
We've seen how Roy's recruiting has taken a hit. First , due to the scandal. Once it appeared unx was gonna skate from all of that Roy's lack of success could be attributed to his less-than-stellar track record of player development and getting elite recruits to the NBA in a timely manner. I'm no fan of the early entries either but it is what it is and that's a discussion for another time anyway. That said , I just can't figure tptb at unx. Maybe Roy can kick some azz. He put the scandal behind 'im and was finally able to tell recruits ( with some degree of certainty ) that they need not fear potential NCAA sanctions. Lately , he's been dealing with an image problem...perception issues alluded to earlier. It's a lot to deal with. Well , now unx is back to the scandal issues. Roy can no longer tell a recruit with 100% certainty that unx will skate. The Ram's Club just made it that much tougher on Roy. Exhibit A from this afternoon...

Coach why did you get banned. OFC
I posted on DI that UNC has had a history of incidences much worse thann what GA did .It referred back to coverup of Phil Ford"s DUI"s and when Reid and Bucknall beat up the NC State fan in a bar.They said that I violated their board rules even though it was posted on our board.
[QUOTE="topps coach, post: 11149788, member: 1230"]I posted on DI that UNC has had a history of incidences much worse thann what GA did .It referred back to coverup of Phil Ford"s DUI"s and when Reid and Bucknall beat up the NC State fan in a bar.They said that I violated their board rules even though it was posted on our board.[/QUOTE]

It's not even close...
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"Shoot the messenger" much? Oh yeah. It's totally MY fault that unx perpetrated systemic fraud for 20+ years to win ball games. It's also MY fault that some overgrown frat boys in the Board of Trustees and The Rams Club have decided to spend millions in hush money , PR and legal fees to avoid taking their medicine. And finally , again! , it's MY fault that unx "poked the bear" instead of taking a wrist-slap. These last couple of days , I can't keep up with the number of local and national media outlets covering the unx scandal. I'd say it's a dead heat with the number of sources covering Grayson. This is where we are. This stuff is NEWS. If Dan Kane and Jon Solomon and Luke DeCock and David Ridpath and Dennis Dodd et al can cover it , I don't see why I'm worthy of being singled out for posting it on a message board. Look , I know yer just bustin' ballz and I'm cool with that but unx DID bring this on themselves. Personally , I'm still unconvinced you guys will suffer any significant sanctions anyway. But just so we're all we're all on the same page...Dean knew. Roy knew. They all knew. #YouKnowHeKnow

And why you might say Dean Knew???

And why did you say Roy Knew??

Burgess McSwain and Wayne Walden respectively were Dean and Roy's academic liaisons to their players, respectively..

unx alum Bob Lee...

Scandals Aplenty on Tobacco Road !!

What I have hoped for all along….Dick Baddour

And that is …. “Call Me Dickie” Baddour and The Swoff and Ol Roy too going UNDER OATH in a Court of Law in front of a packed courtroom and an global audience of billions and melting into whimpering puddles of goo

When a no-nonsense (and, hopefully, non-alumni of UNC Law) judge peers down at Messrs Baddour / Swofford / Williams and reminds them that “the penalty for perjury” is a minimum of “a long time in a hoosegow being the prom date for Big Enos

… You can imagine Baddour and Swofford melting like those Nazis at the end of that first Indiana Jones movie. Ol’ Roy won’t “get it” and will babble some unintelligible series of Royisms until two burly bailiffs frog march him out of the courtroom …

There will be a dozen or so other co-conspiring perps who will “go under oath” too including Julius (assuming he is in not in hiding in a non-extradition 3rd world hellhole) and Jan and Deb too.

