Get well Cam!!

I’m speaking in general. Just replying to you. Why do you think he sat out?

Idk I have a few ideas but I don’t want be a flat earthed r on here LOL. I could see knee discomfort and it just got mental and freaked him out or a suspension and they didn’t want to embarrass him so they said injury.
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I’m not saying he got out of bed yesterday and thought, “Well I’m gonna sit out so I don’t ruin my future.” — Yes, obviously something happened with his knee and he doesn’t feel comfortable playing. I was more along the lines speculating that he had a had a scare in practice where something didn’t feel right and therefore chose to sit himself out to avoid the chance of an injury that could impact his future. Maybe something minor that guys with non-NBA futures would consider playing through. Since he was questioning the decision, it’s pretty clear that it isn’t serious to the extent of absolutely having to sit out but rather a choice to protect his health incase gameplay aggravated it. I’m not knocking him for it. I thought the point of this thread was to discuss and speculate opinions and post facts as they come along.

I see what you mean. I think my wording poorly displayed my thoughts. I didn’t cut and dry mean to insinuate that he was bailing on his team. I tried to explain myself better above your quote on this post. It’s just a unique situation that’s painfully vague.I have no place to question his integrity because he has played his best and been nothing shy of a great kid wearing a Duke jersey.

I just can’t help but to be completely confused as to why he was jumping in the locker room pre-game. I mean, if you can’t play in the biggest game of your career so far because of injury — It’s unfortunate, certainly not his fault. But I don’t like seeing him jumping around. I know we don’t know any facts yet, but from the vagueness of the situation that’s a bad look.
I’m not saying he got out of bed yesterday and thought, “Well I’m gonna sit out so I don’t ruin my future.” — Yes, obviously something happened with his knee and he doesn’t feel comfortable playing. I was more along the lines speculating that he had a had a scare in practice where something didn’t feel right and therefore chose to sit himself out to avoid the chance of an injury that could impact his future. Maybe something minor that guys with non-NBA futures would consider playing through. Since he was questioning the decision, it’s pretty clear that it isn’t serious to the extent of absolutely having to sit out but rather a choice to protect his health incase gameplay aggravated it. I’m not knocking him for it. I thought the point of this thread was to discuss and speculate opinions and post facts as they come along.

I see what you mean. I think my wording poorly displayed my thoughts. I didn’t cut and dry mean to insinuate that he was bailing on his team. I tried to explain myself better above your quote on this post. It’s just a unique situation that’s painfully vague.I have no place to question his integrity because he has played his best and been nothing shy of a great kid wearing a Duke jersey.

I just can’t help but to be completely confused as to why he was jumping in the locker room pre-game. I mean, if you can’t play in the biggest game of your career so far because of injury — It’s unfortunate, certainly not his fault. But I don’t like seeing him jumping around. I know we don’t know any facts yet, but from the vagueness of the situation that’s a bad look.

I don't know if he was jumping around earlier, Beer, but in this gif I made of the alley oop to Zion you can see the bench all jump up and down, but Cam just stands up (and it's not in the gif, but in the video of the dunk) you can see that he continues to just stand as others go crazy. And in other parts of the game he's supportive and claps hard for good plays, but he doesn't jump around.

But yeah, none of us knows what's going on yet, and probably never will.


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I don't know if he was jumping around earlier, Beer, but in this gif I made of the alley oop to Zion you can see the bench all jump up and down, but Cam just stands up (and it's not in the gif, but in the video of the dunk) you can see that he continues to just stand as others go crazy. And in other parts of the game he's supportive and claps hard for good plays, but he doesn't jump around.

But yeah, none of us knows what's going on yet, and probably never will.



I mean that’s solid, he clearly wasn’t jumping.

This is what I was referring to

That’s what confuses me and... Yep, in your example he’s not doing all that. I’m just ready for an official statement of some sort. I’m just digging around at ideas pointlessly
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I mean that’s solid, he clearly wasn’t jumping.

