First, Not to bash our guys, but I cannot see any being a first rounder with the possible exception of Tre.Just trying to be honest and not wear blue lenses.
1) Tre is good and will be a solid NBA Backup, but defensively he had some lapses this season (more than last, I feel) and the shooting was still on and off. Height is an issue. Is he better than his brother, who is a NBA backup??? IDK, but he was a 2nd rounder.. Does he really wanna chance the D-League Route?
2) Vern is a Great Player, 18-20 years ago he is a surefire lottery pick, but the NBA is changed too much as a league for bigs. His best be would be to come back if K would let him be exclusively a stretch 4, which is possible with Williams in tow. He can shoot, but release is slow and not enough sample size.
3) Hurt needs a bunch of work. IF (big if) he gets into the League he will be The. Worst. Defensive. Forward. In. The. League. His shooting is avg at best, ball handling is poor, for an NBA forward, and he is slow of foot and needs a SIGNIFICANT strength improvement to ever have a shot at any career in the league.That said, many athletes go through a significant physical enhancement in their Jr /Sr years, I think of Zoubs, Lance, Brian Davis, Sanders... Coming back may benefit him most.
4) Wendell - Swiss army knife for sure...but the blade that shoots the basketball from outside 12 ft must be dull and stuck. Defense could make him a 8-10 year player, but another year of balhansling and making some consistent (40%+ outside shots would push him into a top 20.
All could potentially benefit from returning, but if they can get a 1st round guarantee, I have no problem with them going..I couldn't pass up the coin for sure.
Just my thoughts..I'm bored and I miss the tournament...