
Always amusing watching B-Rad trip on his own , well , you know. Lulz...

Bradley Bethel's Take: Before & After UNC

Bradley Bethel is a proponent of the argument that the UNC scandal was not an "athletics-driven" scandal. He felt strongly enough about this that, in 2015, he left his job as a learning specialist for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to complete a documentary film related to the issue.

I recently came across a link to a March 2011 article posted at that I hadn't remembered bookmarking. It was an editorial by Bethel responding to University of Oklahoma professor and former president of the Drake Group, Gerald Gurney, who had previously written an article, calling on the NCAA to toughen academic standards for freshmen student-athletes.

Though disagreeing on just one possible solution Gurney was proposing, Bethel did agree with Gurney on some points:

"In college athletics, eligibility is often emphasized over student development. Consequently, coaches and support staff may be tempted to engage in academic misconduct to keep underprepared athletes eligible."

And later in the article, Bethel admits:

"When athletes are dictated which classes to take and when, as happens often, they become increasingly disengaged from academics, learning becomes all the more difficult, especially for the most underprepared. If there is a systemic problem of academic misconduct, it is not because too many underprepared athletes are admitted to college. It is because our institutions give these athletes the impression that classes are no more than hoops to jump through — the easier the jump, the better."

Six months after his InsideHigherEd commentary, Bethel had left Ohio State University and joined the academic advising staff for student-athletes at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

His stance while a UNC learning specialist stands in rather stark contrast to his 2011 stance when he was an Ohio State learning specialist rebutting Gerald Gurney.

What a difference those two years in Chapel Hill, from 2012 to 2014, must have made.

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Almost half a decade into its investigation of academic fraud involving athletes at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the National Collegiate Athletic Association has finally started to find clear evidence of the athletic department's wrongdoings.

"The incentive at the very heart of it is money," said Ted Tatos, an economist and former University of Utah professor who has analyzed thousands of pages of material related to the UNC scandal that have been released to the public.

"It's just part of the culture," said Mary Willingham, a former North Carolina learning specialist who was a key whistleblower in uncovering the scandal.

Once athletes are enrolled in classes that are over their heads, tutors are under explicit and implicit pressure to keep them eligible. "You want to keep your job because you don't want to piss off a coach as mighty as [North Carolina basketball coach] Roy Williams," Willingham said. That means doing coursework for athletes, as well as enlisting help from professors.

"I know of at least two instances where athletic department personnel put pressure on an instructor to change a grade," said Jay Smith, a professor at UNC who co-wrote a book on the scandal with Willingham.

Another national article featuring unx as the poster-child for collegiate corruption. Lulz. Hang a banner. BTW , interesting that Ted Tatos ( aka "Bluedevilicious" ) , Mary Willingham and Jay Smith are prominent sources of information. Somewhere a shoe salesman's head is exploding.
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UNC Puts Public Records Requests to Its Advantage

The following is a chronological summary of the communications between UNC and NCAA during this time frame, and when those documents were made public, with public records request information noted where applicable. My critique follows the chronology...
Bob Martin ( aka @yibyaby on Twitter ) has been doing yeoman work dissecting the legal machinations involved with the unx scandal. His latest blog post is insightful. Lotsa info here but he cuts thru much of the "legalese" and gives an accurate description of where this thing currently stands...

UNC's "Chief Hearing Officer Was Unfair" Argument

I know UNC doesn't like having to fight a battle it thinks it already won several times, but what the COI Hearing Officer has done isn't unfair. It's all precisely within the scope of bylaws and operating procedures created by the member institutions themselves.
UNC's "Exclude Wainstein's Interviews" Argument

One of the "procedural fairness" arguments UNC raised in its response to the Amended Notice of Allegations (ANOA) was that Wainstein's interviews were not conducted consistent with those NCAA bylaw requirements, and therefore statements attributed to individuals from those interviews or conclusions drawn from those interviews should not be used.

After the procedural hearing on October 28th, 2016, the Panel of the Committee on Infractions disagreed. Recounted below are the relevant excerpts from documents made public that lead up to the COI hearing panel's decision.



The pics above I added myself just to illustrate 2 important facts....

1) At the time of the completion of the Wainstein Report , unx agreed with its findings. As the pics show , they said as much. They even went so far as to concede their guilt in their response to SACS. Can't make this clear enough. unx had no problems whatsoever with the Wainstein Report. At all. And...

