Happy 4th of July

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Devils Illustrated Hall of Famer
Nov 16, 2009
DI, and to all Americans! And speaking of Americans, I'm proud to be one!
We all have much to be grateful for every single day.

I hate to have to add this, but if you don't have anything good to say about
our country, then don't say it...not in this thread anyway. This is a celebration
of our great nation. God bless America.

And if you're traveling, be safe (well, even if you aren't:)).


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Happy birthday, USA. Love you! Can't wait to see you again!
DI, and to all Americans! And speaking of Americans, I'm proud to be one!
We all have much to be grateful for every single day.

I hate to have to add this, but if you don't have anything good to say about
our country, then don't say it...not in this thread anyway. This is a celebration
of our great nation. God bless America.

And if you're traveling, be safe (well, even if you aren't:)).

Great post dirt
DI, and to all Americans! And speaking of Americans, I'm proud to be one!
We all have much to be grateful for every single day.

I hate to have to add this, but if you don't have anything good to say about
our country, then don't say it...not in this thread anyway. This is a celebration
of our great nation. God bless America.

And if you're traveling, be safe (well, even if you aren't:)).





Great post dirt. I can"t say it better. OFC
Happy 4th everybody. When I was a young lass, we gathered at my grandparents' house to eat and shoot off fireworks. Alabama fireworks are significantly more potent than Florida's, so it was quite a show.
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Happy 4th everyone... stay safe! People talk about America being a special place, an exceptional place, but they often don’t get WHY. It’s simple; outside of a few groups (Native Americans, many African Americans) the American people are made up of people who were willing to take great chances, to make great sacrifices, to leave a place they are familiar with to settle in a new place, to improve their lot, to help their family in generations to come. Italians, Greeks, Chinese, Dutch, Germans, Russians, Irish, Koreans, British... from all corners of the globe some of the bravest, most daring people came here, made America their home, became Americans, and in turn made America a better place... a special place.

Just putting a final coat of lacquer on my Duke cornhole board, in time for tonight... I’ll post some photos when I’m done. It’s not perfect, but it gets the job done.

As for the DC event... not my cup of tea. For many, many years the 4th has been celebrated as what it should be, independent of politics. But with the White House making it a political event, only giving the VIP tickets to the Republican National Committee to in turn give to GOP mega donors... yeah, no, the day should definitely be beyond that. I don’t know if that is why the service chiefs aren’t attending?

And the cost is... well, that’s money I think that is better served elsewhere. I’ve never met a service member, including any of my family, who felt they needed a big celebration to feel appreciated. My guess is that that money would be much better used helping our 40,000 homeless veterans (a number which increased jn 2017 after going down for so many years), or used in the VA to help our nearly 4 million veterans with service oriented disabilities, or using the Parks money on our beautiful national parks, or in any number of places. Then again, I’m not a “I need a big show!” type at heart... I’m fairly modest and practical, like that.

And now, with stories of white nationalists and Proud Boys and neo Nazis and the like flooding into DC for the celebrations, and the counter protestor/Antifa types following... yeah, while I love seeing armor in person (god help the next idiot who calls a Bradley a tank!)... no thanks. Went to my local parade, saw dozens of people I care about, hosting everyone here now for burgers and dogs and swimming (and, in a few hours, Duke cornhole!), made my vet father in law a super flat hamburger the way he likes it... feels like what the 4th really should be about.
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Happy 4th everyone... stay safe! People talk about America being a special place, an exceptional place, but they often don’t get WHY. It’s simple; outside of a few groups (Native Americans, many African Americans) the American people are made up of people who were willing to take great chances, to make great sacrifices, to leave a place they are familiar with to settle in a new place, to improve their lot, to help their family in generations to come. Italians, Greeks, Chinese, Dutch, Germans, Russians, Irish, Koreans, British... from all corners of the globe some of the bravest, most daring people came here, made America their home, became Americans, and in turn made America a better place... a special place.

Just putting a final coat of lacquer on my Duke cornhole board, in time for tonight... I’ll post some photos when I’m done. It’s not perfect, but it gets the job done.

