to be filled out and approvals to be made. There is an argument to be made that this process takes longer than it should or that not enough applicants are being approved. That's another subject. So this is the theoretical line. When people skip these processes and go straight to the sneaking in and if they get caught, claiming asylum, this is clearly them cutting in line making even harder for people who are doing it the right way gain entry.
Your cutting the line comment is nonsensical and demonstrates that you actually don't know what you are talking about. I thought as much at first but decided I would give you the benefit of the doubt. Always nice to be proved correct.
So you seeing it one way (as compared to everyone else who sees it differently) means you’ve been proven correct? Interesting logic 😂
Hey, you’ve gotta give @SDevada credit, she’s loyal to her communist beliefs, trying to hang in here and refute us. The rest of the Marxists, @Dattier @Crest is Garbage @Jtre gave up a while ago. Then again, Dattier may be on a self-imposed mental health vacation.
Y’all are flirting with professionals. A pluck here and there, creatively, whatever fits their narrative, professional idiots . Good luck trying to swayem to the good guys😂
Still avoiding the question of how an illegal aliens breaking the law and getting separated from their family differs from an American getting arrested being separated from their family
It’s a sham. It’s always been a sham If 70% of poor Mexicans and Central Americans voted Republican they would beef up border security If 50 % did they would be indifferent. They pander to whatever extent necessary to gain votes. As far as this separation narrative, it’s a farce too If you’re waiting for an answer from the treasonous socialists on this board better pack a lunch
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Still avoiding the question of how an illegal aliens breaking the law and getting separated from their family differs from an American getting arrested being separated from their family
Well, if answering a question directly is avoiding it, then fine but I gave you a precise answer to your precise question.
I don’t know if they think we are stupid. It’s possible. I personally just don’t think they give a shit. They’ll shove this agenda so far down your throat you’ll have no choice. Meanwhile we have what 10M plus jobs open? CNN and MSNBC telling us this will be the most expensive Thanksgiving ever. I should have saved some of my hot dogs and burgers from July 4th when I saved 16 cents.
Maybe not stupid maybe so. But they clearly think they have the moral high ground on every issue. This is clear in what they say what they do and the way they talk down to half the country which I hope soon is 55% of the country at the rate they’re going
It’s a sham. It’s always been a sham If 70% of poor Mexicans and Central Americans voted Republican they would beef up border security If 50 % did they would be indifferent. They pander to whatever extent necessary to gain votes. As far as this separation narrative, it’s a farce too If you’re waiting for an answer from the treasonous socialists on this board better pack a lunch
"treasonous socialists"? really? talk about farces.
"treasonous socialists"? really? talk about farces.
You’re willing to sell our country down the river by letting millions of uneducated Third Worlders in here. Major tax drain but you think it helps y’all win elections. News flash: Hispanics or Latinx or whatever you’re calling them this week are waking up Ps your ball is in the woods again. Better take another penalty Play for the double bogey so you’ll keep your score under 100 this time So we’ve addressed the treasonous part. Now for the socialist part: please. Quit denying the obvious
You’re willing to sell our country down the river by letting millions of uneducated Third Worlders in here. Major tax drain but you think it helps y’all win elections. News flash: Hispanics or Latinx or whatever you’re calling them this week are waking up Ps your ball is in the woods again. Better take another penalty Play for the double bogey so you’ll keep your score under 100 this time So we’ve addressed the treasonous part. Now for the socialist part: please. Quit denying the obvious
God your golf analogies are boring., let alone ridiculous And your reading comp needs help too. Nowhere have I ever advocated open borders. Your description of what you think I believe does reek of racism as well. I also have no idea where you get that I am a socialist, although people in this country do tend to use that word incorrectly. Pretty much you are wrong about everything. But carry on, it is fairly amusing.
God your golf analogies are boring., let alone ridiculous And your reading comp needs help too. Nowhere have I ever advocated open borders. Your description of what you think I believe does reek of racism as well. I also have no idea where you get that I am a socialist, although people in this country do tend to use that word incorrectly. Pretty much you are wrong about everything. But carry on, it is fairly amusing.
I ignore most of your drivel but will respond to the comment about open borders. You libs keep saying you’re against open borders but your actions belie otherwise I know must people in this country don’t know what a socialist is. There’s the stock in trade of a liberal: self righteous condescension. Let’s get down to brass tacks: you spent a little too much time on the 19th hole today didn’t you desdemona? Or whatever your other name is.
It’s hard to watch someone when they get the yips. Best to take one hard look and move on
Did anyone see the senile puppet attempt to introduce the bucks today? God he’s embarrassing. Camel toe would be even worse. She can’t use age as an excuse. The best the Dem Party has to offer ladies and gentlemen
God your golf analogies are boring., let alone ridiculous And your reading comp needs help too. Nowhere have I ever advocated open borders. Your description of what you think I believe does reek of racism as well. I also have no idea where you get that I am a socialist, although people in this country do tend to use that word incorrectly. Pretty much you are wrong about everything. But carry on, it is fairly amusing.
Oops there it is. Disagree with what’s said drop the race card. It’s not gonna shut us up anymore. It may have worked with that coward Romney but it’s tired and predictable like everything else you post
God your golf analogies are boring., let alone ridiculous And your reading comp needs help too. Nowhere have I ever advocated open borders. Your description of what you think I believe does reek of racism as well. I also have no idea where you get that I am a socialist, although people in this country do tend to use that word incorrectly. Pretty much you are wrong about everything. But carry on, it is fairly amusing.
Just like people use racism incorrectly as well?
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Just like people use racism incorrectly as well?
Being the liberal that she is, I bet all of her lost balls are found miraculously in the first cut of rough. I’ll retire the golf metaphors Durham if you promise not to play the race card for an entire week
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You guys watching the game? Cheerleaders are immune to covid, masks aren’t needed for them 😂
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Glad to see @Showenuff is back to beat anyone he doesn’t like up! Hopefully midget man comes over here to keep blabbering down he doesn’t ruin more game threads. We already know ol’ Sky is bored in retirement so he’ll keep up his stat counter. It’s the highlight of his day so we should just all embrace it 😀
Glad to see @Showenuff is back to beat anyone he doesn’t like up! Hopefully midget man comes over here to keep blabbering down he doesn’t ruin more game threads. We already know ol’ Sky is bored in retirement so he’ll keep up his stat counter. It’s the highlight of his day so we should just all embrace it 😀
sky's dad is one of the most respected and liked posters to have ever been in this forum, and for anyone to come in just to talk shit about him just shows exactly what you are all about. You are seriously pathetic. And who are you calling "we"? I rarely see anyone side with you on anything here. You can come back with whatever silly reply you like. I'm not not arguing with someone who would stoop so low as to make fun of or talk trash about good people. Not worth my time and your opinion of me, or anyone else isn't worth the data you use typing it.....Socal was a lot more interesting
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sky's dad is one of the most respected and liked posters to have ever been in this forum, and for anyone to come in just to talk shit about him just shows exactly what you are all about. You are seriously pathetic. And who are you calling "we"? I rarely see anyone side with you on anything here. You can come back with whatever silly reply you like. I'm not not arguing with someone who would stoop so low as to make fun of or talk trash about good people. Not worth my time and your opinion of me, or anyone else isn't worth the data you use typing it.....Socal was a lot more interesting
Are you still riding my sack? Wow man, let it go. And I’m good with sky - didn’t know a little fun poking wasn’t allowed. When did the rules change, Fuhrer? When did you change names, anyways? Scared to admit your previous handle I guess?

