Favorite THR Quotes....

Love it, OAD! Someone needs to share this with THR :D

I agree but whoever does it will get that tombstone. I don't think there's many of us that can post over there so it's going to have to be someone willing to fall on the sword. I know some of our guys do post over there but not sure that are willing . OFC
Gary is a gem. I do love his berry pickin'. But the man is bat$hit crazy.:cool:

19 dimes sounds about right.
It is a made up stat to try and make a guys numbers look better and prop them up in a conversation as to why someone thinks a player is so good. Of course, those of us that deal with realities breeze right past this fluff stuff and stick to what is actually happening on the court. Do guys miss open shots after being passed to? Of course it is basketball. However if you say that one guy lost assists because of that, then you have to factor in everyone else who doesn't get credit for an assist after a guy missed a shot.

Gary being Gary is all. He is running a make believe statistic campaign over there it looks like. Whatever helps you sleep at night I guess. I wonder if he had to kiss the ring before going ahead with this initiative?

Guy is a complete joke.
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I agree but whoever does it will get that tombstone. I don't think there's many of us that can post over there so it's going to have to be someone willing to fall on the sword. I know some of our guys do post over there but not sure that are willing . OFC
I would take one for the team if I could, but I was tombstoned sometime ago for virtually nothing.

"As I said, you have not been around that long. Go to your profile on the Duke site and you will see a "search field". Type in "Coach Roy Willams" or something similar. You will come across the most brutal thread attacking a basketball coach in the history of mankind. In fact, it is so brutal you will probably come back over here and apologize. Roy was hung in effigy at least 25 times. Also, you will find one on Meeks also. You Duke fans are mean..." - Steat, my emphasis on the last words.

That's hilarious. Although I've only been posting on here since the second half of last season, I've been lurking this board and THR for at least 4 years and I don't recall some nasty, brutal thread about Roy. The only thing I recall seeing on here aside from the remarks about him during the scandal was the hilarious Photoshop pics and the occasional comments about his attire and love for nanner pudding.

On the other hand, these guys at THR are vicious in their relentless hatred and badmouthing of Coach K as both a coach and a human being as well as dogging on the players constantly, again both as players and human beings. I have cringed and said "damn" numerous times each season at the things the THR crowd as said that were messed up, but hey the Duke fans are the mean ones lol.
"As I said, you have not been around that long. Go to your profile on the Duke site and you will see a "search field". Type in "Coach Roy Willams" or something similar. You will come across the most brutal thread attacking a basketball coach in the history of mankind. In fact, it is so brutal you will probably come back over here and apologize. Roy was hung in effigy at least 25 times. Also, you will find one on Meeks also. You Duke fans are mean..." - Steat, my emphasis on the last words.

That's hilarious. Although I've only been posting on here since the second half of last season, I've been lurking this board and THR for at least 4 years and I don't recall some nasty, brutal thread about Roy. The only thing I recall seeing on here aside from the remarks about him during the scandal was the hilarious Photoshop pics and the occasional comments about his attire and love for nanner pudding.

On the other hand, these guys at THR are vicious in their relentless hatred and badmouthing of Coach K as both a coach and a human being as well as dogging on the players constantly, again both as players and human beings. I have cringed and said "damn" numerous times each season at the things the THR crowd as said that were messed up, but hey the Duke fans are the mean ones lol.
I have been here for a long time. Some might think too long. K has taken far more abuse, not just playful type stuff either. Sure we got on Roy for his nanner pudding, or his aversion to natural diasters not being as important as his teams bad play, ect....I am not sure any of us have compared him to Hitler. (A person who tried to eliminate Jewish people (and many others as well from the planet) Or that people are actually saying they would root for Al Queda or Isis (another few factions with genocide ties) over supporting coach K. Or how about the old comparison to satan himself. (all of these things and K does more for charity and helping his community than all of those complaining combined and tripled) I would love to see where we have stooped as low as some of the nonsense that has been said about Coach K over the years. It is just not there IMO.
I have been here for a long time. Some might think too long. K has taken far more abuse, not just playful type stuff either. Sure we got on Roy for his nanner pudding, or his aversion to natural diasters not being as important as his teams bad play, ect....I am not sure any of us have compared him to Hitler. (A person who tried to eliminate Jewish people (and many others as well from the planet) Or that people are actually saying they would root for Al Queda or Isis (another few factions with genocide ties) over supporting coach K. Or how about the old comparison to satan himself. (all of these things and K does more for charity and helping his community than all of those complaining combined and tripled) I would love to see where we have stooped as low as some of the nonsense that has been said about Coach K over the years. It is just not there IMO.
I've still yet to see someone on this board, and i've been here a while so maybe i've missed it or don't remember, but never have I seen anyone here call Roy Williams a horrible person. It's one thing to stick it to hoops criticism (even harsh) or jokes about nanner pudding. It's another thing to completely blow it out of proportion and question the man's humanity and personal life with zero factual insight.
I have to be high on the list of people who have made fun of Roy Williams, but I've never called the man a POS, Satan, Hitler, a horrible human being, or any number of other vile things. I also don't hate him, but I will make fun of him every chance I get because (a) he makes it so easy, (b) it irritates UNC fans, especially the THR variety...that's reason enough, and (c) he coaches the Tar Heels, our rival. That's it. He's not a horrible person, he's just a Tar Heel (well, maybe that qualifies him:D!).