2) Again, as the pics show , unx FIRED people after the results of the Wainstein Report were made public and they fired those people for CAUSE. Obviously , had the "flagship" disagreed with the report , those people would still be gainfully employed in Chapel Hill. Just as obviously , they ain't. unx booted 'em. NOW , because the NCAA appears willing to use the Wainstein Report in assessing possible sanctions , the holes are losing their minds. TPTB wanna object on procedural grounds. "Oh yeah...we're guilty AF. No doubt about it. But this info wasn't gleaned via typical NCAA procedure so , uhhhh , ya can't use any of the PROOF that we cheated our azzes off. So there!" lulz
Saw this on PP. Gives a general overview of where things stand at the moment...barring any "surprises." If accurate , the next step in the process will happen next month in March so , yeah , the holes squeezed another season in before sanctions...if any. As we all know , the NCAA has shown little inclination to actually do anything to the holes despite the egregious violations:

Re: UNC Lawyers digging a bigger Hole in NCAA Case : Kane

6th Man
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3652 posts this site

Unless a settlement happens, I do not see report from COI being issued (with punishment) until at least Aug 2017. This assumes no further UNC-CH delays (the NCAA wants this case completed) and typical process flow.

Potential timeline:

UNC-CH responds to 2nd ANOA - March 2017

COI hearing as early as April 7, but probably June 10

COI issues report as early as end of May and late as mid-August

Re: UNC Lawyers digging a bigger Hole in NCAA Case : Kane

Marc O. Chambers
Rating: 3.4/5 this site
1044 posts this site

You left out these subsequent events:

After COI issues report, UNC appeals decision as unfair and not in keeping with NCAA procedures and precedents. They make a big fuss about this in the media and express their righteous indignation at being treated so shabbily.

COI reviews appeal and determines the report was fair and just.

UNC very publicly and loudly rattles their legals sabers and threatens to sue NCAA for punishing them.

NCAA makes no changes in response to UNC's threats, both express and implied.

UNC files lawsuit against NCAA, if only "for show" / PR purposes.

This could go on for - ev - ver.......

Re: UNC Lawyers digging a bigger Hole in NCAA Case : Kane

6th Man
Rating: 3.4/5 this site
3652 posts this site

If they appeal, they appeal to the IAP, not the COI. The IAP typically rules in 2 weeks or so. The IAP ruling is final and there is no further appeal available within the NCAA. If UNC-CH wants to sue the NCAA they can. However, the NCAA will immediately file a motion to dismiss and UNC-CH will have to convince a judge that the NCAA violated the bylaws/process/procedure. If the UNC-CH can convince a judge of this (which will be doubtful since the courts give great deference to private, voluntary organizations) then UNC-CH will ask for an injunction against enforcement of penalty.

The NCAA wants this over as Jenkins v NCAA could go trial later this year.
Look what happened when @SportsCenter tweeted it twice....



These unx fans musta REALLY been pizzed off at ESPN's multiple Grayson Allen tweets , right?
About that March 2013 NCAA Internal Email

UNC claims an NCAA internal email between Enforcement and Academic & Membership Affairs (AMA) staff from 2013 is an important piece of evidence that the NCAA had already determined that the facts in UNC's academic scandal "did not violate NCAA rules."

Before seeing the actual email, I thought UNC's argument was fairly strong and the NCAA's response to it fairly weak. Now that I've had the chance to review it, I say that email chain is irrelevant to the current case and any of the Notice of Allegations filed in that case...

North Carolina AD lays out academic fraud defense: NCAA 'overcharged' Tar Heels

The NCAA "overcharged" North Carolina in its long-standing academic fraud case, UNC athletic director Bubba Cunningham told CBS Sports in a wide-ranging conversation about the association's tactics and intentions during the investigation.

Revealing what seems to be North Carolina's defense in the case, Cunningham told CBS Sports, "Is this academic fraud? Yes, it is by a normal person's standards. But by the NCAA definition [it is not]."

"I'm telling you what happened was bad, but it's not against the rules," Cunningham said of the UNC case. "So you have to change the rules. "

[I told the NCAA] if a class is on my transcript, I have a grade, I have a credit," Cunningham added."How are you -- as the outside athletic agency -- telling me that's not good?"

"[I just hope] the NCAA doesn't do something that's outside the boundaries."
Last edited:

North Carolina AD lays out academic fraud defense: NCAA 'overcharged' Tar Heels

The NCAA "overcharged" North Carolina in its long-standing academic fraud case, UNC athletic director Bubba Cunningham told CBS Sports in a wide-ranging conversation about the association's tactics and intentions during the investigation.

Revealing what seems to be North Carolina's defense in the case, Cunningham told CBS Sports, "Is this academic fraud? Yes, it is by a normal person's standards. But by the NCAA definition [it is not]."

"I'm telling you what happened was bad, but it's not against the rules," Cunningham said of the UNC case. "So you have to change the rules. "

[I told the NCAA] if a class is on my transcript, I have a grade, I have a credit," Cunningham added."How are you -- as the outside athletic agency -- telling me that's not good?"

"[I just hope] the NCAA doesn't do something that's outside the boundaries."