and we are here for “friend counts”? I bet you love Facebook then lol. I see @bleediteveryday30 liked your post. The same person who had a melt down over us picking on Biden IIRC 😂

what is interesting is that I talk to a handful of people here via phone and text. A couple warned me about you but I said you seemed cool, but now I see what they’re talking about. Yikes. Now fire back with some tough guy reply (a page from @Showenuff book) and I’ll put you on ignore. Some people are fun to mess with, but sadly you’re not 😘
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The good news is that when you spend trillions of dollars on infrastructure it doesn’t affect the value of the dollar whatsoever. Jen circle back says so Joe could not be reached for comment. Camela just cackled
Speaking of Rittenhouse, did any of you catch the clip of Geraldo on The Five? This dipshit was saying the OK 👌🏼 sign was used by Rittenhouse as a symbol of supremacy. They pummeled his sorry ass.

What a loser.
This clown is just as ignorant as the message board warriors who formed their opinions based on feelings without taking a second to look at the facts in an objective manner. Add him to the lawsuit.

The sad thing is, loss of life is tragic whether it is justified by law or not. After watching the videos that were presented in court, it appears that Rosenbaum was angry at a man in a similar green shirt that Rittenhouse was wearing that night. Apparently that man had lifted his rifle towards Rosenbaum before the people he was with scolded him and shoved him away from Rosenbaum. It makes total sense that Rosenbaum mistook Rittenhouse for this other man and that's why he chased him. If this is the case, which I believe it is, then that was a mistake that ended his life. Not much sympathy for a man who rapes children though.

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