
Wait, why is UNC and Crowder requesting Sankey step down when he has a past of letting schools with academic fraud off the hook? Am I misunderstanding something? This sounds like they would want him on their side unless he's said on record that he wants to make up for that with this case. Wouldn't it also be a good idea to let things just happen and then go back and say there was a conflict of interest?
Don't wanna pizz off any SEC fans but for better or worse that conference takes a lotta heat for a perceived lack of academic integrity. I'm not saying it's true , mind you , I'm just stating what's out there. That said , when a SEC guy ( Finebaum ) calls ya an idiot and openly questions your academics maybe , just maybe , there's something to it. Jus' sayin.'

One of the guys responding to Ted's tweet said it's fake. I found it on their athletics website in less than 30 seconds via Google.
One of the guys responding to Ted's tweet said it's fake. I found it on their athletics website in less than 30 seconds via Google.

Excellent example of why the cheating will never stop over there. Obviously , he had no idea if it was fake or not. He just said it was without knowing one way or the other. He says that in a group of like-minded unx fans and it becomes gospel..."That creed is fake. ABC'ers made it up." They have no interest in the truth and even less in cleaning up. Heck , they just went to 2 FF's and won a natty. Not exactly a recipe for making wholesale changes. They're emboldened now. Unless the NCAA really does a number on 'em ( they won't ) unx has zero reason to change. They'd have to lose banners and future post-seasons. Don't see sanctions being what's justified. Maybe the Maryland prez turned up some heat.
I don't get why more presidents are not speaking up about this unless they have something dirty in their closet that they don't want the NCAA looking into. You'd think all those schools who have been caught and punished would speak up. I know most of them are waiting in the wings to launch a lawsuit if UNC skates, but then again, maybe that's why they're not speaking up.
Coach's Corner: Heels should not be allowed to skip away from punishment

A proper punishment for the Tar Heels would be to have them forfeit all games in which athletes who were enrolled in the fake classes participated. Any national championship trophy would need to be returned and awarded to the runner-up school. If any coach or athletic director had knowledge of the violation and didn’t immediately report it to the NCAA, he/she should be fired and banned from working at another program for five years (a period of time equal to the eligibility of the athletes). The school should be banned from postseason participation for five years.


Whether North Carolina ultimately “out-brazens” the NCAA or not, what I’m telling you is the evidence shows UNC’s sham classes were systematically used as a means to boost academically struggling athletes.

Which is why, in the interest of ethical clarity, people should stop saying it was not primarily an athletics scandal.

It was.
Man charged in UNC agents probe agrees to testify in case

A Georgia man charged with violating North Carolina's sports agent law has agreed to testify against an NFL agent also charged in the case.

Patrick Mitchell Jones, 43, was charged in 2013 with athlete-agent inducement for providing $725 to former Tar Heels football player Robert Quinn. An indictment stated he provided the money through Quinn's former girlfriend to entice Quinn to sign with agent Terry Watson.

Ex-agent pleads guilty in multi-year UNC sports agent probe

A former NFL agent has pleaded guilty to violating North Carolina's sports agent law by providing thousands of dollars in improper benefits to three former Tar Heels football players to entice them into signing contracts with him.

Terry Watson entered his plea Monday afternoon in a deal to resolve 3 ½-year-old felony charges. Watson received 30 months of probation and a $5,000 fine, while Judge Graham Shirley issued a suspended jail sentence of six to eight months.




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State appeals court says former UNC athletes can’t pursue paper-classes lawsuit

Another lawsuit spawned by UNC-Chapel Hill’s “paper classes” scandal has come up short, this time at the hands of the N.C. Court of Appeals.

Ruling against former football player James Arnold and former women’s basketball player Leah Metcalf, a panel from the state’s second-highest court said their case looks like an attempt by their attorneys to repackage “educational malpractice claims [that] are not recognized under North Carolina law.”

Moreover, their claims of long-term career damage “are too conjectural and uncertain” to justify allowing the lawsuit to continue, Judge Wanda Bryant said in an opinion joined by fellow Judges Robert N. Hunter Jr. and Lucy Inman.

The NCAA ain't the only ones in the business of givin' unx a pass for cheating...

Bryant...Duke University undergrad , NCCU law school

Hunter...unx/ undergrad , George Washington University 2 years , unx/Duke law schools

Inman...NCSU undergrad , unx law school
OPINION: Will NCAA ever penalize the Tar Heels?

As in, when is college athletics' governing body finally going to ban the University of North Carolina Tar Heels from playing in that tournament for its hosting of one of the worst academic fraud scandals in NCAA history?

But that may serve only to further anger a nation full of college basketball fans who continue to have a hard time understanding how you can give fraudulent grades to athletes and other students for 18 years, have at least a few of those athletes allegedly help you win at least one NCAA men's title and not wind up with so much as a double-secret probation for such misdeeds.

But they haven't yet been hammered on any of them, which might be why some have come to refer to the NCAA as the North Carolina Athletic Association?