This is what I was referring to

That’s what confuses me and... Yep, in your example he’s not doing all that. I’m just ready for an official statement of some sort. I’m just digging around at ideas pointlessly

Yeah, he's moving around there for sure. I don't know. But I will say, I can move around for a short period of time like Cam does in that video, but I can't jump (really jump) without suffering tremendously (3 serious back operations). I just don't know, and what's also important is I don't know his pain tolerance.

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I just think it’s weird. There’s nothing relating to “the medical staff evaluated his knee and are currently diagnosing it as a sprain.” Even if he injured it in warm ups and they marked him out for the game, that would seem like an unfortunate but normal situation. Just the fact that he didn’t know if he wanted to play, didn’t know what to do, K is clueless, they didn’t list him out so it almost sounded as if he didn’t wanna play but would be willing in an emergency situation. Hell I don’t know. I’m sure I’m wrong, it’s just a unique situation.

BP i can see where you coming from on it. Whole thing just seems strange...

I think Cam deserves the benefit of the doubt. None of us know anything. When none of us know anything we start making up and drawing conclusions in our heads.

Absolutely, DJ.
Perhaps people are just aggravated that Duke hasn't beaten our opponents silly so far, and are just looking for stuff to take their frustrations out on. It's time to band together, instead of pointing fingers imo.

I mean that’s solid, he clearly wasn’t jumping.

This is what I was referring to

That’s what confuses me and... Yep, in your example he’s not doing all that. I’m just ready for an official statement of some sort. I’m just digging around at ideas pointlessly

Not sure how old you are, but I know personally being less years away from being in the OFC than I am away from them, if I hurt something, and I want to test it out, against better judgement I’ll jump or run or something stupid (not saying what Cam did was even stupid).

Of course anything is speculation. I’m guessing he was trying to move as much as he could to see if he could go. Maybe when he told K it was bothering him, the decision was made not to start him, but he wanted to prove he could go. There’s so many parallels we could explore with this thing. The main thing is, he didn’t go, and in walkthroughs for MSU, he will be an afterthought for the time being until proven otherwise.
I can’t help but be a little puzzled about Cam’s injury considering there were literally no signs of an injury up until game time. What really got me puzzled, was when Coach K said he was shocked that Cam was not going to be able to play. That’s what ultimately made me a bit skeptical.
Absolutely, DJ.
Perhaps people are just aggravated that Duke hasn't beaten our opponents silly so far, and are just looking for stuff to take their frustrations out on. It's time to band together, instead of pointing fingers imo.

No OAD, it’s not like that with me or anything. I just think the timing of it all was a bit strange. We were all thinking Cam was going to play, but out of nowhere he’s a no go.
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I think Cam deserves the benefit of the doubt. None of us know anything. When none of us know anything we start making up and drawing conclusions in our heads.

You’re right. I just hate being in the dark, I like making sense of things. I never meant to discredit him as a person or player, it’s all just very vague. What I meant just sorta got pulled out of context, probably poor wording.
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No OAD, it’s not like that with me or anything. I just think the timing of it all was a bit strange. We were all thinking Cam was going to play, but out of nowhere he’s a no go.

Yeah, it does seem strange, DukeRules, but strange doesn't necessarily mean nefarious.
Life comes at you fast, and it doesn't always make sense.:D

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Not sure how old you are, but I know personally being less years away from being in the OFC than I am away from them, if I hurt something, and I want to test it out, against better judgement I’ll jump or run or something stupid (not saying what Cam did was even stupid).

Of course anything is speculation. I’m guessing he was trying to move as much as he could to see if he could go. Maybe when he told K it was bothering him, the decision was made not to start him, but he wanted to prove he could go. There’s so many parallels we could explore with this thing. The main thing is, he didn’t go, and in walkthroughs for MSU, he will be an afterthought for the time being until proven otherwise.

