
The gift that keeps giving...

Former UNC basketball player PJ Hairston arrested in Wrightsville Beach

Former UNC basketball player P.J. Hairston was arrested Wednesday afternoon in Wrightsville Beach for outstanding warrants.

Wrightsville Beach Police Chief Dan House said Hairston, 24, of Greensboro, was arrested for outstanding warrants in Orange County for “harassing communications.”
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Somehow missed this wacky-azz rationalization from unx'ers to explain decades of cheating. For those who don't know , the NC Board of Governors has long been over-stocked with unx alums...and , unfortunately , those beholding to unx interests. Anyway , the mix on the board should be way more equitable. Even State has few alums representing them. unx has most of the seats an ya gotta figure any ASU or ECU etc grads are gonna be lookin' out for the "flagship." Back in the day , this "august" chamber formed the Poole Commission and added MORE sanctions to Valvano and State...sanctions BEYOND what the NCAA handed down. Needless to say , there's been no "Poole Commissions" formed to get the holes into line. Go figure. That said...

Here’s most likely outcome of the NCAA’s unending investigation of UNC scandal

What would have happened if, say, five or six years ago the Tar Heels said: “Look, we cheated. We’re guilty, OK? We ran sham classes in the African and Afro-American Studies Dept. We steered athletes there.What would have happened if, say, five or six years ago the Tar Heels said: “Look, we cheated. We’re guilty, OK? We ran sham classes in the African and Afro-American Studies Dept. We steered athletes there.

Instead, the Tar Heels have fought the NCAA, and their fate likely will be decided late this summer. If the NCAA imposes major penalties, penalties that will make it rough for North Carolina’s athletic program to successfully compete, what will the Tar Heels do?

Will they say, “All right, OK, you got us, and we have enacted standards that guarantee that this will never happen again?” Or do they say, “We’re not the ones who lack institutional control. Your are. The NCAA is. You don’t even follow your own rules. You want to slap us down? We’ll slap you back. See you in court.”

The summer usually provides a break from sports. This one won’t, at least not in Chapel Hill.
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Andrew Carter is unx's beat writer. Reporting on perceived conflict of interest concerns between unx and the NCAA , he makes zero mention of another , much more significant , conflict...the one involving a unx alum being the commissioner of the ACC. OR , the conflict involving that commissioner being unx's AD during much of the scandal years. Unreal...

John Swofford addresses concerns about Greg Sankey, UNC case

Responding to a question about conflict-of-interest concerns in North Carolina’s ongoing NCAA investigation, ACC Commissioner John Swofford said on Thursday that peer review has been part of the NCAA’s investigative process for “a long, long time.”

“I think forever,” Swofford said, speaking at the conclusion of the ACC’s annual spring meetings. “I’ve been around a long time, but not that long.”
Andrew Carter is unx's beat writer. Reporting on perceived conflict of interest concerns between unx and the NCAA , he makes zero mention of another , much more significant , conflict...the one involving a unx alum being the commissioner of the ACC. OR , the conflict involving that commissioner being unx's AD during much of the scandal years. Unreal...

John Swofford addresses concerns about Greg Sankey, UNC case

Responding to a question about conflict-of-interest concerns in North Carolina’s ongoing NCAA investigation, ACC Commissioner John Swofford said on Thursday that peer review has been part of the NCAA’s investigative process for “a long, long time.”

“I think forever,” Swofford said, speaking at the conclusion of the ACC’s annual spring meetings. “I’ve been around a long time, but not that long.”

He's been around long enough to know he was a part of it. He should not be granted immunity or anything else just because he' the ACC commissioner. If fact if he had knowledge of what was going he needs to step down no matter how meant teams he's brought into the ACC and the deal he made with ESPN. Of course none of that will happen and his next job will probably be created just for him as the czar of the NCAA. It's dirty folks. Tons of money and men in power will make sure unc comes out of this smelling like a dozen roses. OFC

#deanknew,johnnyknew,royknew,dickknew,bubbaknowsnowrashadknew,juliusknew,mattknew,billknew. They all knew.
Andrew Carter is unx's beat writer. Reporting on perceived conflict of interest concerns between unx and the NCAA , he makes zero mention of another , much more significant , conflict...the one involving a unx alum being the commissioner of the ACC. OR , the conflict involving that commissioner being unx's AD during much of the scandal years. Unreal...

