
"st8dukegrad87" from PP has legal/NCAA experience and posts some insightful info...

Re: UNC Scandal/Crowder Lies Under Oath

Wednesday at 11:07 AM

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I believe the way this should be handled (and probably will be) is that Crowder's statement is part of her defense of the charges against her in the ANOA. This means that this should not delay the process and would require her to come to COI to be able to answer questions about her defense and previous statements in the WR.

This would be in full compliance with NCAA rules and procedures.

Re: UNC Scandal/Crowder Lies Under Oath

Wednesday at 11:22 AM

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No one has said the NCAA has allowed more time, the only thing that I have seen is that UNc-CH did not respond and is talking with the NCAA.

Re: UNC Scandal/Crowder Lies Under Oath

Wednesday at 11:31 AM

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The COI has all of that information and will definitely ask her about the contradictory statements. Was she lying then and telling the truth now or vice versa. This statement was another strategic error for UNC-CH.

Re: UNC Scandal/Crowder Lies Under Oath

Wednesday at 12:25 PM

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st8duke, With her refusing to cooperate with the NCAA in the past, can the COI take this information, accept it as evidence, then say thanks for the information and continue to on with the ruling without addressing this in a manner that helps Cheater HIll?

Re: UNC Scandal/Crowder Lies Under Oath

Wednesday at 12:38 PM

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Yes. The proper venue to handle this is the COI hearing where she can talk and the COI can talk.

Re: UNC Scandal/Crowder Lies Under Oath

Wednesday at 2:25 PM


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st8duke, If Crowder is trying to throw Wainstein under the bus with the COI, is he then able to defend himself with the COI with Crowder present, so there is no bias or untrue statements made by Crowder? At this point there is no reason to trust anyone.

Re: UNC Scandal/Crowder Lies Under Oath

Wednesday at 2:36 PM

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If the COI wanted they could invite him to answer questions or give information. Clearly, UNC-CH will not invite him as part of their defense team.

Re: UNC Scandal/Crowder Lies Under Oath

Thursday at 6:10 AM

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Think about how many actual students lives could have been changed if the millions that went to defend basketball and football went to scholarships and research. This waste is all because people like Dwight Stone, Don Curtis, Bob Winston, etc want to see "their boys in blue" victorious on the field and court. Disgusting.
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Re: UNC Scandal/Crowder Lies Under Oath

Thursday at 9:03 AM

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...UNc-CH is exploiting grey areas in the process. There is no clear answer as to how the NCAA can handle this. The safest way is to give them some more time to respond to ANOA. The NCAA expects UNC-CH to sue. UNc-cH has no constitutional due process rights with the NCAA (see Tarkanian v NCAA) but they do need to follow the agreed upon processes, procedures and bylaws.

It really depends on what the NCAA lawyers recommend.

Re: UNC Scandal/Crowder Lies Under Oath

Yesterday at 6:08 AM

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The defense typically comes at the COI hearing itself. The COI would be fully within the bylaws and procedures to treat Crowder's statement as part of her defense against charges leveled at her in the ANOA. UNC-cH is trying to use this as "new information" which UNC-CH would need to investigate thus necessitating a delay in response.

A compromise could be to give UNC-CH 15-30 additional days to "investigate", We and the NCAA knows this is a delay tactic but the NCAA does not want to give anything that a judge might view as the NCAA not following process. A slight delay would give the NCAA cover in the event of a lawsuit. The last thing the NCAA wants is to have a penalty overturned by a court like the Penn State case.

I have always felt the most likely timeline for a COI hearing would be June 10-11 and a few week delay would not affect that timeline. The NCAA knows the Jenkins timeline which is trial in 4Q2017 or 1Q2018 and they want this case behind them before that trial starts.

Re: UNC Scandal/Crowder Lies Under Oath

Yesterday at 6:46 AM

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In reality, the NCAA cannot do anything to Crowder. However, per NCAA bylaws and procedures anyone charged in a NOA has a right to defend themselves at the COI. N'Yangoro, Boxill and Crowder were all named and they all have a right to be present with their own counsel to defend themselves.

