Favorite THR Quotes....

Archer2Hall of Famer
Aug 5, 2009
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NewKid's just scratching his potential, as is Manley. One's been stashed away in Podunk, Alaska and one has sustained two broken legs in two years. I completely understand why some of you are hesitant to believe we may have found not one, but two diamonds in the rough. That's just going to make us all that much happier when everyone realizes that.

17 Archer2, Yesterday at 7:12 PM

The THR talent scouts are some of the best in the business after these kind of evaluations.
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If I could translate...."you're wrong because I'm right. I'm right because I'm right because any learned eye (me) know that I'm right..."

Gotcha Gary
That really tells all you need to know about Gary's ability in reading basketball talent. Maye could one day become a 6 or 7 ppg player but I don't see it against ACC competition. I don't think he would start for even UNC Pembroke or UNC Podunk Valley. Wasn't he a walk on player anyway? And he's getting valuable minutes against Indiana at Assembly Hall.
That really tells all you need to know about Gary's ability in reading basketball talent. Maye could one day become a 6 or 7 ppg player but I don't see it against ACC competition. I don't think he would start for even UNC Pembroke or UNC Podunk Valley. Wasn't he a walk on player anyway? And he's getting valuable minutes against Indiana at Assembly Hall.
Roy is developing him. By the time he's a senior, we're talking lottery pick.

Smells fishy to me.

No updates and no timeline for return.

Could this Duke injury thing be a veneer for something else.

Maybe these guys aren't cleared for participation and they're being held out quietly because of the NCAA.

That's my theory.

I'll do some investigating and let you guys know what I find.

This came from wardhawk on the College Basketball Board and it's a classic. He has to be related to guru gary. OFC
I can see a fan going to bat for his guy like Gary is doing with Big Luke. I'm not sure why he'd be rusty, but I get it. If one of our guys has a rough night, I'd be behind him too. The amusing part to me is that he only thinks this is a blip on the road to greatness and not what to expect when he plays.

Also, the stats and stuff was ridiculous. It's UNCheat against the world, just ask the NCAA and all those sanctions...oh, wait. :)
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Smells fishy to me.

No updates and no timeline for return.

Could this Duke injury thing be a veneer for something else.

Maybe these guys aren't cleared for participation and they're being held out quietly because of the NCAA.

That's my theory.

I'll do some investigating and let you guys know what I find.

This came from wardhawk on the College Basketball Board and it's a classic. He has to be related to guru gary. OFC
wardhawk is full of "interesting" posts like this on the Colldge Basketball. I check out that board at least a few times a day and like Guru Gary-7 (I'm still embarrassed to share a first name with him) wardhawk is also good for a palm to the forehead type of laugh on a daily basis.
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wardhawk is full of "interesting" posts like this on the Colldge Basketball. I check out that board at least a few times a day and like Guru Gary-7 (I'm still embarrassed to share a first name with him) wardhawk is also good for a palm to the forehead type of laugh on a daily basis.
Hahaha now this is a good one!
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How ironic. Archer says this after, on the same day, K applauds the Duke fans and Roy pretty much calls his own pieces of s**t. Those people are so damn clueless over there that some of their garbage literally blows your mind.

TarHeelNation11 said:
Absolutely. What he said rings true, regardless of whatever he may or may not say about his own coaching and decisions. That's a completely separate thing from him (correctly) pointing out that the Dean Dome atmosphere is awful.

In all fairness, Roy routinely takes the blame for his team when they don't play well, much like Dean did. I can't count the number of times he's said "I need to do a better job of getting my team prepared." Ever heard the LOM say that?

20 Archer2, Yesterday at 5:13 PM
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Arch is so proud of the LOM (Leader of Men) tag he placed on K. Lol. As if some loser like him has any right to constantly disrespect someone like Mike Krzyzewski. What a joke.
Hark_The_Sound_2010 saying that Roy wasn't trying to win against Indiana, he was just experimenting with his substitution patterns. Lol. I have seen several of them over there claim this. It is total nonsense. You experiment against several of the cupcakes you play early in the season, not against Indiana. Sorry, Holes, they are just better than you.

"I like that Roy laid into the crowd/atmosphere. I like how the reporters lay into him about not using timeouts and using questionable rotations. He didn't coach to win that game last night - which is fine, I'd just like to see him admit that he was doing stuff "for the learning experience" we all know he does that anyways."
How ironic. Archer says this after, on the same day, K applauds the Duke fans and Roy pretty much calls his own pieces of s**t. Those people are so damn clueless over there that some of their garbage literally blows your mind.

TarHeelNation11 said:
Absolutely. What he said rings true, regardless of whatever he may or may not say about his own coaching and decisions. That's a completely separate thing from him (correctly) pointing out that the Dean Dome atmosphere is awful.

In all fairness, Roy routinely takes the blame for his team when they don't play well, much like Dean did. I can't count the number of times he's said "I need to do a better job of getting my team prepared." Ever heard the LOM say that?

