
"Clustering" in AFAM was a problem. "Clustering" in EXSS and COMM isn't. Hinky...

Ted Tatos ‏@TedTatos

For those interested in clustering of majors among NCAA athletes: My calculation from UNC's Dec. 2016 document release PRR7-04 @ 6461.

Breaking News?

Does it really matter who "Walter Byerz" is?

Here, assembled from a series of tweets (and slightly edited for readability), is the news he purports to be "breaking."

Ask yourself: does it make sense? Is the claim of collusion substantiated? In any of UNC's objections to NCAA (Enforcement staff or Committee on Infractions) relying on the Cadwalader Report, has "collusion" been one of them?
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Communications Between NCAA and UNC


This is a working list of communications between UNC and the NCAA that have been made public since the start of the first investigation in 2011. UNC is citing many of these in arguing its most recent case, objecting to the issuance of a 2nd Amended Notice of Allegations in December 2016.
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Latest on another unx sock-puppet...

Who is WalterByerz?

Does it matter?

The pseudonymous Twitter account @walterbyerz purports to be breaking new information regarding the NCAA and Wainstein investigations of UNC.

Here, assembled from a series of tweets, posted over the past three days, is his story so far. My comments are at the bottom of the page.

(I've done some minor editing of Twitter shorthand for readability. Last updated January 5th, 2016, 10:30AM EST.)
ACC commissioner questions why people who work in college sports decide penalties

ACC commissioner John Swofford raised concerns Sunday about people who work within college sports helping to determine NCAA penalties against schools.

Big Ten commissioner Jim Delany previously suggested the NCAA should outsource its investigations and penalties to an independent body that would mitigate tension from peer review.

Two unx alums have suddenly...outta nowhere...decided that maybe infractions cases should be handled outside of the NCAA. I agree. Thing is , I don't recall any such suggestions by either until the AANOA. Hinky.
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ACC commissioner questions why people who work in college sports decide penalties

ACC commissioner John Swofford raised concerns Sunday about people who work within college sports helping to determine NCAA penalties against schools.

Big Ten commissioner Jim Delany previously suggested the NCAA should outsource its investigations and penalties to an independent body that would mitigate tension from peer review.

Two unx alums have suddenly...outta nowhere...decided that maybe infractions cases should be handled outside of the NCAA. I agree. Thing is , I don't recall any such suggestions by either until the AANOA. Hinky.

Consistent with his position on UNC's innocence in all this (Jay Bilas of course, that "star" of "Unverified"), has IMMEDIATELY hitched his wagon to Swofford and Delaney's views reference anti-peer review.....C'mon Jay, C'mon man...
Why don't you just volunteer for the UNC PR machine!!!??

Consistent with his position on UNC's innocence in all this (Jay Bilas of course, that "star" of "Unverified"), has IMMEDIATELY hitched his wagon to Swofford and Delaney's views reference anti-peer review

Holes are anti-peer review...except this dolt. "Walter Byerz" is the latest tarhole sock-puppet to pollute the internet with pro-unx propaganda. Swoff , Delany and Bilas are advocating for independent investigators but Wally disagrees. Everyone needs to get on the same page over there. Lol...

unx was supposed to have responded to the COI this month. January 3rd. The holes requested a...wait for it extension. Shocker...


unx got their AANOA last month , December 13. They still have a couple of months to respond to it. Expect 'em , like usual , to take the full 90 days. I've heard it said , and I agree , that the holes do NOT wanna have to address the charges in the all. They're likely to be doin' their usual back-room machinations to get another watered-down NOA. As such , that would explain why tarhole sock-puppet "Walter Byerz" is attempting to impugn those on the COI as he did with Larry Parkinson...."never a coach , never a player , never an athletic director , never an athletic dept employee etc." The COI isn't bound by much of anything ie it can consider whatever evidence it deems relevant. Therefore the holes ( via sock-puppets like Byerz ) wanna paint the COI as unqualified to render judgement BEFORE unx has to stand tall before the man as they say. Again , much of this is just speculation based on what we've seen so far but it's "speculation" I happen to agree with. It could all be wildly incorrect but as of now , it DOES makes sense.
Theory about NCAA-Wainstein April 2014

A few weeks ago, there was a bit of a frenzy when an anonymous source began forwarding the claim that the NCAA Enforcement staff's investigative team had colluded with UNC's independent investigator Kenneth Wainstein to participate in interviews with key persons without informing UNC officials. He presented these alleged actions as being "unethical" and an example of "collusion."
Forever grouped with schools they used to look down their noses at. From the "carolina way" to "Dumpster fire." #HangABanner. Lulz...


In the past year, we’ve seen a number of universities turn into complete dumpster fires, whether it’s Baylor, North Carolina, Minnesota, and plenty more.
The most infamous asterisk since Roger Maris put up 61 homers. Little Roy Blue have you No SHAME??? I know Bilas was there last nite...Hope Jay got to bow and honor his favorite coach....

Who me? Naw. Never...

The four years and 100 victories between those milestones had been some of the most difficult of his life: the death of close friends and mentors Smith and Bill Guthridge; the death of his neighbor and best friend Ted Seagroves; the never-ending NCAA investigation and all the baggage that has come with it.