John Swofford addresses concerns about Greg Sankey, UNC case

Responding to a question about conflict-of-interest concerns in North Carolina’s ongoing NCAA investigation, ACC Commissioner John Swofford said on Thursday that peer review has been part of the NCAA’s investigative process for “a long, long time.”

“I think forever,” Swofford said, speaking at the conclusion of the ACC’s annual spring meetings. “I’ve been around a long time, but not that long.”

I sometimes wonder if this is real life
I sometimes wonder if this is real life

Me too. Check this. A unx sock-puppet apologist. A recent tweet too...

As @yibyaby asks. It ain't even a scandal now. Academic , athletic or otherwise. No violations committed. Nuthin.' Heck , even unx'ers used to claim it was an "academics only" scandal at one time. It's been goin' on so long , they've deluded themselves into thinkin' there was never any "rogue offenders" to begin with. smh
Good to know some things never change. B-Rad's still a moron....

GAWD! Wish I'd seen this last month. Guy's a piece of work. Lulz...

Wallace really got to Bradley Boy!!!

B-Rad sendin' his dvd to a legit academician who presumably doesn't prioritize athletics over all else ( or have any freakin' idea who Bethel is!!! ) is just another example of how B-Rad has an inflated sense of self due to having a moron fanbase worship his fanboy bullsheet. He's the president of the University of Maryland. unc athletics is something he devoted more than 5 seconds of thought to on one day. He has other sheet to do. But B-Rad in his dumb azz hubris thinks that not only will Wallace waste time watchin' the damn thing but he'll be swayed by it too. He's all yours , holes. lmao.
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unx alum Bob Lee...

The UNCCH Scandal – VS – The DaVinci Code

One of the lingering “How Comes” of TGU has been WHY otherwise reasonable adults of a Tar Heel persuasion are unable to accept the FACT that Dear Old Alma Mater screwed up REALLY REALLY BAD. UNBELIEVABLY REALLY BAD…. close enough to DEATH PENALTY BAD that one can smell DEATH PENALTY with just a slight breeze.

The simplest excuse is they are in a terminal state of knee-walking drunk on Carolina Way W(h)ine. Their self-images tied to semi-literate 18 y/os. I have another theory...
Nice little parting-shot "salt-in-the-wounds" post to unx fans in the "COMMENTS" section. Geez. Lee takes down Deano then we get some dirt on one of his soldiers too. Good stuff...


BL, Not to speak ill of the departed but Burgess was from my home town and was neither sweet or lovable. She was way way out and totally soaked in the cool aid and would do anything for the sainted one which she apparently did. MAHA.
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Nice little parting-shot "salt-in-the-wounds" post to unx fans in the "COMMENTS" section. Geez. Lee takes down Deano then we get some dirt on one of his soldiers too. Good stuff...


BL, Not to speak ill of the departed but Burgess was from my home town and was neither sweet or lovable. She was way way out and totally soaked in the cool aid and would do anything for the sainted one which she apparently did. MAHA.

Glad BL pulled no punches! Dean knew Sheed and some of the others couldnt hold up in standard classes.He went into a FUNK when K won back to back, SCHEMING to keep up by any means neccessary! OFC
Glad BL pulled no punches! Dean knew Sheed and some of the others couldnt hold up in standard classes.He went into a FUNK when K won back to back, SCHEMING to keep up by any means neccessary! OFC

The cynicism behind it is galling on a couple of levels. First of all , it's flat-out racist. What's the saying? "The soft racism of low expectations?" So basically Deano KNEW these kids were incapable of doing college-level work...or at the very least knew they would struggle academically. What to do? Oh yeah. Require LESS of 'em. Part an' parcel of Crowder's idiotic defense..."I was just helping people." How so? Giving students a free pass academically HELPS them? Please. It's insane and there's no defense for it. ...unless ya wanna keep 'em eligible to play ball. Secondly , what are the chances that , at the time , Deano used the formation of the AFAM dept as a PR move. "Here at unx we're recognizing the need to be inclusive and that means offering courses that reflect cultural diversity yada yada yada." The school , and by extension Dean , are perceived to be "racially/culturally sensitive" etc when Smith could care less. He just wants to be able to recruit the best players. It's self-serving at the very least and cynically exploitative ( and racist like a mofo! ) at worst.
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I honestly don't think dean had much choice in the matter. Always felt Rams club big money pushed for it and run the basketball program for the most part. The others just went along without much question.
I honestly don't think dean had much choice in the matter. Always felt Rams club big money pushed for it and run the basketball program for the most part. The others just went along without much question.