20 Archer2, Yesterday at 5:13 PM
Now, now. The point of this thread isn't for name-calling. Especially names that some (or many) people would take offense to. It's supposed to be lighthearted but I sense a lot of anger...
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From Gary....blaming the refs some more. I love it.

"BTW: Speaking of context, upon rewatching, JB took the ball to the rack 7 times, got hit hard on 6 of them but only got one trip to the line out of it. In other words there was a reason he only converted 2 of those drives."
I knew there was a reason for it.
lol Gary. I wonder what his definition of getting hit "hard" is?
When all that is said and done throw the stats and stuff out the window because the reason for the loss ALWAYS comes down to poor officiating by the refs against the heels. ALWAYS. OFC
I am so sick of gary' excuses about the refs who always cheat them and are so biased against them and I can only imagine how he makes the level headed THR fans cringe (I know, I know but there are a few). I don't think gary defends any other players at cheats U except for Berry, Maye and Stilman White. He really has a man crush on Berry and Maye to the point he might desire them more than just a fan. Gary and steal are just a couple of people who need to be in the nervous hospital.
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From Gary....blaming the refs some more. I love it.

"BTW: Speaking of context, upon rewatching, JB took the ball to the rack 7 times, got hit hard on 6 of them but only got one trip to the line out of it. In other words there was a reason he only converted 2 of those drives."

Every. Single. Time.
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I am so sick of gary' excuses about the refs who always cheat them and are so biased against them and I can only imagine how he makes the level headed THR fans cringe (I know, I know but there are a few). I don't think gary defends any other players at cheats U except for Berry, Maye and Stilman White. He really has a man crush on Berry and Maye to the point he might desire them more than just a fan. Gary and steal are just a couple of people who need to be in the nervous hospital.
There aren't too many reasonable posters left over at THR because anytime they post anything that is unrelated to UNCheat (whether it's positive or negative) they get ganged up on the "clique" because they don't agree with them
I am so sick of gary' excuses about the refs who always cheat them and are so biased against them and I can only imagine how he makes the level headed THR fans cringe (I know, I know but there are a few). I don't think gary defends any other players at cheats U except for Berry, Maye and Stilman White. He really has a man crush on Berry and Maye to the point he might desire them more than just a fan. Gary and steal are just a couple of people who need to be in the nervous hospital.

I have a man crush on Marshall Plumlee.:) OFC
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mikeirbyusa said:
"Yep, Gerald was the victim according to K."

"And that exemplifies why I have never liked the LOM. My mom liked UNC, my dad liked d00k. I pulled for both teams, becoming very upset when d00k lost to UK in the '78 finals. But from the day the LOM stepped on campus, he rubbed me the wrong way because he was so much like his mentor Bobby Knight, ergo why I nicknamed him Knight Lite years later. I told my dad I would never pull for d00k basketball as long as the LOM was their coach, and I haven't. And while I appreciate what he said about Dean late in Dean's life, I still don't like the man. Like Knight, I can appreciate his accomplishments without liking the man very much. An example of why I dislike the LOM.

The same can be said of Duke's Mike Krzyzewski. When Krzyzewski arrived at Duke in 1981 he vowed that he would think of Smith merely as a good coach he was trying to compete with. In 1984, after losing a close game to North Carolina, Krzyzewski angrily said that there was a double standard among ACC officials: one for Smith and one for everyone else. Smith was infuriated by the comment, so much so that to this day he and Krzyzewski have -- at best -- a cool relationship.


Each says he respects the other. And that is it. A couple of years ago, asked about the cool relationship, Krzyzewski said, "I like Dean. But if you want to know if we sit around and smoke cigarettes together (Smith is a two-pack-a-day man), no, we don't do that.
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mikeirbyusa said:
"Yep, Gerald was the victim according to K."

"And that exemplifies why I have never liked the LOM. My mom liked UNC, my dad liked d00k. I pulled for both teams, becoming very upset when d00k lost to UK in the '78 finals. But from the day the LOM stepped on campus, he rubbed me the wrong way because he was so much like his mentor Bobby Knight, ergo why I nicknamed him Knight Lite years later. I told my dad I would never pull for d00k basketball as long as the LOM was their coach, and I haven't. And while I appreciate what he said about Dean late in Dean's life, I still don't like the man. Like Knight, I can appreciate his accomplishments without liking the man very much. An example of why I dislike the LOM.

The same can be said of Duke's Mike Krzyzewski. When Krzyzewski arrived at Duke in 1981 he vowed that he would think of Smith merely as a good coach he was trying to compete with. In 1984, after losing a close game to North Carolina, Krzyzewski angrily said that there was a double standard among ACC officials: one for Smith and one for everyone else. Smith was infuriated by the comment, so much so that to this day he and Krzyzewski have -- at best -- a cool relationship.


Each says he respects the other. And that is it. A couple of years ago, asked about the cool relationship, Krzyzewski said, "I like Dean. But if you want to know if we sit around and smoke cigarettes together (Smith is a two-pack-a-day man), no, we don't do that.