In Boxill's case she may want to attempt to defend herself to try and salvage some reputation, although I don't think that is possible.
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Questions for Professor Debby

Deborah Crowder's late entry into the NCAA case involving the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill raises skeptical eyebrows with regard to her agenda and the reliability of her sworn testimony. As I previously wrote, much (if not all) of what she is now attesting to is irrelevant to the NCAA allegations. Though she has addressed her objections to the NCAA, it is really UNC (whether Crowder is aware of it or not) with whom she is being contrary. If the target of her objection is the Wainstein Report, for it to be relevant to UNC's case, UNC will have to either corroborate Crowder or refute her. If corroborating, I'd have many more questions for UNC than I would for Crowder....
A Poisoned Ivy‏ @CheatingBlueRam

Never? I'm confused. Didn't Crowder just sign an affidavit in response to the third NOA? Isn't UNC's fate entirely in Debbie's hands now?


A Poisoned Ivy‏ @CheatingBlueRam

Somewhere, Debbie is sequestered, memorizing facts & parables. She'll be better prepped than any presidential candidate read for debate.

A Poisoned Ivy‏ @CheatingBlueRam

A Poisoned Ivy Question for @darenlucas40 et al, in his confession to CBS Sports, Bubba admitted academic fraud occurred. Was Bubba wrong?

A Poisoned Ivy‏ @CheatingBlueRam

A Poisoned Ivy Question for @darenlucas40 et al, in an Oct 2014 news conference, Folt said the scandal was both academic and athletic. Was Carol wrong?

A Poisoned Ivy‏ @CheatingBlueRam

A Poisoned Ivy Question for @darenlucas40 et al, SACS placed UNC on probation for violation of numerous academic policies. Were the accreditors wrong?
A Poisoned Ivy‏ @CheatingBlueRam

Oct 24, 2014... "the most difficult week in the life of UNC-CH since Sherman's troops left Chapel Hill" Former BOG Member Brent Barringer


A Poisoned Ivy‏ @CheatingBlueRam

More Question for @darenlucas40 et al, was BOT member Alston Gardner wrong to declare "the ultimate root cause is big time athletics?"

A Poisoned Ivy‏ @CheatingBlueRam

"Once we were able to talk with them we were able to uncover who else participated or knew of the FRAUD." 24 individuals > Julis + Deb

A Poisoned Ivy‏ @CheatingBlueRam

Tom Ross: "Requests... NCAA realize that UNC commissioned the Wainstein investigation to find the truth." Now, UNC says ignore the truth.

Deserves to stand-alone...

A Poisoned Ivy‏ @CheatingBlueRam

More than 70 majors at UNC, but ASPSA promoted only 7 for football. Why? Were their arrangements with athletics friendly faculty?
A Poisoned Ivy‏ @CheatingBlueRam

3100 students × 1 paper/student × 15 pages/paper = 46,500 pages. Helluva lot of grading for someone fully employed with other tasks.


A Poisoned Ivy‏ @CheatingBlueRam

Wait, forgot to divide by 18 years. Let's see, that comes to 2583 pages per year. Damn...still an insane student assessment load.

A Poisoned Ivy‏ @CheatingBlueRam

Wait, not evenly distributed across the entire semester, instead we must assume they arrived the last two weeks.

A Poisoned Ivy‏ @CheatingBlueRam

2 weeks in the Fall. 2 in the Spring 1 each summer session.

A Poisoned Ivy‏ @CheatingBlueRam

Let's see, 2583 pages ÷ 6 weeks.... Ah, to hell with it. No way she graded the papers.
A Poisoned Ivy‏ @CheatingBlueRam

No way around the fact that the public record reflects, in their own words, numerous UNC officials declared academic fraud occurred.

A Poisoned Ivy‏ @CheatingBlueRam

Has anyone found an example where someone not allied with UNC athletics has said the Wainstein Report reached incorrect conclusions?
B. Martin‏ @yibyabby

Deb Crowder refutes anyone who ever called them "EZ classes"


B. Martin‏ @yibyabby

It's the classes that are maligned & it's UNC that maligned them, not NCAA. Maligning classes is not in NCAA's "wheelhouse," remember?