“My buddy” Art will have a kiosk outside the courthouse peddling copies of his dozen or so coffee table books on Dean Smith: Man Or Messiah Or Both.
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"Shoot the messenger" much? Oh yeah. It's totally MY fault that unx perpetrated systemic fraud for 20+ years to win ball games. It's also MY fault that some overgrown frat boys in the Board of Trustees and The Rams Club have decided to spend millions in hush money , PR and legal fees to avoid taking their medicine. And finally , again! , it's MY fault that unx "poked the bear" instead of taking a wrist-slap. These last couple of days , I can't keep up with the number of local and national media outlets covering the unx scandal. I'd say it's a dead heat with the number of sources covering Grayson. This is where we are. This stuff is NEWS. If Dan Kane and Jon Solomon and Luke DeCock and David Ridpath and Dennis Dodd et al can cover it , I don't see why I'm worthy of being singled out for posting it on a message board. Look , I know yer just bustin' ballz and I'm cool with that but unx DID bring this on themselves. Personally , I'm still unconvinced you guys will suffer any significant sanctions anyway. But just so we're all we're all on the same page...Dean knew. Roy knew. They all knew. #YouKnowHeKnow
just saying, glad to see you still doing it. just to be clear, could care less and yes we agree that much ado about molehills. keep up the good work. btw when you refer to unx, you do refer to the univ of north dakota, right? :cool:
just saying, glad to see you still doing it. just to be clear, could care less and yes we agree that much ado about molehills. keep up the good work. btw when you refer to unx, you do refer to the univ of north dakota, right?

Yet you read this thread , post in it and respond. You have an interesting interpretation of the phrase , "could care less." Your definition of the word "molehills" needs work too. Pretty sure most people wouldn't look at the worst case of revealed academic fraud in the history of collegiate athletics and refer to it by that word. But hey...that's jus' me an' the rest of the planet. That said , I find it amusing how unx's position continues to , uhhhh , "evolve" on this. Dealing with SACS? Blame athletics. Dealing with the NCAA? Blame academics. Lately , unx legal eagles don't even deny the fraud. They seem to be more interested in whether or not the NCAA violated their own by-laws. "Yeah , ya caught us red-handed but didn't read us our rights." The holes seem particularly concerned with the meeting of Nov 28 primarily because of , procedural-wise , that kinda get together is rarely , if ever , scheduled. Ok sure. Fine. But why blame the NCAA for it? Lulz...

We've seen how Roy's recruiting has taken a hit. First , due to the scandal. Once it appeared unx was gonna skate from all of that Roy's lack of success could be attributed to his less-than-stellar track record of player development and getting elite recruits to the NBA in a timely manner. I'm no fan of the early entries either but it is what it is and that's a discussion for another time anyway. That said , I just can't figure tptb at unx. Maybe Roy can kick some azz. He put the scandal behind 'im and was finally able to tell recruits ( with some degree of certainty ) that they need not fear potential NCAA sanctions. Lately , he's been dealing with an image problem...perception issues alluded to earlier. It's a lot to deal with. Well , now unx is back to the scandal issues. Roy can no longer tell a recruit with 100% certainty that unx will skate. The Ram's Club just made it that much tougher on Roy. Exhibit A from this afternoon...

Not Luke starting if so might as well forfeit those games
Best article yet on how unx and their surrogates ( ie B-Rad etc ) play word games when it comes to "Fake Classes..."

"Fake" and "bogus" don't mean non-existent. It doesn't mean credit was granted for a class that never existed or for which a student was not properly registered. The words mean "insincere," "counterfeit," "inauthentic;" or basically "not what they said they were."

The hand-wringing over pejorative word choice as being inaccurate or sensationalizing reveals a lack of true ownership for what transpired at UNC for at least 23 years. Of course, UNC advocates want to minimize the breadth and extent of the scandal. It's their counter-narrative to the one to which they object. But it's not the truth. It's a gloss.

The AFAM faculty and even Dr. Nyang'oro himself called it a "shadow curriculum."

The Martin Report called them "anomalies" and "phantom classes"

The Wainstein Report called them "irregularities" SACS called it "academic fraud," (and UNC, for a brief instant, agreed).

The classes weren't simply "easy."

They weren't "legitimate" just because student "did the work" and the University hasn't removed credits.

The classes were bogus.

The classes were fake.

It's not just a "media narrative" or editorial skewage to call them such. Resisting such characterization is skewing.

Unless, and until, the University and its proponents cease to quibble over words and worry more about mitigating public perception damage, the scandal will never truly resolve no matter how many self-congratulatory reforms are put into place. You can't expect to truly remedy a problem if you don't honestly address and admit what the problem was.
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Page 9 of the NCAA's response to the holes. Gawd , how big of a cesspool IS unx...?

