Favorite THR Quotes....

"Its criminal to me that UK and Dook are ranked ahead of us just based off of hype from a recruiting class. Yeah those players might have NBA measurables and a cool hoopmixtape video but can they play together and run a fluid offense? Can they play team defense for 40 minutes? Ill take a team with a starting 5 of guys that played a significant role on a title game team over a thrown together group of freshmen auditioning for draft position. At least let them play a game first before you crown them the #1 team in the country. As far as Im concerned its still a team that got wiped off the floor in the Sweet 16 and lost its best player to the draft."

6 thaUNCshow, Today at 2:40 AM

Well this 6 thauncshow guy is really ignorant. They don't have a starting 5 of guys that played a significant role in a title game and we don't have a thrown together group of freshmen auditioning for draft position. If I'm not mistaken we have as much returning talent as they do including the proposed NCAA player of the year.

This is the kind of THR toilet bowl scum that makes you just shake your head in amazement.
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Hard to get a good read on UNC team. They play maybe 3 good teams in the preseason, but not really enough to see what they will be like in conference play on the road. The reffing is so one sided in their home games. Plus they are not very deep and teams really need to get their bench out on the floor. I want to see what they do against good defenses before they are handed another Final 4.
A lot of UNC fans have created this myth in their minds that Duke is just a revolving door of one-and-done's. Obviously it's not true....but the truth is something we know UNC fans don't let get in the way of a good ruse.

As I've said, I think UNC is going to be pretty good this season. In fact, I think they could be really good. That's with the losses of Paige and Johnson. For us, we lost Ingram and Plumlee...definitely huge losses, but we return a cast that would be a top 8-10 team in the country alone and add a recruiting class that some feel is as good as we've potentially ever had. Truthfully, their fans dismissing us isn't much different than us dismissing them.
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Well as Denn and DukieJay have suggested they believe Steat is just trolling Duke fans. The below post would probably help that claim guys. In short he is basically hoping for Giles to not touch the floor ever for Duke and if he does, he hopes he gets hurt so that he can tell Duke fans how selfish we and our coach are. What a guy!

Steat: "The Duke fans don't care about Giles and neither does K-Rat. I have been saying exactly what Jay Williams is saying for the last 12 months. Giles can't even get an insurance company to insure his knees. Greg Oden is back at Ohio State as a basketball trainer. I feel sorry for Giles but if he lets K-Rat talk him into coming back this year then it's completely on him and his family. I wish the best for the Giles and hope he has a full recovery. On the other hand, if he declares himself fit to play and gets out there and gets hurt again then his career is over. He will be the next Greg Oden. And believe me, I will remind the Duke fans of this tragedy for the next 5 years."
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Well as Denn and DukieJay have suggested they believe Steat is just trolling Duke fans. The below post would probably help that claim guys. In short he is basically hoping for Giles to not touch the floor ever for Duke and if he does, he hopes he gets hurt so that he can tell Duke fans how selfish we and our coach are. What a guy!

Steat: "The Duke fans don't care about Giles and neither does K-Rat. I have been saying exactly what Jay Williams is saying for the last 12 months. Giles can't even get an insurance company to insure his knees. Greg Oden is back at Ohio State as a basketball trainer. I feel sorry for Giles but if he lets K-Rat talk him into coming back this year then it's completely on him and his family. I wish the best for the Giles and hope he has a full recovery. On the other hand, if he declares himself fit to play and gets out there and gets hurt again then his career is over. He will be the next Greg Oden. And believe me, I will remind the Duke fans of this tragedy for the next 5 years."

What a scumbag.
He knows all of us very well. In fact he was a regular here especially the 2009 season along with gsd until about late March or early April of 2010. I don't know why they just suddenly stopped. OFC

I don't think it was that they stopped as much as it was they lost their minds.
I don't think it was that they stopped as much as it was they lost their minds.

