This thread linked above is just absolute gold. I'm not going to quote anything in particular but bring up a theme in the thread. That theme being how innocent Roy is because he didn't go after these top recruits and all this BS about how he knew who was dirty and all that.
I got into a debate with a UNC fan a year or two ago about this same argument and I went to all the scouting sites for college basketball. I looked up the top recruits of 5 classes in recent history and Roy's name was everywhere on them. From casual contact to home visits and invitations to campus. This includes Zion which I have seen mentioned several times on THR is someone Roy didn't try to get.
It's baffling that these guys on THR call themselves fans and they'll talk so confidently about the details of their team's recruiting efforts yet they're wrong about everything they're saying. Obviously it's just denial that Roy can't land these top players.
And one last thing, it's not just a THR thing, every UNC fan I have spoken to that I know personally, they've said the same thing when recruiting comes up.