
As noted in an earlier post here , barring another unexpected happening , the NCAA will be receiving a response from unx in the next 10 days...

The revised allegations were issued to UNC on December 13th. Today is the 80th day of the 90-day window in which UNC has the opportunity to submit a written response. UNC never responded to the first iteration of the NOA in 2015 when the process was halted on the cusp of entering the hearing phase. A year later, UNC submitted a respons to the seconded version, but there have been significant changes since then that make the allegations now mirror more closely the first one. UNC is now going to have to defend itself on the merits of allegations that weren't in the April 2016 ANOA.

From PP...

Re: UNC AD Bubba admits to Cheating/Ole Miss gets LOIC

6th Man Rating: 3.4/5 this site
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There is a third, do not respond. If UNC-CH believes that the NCAA has no jurisdiction and they believe they can prove their case in court that NCAA by-laws do not give the NCAA jurisdiction, there is no point in responding. UNc-cH could let the NCAA COI do whatever they are going to do and then sue the NCAA in court.

I do not think UNC-CH has strong legal footing as the court gives great deference to the private organization and their rules, procedures and processes. It would be a bold and unprecedented move but so has the entire process. Cunningham admitted they cheated but the NCAA has no jurisdiction.
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Funny thing is a few UNC friends of mine keep bringing up to me Corey Magette and William Avery. They seem to go silent when their 30 years of cheating and ties to local drug dealers who have business deals with UNC boosters. Their fans are delirious!!!

They have little if anything to say about the activities of "Fats" Thomas.

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Tarhole sock-puppet rears his ugly head. unx due to respond to the NCAA next Monday. Looks like the response will come earlier. We'll see...

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Whatever perks unx gives Carter to write glowing testimonies to their dirty-azz coach and program ain't enough. Shameless...

The awards voters got it right … and wrong.

First-team All-ACC had become a given for weeks, and so it was no surprise on Sunday when Justin Jackson, John Collins, Luke Kennard, Bonzie Colson and Donovan Mitchell all received first-team All-ACC honors. Nor was it a surprise that Jackson, the UNC junior, won ACC Player of the Year.

The best player on the league’s best team is always going to be a favorite there, and though compelling cases could be made for Wake Forest’s Collins and Duke’s Kennard, Jackson was probably the right pick. The same can’t be said for coach of the year.

Georgia Tech’s Josh Pastner won it, and that wasn’t a surprise, necessarily, given how bad the Yellow Jackets were expected to be. The surprise? That he won it by such a wide margin over UNC’s Roy Williams, who lost his best two players and won his second consecutive ACC regular-season title.

Williams remains in the midst of his most difficult years at UNC, especially off the court. The ongoing NCAA investigation has clearly affected UNC’s ability to recruit (and that will hurt UNC in the coming years) but, despite that, the Tar Heels continue to do what they’ve usually done under Williams.
Shameless. Scheduled to respond to the NCAA this week , unx trots out Deb Crowder to what? Say everybody got it all wrong? The classes were legit after all? They weren't ( obviously! ) but why believe her anyway? Didn't she and her employer already have a chance to do this? Heck , unx demonized her...threw 'er under the bus. She was one of the "rogue offenders" remember? This was TIMED for whatever reason. Can't see why. Create another delay? Throw more against the wall hopin' something sticks? Whatever the purpose , I doubt it's to come clean and throw themselves on the mercy of the COI for the most egregious violations in NCAA history...the most egregious that don't involve pedophilia anyway....

Deborah Crowder says in affidavit that UNC paper classes were legitimate

Deborah Crowder, a former department manager for the African and Afro-American Studies department, called the classes “customized educational opportunities for students to solve problems created by the institutional bureaucracy.”

“That is what these courses were about – they were about educating students, irrespective of whether they were athletes; all students were treated equal,” she said in the affidavit.

Crowder’s affidavit was obtained and first reported by Inside Carolina, a fan site that covers UNC sports. It comes just days before UNC is to respond to a third notice of allegations from the NCAA

“customized educational opportunities..."


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Another stall tactic? Really? Crowder's refusal to cooperate with the NCAA is just one of the LOIC's unx was hit with. Two counts really but I digress. So NOW...days before unx is slated to respond to the NCAA...she decides to talk? Coincidence? My azz. Just speculating here but it seems unx could use this the same way they self-reported ( LOL! ) those last-minute minor infractions last time. It's more info the NCAA needs to evaluate therefore more time is bought to delay. Here's what gets me. She and unx were hit with that charge years ago. Deciding to cooperate NOW wipes that charge off? I get arrested robbing a bank and while awaiting trial I return the $. That charge goes away? At what point does the NCAA tell unx , "Ya had your chance years ago. No more delays." Of course , unx would just say , "The NCAA is screwing us because they didn't follow their own rules and take the time to look at this new info" or something equally shamelessly corrupt. Dollars to doughnuts , if this DOES result in another delay , unx will blame the NCAA for it.
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Another stall tactic? Really? Crowder's refusal to cooperate with the NCAA is just one of the LOIC's unx was hit with. Two counts really but I digress. So NOW...days before unx is slated to respond to the NCAA...she decides to talk? Coincidence? My azz. Just speculating here but it seems unx could use this the same way they self-reported ( LOL! ) those last-minute minor infractions last time. It's more info the NCAA needs to evaluate therefore more time is bought to delay. Here's what gets me. She and unx were hit with that charge years ago. Deciding to cooperate NOW wipes that charge off? I get arrested robbing a bank and while awaiting trial I return the $. That charge goes away? At what point does the NCAA tell unx , "Ya had your chance years ago. No more delays." Of course , unx would just say , "The NCAA is screwing us because they didn't follow their own rules and take the time to look at this new info" or something equally shamelessly corrupt. Dollars to doughnuts , if this DOES result in another delay , unx will blame the NCAA for it.