After all, if this had been UNLV or North Texas or Florida Atlantic, is there any doubt the NCAA would already have shut down those programs? But because it's UNC, there is at least a theory that the NCAA will do nothing until no one remembers there was anything worth doing something about.

Still, those are minor annoyances for the rest of the major college athletics community compared to the double standard that it more and more feels exists for UNC.
unx alum Bob Lee...

No one really knows why Wallace Loh chose to say what he said; but aren’t we all delighted that he did. OK…. maybe not everyone, but I certainly am.

Prez Loh thinks UNC’s well-documented lengthy litany of world-class academic/athletic transgressions merits THE DEATH PENALTY. He is hardly alone in that assessment but he is/was the first “President” to publicly say so.

NOTE: I am still undecided on a proper punishment for “The Most Blatant Example of Lack of Institutional Control in NCAA History”. I stop short of THE DEATH PENALTY…. but not by much.

Hilarious summation of the scandal from the UNC perspective. Essentially, they believe it's still going on at this point because NCAA failed to disclose information to UNC. One of my favorite parts was seeing them addressing student-athletes vs. student participation in the courses. There was apparently more non-athletes in the classes. Well yeah lol the student-athletes compose a small amount of the students at pretty much every college. It should be the percentages of those two groups that makes it more alarming. They also still believe there wasn't much wrong with these courses at all. Really cherrypicked the information but disguised it as an attempt at a brief summary instead of being detailed. LOL ok.
Hilarious summation of the scandal from the UNC perspective.

How 'bout this part...?

Were these classes just for athletes?


More non-athletes than athletes took these classes. Were the classes a slide for the non-athletes, too?


"Yup?" Nope...

• Bifurcated classes

“In addition to those lecture-designated paper classes, the AFAM Department also developed a hybrid model that we call the ‘bifurcated classes.’ the bifurcated classes were lecture classes in which some of the enrolled students were expected to attend regular lectures and complete all assignments like any other lecture course, while others were exempted from those standard class requirements and were allowed to complete the class by simply turning in a paper, pursuant to the typical paper class process.

“We found that some students were selected for paper-class treatment because they were considered behavior problems in the classroom, while other were selected simply because they were student-athletes.”

lollers at unx
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Looks like unx's legal posturing to have Sankey removed didn't work. It's funny. The holes claim the SEC guy has a conflict of interest. Interesting. They've never made such objections while one of their former athletes/alums was the ACC commish...

AP Exclusive: SEC's Sankey refuses to step down in UNC case

Sankey stated in an April 14 letter obtained by The Associated Press that the panel would "fairly decide this case."

"The panel, including me, will hear and decide this case based on the case record and the membership's bylaws," Sankey wrote to all involved parties.

The NCAA Committee on Infractions issued a statement Friday to the AP on Friday saying that "committee composition is appropriate."


Sankey responded that Crowder's interview should occur in coming weeks within the new schedule, adding: "There will be no further delays, and the case will be heard on this schedule."

Sankey's letter also details a new timetable of completion for the oft-delayed case. UNC must respond to the latest charges by May 16. The NCAA enforcement staff then has until July 17 for its own response. Sankey wrote that his panel will hear the case in August with "anticipated" dates of Aug. 16 and 17.

In an email to the AP, UNC spokeswoman Joanne Peters said the school will make its case to the panel according to the NCAA's schedule.

This next bit is hilarious AND about time someone close to the case said it publicly. Sankey pointed out unx's delay tactics THEN called 'em "liars." Which they are...

Sankey also referenced "misstatements of facts" in Abrams' letters while reiterating investigation details must remain confidential.

"Rules put in place and supported by our membership call for confidentiality in infractions cases and the continued leaks of partial and inaccurate information in this case are disappointing," the committee stated.

unx doesn't even want this to be HEARD by the COI. Makes sense. They have no logical rationalizations for any of it. The PR babble they serve to the Tarhole Nation is one thing. Facing the truth is another. Crazy. They coulda got a wrist-slap ages ago and had this way behind 'em by now. Heck , I STILL claim they receive nowhere NEAR justified sanctions but judging by his statements , Sankey's about had it with unx. Can't say I blame 'im.
Looks like unx's legal posturing to have Sankey removed didn't work. It's funny. The holes claim the SEC guy has a conflict of interest. Interesting. They've never made such objections while one of their former athletes/alums was the ACC commish...

AP Exclusive: SEC's Sankey refuses to step down in UNC case

Sankey stated in an April 14 letter obtained by The Associated Press that the panel would "fairly decide this case."

"The panel, including me, will hear and decide this case based on the case record and the membership's bylaws," Sankey wrote to all involved parties.

The NCAA Committee on Infractions issued a statement Friday to the AP on Friday saying that "committee composition is appropriate."


Sankey responded that Crowder's interview should occur in coming weeks within the new schedule, adding: "There will be no further delays, and the case will be heard on this schedule."

