Favorite THR Quotes....

This catdance clown is actually trying to counter TheDude's claim (fact) that the SEC sucks by saying the ACC is actually a weak conference. WTF??? Lol!!!!!

TheDude1 said:
"Hi guys! You rang?

I don't think any Duke fans are upset or reading much into that game. I certainly don't care... Just a shrug and a "Well, that would have been fun. Let's get healthy." Played basically six players. There were a ton of fouls. Chase frikking Jeter, who is a fine third string guy, got like 25+ minutes. Jefferson fouled out. Our three key freshmen were out. What, if you guys almost beat Kansas without Fox, Bam, and Monk playing, and with Willis fouling out, you think you would be upset? Not every loss is bad... Some don't matter at all:) Btw, I told you guys you were really underestimating Kennard... 22 pts on 7-10 shooting, five assists, five boards.

And trust me, no Duke fans care about going undefeated, and no Duke fans ever expected that. The ACC isn't the SEC;)"

"Most years, who beyond UNC is a threat in the ACC? Most teams in that conference are cupcakes who put together a competitive team about every 25 years."

Cannot believe this idiot actually said this....
Is this JoeBeeHall guy s****ing me or what?? The SEC is widely thought of as the sleaziest conference in the country. And in football it isn't even close. Yeah, I bet all the one and doners at UK are all taking pre med classes for their one semester.

"Nope the sec requires athletes take REAL courses . ACC Americas Cheating Conference."
caneintally at RR seems to have a severe Duke inferiority complex over there. He posts a lot of venomous responses. I guess he really enjoys his dumb ass post starting it with the big "LOL." I really don't get why they are always claiming Tatum is some huge ball hog over there.

UKWildcats#8 said:
It will be interesting to see how K manages things when the frosh big man do return. There is only one ball to go around and we know Allen will be KICKIN ass if he doesn't have it most of the time.

"LOL and Tatum is the biggest ball hog ever born!"
Lol, most of those idiots do not believe our freshman are going to make that big of a difference lmao . They are taking great pleasure In our loss and there win over a depleted MSU squad ! Just wait until they hit a rough spot they will all be bailing ship and talking about how bad some of there guys are ! It's coming.
The Duke obsession over at RR is amazing. They have an 8 page game thread for the Duke-KU game. They are going absolutely nuts in that thread crying about how the refs are trying to give Duke the game (as usual). Reading through that thread you would think they were playing. Wow.
"Refs have Kryshitsticks balls all in their mouth.

199 kornucopia, Yesterday at 12:01 AM"


200 caneintally, Yesterday at 12:01 AM

"And of coarse the refs mouth all over K's ball sack."

191 caneintally, Tuesday at 11:59 PM

" To beat Duke you HAVEto hit all your
Open shots. Refs have a hard time taking away made shots (but they'll try)"

186 StubbornPenny, Tuesday at 11:58 PM

"Duke gets these calls in the tourney,might as well hand them the trophy now"

162 JerseyCat84, Tuesday at 11:50 PM

"That kansas player just got mugged before the steal at midcourt. he was pushed by two duke players!"

163 kornucopia, Tuesday at 11:50 PM

"Jackson already has the leg kick on 3s down pat. Pussies."

164 SilentsAreGolden, Tuesday at 11:50 PM

"Lol refs with a mystery foul on the made three. RIP Kansas."

171 LouievileKat, Tuesday at 11:52 PM
"The refs practically brought Duke back into the game by themselves."

202 screwduke1, Yesterday at 12:01 AM

"wonder how much it would cost to have DMX sing REFS GONNA GIVE IT TO YOU over a Duke flopping highlight reel"

206 LouievileKat, Yesterday at 12:02 AM

"Watching Duke lose is like the best thing in life." WOW to this one...

207 SilentsAreGolden, Yesterday at 12:02 AM

"No undefeated season for Duke.. and #1 next week for Kentucky!"

214 LineSkiCat14, Yesterday at 12:03 AM

The ONLY ones I have ever seen say anything about Duke and undefeated is the UK reatards. And without the three that are injured right now did they REALLY think any of us was actually thinking about it anyhow? See how much it means to them to be ranked #1 in NOVEMBER. These losers lives revolve around what their bball team is doing. Just like Bama football fans.
Courtesy of @keysersosay#1

"not only are all the coaches dressed alike but the inured PLAYERS all looked the same on the bench in their identical dark suits. It is really creepy that once you enter into the cult there, you abandon ANY individuality and must adhere to the forced demands of Lord Vader."