As for the DC event... not my cup of tea. For many, many years the 4th has been celebrated as what it should be, independent of politics. But with the White House making it a political event, only giving the VIP tickets to the Republican National Committee to in turn give to GOP mega donors... yeah, no, the day should definitely be beyond that. I don’t know if that is why the service chiefs aren’t attending?

And the cost is... well, that’s money I think that is better served elsewhere. I’ve never met a service member, including any of my family, who felt they needed a big celebration to feel appreciated. My guess is that that money would be much better used helping our 40,000 homeless veterans (a number which increased jn 2017 after going down for so many years), or using the Parks money on our beautiful national parks, or in any number of places. Then again, I’m not a “I need a big show!” type at heart... I’m fairly modest and practical, like that.

And now, with stories of white nationalists and the like flooding into DC for the celebrations, and the counter protestors following... yeah, while I love seeing armor in person (god help the next idiot who calls a Bradley a tank!)... no thanks. Went to my local parade, saw dozens of people I care about, hosting everyone here now for burgers and dogs and swimming (and, in a few hours, Duke cornhole!)... feels like what the 4th really should be about.

Well done Dude! Both yourself and Dirt said it all quite well! OFC
So... July 5th... Is this the day we get to identify ways in which we need to make this country great for the first time? Or is there actually never a day some people ever want to address that?

Asking for a friend...
So... July 5th... Is this the day we get to identify ways in which we need to make this country great for the first time? Or is there actually never a day some people ever want to address that?

Asking for a friend...

datt, wishing you a belated happy 4th friend. I don't have any earth shaking answer to your question. The only thing I could offer is thats why we have elections. However the fallacy of that argument is foreign influence over them w/cyber hacking, etc. That needs to be addressed.

Yes I am an old fart, but something that's always bothered me is my vote doesnt count as much as in other states w/the electoral college system. We should all be equal as Americans. Don't get involved much in these type discussions on board, but hope that helps. OFC
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What a July 4th! My youngest daughter and her husband recently moved into a new home (new to them anyway:)) that is only about 15 minutes away. That's close enough that my wife is able to travel to see them and we did. A great time by all, as my oldest daughter and husband were there also.
I came back home and was able to watch the great 'Salute to America'. July 4th was special, and July 5th looks to be even better!

datt, wishing you a belated happy 4th friend. I don't have any earth shaking answer to your question. The only thing I could offer is thats why we have elections. However the fallacy of that argument is foreign influence over them w/cyber hacking, etc. That needs to be addressed.

Yes I am an old fart, but something that's always bothered me is my vote doesnt count as much as in other states w/the electoral college system. We should all be equal as Americans. Don't get involved much in these type discussions on board, but hope that helps. OFC

Dude your vote counts way more with the system. Don’t drink the kool aid
Dude your vote counts way more with the system. Don’t drink the kool aid

No "kool-aid," just happens to be my opinion of the current "system." Respect your thoughts on it just dont happen to agree. Carry on and enjoy your holiday weekend...OFC
LOL,pretty nice where I'am right on the ocean,its low 80's here.
about a 100 f. here with no rain.I guess we will have pythons and iguanas next. Actually I am sure of it. Might as well bring in some African lions. Then I wont look like a nag when I tell a woman to be careful about being out at night.
What a July 4th! My youngest daughter and her husband recently moved into a new home (new to them anyway:)) that is only about 15 minutes away. That's close enough that my wife is able to travel to see them and we did. A great time by all, as my oldest daughter and husband were there also.
I came back home and was able to watch the great 'Salute to America'. July 4th was special, and July 5th looks to be even better!

So happy to hear this, ODD! I hope you and your wife are doing well!
Happy 4th everyone... stay safe! People talk about America being a special place, an exceptional place, but they often don’t get WHY. It’s simple; outside of a few groups (Native Americans, many African Americans) the American people are made up of people who were willing to take great chances, to make great sacrifices, to leave a place they are familiar with to settle in a new place, to improve their lot, to help their family in generations to come. Italians, Greeks, Chinese, Dutch, Germans, Russians, Irish, Koreans, British... from all corners of the globe some of the bravest, most daring people came here, made America their home, became Americans, and in turn made America a better place... a special place.

Just putting a final coat of lacquer on my Duke cornhole board, in time for tonight... I’ll post some photos when I’m done. It’s not perfect, but it gets the job done.