I love reading every line of this. It doesn't bother me in the slightest that Coach K took Dean on, that's what makes him the best coach. Let's not forget, Dean was no saint either. In the book, The Legends Club, it talks about how Dean would go after opposing players if he thought they were playing dirty. Or another time when Dean went over to the scorers table and started banging on it out of frustration.

Clearly Dean is one of the greatest coaches in history, but he was not perfect. Dean got under the skin of both Bill Foster and Norm Sloan and they went to coach at other schools in large part because of Dean.

That's why I love the fact K was not afraid to recruit or play against him.
[Guys I went to Wilson.NC to see Coby White tonight and they were blown out. They played a much more talented team and outside of the first 3 to 4 minutes the game was never close. I always tell people I never get too high or too low on a player off of just one game. Here are a few observations. Coby is really the only ball handler on the entire team which limits him playing off the ball. He has a nice looking shot which he displayed during warm ups. He dribbles the ball too high which allows smaller players to get their hands on the ball. I just don't see a point guard in Coby White. At best he's a combo guard but I see White as more of a shooting guard. What puzzled me the most is he rarely used his jump shot in 32 minutes of game action. He drove the whole night and did get in the lane at will. He scored around 15 points and made some good passes but to say I was disapointed would be an understatement. I just didn't see the high caliber player that he was made out to be. Like I said it was only 1 game and I'd like to see him play with more talented players around him. I'll say this in my opinion Coach William's now has commitments from 3 combo guards.(Woods,Felton and White). The problem I see is if Rechon Black isn't a point guard then Coach William's has no true point guard on the roster next season or in 2018 if Berry leaves for the NBA after the season

UHOH Potentially becoming a 5* point guard seems to be getting derailed!!
LineSkiCat at RR. Whole lot of ref blaming over there today as expected. Lol. Yeah, UK never gets any home court calls. Unreal.

"UCLA would have waxed any team in college.. Maybe even the brooklyn nets.. With how they shot, played and got help all day from the refs.

So I'm not too upset.

Floored that we can't get home cooking ever..but not upset at the loss."

Not upset, yeah riiiiigghhhtt....
From guru gary -7 ...and given today's opponent I accepted an invitation to go to the Marquette-UGA game (hey, free transportation, booster club food and primo seats). Hoped I would get to heckle Wojo, but our seats were behind the GA bench, not theirs. And the little bastard's team shot lights out and won. Oh well.

Anyway tried to watch our game too thru a balky internet stream but gave up and was relegated to the ESPN game run, so I'll just catch the replay later. Obviously I noticed Kenny's offensive coming-out party with 19 and 5/6 3s --- VERY heartening to see --- and on the other end my stomach almost came up thru my danged throat when I saw the notification on my phone that JB went down :eek:... Sheesh. Please let that be minor!

We must not be giving guru gary enough credit. He must be a big shot. OFC
From guru gary -7 ...and given today's opponent I accepted an invitation to go to the Marquette-UGA game (hey, free transportation, booster club food and primo seats). Hoped I would get to heckle Wojo, but our seats were behind the GA bench, not theirs. And the little bastard's team shot lights out and won. Oh well.

Anyway tried to watch our game too thru a balky internet stream but gave up and was relegated to the ESPN game run, so I'll just catch the replay later. Obviously I noticed Kenny's offensive coming-out party with 19 and 5/6 3s --- VERY heartening to see --- and on the other end my stomach almost came up thru my danged throat when I saw the notification on my phone that JB went down :eek:... Sheesh. Please let that be minor!

We must not be giving guru gary enough credit. He must be a big shot. OFC
Being in the mafia has its perks.
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Totally irrelevant, but any of you guys Carolina Panthers fans?
Well I am still a fan 34 but its getting harder to expect much from them with each miscue they make. Its been a bad year for the panthers hasn't it. The Panther are an on again off again team from season to season it seems.
From guru gary -7 ...and given today's opponent I accepted an invitation to go to the Marquette-UGA game (hey, free transportation, booster club food and primo seats). Hoped I would get to heckle Wojo, but our seats were behind the GA bench, not theirs. And the little bastard's team shot lights out and won. Oh well.

Anyway tried to watch our game too thru a balky internet stream but gave up and was relegated to the ESPN game run, so I'll just catch the replay later. Obviously I noticed Kenny's offensive coming-out party with 19 and 5/6 3s --- VERY heartening to see --- and on the other end my stomach almost came up thru my danged throat when I saw the notification on my phone that JB went down :eek:... Sheesh. Please let that be minor!

We must not be giving guru gary enough credit. He must be a big shot. OFC
No Sky, he's not a big shot but he is a big shit.
Well I am still a fan 34 but its getting harder to expect much from them with each miscue they make. Its been a bad year for the panthers hasn't it. The Panther are an on again off again team from season to season it seems.

That seems to be the way every time eh? Have a fantastic season then lay a fat ****in egg the next year. I watched almost the entire game tonight, and the fire from last years team just seems to be gone. Not to mention all of the injuries we've had.