North Carolina offering players three Study Abroad credits for spending Sweet 16 weekend in Memphis

The University of North Carolina athletics department confirmed today that Tar Heels players are being offered three credits for the team’s trip to Memphis, Tennessee, this weekend for the Sweet 16. North Carolina arrives in the city on Thursday and will play Butler on Friday with another game on Sunday if they advance...
And this is what they ADMIT to. How much good coulda been done in the state of NC if the over-grown frat boys in the Ram's Club used this $ for damn-near anything other than avoiding justified sanctions and trying to protect a bs legacy that never existed in the first place? unx coulda served an actual Death Penalty , fully recovered and this would all be forgotten by now. AND they might've salvaged some measure of integrity for "walking the walk" with regards to their "reforms." Instead , they've revealed themselves to be the shameless "win-at-all-costs" scumbags we've always thought they were. Disgusting...

Cost of legal bills in UNC academic scandal nears $18 million

Newly released legal bills show UNC’s costs related to the long-running academic-athletic scandal are approaching $18 million.

UNC had previously spent roughly $12 million on legal, investigative and public relations costs related to the scandal involving classes that had no instruction and provided high grades for papers regardless of quality.

The legal bills are likely to continue for many months...
So where are we at with this whole thing? I've tried keeping up with the posts but I haven't put as much time into it as I did before a year ago. Is something big coming down the line again or is this just going to keep dragging until NCAA finally backs down?
So where are we at with this whole thing? I've tried keeping up with the posts but I haven't put as much time into it as I did before a year ago. Is something big coming down the line again or is this just going to keep dragging until NCAA finally backs down?
I hear Tami Hanstraveler has been meeting with the NCAA to make all this "blow" over.
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If all stays on schedule , unx meets with the COI between the first of April and sometime in June. At that time the COI would then render their decision. It's my understanding that even if unx were to appeal , the process for that is brief...2 weeks. HOWEVER , unx trotted out Deb Crowder and her lies as their most recent response and , according to unx , the school is now awaiting a "new" schedule from the NCAA. The NCAA doesn't comment about on-going cases so we don't know. Will the COI give her a chance to speak directly to them now or in April/June? Anyone here think unx REALLY wants that? Seems like just ANOTHER attempt to extend the process. Will it? All I know is that the next ( and final ) date to wrap this up is this Spring/Summer. If that's been pushed back some , well , that's certainly a possibility. More unx bs...

Meanwhile, back on Tobacco Road, UNC has spent nearly $18 million on legal bills for the academic fraud scandal. Although university reps told the N&O that “none of the money to pay the bills is coming from tuition or state appropriations,” it’s not at all clear where the money is coming from.

However, Roy Williams said in his post-Butler presser that a UNC scholarship was worth $25,000 a year.

Using his numbers, that money could have paid tuition for 720 students.

Or, you know, bought some hot tubs and pool tables for men’s basketball.

Just sayin’.

UNC amasses $5.6M in costs for academic scandal from 2015-17

North Carolina estimates it has amassed more than $5.6 million in attorneys' fees and other costs between mid-2015 and January tied to its multi-year academic scandal.
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Thanks for the update, DevilDJ!

From page 14 of this thread. A Pack Pride poster ( "st8dukegrad87" ) has some legal/NCAA experience and has been contributing info on the process. I'm mistake on the dates. My bad. Anyway , assuming no delays we're lookin' at a May - August timeline. It sure SEEMS like unx is willlin' to kick the can down the road as long as allowed so who knows? Hopefully , this latest ploy won't hold things up...

Re: UNC Lawyers digging a bigger Hole in NCAA Case : Kane
6th Man
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Unless a settlement happens, I do not see report from COI being issued (with punishment) until at least Aug 2017. This assumes no further UNC-CH delays (the NCAA wants this case completed) and typical process flow.

Potential timeline:

UNC-CH responds to 2nd ANOA - March 2017

COI hearing as early as April 7, but probably June 10

COI issues report as early as end of May and late as mid-August
unx ain't gonna stop. They will use every option available to deny , deflect and delay. This notion that the current players shouldn't be penalized because they ( allegedly ) weren't involved is bs. Roy's guys went from "clustering" in AFAM to doing the exact same thing in COMM. The field ( or court ) has changed. The game hasn't. unx has been under this cloud since 2010. All current players knew that when signing up. Eyes wide-azz open , they voluntarily committed. They have only themselves to blame if things go sideways. OR they can blame unx for lying to 'em on Signing Day and/or blame unx for cheating like crazy to begin with. Regardless , there will be ZERO innocent victims if the NCAA does their job. I have no reason to believe they will but that's another argument. Related , sure , but different.
It's freakin' pathetic is what it is.