Everytime I think that I can't despise UNC anymore they up the ante. Something bad (as in sanctions) has to happen to the just has to.

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From PP...

Re: UNC Scandal/Crowder Lies Under Oath

6:47 PM Last edited 6:51 PM by st8dukegrad87

6th Man
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Since Crowder was specifically named in the ANOA it will be interesting if she shows up at the COI hearing where she can be questioned. If she does not show then this latest affidavit is worthless other than for PR purposes. UNC-CH knows that Crowder is the weakest link since she has no qualifications to be faculty. Boxill and N'Yangoro were at least faculty and UNc-CH argues that they are academics and the NCAA has no oversight role. It is impossible to argue that Crowder is an academic.
Let's keep something in mind. She wasn't a professor. She wasn't a tutor. She wasn't anything CLOSE to being an educator. She had as much business and qualifications to grade papers , hand out assignments and tutor as anyone on this forum does. Yet in that one e-mail alone we see her admit to grading papers , discovering plagiarism , FAILING TO DISCLOSE SAID PLAGIARISM! and creating an assignment. That's it. Ballgame. End of story. And that's just the one time. And this WASN'T done for athletic eligibility...???

During that time, ESPN and The N&O reported heavy use of the bogus classes by the 2005 men’s basketball team that won the NCAA championship. The editorial page editor of the News & Record in Greensboro, who knew Crowder, wrote that she was such an avid basketball fan that some losses left her so distraught she couldn’t go to work the next day.
Sympathy for Deb Crowder? mind turned when I watched the film and listened as Bridger and Lee whined about their mistreatment and avoided accepting any culpability for their part in the scandal. There was no remorse, no mea culpa nor any indication of ownership of their actions. In their minds they'd done nothing wrong, had just been "trying to help" and complained about how they'd been unjustly fired for it.

Yesterday, Deborah Crowder finally lent her long-silent voice to the tragic comedy. Now that she's finally spoken out, I find I'm having the same reaction toward any sympathies for Crowder as I had toward Bridger and Lee after watching "Unverified."
Convo with tarhole Daren Lucas. Harder for me to follow Lucas' responses. He blocked me a long-azz time ago. Lollers...

unx response to the AANOA due to today. Being so transparent an' all , one would expect the holes to lay it all out there today. It's 3:00 here. Do you know where your NCAA response is...?
Then there's the special committee that reviewed athletes that were subpar and allowed them into the university so they could play men's basketball. SMH!!!

unx calls those "committee cases." And despite a time when they might wanna consider admitting more scholars than jocks , what does the flagship do? Doubles down. Like always...

Committee-case admissions of athletes at UNC up in 2016

UNC-Chapel Hill admitted 13 so-called “committee case” athletes as part of its incoming class last fall, four more than the year before and the most since 2013, a report to its Faculty Council says.

The group included 11 men and women recruited to play football or basketball, the only “revenue sports” that nominally generate a profit for the university’s Athletics Department.
unx calls those "committee cases." And despite a time when they might wanna consider admitting more scholars than jocks , what does the flagship do? Doubles down. Like always...

Committee-case admissions of athletes at UNC up in 2016

UNC-Chapel Hill admitted 13 so-called “committee case” athletes as part of its incoming class last fall, four more than the year before and the most since 2013, a report to its Faculty Council says.

The group included 11 men and women recruited to play football or basketball, the only “revenue sports” that nominally generate a profit for the university’s Athletics Department.
I can't tell you the amount of articles you posted that I've sent to a UNC friend of mine. Thanks for posting!!! Go to Hell Carolina!!!
This "Lee Pace" dude is a piece of work. He's not a big fan of mine though...


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North Carolina Academic Fraud Case Takes Another Sorry Turn

I suppose it is good she is finally speaking up, but to claim nothing was done wrong in this sordid affair makes Crowder look self-serving and anyone who believes her foolish. What would help North Carolina more is for someone to stand up and say something bad was done and we were wrong. More than that-finally admit that it is a scandal first, much to the chagrin of Crowder and her attorney, and acknowledge that however this may have started it became an extra benefit to aid athletic eligibility first and foremost.