I've also not seen all this hatred toward Roy on our board. Maybe there have been a few isolated incidents, but it's not systemic like THR has for Coach K. It's a sickness with them (or many of them).
Still, as long as the hatred flows, I know we're winning...and that's what it's all about.

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Happened to check over on the national board and it is fans of other schools all band together in the Duke-MSU game thread from last night absolutely fuming over Duke winning. Of course it is all because the refs handed yet another game to Duke. They are crying and going nuts about it to this very minute. Most pretend simply upset that the refs took away what should have been an exciting final few minutes. No, haters you are simply PISSED because Duke won. Haaaaaa....
According to TPFKAPFS Roy is the "consummate" closer. Obviously...Lol. Talking about Knox.

"I have a good feeling about Mr. Knox for some reason. If we get that visit Kentuck and puke better start getting a wee bit nervous! Roy is the consummate closer!
He may well end up somewhere else, but I think we have a good shot and I know we will have the slot available for him to step in and start right away! Love that he will watch how teams play; how could you not love watching our team run peeps out of their own gyms and the joy we play with? Also, if we take care of business and make it to the FF again it has to look good to recruits!"
According to TPFKAPFS Roy is the "consummate" closer. Obviously...Lol. Talking about Knox.

"I have a good feeling about Mr. Knox for some reason. If we get that visit Kentuck and puke better start getting a wee bit nervous! Roy is the consummate closer!
He may well end up somewhere else, but I think we have a good shot and I know we will have the slot available for him to step in and start right away! Love that he will watch how teams play; how could you not love watching our team run peeps out of their own gyms and the joy we play with? Also, if we take care of business and make it to the FF again it has to look good to recruits!"
Roy used to close really well. He can still close on the 3 and 4 star guys. However, the elite talent.....he is struggling to find that closing ability lately.
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I have always only COMPLIMENTED Roy as the ALL KNOWING GURU of hoops and LIFE in GENERAL.....He KNOWS ALL! After all,

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Holes probably win tonight but getting their built in excuses in place just in case.

Notashelbyfan (never heard of him):
"Hicks just picked up his 2nd foul, I bet the farm this is going to be similar to the way a Dook Carolina game is called!"

"Yep. This is my biggest concern. Assembly hall is Cameron of the midwest."
Doc Steat:

"Here is the latest on Trip. He has a toe injury which has bothered him all season. He is not the same player as last year and may not reach the playing level of last year. The only remedy is weeks of rest, but I doubt that will happen under K-Rat. He cannot drive the basket like last year and that's big part of his game."

Selfish "K-Rat" using and screwing over the kids yet again. Darn!!
Steat saying Holes always get banned over here. Lollll. Are these people serious??

"When UNC fans go to our rival's board and talk trash about other UNC fans and our mods, I don't have much respect for them."

Doc Steat:
"Not to single anyone out, but we have seen this story many times over the last several years. One thing that happens without failure is that they will eventually they get banned over there. No need to go into the reasons why. It's fruitless."

63 Steat, Yesterday at 3:01 PM
Archer claiming he reads the 124 page thread occasionally because it is "pure gold", Lol. Yeah, Arch, it is pure gold thanks to you dips**ts over at THR. Unreal.

"I posted over there a few years ago, Steat. And while I was never banned, I fell out of favor for posting opinions contrary to the general consensus. So I simply stopped posting there. I love to visit every couple of weeks to read the nonsense they post about UNC, their 124 page UNC thread is pure gold.

But I have always made it a point not to post anything on any board that I wouldn't want to get back to any UNC board. They are all part of the public domain, after all."

65 Archer2, Yesterday at 3:11 PM

"Let's see. If Joel was nursing a sore foot injured last week, we're leading by 35 halfway through the second half, and he further injures that foot, what do you think UNC and dook fans would be saying about Roy's intelligence? And we're talking App State here, as evidenced by the fact that the LOM actually played his bench in this game. The OP made a legitimate point about Allen still being in the game, the very point those criticizing his post would be making about Roy if our best player was reinjured under similar circumstances. Oh boy, would they ever be making that point!"
I can see in his defense what he means with blown assists and turnovers caused. However, both are very subjective numbers also.

If Berry passes to a wide open shooter who misses a 6 foot jumper is that a blown assist? I mean, you canmot really assume so, and on the other hand, if you pass to a dude covered as hell and he launches up a miracle shot that goes in should he lose an assist?

And on the turnover side, yeah, there is a ton of times Berry causes a loose ball or bad pass which is corralled by a teammate. I see what he means, but are we going to take the steal off the guy who corralled it also? You cannot have it both ways.

I think instead of displaying it as numbers he would be better off just to say Berry caused many tos with good defense or put the ball in the hands of someone in good position who simply didn't finish.