I think it had something to do that happened in 2009 as to why they were so cordial and civil in discussing basketball then something happened in 2010 with Duke basketball that didn't set well with them at all. The whole countenance of the way they posted here changed. Some of you were posting here then and may have an idea as to what happened. And just to be fair I think if they want to that cory and gsd should free to reply on this poast as to why they were so upset and left. OFC
Miserable A hole Archer (you reading this, Arch??) in a thread where they are all thrilled Duke lost even though it was without three STUDS. I actually think that after last night the rest of college bball is probably thinking, "Ohhh s**t!!" Archer always seems to be of this belief that you play warm bodies no matter what, be they ready or not. I don't get his logic there.

"Yeah, they "only have 5 players".

Six players accounted for 199 minutes. DeLaurier got 1 minute, Vrank and Obi didn't get off the pine. And when the 3 injured freshmen return, Jeter and DeLaurier will join them as cheerleaders. Don't be surprised if a couple of them transfer after this year.

dook shot 38% from 3-PT range to KU's 11%, the only thing that kept them close. Darn those quasi road games!"
Steat with his ever so clever "Vanilla Trip." And he spelled mecca wrong...

"Vanilla Trip goes 4-22 and 12 points. Great game from the consensus player of the year in the basketball meca Madison Square Garden. LMFAO!"
Steat and his usual "Giles should never play a minute for Duke" wishful thinking... He will only play due to K's selfishness and ego.

"Help is on the way. The Duke fans and K-Rat are praying that Harry "China Shop" Giles will be ready in a few weeks. The kid should never set foot on the floor."
Some fromt the "The Dookies get flushed!" thread over at THR.

"Great as always when Vader and his storm troopers usual the game featured two or three phantom fouls that benefited UK east greatly. The bogus call on J Jackson put him out of the game and the 4 point play at the end that F Jackson made was total BS ... BUT this IS UK East we are dealing with... I had NO doubt watching that the refs would greatly aid in their comeback and was proven right for the thousandth time.

One other note about UK EAST that continues to creep me out...not only are all the coaches dressed alike but the inured PLAYERS all looked the same on the bench in their identical dark suits. It is really creepy that once you enter into the cult there, you abandon ANY individuality and must adhere to the forced demands of Lord Vader.

Also in looking at the FTS as you always have to do with UK East...they of course shot 11 MORE Fts than Kansas that is almost a given when you play them. Kansas DID manage to get 19 FT attempts but only made 9 just under 48%..."

Idiot Archer:
"My new nickname for Allen is Timothy Leary(you old folks will understand why).

Q: What's the difference between Timothy Leary and Grayson Allen?

A: One loves to trip with other people, one loves to trip other people."

"OK, so I can buy that Obi has shot knees and is not going to play, why dress out if he will no longer play? Vrank, not really sure what the excuse is for his not playing. But Delaurier getting only 1 minute makes no sense. That was a perfect game to get him some game time development and he gets a single minute? Don't bitch about not having a bench if you refuse to play what you have to try to develop it...

As was predictable, that dukie excuse train is rolling, their 3 all universe players that still have not played a game yet were out. And that has what to do with Allen going 1-11?

When the dukies do get their freshmen back that isn't the magic bullet they think it is, Bolden comes back, how much of an upgrade will he be from how the last Plum played last season? When Tatum comes back, how much is he an upgrade from Ingram? Giles is the difference maker for them from last season to this one but that kid didn't even make it thru his first practice, will he hold up to be able to play ACC games?

Truth is had kansas hit anything close to acceptability from beyond the arch they run the dookies out of their home away from home. That is what ya get feasting on those cup cakes, hope they were tasty, last night's results sure taste good to us! LOL."

See how they are always trying to convince themselves that Bolden, Tatum and Giles won't be all that good. Boy are they praying so. Lol. Think they are in for a horrifying awakening.
"We actually already have three peeps that can hold both Trip and Kennard down. JB, KW. JJ can hold their own on D and can match them in scoring and assists.

Trip has been exposed several times and can be shut down if the person that plays him is athletic and strong AND can get a little respect from the refs! Kennard can also be shut down, but he worries me much more due to the more intelligent game and more consistent shooting.

I still don't think peeps really see the potential for chemistry issues that could develop when they will soon have 4 peeps that like to dominate the ball (Trip, Giles. Tatum, Jackson) and at least one of them is a big whiner (Trip!)."