Sankey's letter also details a new timetable of completion for the oft-delayed case. UNC must respond to the latest charges by May 16. The NCAA enforcement staff then has until July 17 for its own response. Sankey wrote that his panel will hear the case in August with "anticipated" dates of Aug. 16 and 17.

In an email to the AP, UNC spokeswoman Joanne Peters said the school will make its case to the panel according to the NCAA's schedule.

This next bit is hilarious AND about time someone close to the case said it publicly. Sankey pointed out unx's delay tactics THEN called 'em "liars." Which they are...

Sankey also referenced "misstatements of facts" in Abrams' letters while reiterating investigation details must remain confidential.

"Rules put in place and supported by our membership call for confidentiality in infractions cases and the continued leaks of partial and inaccurate information in this case are disappointing," the committee stated.

unx doesn't even want this to be HEARD by the COI. Makes sense. They have no logical rationalizations for any of it. The PR babble they serve to the Tarhole Nation is one thing. Facing the truth is another. Crazy. They coulda got a wrist-slap ages ago and had this way behind 'em by now. Heck , I STILL claim they receive nowhere NEAR justified sanctions but judging by his statements , Sankey's about had it with unx. Can't say I blame 'im.

The word is unc wants him replaced by someone that has no conflict of interest and strongly suggested john swofford. OFC
Dan Kane...

UNC was billed by football players’ lawyers, newly released records show

Newly released records show three attorneys billed UNC-Chapel Hill for representing football players the SBI had sought to interview as part of a criminal investigation into what turned out to be hundreds of bogus classes and independent studies.

The bills were small – a combined $2,500. That’s because the attorneys told the State Bureau of Investigation the football players couldn’t cooperate with the investigation, ending that line of inquiry. Orange County District Attorney Jim Woodall told The News & Observer last year, in a four-part series about the scandal, that the athletes were concerned about their eligibility to play football.

The football players’ refusal to be interviewed at the advice of their attorneys adds a wrinkle to the long-running NCAA investigation into the fake classes. The SBI sought to interview the athletes in August 2012.
$2,500? My azz. All 3 have deep ties to unx. I'm guessin' pro bono law representation isn't available to all students. #ImpermissibleBenefits.
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James ‘Butch’ Williams...

Sports agent gives his all to home team

Williams is making a career out of representing football players from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, such as Ellis and Jones and such lesser-known players including Green Bay Packers fullback William Henderson and Cincinnati Bengals defensive lineman Andre Purvis. His 15 football clients don't all come from UNC � former Clemson University star Chester McGlockton is among the others.

He also represents two basketball players � Durham native Rodney Rogers, now with the Phoenix Suns, and former UNC player Rasheed Wallace.
Ralph Frasier Jr...

Ralph Kennedy Frasier, Jr., is one of the founding partners with Frasier & Griffin, PLLC, and a successful legal practice with a proven track record serving clients all over North Carolina. Attorney Frasier has been in private practice since 1996 and is a skilled litigator who concentrates in criminal, traffic, wrongful death and personal injury law. Prior to forming Frasier & Griffin, Attorney Frasier practiced as an Associate attorney to his mentor Attorney “Butch” Williams at The Law Offices of James D. Williams, Jr., and the national law firm of Porter Wright Morris and Arthur, LLP in their Columbus, Ohio, office.

BTW , the "Griffin" he partners with is Randy Griffin. Fats' lawyer...

Party promoter linked to UNC's Hairston pleads not guilty

Haydn "Fats" Thomas, the Durham party promoter linked to rental cars driven by University of North Carolina guard P.J. Hairston, pleaded not guilty Tuesday on drug and weapons charges. Thomas' attorney, Randy Griffin, said he is holding out hope of resolving the matter without the need for a trial.



Frasier's dad...

Ralph Frasier '59, Who Helped Integrate UNC, to Speak

Ralph Frasier ’59, one of the first black undergraduates at Carolina, is returning to campus for the first time in 52 years.
James P. West...

IOW , all 3 are YUGE tarhole fanboys or alums or both. This entire thing stinks and unx has spent 7 years and 18 million dollars to show the world how innocent they are. #carolinaway
Another million or so can probably change that

Well , if it comes to that we all know unx would have no problem payin' it. Anyway , Bilas linked the Sankey story. The responses from hole fans is typical. All whine about "conflict of interest" while none...NONE!...mention anything about Swofford , the NC BOG , John Skipper , the wildly biased NC media ( Dan Kane is one reporter. ONE! ) , Jack Evans etc. Go figure...

What's it gonna take for unx fans to get this?! They go nuts when the courses are called "fake." Same rebuttal every time..."Classes weren't fake! Students had to turn in a paper!" Never mind that the paper was plagiarized or recycled or ghost-written by a tutor or administrator or the paper was assigned by Deb Crowder or anyone else who had as much authority to make that decision as anyone on this message board...

Or THIS...

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