Despite the millions of dollars UNC has poured into defending their cheat scandal, they are just plain scared at this point. Bubba referring to COI members as "anonymous justice warriors" like they have some sort of agenda to make things right.

Bubba is THAT WRONG??? Is it WRONG to LEGITIMIZE your BOGUS CLASSES and PUNISH YOUR SCHOOL for YEARS of creating an uneven playing field??? Bubba, would you be SO CONCERNED if Jim Delaney (UNC GRAD) and Big 10 commish, was COI director rather rather than Greg Sankey w/SEC? Bubba, admit it- you got TOO CUTE whenbyou fired off that vicious response on the 2nd NOA???? You were probably in the clear and you screwed up!
Bubba is THAT WRONG??? Is it WRONG to LEGITIMIZE your BOGUS CLASSES and PUNISH YOUR SCHOOL for YEARS of creating an uneven playing field??? Bubba, would you be SO CONCERNED if Jim Delaney (UNC GRAD) and Big 10 commish, was COI director rather rather than Greg Sankey w/SEC? Bubba, admit it- you got TOO CUTE whenbyou fired off that vicious response on the 2nd NOA???? You were probably in the clear and you screwed up!

Jack Evans is an architect of the APR. He's also a unx guy. IOW , a dude responsible for creating a system that all NCAA institutions must follow also knows how to exploit that system...which unx did. "Do as we say not as we do." Never heard any complaints from the holes that they were required to adhere to a system built by one of their own. unx HAD to have someone on the inside. No way do they play by rules they had no part in designing. Marcus Wilson? NCAA investigator. Had PP not outted 'im , he woulda handled the unx case when it started. No public outcry initially from unx for Wilson to recuse himself. Vince Ille , Jackie Thurnes an' the list goes on an' on. The "flagship" is fine with people in positions of long as they have connects to unx.
Ridpath. These quotes are priceless. Death Penalty warranted for their arrogance alone. Practically begging the NCAA to sanction 'em...

Bubba Cunningham Thinks NCAA Enforcement System Is Broken -- How Convenient

Lawrence Bubba Cunningham, the athletic director at the University of North Carolina is being irrational.

Cunningham is firing back at the NCAA with both barrels and is not aiming very well.

Cunningham teed off on the NCAA and at times sounded almost desperate to convince people that while the university did something wrong, the NCAA should not punish the Tar Heel athletic department.

Excuse me while I pick my jaw up off the floor. Let this sink in--Bubba Cunningham actually believes it is NOT academic fraud by NCAA standards-and I guess OJ Simpson still believes he will find the real killers.

Considering what North Carolina is facing, I find the Cunningham's claims that the UNC has not committed academic fraud by NCAA standards to be self serving and disingenuous.

This was a total institutional breakdown and by any definition- athletic academic fraud to to gain a competitive advantage. In other words, non-debatable major NCAA violations.

As any of my students know I often say that college sports makes rational people act irrational. I mean just look around, there are very smart and accomplished people who run college athletics who often say the most incredibly stupid things to continue to justify a model of intercollegiate athletic governance that simply does not work-if it ever has. Lawrence Bubba Cunningham is one of those people.

However in what I think has been a bad posture for the university, Cunningham has gone on the attack criticizing the NCAA enforcement and infractions process

Open Mouth-Insert Foot

Basically Cunningham admitted that the athletic department did exactly what the NCAA said they were not supposed to do and apparently UNC does it every day. seems all too convenient, and very hollow, that now Cunningham goes after a system that could have a dramatic affect on him and UNC , but he seemed to be all right with the status quo before.

Cunningham and others would be better served by simply accepting what is obvious to everyone else. This is worst academic fraud case in NCAA history. Acknowledge that, correct the problems, show contrition and move on.
Committee on Infractions "Rule Breaking"

With UNC's NCAA major infractions case having entering the hearing phase, there's been an effort from UNC's quarter to put the Committee on Infractions (COI), itself, on the hot seat.

Though I keep reading and hearing about COI breaking rules, there has been little to no citation of what NCAA bylaws or protocols, the COI is violating.
Hahaha, that is some funny chit, DevilDJ! As long as they've got money, and idiots to provide it, they'll never give up. I so hope it blows up in their faces.

In the immortal words of Dennis Green , "They are who we thought they were." Lol. For years , we had enough evidence to safely assume that unx'ers are arrogant and corrupt. HOW arrogant and corrupt were debatable but we knew they were. At this point , the debate is over. unx is incredibly arrogant and corrupt.
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By now , I'm sure some of ya have heard about what happened in W/S today...


Anyway , it gets crazier....


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unx , basically , pictured THREE times. Lol. Paul Dee hired Butch Davis at the U and unx hired the recently departed Gene Chizik...


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