27 — Thankfully I haven’t hit the aches and pain stage associated with age stage of my life yet. I’m good with taking your word and keeping that as far into the future as possible. I get what you mean though. Everything is purely speculation, agreed. We can come up with 50 different ideas that could make sense, all pointlessly hypothetical.

Probably unlikely but ultimately I’m just hoping he’s ready to go on Sunday. We really missed his defensive presence last night.
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Sorry, but this smells. K was surprised by Cam’s own decision. He prepared all week for him to be starting. That doesn’t sound like a guy limping around as late as Thursday.

These things happen. Duke is not excluded to a little drama. Plenty of folks thought and posted about the belief of chemistry issues last season, yet they were told how wrong they were. Yet we heard the rumblings from the program after the season. Then those folks said “see we said so.” They were then told “the seasons over, move on.”

Cam not playing, in my opinion, is why we had the first half we did.

I like Cam, and have loved his effort all season. I’m only going off of the announcement before the game, and the Bleacher Report article.
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I don't have anything to go on, but I seem to remember Cam going to the basket hard against UCF(?) and coming up limping. I don't think he ran into anyone under the basket, but he definitely came back onto the floor limping. He did finish the game, and it is possible that there was an injury to his leg. Add that to practice in preparation for the game this week, and something could have tightened or flared up in his leg?
Not making an excuse for him, and if it was bothering him at all this week, he should have said something to the trainer, so he could have gotten treatment.
Sometimes we want to play so bad that we try to tough it out, and all of the sudden you irritate the injury by an unusual movement.
I think we should hold off on speculation until we get the whole story. I certainly hope it is something minor and he can play again, maybe even Sunday.
Go Duke!
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Jumper’s knee or some sort of tendinitis would explain a lot. Not a result of anything in particular but could be very painful. Probably just draft stock though.
Jumper's knee can be pretty painful (obviously depending on severity). I've had it in the past (and I mean way in the past). Not that I could jump that high, but playing on hard surfaces (like many parks that I played at that were concrete) are tough on knees. But it can be sorta quirky, at least with me it was. It can be really sore, and hurt but you feel like you can play, but then just like that without any hint you can have shooting pains that will stop you in your tracks. Rest, and anti inflammatory meds are pretty much the ticket.

Not worked up, just makes you sound like a douche IMO. Why root for a team if you are going to turn on them so quickly? Nobody has nearly enough information about the situation to offer an opinion that he lacks heart or is only protecting his draft stock.

This is exactly my point. No one is turning on the team with negative comments. It's just mere speculation in this situation and it's not just this situation. Look at the game threads. Every time someone makes a single negative comment some of the same people blow up every time about it.

I totally 100% get it that there can be posts on the board and especially in the game threads that go overboard with negative comments, but there's many who lose it on people who say anything at all.

Saying negative things about the team does not make you less of a fan than someone who purposely goes out of their way to never say anything bad. I don't think I've ever made a single negative post on the boards about Duke, its players, or Coach K, but I see nothing wrong with those who do.

It's fine if people want to disagree but chill out on people who make negative posts sometimes. It comes across obsessive to jump on people every time a negative comment is made.
This is exactly my point. No one is turning on the team with negative comments. It's just mere speculation in this situation and it's not just this situation. Look at the game threads. Every time someone makes a single negative comment some of the same people blow up every time about it.

I totally 100% get it that there can be posts on the board and especially in the game threads that go overboard with negative comments, but there's many who lose it on people who say anything at all.

Saying negative things about the team does not make you less of a fan than someone who purposely goes out of their way to never say anything bad. I don't think I've ever made a single negative post on the boards about Duke, its players, or Coach K, but I see nothing wrong with those who do.

It's fine if people want to disagree but chill out on people who make negative posts sometimes. It comes across obsessive to jump on people every time a negative comment is made.

Now don’t go and be sensible some people can’t handle sound post like this. Also it’s only ok to talk bad about a player if it’s Greg Paulus