Steat yet again trying to convince himself (praying) that Giles doesn't play:
"The least of my worries is Harry "China Shop" Giles. In fact, rumor has it that he will never play a game for Duke. That would be the smart move."

"Part of the comeback was helped by awful calls on punkish flopping by the pukies! The 4-point play on Jackson was the result of a leg kick and NO contact. The 3 Kennard FTs near the end were the result of ridiculously floppy arms after the play. (Josh contributed to this call to be sure, but it still effected the game) When Refs start to call these non-basketball moves properly, puke will have to learn a new offensive system!

UNC will have to continue to play at a high level and will have to grow in several areas, but I'm optimistic. The games against puke will be hard fought, but (barring injury) I think we have the chops to win both."

"Side note, cant believe they lost with Amile "Next KG" Jefferson back in the lineup."
Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Dr. Steat has informed THR nation that Harry Giles will not play a single minute this season. Steat is in the know, guys, and we have to take his "former NBA GM" friend at his word.

Gun, I heard the rumor about Giles from a former NBA GM that has a lot of connections in the NBA. He is several years removed from that GM position but I take him for his word. He said he didn't think Giles will play for Duke this season. We chatted about this weeks ago soon after Giles went under the knife before the season started. He point blank told me that Giles camp is well aware that if he suffers another knee injury before the NBA draft he will not be a lottery pick. He says if he does get hurt, one the better teams in the NBA will still select him at the tail end of the first round and let him rehab for a 1-2 years. The reason being that they would not need Giles to be ready to step in and play right away. Nobody knows what Giles will eventually do other than the Giles family and K-Rat, but it is well known in the NBA circles that the Giles camp is well aware of the consequences of another knee injury before the NBA draft.
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I think we could beat unc without Giles, Tatum and Bolden and actually fairly easy. I'm not real impressed with what I've seen out of them so far. Berry is good. End of story.

I have to disagree completely lol. You don't beat us without those three. Our frontcourt is a lot better than Kansas, and we aren't relying on two players to bail us out like last year when things go bad.

How good we are still remains to be seen. But if you think we would roll over with a healthy lineup when you don't have 3 of your top 4 players, that's a big stretch.
I have to disagree completely lol. You don't beat us without those three. Our frontcourt is a lot better than Kansas, and we aren't relying on two players to bail us out like last year when things go bad.

How good we are still remains to be seen. But if you think we would roll over with a healthy lineup when you don't have 3 of your top 4 players, that's a big stretch.

You guys have been acting like Meeks is Brice from last year. He has been a far cry from it...
Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Dr. Steat has informed THR nation that Harry Giles will not play a single minute this season. Steat is in the know, guys, and we have to take his "former NBA GM" friend at his word.

Gun, I heard the rumor about Giles from a former NBA GM that has a lot of connections in the NBA. He is several years removed from that GM position but I take him for his word. He said he didn't think Giles will play for Duke this season. We chatted about this weeks ago soon after Giles went under the knife before the season started. He point blank told me that Giles camp is well aware that if he suffers another knee injury before the NBA draft he will not be a lottery pick. He says if he does get hurt, one the better teams in the NBA will still select him at the tail end of the first round and let him rehab for a 1-2 years. The reason being that they would not need Giles to be ready to step in and play right away. Nobody knows what Giles will eventually do other than the Giles family and K-Rat, but it is well known in the NBA circles that the Giles camp is well aware of the consequences of another knee injury before the NBA draft.

So Steat also has bigtime connections, huh?? LOL. They are all praying to God that Giles somehow never plays at Duke.
They're going to have some fun this morning at our expense. I don't blame them. They better get their shots in while they can.
Yes. Duke lost on a last second shot to a team ranked in the top 10. All of that and Allen had his worst shooting night in a Duke uniform. (combining shot total and quality of those shots. He forced a ton last night) IMO , they might want to temper that elation. Duke is not healthy right now and still were able to push a good team to the end, while playing really bad at times.

