
Typical holes. Roy and Gunn are no different. Poor losers and even worse winners. unx busted for cheating in the most egregious cheating scandal in collegiate history and shoulda never been allowed to participate this season as they're currently under NCAA investigation for , well , cheating. Cheating their azzes off...

“It’s really very satisfying to see a few people wearing red ... because I know you people don’t want to be here today,” Williams said. “And I tell you that really satisfies me right down to my core.”
Just noticed this from the Dr. Won story. His lawyer...?

The attorney for the former UNC-Chapel Hill administrative secretary who created scores of bogus classes that disproportionately provided high grades for athletes is seeking to toss out the NCAA’s latest notice of allegations.

In two letters that were sent recently to NCAA enforcement officials and provided to The News & Observer on Tuesday evening, attorney Elliot Abrams contends the NCAA’s enforcement staff rushed its third and latest notice of allegations after being “pressured” by the infractions committee to come up with a tougher version.
UNC does not have to disclose sexual assault findings, judge rules

An Orange County judge ruled this week that UNC-Chapel Hill does not have to provide the public with the names of students and employees found responsible of rape, sexual assault or related offenses through the school’s honor court and other internal procedures.

Judge Allen Baddour issued a ruling on Wednesday in a lawsuit filed by a group of media outlets in an attempt to get the information from UNC.


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Wow. Just noticed this from the sexual assault link. This reeks , REEKS , of cover-up...

Baddour also found that the state Human Resources Act limits what information can be released about state workers disciplined, demoted or dismissed for disciplinary reasons to the dates and types of actions taken and a copy of the termination letter setting out the reason the employee was dismissed.

Emails show Jay Smith and big-time sports course faced resistance from athletics

After a faculty call for academic freedom brought more attention to the cancellation of history professor Jay Smith’s big-time college sports class, emails from 2016 show the class drew controversy from the beginning.

Smith has said he suspects external involvement in the removal of his History 383 course from the fall 2017 schedule. On Friday, more than 40 history faculty members sent a letter to the deans of the College of Arts and Sciences defending his claims.

Smith said the 2016 emails show the resistance he faced in trying to teach the course.

History faculty say cancellation of Jay Smith's big-time college sports course violated academic freedom

More than 40 members of the history department objected to administrative interference in Professor Jay Smith’s History 383 course on the history of big-time college sports in a statement sent to the deans of the College of Arts and Sciences Friday.

The faculty said that despite media reports that department chairperson Fitz Brundage made the decision to cancel Smith’s class on his own, they believe Brundage was actually under pressure from the college to cancel the class to prevent students from learning about the University’s recent scandals.
Between unx's athletics-above-all way of doin' business and an arrogant insulating unrepentant good ol' boy network that encompasses every level of NC politics and law enforcement , it's amazing this is still a story at all. years ago the NC BoG went after State for much lesser offenses. Today? Nothing. Our elected officials? Even worse...

NC senator throws shade at NC State during ceremony to honor UNC

A North Carolina senator decided to have a little fun with N.C. State and its fans during a ceremony to honor North Carolina’s 2017 national championship.

Republican Sen. Rick Gunn, who represents Alamance and Randolph counties, poked fun at fellow Republican Sen. John M. Alexander Jr. of Wake County, who showed up to the ceremony dressed in all red. Alexander is a graduate of N.C. State and Gunn graduated from UNC.

“I’ll tell you the stat that I truly like the most,” Gunn said. “With this win, coach (Roy) Williams now has ... the same amount of NCAA national championships as he does losses to North Carolina State.”
Ya gotta love State fans...

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Senator Rick Gunn
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Fill that jackass' email inbox with one message only: UNC CHEATS!!!!!!!!!
And also vote for his opponent in 2018.


An academician , Jay Smith , wants info on the paper classes and for some wild an' crazy unexplained reason the athletic department is notified of his request. Hinky...

So much for the "regular students took the classes too" argument. Lulz...

A Poisoned Ivy‏ @CheatingBlueRam

Have I summarized your position correctly -> A-A, thereby athletes, were drawn to the AFAM courses because of their personal interests?

dtgoulet‏ @dtgoulet

Ask them. I'm not disputing your data, I'm disputing your reasoning behind it. Whats your end game? The dept is not relevant to me, argument would be the same. Not a case for the NCAA. Want to talk ath/edu and the need for change?

A Poisoned Ivy‏ @CheatingBlueRam

My position, athletes of all races and socio-economic backgrounds were placed in the AFAM classes to maintain eligibility.

dtgoulet‏ @dtgoulet

Prove it. All of it.

A Poisoned Ivy‏ @CheatingBlueRam

@dtgoulet I don't need to prove it. UNC's hired investigator covered it in his report. It is undisputed, other than inclusion in an amateur film...Please provide me a reference where a member of the BOG, BOT or Folt herself has refuted anything in the Wainstein Report?




DevilDJ‏ @DevilDJ32

@CheatingBlueRam Indeed. Other depts beyond AFAM involved 2. Wouldn't know it by whom unc has chosen 2 blame though.


Once there was a time when unx not only won games but they did it with sterling academics...


Now? Still winning. The academics? Uhhh , not so much...

NCAA investigators meet with Deborah Crowder, woman at center of UNC scandal

A woman at the center of North Carolina's multiyear academic scandal interviewed with NCAA investigators after previously declining to cooperate in the probe.