He thinks it's creepy because our injured players were dressed in the same suits? These is easily the dumbest criticism I've seen from them about our game against Kansas.
Anyone laugh at fans of a program like UK complain about officiating as much as they do? Uk and all the other supposed blue blood programs benefit from calls. It happens. However if anyone was watching the KU/Duke game the other night with even the slightest bit of fairness, they will realize that the refs were terrible both ways. They made the game almost unwatchable. I said elsewhere if I was not a fan of Duke I would have changed the channel of that game 5 minutes in.
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Haha, Steat is a bitter, bitter man.
He made a statement something like if Giles comes back and gets hurt again I will remind Duke fans about it for the next 5 years. I wish someone over there would call him on it and say, OK if Giles comes back and scores 25 on them in a blowout that they'll remind him of that for the next 5 years.
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Sometimes I wonder if those dimley lit thr poasters write these dumb things just to make it on the DI board. They can't be a whole collective group of people that is so bitter and ignorant. I can see one or two but just about the whole board? Can they really be that mislead? On second thought yes, they really believe the non sense mess they put up. OFC
I don't find the entire board as crazy as a few of the nuts. I think the density is pretty high, but there are a few guys over there that I think regularly roll their eyes at the same idiots we can't stand. I know Gary is favorite target but I think Steat is truly a lunatic.
Sometimes I wonder if those dimley lit thr poasters write these dumb things just to make it on the DI board. They can't be a whole collective group of people that is so bitter and ignorant. I can see one or two but just about the whole board? Can they really be that mislead? On second thought yes, they really believe the non sense mess they put up. OFC

The freaks at RR are really something else too.
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topps coach said:
"Kyrie certainly has a different take on it.He is quoted as saying K put no pressure on him to come back st all and he considers K a father figure and one of the biggest influences on his life."

"We don't give a rat's arse what you or a former dook player says about your coach. He's the biggest POS there is and only cares about himself so take your comments about your rat back to your own board."

What a charming fella Billy seems to be....
"ANY coach with a Top 20 program could have coached Kyrie for his 11 college games and Kyrie would have accomplished the same results in the NBA. That's the point that you can't seem to comprehend. Kyrie is that good and he was going to be a solid NBA player regardless of K being the coach. 11 games? You and I could have coached Kyrie for 11 games and not screwed it up. K thought Kyrie would help lead Duke to another NCAA title. He threw him into the mix and it destroyed the team chemistry in the Arizona game. If Kyrie was an average player, he never would have played those last few games that season. If Amile Jefferson was a superstar player, he would have played at the end of the season last year. It's very hard to get you Duke fans to admit this. K evaluates each situation on how it can better his situation. The same with the Duke transfers. He forces a player out if he has no need for them."

Steat again:
"He played 8-10 games for Duke you are giving K credit for his success? Hindsight is 20/20. I think most people outside Duke fans would come to the conclusion that K was more interested in Kyrie leading them to an NCAA title than Kyrie auditioning for NBA scouts. Kyrie is probably the best NBA player ever to play for Duke. Inserting Kyrie into the line-up and pushing Nolan Smith over to the 2 destroyed the chemistry of the team. That was a total beatdown from Arizona. It was pitiful. Many NBA scouts where in the stands and saw that game. If anything, scouts saw how K mismanaged that game. Kyrie was not at Duke long enough for K to get credit for anything. The only thing he taught him was how to flop."

topps coach said:

"My mistake thought this board liked to have conversations with different viewpoints as long as they were done respectfully."



"Most dook fans have no higher opinion of UNC than UNC fans have of dook, Tru. UNC posters get the same treatment on your board if they dare to disagree with anything posted there.

dook fans have been almost as obsessed as State fans with our NCAA Investigation, regularly posting ridiculous things about our university and our coaches. So don't get on your high horse when a dook fan gets a hard time over here. It's a UNC board, you should expect it, just as I would expect if I posted on DI."

Waaaay more lenient over here, Arch, and you know it because you read here and have seen it for yourself. Your mods ban at the drop of a hat and then even brag to you boys about it. Ridiculous.

From mod mikeirbyusa. Ohhhh the irony...
topps coach said:
My mistake thought this board liked to have conversations with different viewpoints as long as they were done respectfully

"More like DI than you thought huh? :)"
"Most dook fans have no higher opinion of UNC than UNC fans have of dook, Tru. UNC posters get the same treatment on your board if they dare to disagree with anything posted there.

dook fans have been almost as obsessed as State fans with our NCAA Investigation, regularly posting ridiculous things about our university and our coaches. So don't get on your high horse when a dook fan gets a hard time over here. It's a UNC board, you should expect it, just as I would expect if I posted on DI."