The institution argues that, "there was nothing to prevent the enforcement staff from seeking
and obtaining additional evidence of the contact that was clearly in front of them in 2010-2011 ... "8
The argument is without merit. First, under the NCAA cooperative principle, the enforcement staff relied on the institution in 2011 to provide relevant information within the institution's control. It
is now clear that the institution did not provide the enforcement staff with the entire body of
pertinent information at that time, and the NCAA relied to its detriment on the thoroughness of the institution's production.
Another good blog post from B. Martin. Breaks down Bubba Cunningham's comments re: unx's AANOA and illustrates how the legal arguments from the flagship leave much to be desired. There's quite a bit here but I wanted to quote this. Does this REEK of tarhole or what? Lollers....

Every official correspondence from UNC has reminded NCAA offices of it's open, transparent and cooperative behavior throughout the investigation.

LMAO! Just. LMAO! Anyway , here's the rest of the post. Good stuff...

Bubba Cunningham's Remarks Re. 3rd Notice of Allegations
Ted Tatos ‏@TedTatos

UNC prof. Jay Smith calls for focus on athlete rights, well-being, educational quality. From internal UNC docs per FOIA request.


B-Rad sighting. B. Martin spoke with 'im earlier today re: the scandal. Jokingly , Bob asks Bethel a question. Check out Bethel's NOW-DELETED response. Gawd. Is this guy a self-important douche-tard or what? I'll stop . Speaks for itself...

B-Rad's a hoot. He blocked me ( can't imagine why ) years ago from his Twitter account or I'd ask him one question. If , as he contends , the truth is NOT "in the transcripts" , why hasn't every tarhole athlete from the last 20 years released his/hers? If for no other reason , why not release 'em just to disprove Mary Willingham's claims? Guy's a tool...

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unx gets a mention in the latest article from Stewart Mandel...

What’s slowing down the North Carolina case right now is not a lack of manpower but a more laborious infractions process than usual. As if it’s not enough that a letter gets sent, then one party gets 90 days to respond, and so on and so forth, the process has essentially restarted itself twice now. First the school questioned the NCAA’s entire jurisdiction of the case, necessitating a revised NOA and a special hearing, and now the committee essentially rejected that second NOA and sent it back for another rewrite. Clearly the committee is not pleased with how the school’s lawyers have tried to wiggle out of what any neutral observer would agree is egregious and systemic academic fraud.

Scroll down...
B-Rad's a hoot. He blocked me ( can't imagine why ) years ago from his Twitter account or I'd ask him one question. If , as he contends , the truth is NOT "in the transcripts" , why hasn't every tarhole athlete from the last 20 years released his/hers? If for no other reason , why not release 'em just to disprove Mary Willingham's claims? Guy's a tool...

All that '05 team had to do (even one player) was come forward and consent to an interview to contest McCants comments. How about you Sean May, a recent Roy hire??? Tell us about why you SWITCHED your major to AFAM!!! Nice hire Roy, keep him quiet!
unx's Pope Foundation takin' a poll on how the NCAA should sanction academic violations....

Poll: How Should the NCAA Punish Academic Violations?

It’s been more than five years since whistleblowers uncovered extensive academic fraud at UNC-Chapel Hill. Now, the NCAA has released its third notice of allegations against the school. But, so far, there have been no official sanctions.

Many have argued that the NCAA treats powerhouse programs, such as men’s basketball at UNC-Chapel Hill, too leniently. For two years after Michael McAdoo first sued the university, the NCAA seemed unlikely to punish UNC in any way for its ongoing academic fraud. Although the NCAA later reversed course, the perception lingered that Tar Heel Basketball was “above the law.”

How should the NCAA punish academic violations? (You may select more than one option.)

Not at all. Self-imposed penalties work best.

Schools’ wins should be vacated.

Schools should forgo competing in upcoming tournaments/games.

Schools should pay substantial fines.