Dean Smith had a HUGE SAY in EVERYTHING that went on in basketball. AFAM was his BABY!! OFC
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Dean Smith had a HUGE SAY in EVERYTHING that went on in basketball. AFAM was his BABY!! OFC

It is impossible for a coach like dean smith who was so close to his players and so involved with them it is impossible for him not to know. Now he may sincerely though it was ok for afam to to exist simply because of his social ideas but he knew about it and because of how the basketball world holds him in such high regard there is no way any punishment at all will come upon the unc basketball program. If the hammer falls at all it will be upon other sports programs at unc where athletes were involved in the afam courses. Now how can other of unc sports programs be punished and the men's bb program not is stupid but that's the way it's going to be. dean smith's legacy will not be tarnished and it is a SHAME but that's the way it's gonna be. That's why this thread is so important and when the verdict comes in no matter what needs to be going on forever. One more thing. You can sweep the dirt under the rug but it is still there. This thread lifts up that rug for all to see. The carolina way has taken a new direction or maybe the carolina way has been dirty for a long time and they just always got away with it. OFC
It is impossible for a coach like dean smith who was so close to his players and so involved with them it is impossible for him not to know. Now he may sincerely though it was ok for afam to to exist simply because of his social ideas but he knew about it and because of how the basketball world holds him in such high regard there is no way any punishment at all will come upon the unc basketball program. If the hammer falls at all it will be upon other sports programs at unc where athletes were involved in the afam courses. Now how can other of unc sports programs be punished and the men's bb program not is stupid but that's the way it's going to be. dean smith's legacy will not be tarnished and it is a SHAME but that's the way it's gonna be. That's why this thread is so important and when the verdict comes in no matter what needs to be going on forever. One more thing. You can sweep the dirt under the rug but it is still there. This thread lifts up that rug for all to see. The carolina way has taken a new direction or maybe the carolina way has been dirty for a long time and they just always got away with it. OFC

Sky its "been dirty a long time" as you say because of so much $$$ and Dean was a master of spinning the bogus AFAM program. He knew his kids werent learning anything that would help them when they began a real career, but his only care was winning!
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Sky its "been dirty a long time" as you say because of so much $$$ and Dean was a master of spinning the bogus AFAM program. He knew his kids werent learning anything that would help them when they began a real career, but his only care was winning!

I think he cared about his players and wanted to give them every possible chance to stay eligible and what a way to keep them that way. As I said he may have thought this was perfectly ok. He really was big into social causes. If afam helped them get a degree which they could use to get better jobs and have careers other than basketball he was all for it but he knew they weren't going to real classes. That's just my opinion and I have nothing to prove it. OFC
I honestly don't think dean had much choice in the matter. Always felt Rams club big money pushed for it and run the basketball program for the most part. The others just went along without much question.

Used to think that. Not anymore. The same Bob Lee who wrote today's blog wrote this too...

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Wow. Just think of all the opportunities and years Deb had to step forward and clear her name. She chose not to. Now she does. #hinky...

How many times did Deb allow obvious cheating to circumvent unx's vaunted "Honor Court?" I'm guessin' this wasn't the first ( or ONLY! ) time...

Hey, that email at least shows SOME standards. That's actually a bad thing! But yeah, improper benefits too.
I think he cared about his players and wanted to give them every possible chance to stay eligible and what a way to keep them that way. As I said he may have thought this was perfectly ok. He really was big into social causes. If afam helped them get a degree which they could use to get better jobs and have careers other than basketball he was all for it but he knew they weren't going to real classes. That's just my opinion and I have nothing to prove it. OFC

Dean's record for trying to advance certain social causes is interesting. Because of everything thats gone on INSIDE THE WALLS at UNC, I question how much of that outer almost saintly image he displayed in public was truly sincere.

Lets face it he started AFAM at the height of Coach K's rise to the top of the college basketball world (91-92 back to back). I dont think thats pure coincidence.

However the Dean Smith the general public knew was beyond reproach right? Certainly that outer image served him well in so far as most anyone questioning his ethics, right??

More opportunities for Deb to clear her name. She punted each time...

Would someone please tell me what in the name of everything holy can Deb Crowder possibly supply to the NCAA that exonerates her and her corrupt employer...?

Un-freakin'-real. "Neither is ready to sit in a classroom yet." What are they? Kindergarten children? Special needs? Wild animals? Seriously. I wanna know. How could ANYTHING she has to say actually HELP unx? smh...

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