Waaaay more lenient over here, Arch, and you know it because you read here and have seen it for yourself. Your mods ban at the drop of a hat and then even brag to you boys about it. Ridiculous.

From mod mikeirbyusa. Ohhhh the irony...
topps coach said:
My mistake thought this board liked to have conversations with different viewpoints as long as they were done respectfully

"More like DI than you thought huh? :)"
Mike knows better than that.

I will put our leniency towards visitors against theirs any time they would like to compare notes. However not many of them will post here. They will read here, some of those complaining do so A LOT. Heck we let gunslinger post here for how long recently? I know some of our own posters both publicly and privately give us crap for allowing people to express themselves. However we do not want to become what their board has become.
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Mike knows better than that.

I will put our leniency towards visitors against theirs any time they would like to compare notes. However not many of them will post here. They will read here, some of those complaining do so A LOT. Heck we let gunslinger post here for how long recently? I know some of our own posters both publicly and privately give us crap for allowing people to express themselves. However we do not want to become what their board has become.

And slinger probably laughed every time he finished a poast without being banned. OFC
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Does he? Nothing I've seen from him during my 7 years on Rivals would indicate so.
I think so. Basically I think a very small portion of the posters over there (also the most out there and angry) run the mood. I should qualify this that I am speaking in terms of Duke related stuff. Mike would not be very popular to those types if he said reasonable things and stuck up for a Duke fan.
Two hilarious comments by Gary with respect to who UNC should look to when replacing Roy:

(1) we won't be left in the dust if we stay in the family and system, which is to this day the best ever invented.

(2) 2016 ain't a bit different from 1988 in hiring coaches
On this board i haven't in a while but was on board with a few that have been banned. dukiejay is the heavy around these parts anyway.

Just wait until K-ville gets his pecking fingers going. No caskets, No tombstones. Cremation and an urn maybe. Would love to see some burn on the ones that deserve it. ;) OFC
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Two hilarious comments by Gary with respect to who UNC should look to when replacing Roy:

(1) we won't be left in the dust if we stay in the family and system, which is to this day the best ever invented.

(2) 2016 ain't a bit different from 1988 in hiring coaches

#2 ? What does that mean.
"We don't give a rat's arse what you or a former dook player says about your coach. He's the biggest POS there is and only cares about himself so take your comments about your rat back to your own board."

What a charming fella Billy seems to be....[/QUOTE]

Billy why did your 'naner puddin swallowing lying coach deem it neccessary to give our Coach an award???!!! Geez, bet he didnt check w/you!
"We don't give a rat's arse what you or a former dook player says about your coach. He's the biggest POS there is and only cares about himself so take your comments about your rat back to your own board."

What a charming fella Billy seems to be....

Billy why did your 'naner puddin swallowing lying coach deem it neccessary to give our Coach an award???!!! Geez, bet he didnt check w/you!
Yeah that was in response to me should not let it bother me but don't think he would mouth off to me like that in person
As ridiculously laughable as the posters at THR are the posters at RR are getting pretty dang close to the same level. Between RR and the main basketball board there have been something like 15-16 Duke related threads that have been started by Kentucky fans.
Success Breeds Jealousy....OFC
Billy why did your 'naner puddin swallowing lying coach deem it neccessary to give our Coach an award???!!! Geez, bet he didnt check w/you!
Yeah that was in response to me should not let it bother me but don't think he would mouth off to me like that in person[/QUOTE]

He would not my friend!

As ridiculously laughable as the posters at THR are the posters at RR are getting pretty dang close to the same level. Between RR and the main basketball board there have been something like 15-16 Duke related threads that have been started by Kentucky fans.
Yeah they came pouring over from rafters to the basketball board as soon as Duke lost. They're incredibly insecure regarding Duke and I don't get it considering how much success they've had as a program.
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UK fans want to be Duke's rival to the point it's crazy. They just can't let go of it. I can't make up my mind if it was the stomp or the shot that they are the most obsessed with. For me the only time I really pay attention to what's going on with UK is when Duke plays them but their fan base sure pays a lot of attention to Duke. OFC
I agree 100% Sky, they are not relevant to Duke Basketball except in the top 10 rankings and that doesn't mean much to us currently because we don't have all of our team yet.

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