As for the DC event... not my cup of tea. For many, many years the 4th has been celebrated as what it should be, independent of politics. But with the White House making it a political event, only giving the VIP tickets to the Republican National Committee to in turn give to GOP mega donors... yeah, no, the day should definitely be beyond that. I don’t know if that is why the service chiefs aren’t attending?

And the cost is... well, that’s money I think that is better served elsewhere. I’ve never met a service member, including any of my family, who felt they needed a big celebration to feel appreciated. My guess is that that money would be much better used helping our 40,000 homeless veterans (a number which increased jn 2017 after going down for so many years), or used in the VA to help our nearly 4 million veterans with service oriented disabilities, or using the Parks money on our beautiful national parks, or in any number of places. Then again, I’m not a “I need a big show!” type at heart... I’m fairly modest and practical, like that.

And now, with stories of white nationalists and Proud Boys and neo Nazis and the like flooding into DC for the celebrations, and the counter protestor/Antifa types following... yeah, while I love seeing armor in person (god help the next idiot who calls a Bradley a tank!)... no thanks. Went to my local parade, saw dozens of people I care about, hosting everyone here now for burgers and dogs and swimming (and, in a few hours, Duke cornhole!), made my vet father in law a super flat hamburger the way he likes it... feels like what the 4th really should be about.
Just exactly what was it that President Trump said during the wonderful July 4th celebration which convinced you that it was a political stunt only? Would you have reached the same conclusion if Obama had orchestrated a similar event?
dont think obama would have talked about the revolutionary air force lol and would know which war the star spangled banner was written during (1812 not revolutionary). plus obama had 8 years to ''orchestrate'' this type of event but took the politics out of the celebration. the 4th is for the people and should be kept that way in my opinion. dont care if you are a lefty or a right winger, both have good and bad points but this a holiday that should be about us.
Just exactly what was it that President Trump said during the wonderful July 4th celebration which convinced you that it was a political stunt only? Would you have reached the same conclusion if Obama had orchestrated a similar event?

I thought I was clear… The White House gave VIP tickets to the Republican national committee. That’s a political body. They in turn gave them to big donors, which is people that give money for political campaigns They did not give any tickets to the Democratic national committee. I find that political and inappropriate for a Fourth of July celebration, and would think so whether it was a Democrat president or Republican president, although in eight years Obama never did this.
Just exactly what was it that President Trump said during the wonderful July 4th celebration which convinced you that it was a political stunt only? Would you have reached the same conclusion if Obama had orchestrated a similar event?
Are you satisfied with the answers you've received now?

Oh, and FYI: throwing out a hypothetical about reactions had President Obama done something is a lame deflection regardless, and triply so when he already passed on the exact same opportunity 8 years in a row.
Are you satisfied with the answers you've received now?

Oh, and FYI: throwing out a hypothetical about reactions had President Obama done something is a lame deflection regardless, and triply so when he already passed on the exact same opportunity 8 years in a row.
Those were honest answers, and I accept them. However, very few of the thousands of people who attended the celebration are likely to have been donors and committee members, so I disagree with the conclusion that it was a political stunt.

The hypothetical question about Obama was not meant to deflect anything, but rather was posed in order to help me assess how objective the post was. It put a completely different spin on the July 4 Celebration than what I came away with and seemed politically biased. But that is just me.
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Tee hee hee. Is that Shaggy? I'm fairly certain over 50% of the Florida panhandle cross the Alabama line to purchase fireworks. Heck, my cousin's hair caught on fire from those Alabama jumping jacks. You know what she did? Ran like a bat out of hell and I'm shouting you're making it worse, stop, drop, and roll. One of my uncles finally caught her and put her out.
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Tee hee hee. Is that Shaggy? I'm fairly certain over 50% of the Florida panhandle cross the Alabama line to purchase fireworks. Heck, my cousin's hair caught on fire from those Alabama jumping jacks. You know what she did? Ran like a bat out of hell and I'm shouting you're making it worse, stop, drop, and roll. One of my uncles finally caught her and put her out.
It is Shaggy, but more importantly it represents the not so allusive and always in the news: Florida Man. A recent “Florida Man” story:

That’s a bad story but par for the course for “Florida Man.” If you google “Florida Man” you’ll get days of reading that will horrify you and also make you laugh at the same time.