I understand what he is trying to say though, and at times, I think the idea makes sense. If anyone watched Kendall Marshall his one season where he played point for the Lakers, it was beyond crazy how many times he would get the ball to someone in the paint undefended and they blow the layup or so. I almost wonder how many assists he could have put up a game if guys simply finished, but the fact is you cannot give someone credit for what didn't happen in such a way to say that the person REALLY had whatever.
Doc Steat thinks Duke fans are MEAN. Loll.

"I don't take any of this stuff too seriously. And you are exactly right, the ribbing goes both ways. All I meant was that the 124 page thread was more about making fun of posters than the UNC team - at least that's been my perception."

"As I said, you have not been around that long. Go to your profile on the Duke site and you will see a "search field". Type in "Coach Roy Willams" or something similar. You will come across the most brutal thread attacking a basketball coach in the history of mankind. In fact, it is so brutal you will probably come back over here and apologize. Roy was hung in effigy at least 25 times. Also, you will find one on Meeks also. You Duke fans are mean..."

81 Steat, Yesterday at 7:56 PM
Archer here. Absolutely hilarious. What's up, Arch?? Haaaa. Fool.

"Yep, they talk about K being caricatured as a rat or a devil going too far, but there were some photoshopped pictures of Dean and Roy that would never have been allowed here. They possess no moral high ground over there. Absolutely none."

You A holes talk about how K is a terrible human being and how much you HATE him. You and your witty LOM (sarcastic Leader of Men) thing is an absolute joke. Talk about hypocrisy. So many of you jerks over there are nothing but miserable, Duke hating scumbags. F off, dbag.
The ever retarded Dr. Steat:

"I will point out every stupid thing that the selfish rat does in this forum. Putting an injured player (your best player at that) back in game with a 35 point lead in the second half is one of the most selfish moves a coach can make. The LOM is a role model?"
Asshat Archer again:

"I will point out every stupid thing that the selfish rat does in this forum. Putting an injured player (your best player at that) back in game with a 35 point lead in the second half is one of the most selfish moves a coach can make. The LOM is a role model?"

"The LOM is known for keeping his starters in the game loooong after the game has been decided. They've been very lucky not to have lost a lot more players to injury over the years than they have. He just loves to run those scores up. To his credit, he did go ballsy and play four subs double digit minutes, albeit against lowly App State. Of course, we know their PT is going to be very minimal as soon as the three 9-monthers return."
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I want to know where this Roy Williams thread is so I can see the most brutal thread in the history of mankind. Something leads me to believe it doesn't exist.

The thing is, both Archer and Steat make a lot of claims but nothing can ever be proven. UNC fans have a tremendous knack for saying a lot of stuff that isn't true....but if they say it enough, they start to believe it. Kudos to them.
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Dr. Steat points out how Grayson "flops" twice here. Ummmm.....I don't get it...

  1. SteatHall of Famer
    Gold Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    Another Grayson Allen's flop in last night's game against Michigan State.

    Another one....The LOM loves this stuff...

    87 Steat, Today at 10:28 AM
    Last edited: Today at 10:40 AM

  2. BOOGIEMAN1914Hall of Famer
    May 15, 2007
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    sooooooo...the elbow didnt hit him in the face?? and he still stayed up and he stayed up on the other play...whats the problem?
Ahhh, sorry, it didn't show the vine clips or whatever. In one Grayson gets knocked and leans back a little and the other he gets knocked in the face, moves his head back and that's it. Never went down or anything close that could be considered a flop. Those people at THR are despicable.
Good ole Arch again:

"Ever heard the parable of the boy who cried wolf, Boogie. Allen's reputation for acting like he's been shot with a .357 magnum on the slightest contact precedes him. Everyone in the country, with the exception of dook fans, sees this."
Good ole Arch again:

"Ever heard the parable of the boy who cried wolf, Boogie. Allen's reputation for acting like he's been shot with a .357 magnum on the slightest contact precedes him. Everyone in the country, with the exception of dook fans, sees this."
This is another one of their favorite go to lines, "everyone but Duke fans see it". jealosy and envy are foaming from the mouths of some of those guys at THR and RR so much that they think you're assine if you don't think exactly like they do.
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Dr. Steat: They are providing great material today! Ha haaa.

Soooooo...the elbow didnt hit him in the face?? and he still stayed up and he stayed up on the other play...whats the problem?"

Dr. Steat:
"Barely touched him and it was not in the face. The fact that they didn't even stop play to consider a flagrant foul should tell you something. Trip will be suspended by the ACC before the season is over for his antics. The LOM is a disgrace."

So K is a disgrace because Grayson got clipped in the
"There were several head snaps and two flops early in the game also, the second one MSU was called for. We don't need videos to point out that the kid flops and jerks his head back at the slightest gust of wind. Twitter has plenty of unbiased basketball fans who readily point it out.

Type in "Grason Allen flop" and then try to tell me that all of those people are just UNC fans or Duke bashers. Try to be objective here. Good college player but probably flops more than anyone in recent memory."

91 tarh33ls, Today at 11:44 AM

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