Yep. People with no dog in the fight ( Berkowitz , Solomon and Ridpath ) and one who's an expert in the field ( Ridpath ) are flummoxed. unx plays in their 2nd straight FF while being guilty of the most egregious violations in NCAA history that don't involve pedophilia and/or any other type of criminal behavior. All the while every Top 15 player from the last 2 recruiting classes is in the league except for 4 and Roy has 3 of 'em. Let's face it ya'll. It's destiny. Between the officiating tonight and the NCAA playin' grab-azz with unx , tptb are practically WILLING Roy to another tainted title.
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A Poisoned Ivy‏ @CheatingBlueRam

UNC fans have argued nothing wrong with Crowder's "EZ classes." Bubba has said they were fraudulent, ending the "AFAM EZ classes" argument

A Poisoned Ivy‏ @CheatingBlueRam .

@yibyabby Looking forward to the parsing of Folt's words by @HeelTruths and @darenlucas40.


A Poisoned Ivy‏ @CheatingBlueRam

@yibyabby Best part, was Folt thanking the media for their valuable public service.


A Poisoned Ivy‏ @CheatingBlueRam

More I've read the transcript a dozen times. Still looking for Ross' or Folt's denial of the Wainstein findings. …http://3qh929iorux3fdpl532k03kg.wpe...01/UNC-Oct-22-Press-Conference-Transcript.pdf
A Poisoned Ivy‏ @CheatingBlueRam

Does this constitute and endorsement of the Wainstein findings?


A Poisoned Ivy‏ @CheatingBlueRam

$18 million + NCAA'S eventual fine + cost of UNC's appeal. What are the odds we blow right by $25M on our way to $50M?

A Poisoned Ivy‏ @CheatingBlueRam

UNC BOG Chairman Louis Bissette: 'The University could have acted sooner and stronger'
A Poisoned Ivy‏ @CheatingBlueRam

Jack Evans, an author of the NCAA's APR scoring, sat on UNC's committee for special admission consideration.

DevilDJ‏ @DevilDJ32

@CheatingBlueRam … #scam


A Poisoned Ivy‏ @CheatingBlueRam

If you admit athletes that are consistently under prepared, you need a scoring system like APR for post season qualification.

A Poisoned Ivy‏ @CheatingBlueRam

If you stop enrolling students through the special admissions process, the need for APR scoring declines considerably. That's a Fact Jack.
A Poisoned Ivy‏ @CheatingBlueRam

Undisputed: Athletes are 5% of the student population.

Undisputed: Athletes benefited from the fraudulent classes 47.6% of the time.

A Poisoned Ivy‏@CheatingBlueRam

Never been about education, instead eligibility. There will always be the next Burgess McSwain or Debby Crowder waiting to do their part.
Jim Nantz’s NCAA whitewashing enables scandal and disgrace

Nantz knows Roy Williams’ success at North Carolina — including two national titles — to some great extent was predicated on sustained, as in at least 15 years, academic fraud, including no-show classes for his basketball recruits that guaranteed A’s and B’s.

That Williams, UNC’s chicken-fried, countrified “Well, daggum it” coach throughout most of this mess, claimed total ignorance — any big-time coach who blindly presumes that his recruits, when not playing or practicing basketball, are in class or otherwise pursuing a legitimate college education is a fool — would disqualify him from having even two-plus-two wisdom to form and coach championship teams.

Yet Nantz not only avoided mention of this colossal, enabling scandal, he spoke of Williams as if he’s a beloved Eagle Scouts leader.

At halftime of Friday’s UNC-Butler, Nantz: “Let’s go to Coach Roy.”

"Coach Roy”? That’s nearly as sickening as when Dick Enberg, with NBC and likely on orders, addressed the IOC’s corruption-magnet dictator and unrepentant World War II Fascist Juan Antonio Samaranch as “Your Excellency.”
Good Lord. Yeah , he hit a game-winner. Props. Seriously. But trying to spin this as the "definition of a student athlete" ( at unx , no less! BWAHAHAHA! ) is too much. Aren't ya SUPPOSED to attend class? Were they applauding for his shot or the fact that was the first time they'd seen 'im in class this year? Lulz...


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