Raleigh attorney Elliot Abrams told The Associated Press on Wednesday night that his client, Deborah Crowder, met all day with investigators. Crowder is a retired office administrator in the formerly named African and Afro-American Studies (AFAM) department.
Brutal. Couple of digs at Roy too. Lulz...

Mike Bianchi: Why did NCAA strip FSU, Bowden of wins when UNC, Penn State scandals are much worse?

FSU icon Bobby Bowden still wants his victories back, and it's about dad-gum time for the NCAA to give them back.

(2) Hammer UNC's entire athletic department and force the program to vacate two basketball national championships and hundreds – if not thousands – of victories in other sports as a penalty for the nearly 1,500 athletes who took bogus classes in the shady African and Afro-American Studies department over an 18-year period from 1993-2011.

Bowden's old boss – former FSU president T.K. Wetherell – is much more adamant: "When you think about what we did and compare it to what has happened at Penn State and North Carolina, Bobby Bowden got screwed and Florida State got railroaded."

Wetherell is absolutely right, especially when you consider it's looking more and more like the NCAA might allow North Carolina's athletic program to escape the embarrassing sanctions that were levied against FSU in an academic-fraud case far less serious than what transpired in Chapel Hill.

The differences are many: FSU was guilty of one bogus class for a couple of semesters; UNC had an entire bogus department for a couple of decades. FSU self-reported its one fraudulent class; UNC's widespread scandal was only discovered because of incredible reporting by the Raleigh News & Observer. FSU willingly cooperated with the NCAA; UNC has tried to whitewash its scandal and has dug in its heels during an NCAA investigation that has been going on for seven years.

If those are the sanctions FSU received for one class, then the NCAA Committee on Infractions must come down on UNC with the full force of its disciplinary arsenal. If FSU's track national championship had to be vacated then, so too should UNC's 2005 and 2009 basketball championships.

If the NCAA lets UNC skate, then – dad-gummit – FSU president John Thrasher should fight to get Bowden's victories reinstated as well as the track national championship.

We could have easily covered it up and the NCAA would have known nothing about it." You know, sort of like North Carolina did for decades.
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Sounds like topics our all UNC, oops, I mean all ACC guru Dave Glenn should dive into tomorrow! Yeah rite- tap dance away DG....

Sounds like topics our all UNC, oops, I mean all ACC guru Dave Glenn should dive into tomorrow! Yeah rite- tap dance away DG....


He and other unx'ers HATE these types of articles the most. Why? They reinforce the notion that it ain't just the "abc'ers" who are aware of this crap. Image is everything to them. Knowing the "carolina way" is a national punchline is damn-near as soul-crushing to the Tarhole Nation as actually serving the sanctions themselves. lulz
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Too funny. unx told everybody and his brother that Crowder was a "rogue offender." Heck , the whole thing was practically her idea an' she was gone now anyway so why won't you dadgum abc'ers just let it alone. Talk to the NCAA??? The LAST thing the holes wanted was for her to do that. Now? unx is ready for this same "rogue offender" to talk. Walter the Sock-Puppet would have us believe that not only is she credible but she's gonna set the record straight an' exonerate unx. Ya can't make this stuff up...

Oh and one more thing. Despite Walt's tweet , the Wainstein Report hasn't been "discredited." At all. smh
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I think it's safe to say that unx's defense of "regular students enrolled in the classes too" is pushin' up daisies...

A Poisoned Ivy‏ @CheatingBlueRam

Undisputed: Non-athletes had to visit Crowder's office to be enrolled. Courses were not available through the normal registration process.

B. Martin‏ @yibyabby

@CheatingBlueRam Can I get a verification on this? What's your source? Thought Steele Bldg counselor(s) coordinated with Crowder for non-athlete access?

A Poisoned Ivy‏ @CheatingBlueRam

Yes, Steele "sent struggling students to Crowder." But that was only one mechanism. Word of mouth through Fraternity circuit as well.


A Poisoned Ivy‏ @CheatingBlueRam

The question becomes, "How did Crowder know the students were in the fraternity circuit if they enrolled themselves?"

A Poisoned Ivy‏ @CheatingBlueRam

The answer is subtly, but in the Wainstein Report: "advisors knew about the paper classes; they knew that Crowder controlled enrollment"....
A Poisoned Ivy‏ @CheatingBlueRam

Step 1: Don't advertise the course.

Step 2: Registration is set in the system to be available with departmental approval only.

Step 3: (Old form based system) Control the forms that must be signed to allow registration with departmental approval

Step 4: (Computer based system) Manually enroll the students.
UNC response to NCAA notice of allegations due Tuesday

Tuesday is the deadline for UNC-Chapel Hill and three people involved in the academic fraud scandal to respond to the NCAA’s latest notice of allegations.

Here's a shocker. Good news is at least the process itself appears to be staying on schedule. Why the delay in a public release? unx wrote the damn thing. It's been ready awhile.Oh wait. I know why. Every move has to be calculated for minimum PR damage. #carolinaway...

UNC to respond to 3rd NCAA NOA Tuesday, public release likely to be delayed

The University of North Carolina will respond to the NCAA’s third Notice of Allegations Tuesday on schedule, although the public release of the response may be delayed, according to the school

Remember when Crowder was persona non grata to unx fans? She was what? A "rogue offender" , I believe? That's what we were told anyway. NOW her testimony will exonerate the holes? Please..,.

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