Sorry to anyone from Florida. Blame your FOIA laws.

A fun thing to do is google “Florida Man [insert your birthday]”
And the cost is... well, that’s money I think that is better served elsewhere. I’ve never met a service member, including any of my family, who felt they needed a big celebration to feel appreciated. My guess is that that money would be much better used helping our 40,000 homeless veterans (a number which increased jn 2017 after going down for so many years), or used in the VA to help our nearly 4 million veterans with service oriented disabilities, or using the Parks money on our beautiful national parks, or in any number of places. Then again, I’m not a “I need a big show!” type at heart... I’m fairly modest and practical, like that.

For someone who makes $50,000, this is the equivalent of spending 3 cents on your child's birthday. Not a big deal.

Both sides are always going to complain about how we spend money. I wasn't too thrilled about sending $1.7 billion over to Iran. And FWIW, the National Park service used 30 million in taxpayer dollars to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the National Parks just a couple years ago.
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For someone who makes $50,000, this is the equivalent of spending 3 cents on your child's birthday. Not a big deal.

Both sides are always going to complain about how we spend money. I wasn't too thrilled about sending $1.7 billion over to Iran. And FWIW, the National Park service used 30 million in taxpayer dollars to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the National Parks just a couple years ago.

Hm, equivalencies like that don’t really work in practical matters. Think of it this way... if that three cents could pay for food and shelter for hundreds of homeless veterans, that would be a pretty meaningful three cents, right? Well, the DoD estimated last year that the event would cost in the neighborhood of a hundred million dollars. That’s a lot of food and shelter:)

I hope you are aware that that money was money paid to us decades ago in an arms deal in which Iran paid us the money for weapons, but we never delivered said weapons. It was Iranian money. So I don’t know how that got into the conversation.

The National Parks spending money on national parks seems about right, and for a centennial that doesn’t seem outrageous, especially given we have something like 500 sites that host something like 300 million people per year, and the parks have a twelve *billion* dollar backlog of repairs and services needed. I’m a fan of the national park system. As Teddy Roosevelt said, "Of all the questions which can come before this nation, short of the actual preservation of its existence in a great war, there is none which compares in importance with the great central task of leaving this land even a better land for our descendants than it is for us." I mean, we’ve paid triple that just for the Presidents golf trips the last two years. So yeah, I don’t think that is bad.

Of course, as you said, to each their own, man.
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Hm, equivalencies like that don’t really work in practical matters. Think of it this way... if that three cents could pay for food and shelter for hundreds of homeless veterans, that would be a pretty meaningful three cents, right? Well, the DoD estimated last year that the event would cost in the neighborhood of a hundred million dollars. That’s a lot of food and shelter:)

I hope you are aware that that money was money paid to us decades ago in an arms deal in which Iran paid us the money for weapons, but we never delivered said weapons. It was Iranian money. So I don’t know how that got into the conversation.

The National Parks spending money on national parks seems about right, and for a centennial that doesn’t seem outrageous, especially given we have something like 500 sites that host something like 300 million people per year, and the parks have a twelve *billion* dollar backlog of repairs and services needed. I’m a fan of the national park system. As Teddy Roosevelt said, "Of all the questions which can come before this nation, short of the actual preservation of its existence in a great war, there is none which compares in importance with the great central task of leaving this land even a better land for our descendants than it is for us." I mean, we’ve paid triple that just for the Presidents golf trips the last two years. So yeah, I don’t think that is bad.

Of course, as you said, to each their own, man.
Agree on the national parks. The government paid Barack and Michelle way more for Barack's many golf trips and for Michelle's lavish vacations and room service meals.

As to the Iranian Money, if you are correct that it was repayment for an advance payment for an unfulfilled contract to sell arms, you may want to consider that that payment was made by one Iranian government which at the time was not an enemy of this country, unlike the one which received this alleged repayment and which at the time hated our guts and could be expected to misuse the money to harm our interests. Should they repay us for the $250,000,000 drone they shot down over international waters? Or was it the fault of American imperialism that they did that? Anyway, who knows for sure whether the Obama administration's alleged justifications for the payment were thuthful, or whether the payment was actually ransom money?
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