This ugly story has gone on way too long and it is time for a resolution. Crowder's late posturing does not change the facts nor will it likely help North Carolina in any way. I think think it will only hurt their cause as it is only likely delaying the inevitable. People like Debbie Crowder trying to cover their own tracks is not helping this case end any time soon and it is only making it worse for such a fine institution. Now let's see what happens next.
Interesting convo between CBR and Lucas. As I've said , Lucas blocked me awhile ago so I can't see his responses. lulz. Anyway , for context , "Loudermilk" is the Loudermilk Center at unx...

The Loudermilk Center’s largest feature is the John W. Pope Student-Athlete Academic Support Center. This 29,000 square-foot facility provides classrooms for teaching and tutoring, advanced computer technology, a writing lab, reading rooms and office space. It is also home to the Richard A. Baddour Carolina Leadership Academy, which offers leadership training to Carolina student-athletes, coaches and staff, and to UNC's Student-Athlete Development programs.

Also housed in the Loudermilk Center is a strength and conditioning center for Carolina’s Olympic sports programs, facilities for men’s lacrosse and a visitor’s locker room that can be split to host high school football championships. Other features include premium seating for fans watching football games, as well as office and operations space for the department of athletics.

A Poisoned Ivy‏ @CheatingBlueRam

So you approve of the "open Loudermilk to everyone" but disapprove that it was a Jay Smith idea. Interesting.

A Poisoned Ivy‏ @CheatingBlueRam

Only reason not to let everyone in the facility already built is the desire to remain an athletic segregationist

A Poisoned Ivy‏ @CheatingBlueRam

All students should have access to all resources necessary to succeed. Are geography students any less special?

A Poisoned Ivy‏ @CheatingBlueRam

You'll have to ask Jay. RE resources, why not start by making available to all the facility already built?

A Poisoned Ivy‏ @CheatingBlueRam

Why is athletics unwilling to share resources?

A Poisoned Ivy‏ @CheatingBlueRam

Athletics can share the building & academics provide the bodies. Set an example for the rest of the country. Bold leadership.

A Poisoned Ivy‏ @CheatingBlueRam

Or we can maintain the segregated society that makes UNC no different than the others.
Another delay tactic. Shocker. Opinions vary on whether or not it worked. The NCAA doesn't comment with regards to on-going investigations and unx , well , they're unx. They only say what works despite all the statements about transparency an' all. If no delays , this moves on to the COI...first of April but more likely June. Again , barring another delay....


Interesting that the first ( and second ) stories about this both came from unx sources. IC and Andrew Carter. Again , not sayin' there WON'T be another delay but that's not a given at this least not publicly anyway...

UNC says it has not responded to latest NCAA notice of allegations

The NCAA’s investigation into UNC-Chapel Hill, which has been beset by delays and restarts, has been delayed once again.

The university has not yet responded to the NCAA Enforcement Staff’s third notice of allegations, a UNC spokeswoman wrote in an email on Wednesday, and now the university is “awaiting guidance from the committee on infractions on a new schedule.”

UNC’s 90-day deadline to respond to its latest notice of allegations (NOA) came and went on Monday without an update from the university about the status of its response. Joanne Peters, UNC’s media relations director, wrote on Wednesday that “in consultation” with the NCAA, UNC had not responded.
Crowder's Affidavit: Point-by-Point

To assess how the Committee on Infractions might assess "Debbie" Crowder's affidavit and it's impact on the NCAA allegations, I think each sworn statement must pass affirmatively through the following "wickets:"

Does Crowder's statement contradict a finding in the Wainstein Report (WR)? If so, is the issue relevant to NCAA allegations? If so, does the contested issue rely on Wainstein's interview of Crowder?

If each of these garners a "yes" answer, then it should matter to the Committee and carry weight to call the allegation into question. If "no," then how the Committee considers her testimony will depend on multiple things, such as whether she appears to answer questions at the hearing, how UNC responds to either refute or endorse her claim, and the nature of any non-Wainstein evidence countering her claim.

The lateness of the hour in voicing her objections and to defend the integrity of the students who took the classes, casts considerable doubt on the nobly stated reason why she is now willing to cooperate. The proximity to the NCAA proceedings deadline strongly suggests an orchestrated attempt to combat institutional risks of NCAA sanctions, masking them with 11th hour protests of the very report that the University chartered, endorsed and acted upon.

This affadavit should be entered into the record, but to have merit, Crowder must appear before the Committee on Infractions and answer some hard questions.
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Typical unx. Privately , alums Pogge , Davis and Baddour turned a blind eye to having agents on the sidelines AND in the classroom but publicly they project a different attitude. #ToSEEMRatherThanToBE...

Stricter proposed regulations for sports agents draw fire from former judge

Sports agents would face tougher restrictions governing their contact with college athletes under a bill that passed an N.C. House committee Wednesday.

House Bill 230 revises existing regulations for sports agents who recruit college athletes as they make the jump to professional sports. It would require agents to notify college or university leaders before they contact an athlete, and agents would have to register in North Carolina instead of using a registration from another state. Rep. Ted Davis Jr.

The bill would increase the severity of the felony charge for agents who violate the regulations, and the maximum fine would increase from $25,000 to $250,000.

The new rules were developed by athletic directors at UNC-Chapel Hill and the secretary of state’s office, which oversees the current regulations.





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