I try not to post here. To me it's a sad forum that helped ruin this community, one that used to be the best there was. You guys post at the hoops forum , but this section has separated you. Made you hate the other half. Creating this forum was one of Rivals biggest mistakes, that and not allowing Mods to take out the trash. Still in all, I'm a right is right, wrong is wrong kind of guy. I hate that the left is twisting that. I hate the new way, which is, if enough people do the wrong thing it becomes okay. However , I have a young daughter. If a man walks into the bathroom with her, I will give him a chance to leave. One. Then yes, I would perform what is known as assault and battery, Severe. Call me Dirty Harry, Jean Claude Van Dam or whatever other clever comeback ya may have but sooner or later folks find out there are people who don't put up with your shit, and not just behind a keyboard. I hate where America is heading. It really is a sad time. We've lost respect. For our elders. For our neighbors. For our country and for our flag. Sad time.