Other. (Please tell us in the comments.)
Anyone following this knows about the tarhole sock-puppets ( B-Rad , RCCPMD , Edmond Dantes , Ninja Heel , The Count etc. ) who lead the misinformation campaign on Twitter awhile back to try and make unx look less corrupt than they really are. They succeeded in deceiving some ( including yours truly ) into thinking the NCAA would actually do the job they're charged with doing. As to changing public perception about unx and/or convincing anyone that the holes aren't corrupt? Failed miserably just as ANY attempts to do that are destined to fail. Unfortunately for them , unx is , in fact , corrupt. Plenty of evidence to prove it too so why they persist in trying to polish that carolina way turd is beyond me. That said , this guy was around back then too but he appears to be the one really carrying the water for unx now. Walter Byers. What a joke. Wants to expose NCAA corruption. This is news? Lulz. One cesspool throwin' mud on another. Have at it , Walt. I'll pull up a chair and grab some popcorn....

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Great post from PP covering this...

Marc O. Chambers
Rating: 3.4/5 this site
1027 posts this site

This is another example of the "let's put the NCAA on trial" and "the mean and corrupt NCAA is being unfair to poor wittle UNC" narratives being pushed as an effort to deflect and distract from UNC's long-standing corruption and wrong-doing. By this standard of thinking, the NCAA must perform a "perfect" investigation and process or otherwise all efforts to punish UNC must be dropped. In other words, UNC is allowed to do and say whatever it wants, but the NCAA must adhere strictly to all rules, bylaws, and guidelines and conduct themselves in an unassailable manner or the "process is unfair and flawed." Ridiculous.

The NCAA is a voluntary organization. No one held a gun to UNC's head to force them to join and agree to the rules that all other member schools agreed to. If UNC finds the NCAA to be so unfair, onerous, and corrupt, they should withdraw from NCAA membership seeing as they seem to feel they should be able to do as they please without any consequences or burdensome responsibilities.
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B.Martin is killin' it. While he is definitely a "Duke guy" , he is connected to unx...either he worked there or has a degree from there. Honestly , I'm not sure. Either way , I would encourage even holes to read his stuff. The guy is impartial in analyzing this case. He's actually defended unx at different junctures of this. So much so that some Duke fans compared 'im to Jay Bilas. Seriously. That said , here he breaks down the latest article by tarhole mouthpiece Greg Barnes. Cliffs Notes version? unx is wrong. On a personal note , I'd just like to say how amusing this has become. unx no longer even denies the wrong-doing. At this point , they hope to trip up the NCAA on procedural/jurisdictional issues. Too funny. One other thing. Check this quote. Tarholes' gonna tarhole. Always. LMAO...

Barnes concludes with a quote from that letter presenting a regular theme in most of UNC's correspondence with the NCAA:

"A lack of fair and consistent treatment erodes trust in a process in which the University has acted forthrightly and collaboratively and worked diligently to provide information," Evrard wrote. "Indeed, the University is not aware of any University that has made more information available to the enforcement staff and to the public generally than has been made available in this matter and is not aware of any University that has been more public in stating the many reforms it has made to address any issue that has arisen through this long process."
B.Martin is killin' it. While he is definitely a "Duke guy" , he is connected to unx...either he worked there or has a degree from there. Honestly , I'm not sure. Either way , I would encourage even holes to read his stuff. The guy is impartial in analyzing this case. He's actually defended unx at different junctures of this. So much so that some Duke fans compared 'im to Jay Bilas. Seriously. That said , here he breaks down the latest article by tarhole mouthpiece Greg Barnes. Cliffs Notes version? unx is wrong. On a personal note , I'd just like to say how amusing this has become. unx no longer even denies the wrong-doing. At this point , they hope to trip up the NCAA on procedural/jurisdictional issues. Too funny. One other thing. Check this quote. Tarholes' gonna tarhole. Always. LMAO...

Barnes concludes with a quote from that letter presenting a regular theme in most of UNC's correspondence with the NCAA:

"A lack of fair and consistent treatment erodes trust in a process in which the University has acted forthrightly and collaboratively and worked diligently to provide information," Evrard wrote. "Indeed, the University is not aware of any University that has made more information available to the enforcement staff and to the public generally than has been made available in this matter and is not aware of any University that has been more public in stating the many reforms it has made to address any issue that has arisen through this long process."

"No univ

"No university has shared as much!!!???""" True in the sense no university has shared as much $$$$$$$$ to keep folks QUIET!!!
Another mention of "reforms" in there too. At what point do unx fans have their heads explode tryin' to figure which rationale to use? "It was just rogue offenders and easy classes but we created an azzload of reforms anyway. See? Aren't we special? Go heels!" Lulz

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