I also do not blame them for having a little fun at our expense today. Besides they need to have a little fun sometime.. I can't imagine it is very much fun rooting for 3 star U.
So Steat also has bigtime connections, huh?? LOL. They are all praying to God that Giles somehow never plays at Duke.
Giles may not play, it could happen. I doubt that he doesn't play but it could happen. However trusting steat is like relying on Gary for your recruiting news.
Giles may not play, it could happen. I doubt that he doesn't play but it could happen. However trusting steat is like relying on Gary for your recruiting news.
Oh wow, you need an NBA GM (allegedly) as your source to tell me that the Giles family is aware an injury would be detrimental to his draft stock. You need a former NBA GM to tell you the obvious?
Giles may not play, it could happen. I doubt that he doesn't play but it could happen. However trusting steat is like relying on Gary for your recruiting news.

I'm actually starting to get worried that he won't play too. So much silence about what is going on. And why do I only see Bolden's injury referred to as "lower leg." What the hell is it that's wrong with his lower leg???
You guys have been acting like Meeks is Brice from last year. He has been a far cry from it...

He's not Brice. He doesn't have the athleticism or the jumping ability. That being said he is a senior with a lot of experience and he has improved a great deal. He's a big presence inside and can get the boards. Combine that with hicks and Bradley, the frontcourt is pretty solid. It's next year that I'm worried about.
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I'm actually starting to get worried that he won't play too. So much silence about what is going on. And why do I only see Bolden's injury referred to as "lower leg." What the hell is it that's wrong with his lower leg???
Giles is rehabbing and getting back to 100% before he gets any action. Trust what K and the Duke medical staff are doing. It is November 16th. Very early.
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There's a whole thread about how they hate Grayson over at thr. They really fear him. Would post it here but it's so lame it's ridiculous but they would love to have him. OFC
There's a whole thread about how they hate Grayson over at thr. They really fear him. Would post it here but it's so lame it's ridiculous but they would love to have him. OFC

I hate those threads. Not because I like Grayson Allen but they're a waste of time and energy. Freaking pointless.
Dr. Steat and his infinite wisdom yet again. Proclaiming Giles will be at best 60-75% of his former self and thus will be an average player. More concerned about Chase Jeter than Giles. LOL. Sooo many miserable A holes over there.

"Personally, I would rather bash Duke than our fans bashing each other. That happens a lot.

Now, do you really think K-Rat cares about players if they are not helping him win? Look at all the recent transfers. The man forced those players out. He does not have to "force" Giles to play, he can make sure he plays in other ways. Kyrie Irving was OAD and got hurt after a few games. Then he comes back for the last couple of games of the season. If you are OAD and had a major injury, why in the heck would you come back for the last couple of games in the season and jeopardize an NBA career and making millions of dollars? That's outright stupidity! He came back because K-Rat thought he would help lead them to the title. Then compare Amile Jefferson's case last year when K-Rat held him back for a redshirt year because he knew they had no chance to win the title. It has to be killing K that Giles is not playing. If the Duke doctors pronounce Giles fit to play what do you think K-Rat will say? He will tell Giles to play. One thing the doctors cannot guarantee is that Giles will not get hurt again. Giles is not the same player he was 2 years ago before his first knee surgery. Now he has had 3 surgeries. I'm not worried about Giles playing against the Heels. In fact, I'm more worried about Chase Jeter than Giles. Giles at most will be 60-75% of his former self. That makes him an average player."
Well as Denn and DukieJay have suggested they believe Steat is just trolling Duke fans. The below post would probably help that claim guys. In short he is basically hoping for Giles to not touch the floor ever for Duke and if he does, he hopes he gets hurt so that he can tell Duke fans how selfish we and our coach are. What a guy!

Steat: "The Duke fans don't care about Giles and neither does K-Rat. I have been saying exactly what Jay Williams is saying for the last 12 months. Giles can't even get an insurance company to insure his knees. Greg Oden is back at Ohio State as a basketball trainer. I feel sorry for Giles but if he lets K-Rat talk him into coming back this year then it's completely on him and his family. I wish the best for the Giles and hope he has a full recovery. On the other hand, if he declares himself fit to play and gets out there and gets hurt again then his career is over. He will be the next Greg Oden. And believe me, I will remind the Duke fans of this tragedy for the next 5 years."

What a loser.

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