“From 700 to 800, the kids have been my salvation,” Williams said. “You guys know the junk that’s been going on. I’ve taken a lot of it personally, and I was not involved.
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Ok in response to 2 skerz 3 reference "where are the signs pointing to Roy Williams guilt."

1/Mary Willingham busted the scandal WIDE OPEN, per her explanation athletes (primarily hoops, football)were being admitted WOEFULLY UNPREPARED. Roy went bonkers on her and slamed her integrity! Mary courageously INVITED Roy to a sit-down to explain the situation.He declined. He either KNEW or DIDNT WANT to know, neither of which absolves him of guilt.
2/Roy's right hand man for athletes/academics since his Kansas days (Wayne Walden) is known (documented) to have called Deb Crowder (secretary masqueading as an instructor) and have one of the UNC BB players PLACED in a "paper class." Roy Williams has a RESPONSIBILITY to know the actions of his staff.
3/Prior to the Wainstein report, Roy never mentioned ANY KNOWLEDGE of "clustering" by his players in sham courses. During an interview in WR, he said he became familiar w/clustering in 2005 in certain courses (AFAM) and suggested players disperse to other classes....Obviously conflicting stories from Williams.....

There's more, I hit the highlights....

^^^^Yep. And like ya said , those are merely highlights. Anyone askin' for "signs pointing to Roy Williams guilt" six years in either hasn't been payin' attention or is willfully ignorant or both. Hey , real quick! I've got a "highlight." If Roy wasn't guilty why has his employer spent over 20 million ( that we know of! ) , booted a football coach , an associate head coach on the football team , a chancellor , an athletic director , a department head , tutors , administrators and commissioned a DIY bs "documentary" from a learning specialist/shoe salesman to fight this? And those are the ones who immediately come to mind. Anyway...

As UNC and the NCAA continue to battle, a little-noticed spat about one (bogus) class

In a less-noticed move, it also has questioned the NCAA’s accuracy on a piece of its evidence, saying the NCAA erred in partially basing a violation on a class that the university claimed had not been under suspicion. And UNC has protested that its challenge to investigators’ accuracy wasn’t allowed into evidence late last year as legal arguments continued to slow the case.

The accuracy question, however, could boomerang on the university...
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Dan Wolken@DanWolken

At press conference after speech, I asked Emmert about UNC case and reaction to their public criticism of the process. Got a no comment

Harry Ramstein ‏@HarryRamstein

@DanWolken No comment coz he has UNC's **** in his mouth?

charles smithers ‏@charlied51

@DanWolken is NCAA just hoping people will forget the academic fraud committed by their shining jewel? Cant strip championships???

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The latest Andrew Carter homage to all things Roy...

2. Appreciation for Ol’ Roy.

Few college basketball coaches are as accomplished as UNC’s Roy Williams, and yet he’s somewhat of an afterthought in the discussion of the game’s greatest coaches, both current and past. Williams’ 800th victory served as a reminder that he’s been as good as just about anybody ever has.
Carter fights to be the first reporter to bow when Roy walks into a presser...

Did Mark Emmert Break NCAA Public Disclosure Rule?

Whereas Emmert was "cementing a narrative" about the gravity of the the Wainstein Report findings, Cunningham was 'cementing a counter-narrative" that the situation wasn't so bad and that the Report's findings added "nothing new...relative to academic eligibility."

The supposed bylaw "procedural" distinction is missing here. If Emmert violated 19.01.3, then so too did Cunningham with his remarks in the wake of Wainstein.

So , after reading the article , the answer is "no" and even if he did , he didn't violate the rule any more than unx did.
Greg Barnes doin' the PR thing for unx. Lulz. Keep in mind Carol Folt publicly conceded that the scam was athletically motivated after the Wainstein Report was released. Now that the NCAA wants to use it in determining violations ( if any ) and sanctions ( if any ) in assessing the holes' case , the "flagship" ( Greggy included ) wanna cry "Foul" and distance themselves from it. Go figure. Amusing that unx isn't even denying guilt at this point. Their objections are over procedural issues. Gawd , what a sheet-hole....

Bob has an insightful blog post re the way unx is pleading their case. Pathetic. If this were Duke , I'd be ashamed. Seriously...

UNC's "No New Information" Defense
My apologies for not quoting a relevant portion of Barnes' article. When ya quote you-know-who ( and his "documentary" lmao ) to "strengthen" your PR-driven manifesto , that pretty much tells ya all ya need to know about how weak it is. Lollers...

Bradley Bethel, a former ASPSA reading specialist, exposed further discrepancies and falsehoods in the Wainstein Report in his documentary, "Unverified: The Untold Story Behind the UNC Scandal."

In addition to defending charges against ASPSA counselors Beth Bridger and Jaimie Lee, Bethel’s documentary includes...

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unx's Dr. Deb Stroman on the radio today...

Interesting thoughts. Very critical of athletic directors and head coaches. Called out Pitino ( and his violations ) by name. Only mentioned her employer once and it was for a perceived injustice towards 2 football players...I'm thinkin' Michael McAdoo was one of 'em but so what? That was when the scam was centered on Butch Davis. "Uhhh , Dr. Stroman it's grown a bit since then. Oh...and it encompasses more than just a couple of Butch's morons." smh. Thing is , back in tha day she was much less critical of those pullin' the strings. Fast forward to the 16 minute mark:

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