Favorite THR Quotes....

There are a few "Duke" posters that are going to THR and slobbering all over UNC while at the same time taking shots at Duke players, which I find odd. You guys realize you can be respectful on THR without becoming a UNC fan right?
There are a few "Duke" posters that are going to THR and slobbering all over UNC while at the same time taking shots at Duke players, which I find odd. You guys realize you can be respectful on THR without becoming a UNC fan right?
Wow that GnarlsBarkley guy at RR is really something. He's their Keysor or sk.
There are a few "Duke" posters that are going to THR and slobbering all over UNC while at the same time taking shots at Duke players, which I find odd. You guys realize you can be respectful on THR without becoming a UNC fan right?

Why in the world can't Duke fans just stay away from there. It's your choice though. Sooner or later you are gonna get torched. Here's hoping you say the wrong thing and get tomb stoned. You will be better off. OFC
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Here is one from a guy that goes by the handle "bluemetro" at THR and claims to be a Duke grad. Suuuuurrreee....

dadika13 said:

"Both of these guys will do about anything to win also, but Grayson is more openly dirty. My fellow Duke grads will disown me now, but GA is Lattener 2 in terms of doing just about anything to get an advantage. I played high school ball 20,000 years ago with a guy who used to throw the most vicious elbows and also if you drove straight into him he would grab your jersey and pull you down on him for a charge call. He actually got away with it, so damn sneaky. I was glad he was on my team, but man, the psychology of guys like that. Grayson, I don't know him, but teammates mostly like him( Thornton did not obviously ) whereas Hill, Hurley and others did not like Christian either. Hurley tried to fight him, six foot versus six eleven, but that is a White dude from inner city Jersey City for ya."
bluemetro is a Duke fan I believe. He is entitled to his opinion. I would love to know how Allen "obviously" didn't get along with DT. I have heard differently and I have also heard he is a great teammate.
More from the supposed Duke grad, bluemetro. And 2DDIMOND must be referring to the FACT that Duke was given the easiest path, blah, blah, blaaahhh....

2DDIMOND said:
To be fair, 2010 had nothing to do with OAD talent, & without trying to sound like sour grapes, that title should never have happened for a number of reasons."

"Probably should have called timeout in the Dean Dome, but hard to criticize Williams too much. Even K used the same strategy in 2010 with the on purpose missed FT by Zoubec, he wanted a "scramble" with no set play and Roy most likely thought you all would get a better shot than Berry against D. Thornton. That game was stolen from you in a way, the foul trouble, the pace of play. Two weeks later, different outcome. UNC clearly the better team, but that is why you play the games as they say.
I truly suspect the shoe will probably be on the other foot this coming season and Duke falls to UNC when they are favored to sweep. Roy and UNC too good."

114 bluemetro, Yesterday at 4:26 PM
bluemetro is a Duke fan I believe. He is entitled to his opinion. I would love to know how Allen "obviously" didn't get along with DT. I have heard differently and I have also heard he is a great teammate.

OK, he just struck me as pretty phony and as if he was going out of his way to buddy up to Hole fans and putting Duke down a little.
OK, he just struck me as pretty phony and as if he was going out of his way to buddy up to Hole fans and putting Duke down a little.
I am pretty sure he is a Duke fan anyway. Never truly know on a faceless message board. He is clearly buttering up to the UNC crowd for some reason. I have seen him on the national recruiting board in the past. He seems a little out of touch with certain things by what he has posted there.
bluemetro as mentioned below and there was someone who was posting "Dook" instead of Duke awhile back that was supposed to be a Duke fan (and I believe he is). I kinda called him on it and he said it wasn't a big deal to him, which that spelling isn't a big deal to anyone I just don't understand why you would go to a UNC board as a Duke fan and do that.
Yea, I lack the skill to kiss a unc mods ass so's I can post at his weakass board. It's just not in me. I talk to them at their board just like I would if we were sitting at the table discussing it. If you can't handle it, ban me and move on I guess. I'm glad we don't have the type of posters here that they specialize in there, posters that go WAY overboard attacking the other teams coach personally, with ratface, Hitler, and then some just outright bad, overblown stuff. Honestly, I remember way back in the day when their board was pretty cool.
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Yea, I lack the skill to kiss a unc mods ass so's I can post at his weakass board. It's just not in me. I talk to them at their board just like I would if we were sitting at the table discussing it. If you can't handle it, ban me and move on I guess. I'm glad we don't have the type of posters here that they specialize in there, posters that go WAY overboard attacking the other teams coach personally, with ratface, Hitler, and then some just outright bad, overblown stuff. Honestly, I remember way back in the day when their board was pretty cool.

Ratface and K-Rat are bad enough but Hitler and Satan are just pure hate. There are several posters over there that have said they hate Coach K and they have a Christian mod who allows it. OFC
Yea, I lack the skill to kiss a unc mods ass so's I can post at his weakass board. It's just not in me. I talk to them at their board just like I would if we were sitting at the table discussing it. If you can't handle it, ban me and move on I guess. I'm glad we don't have the type of posters here that they specialize in there, posters that go WAY overboard attacking the other teams coach personally, with ratface, Hitler, and then some just outright bad, overblown stuff. Honestly, I remember way back in the day when their board was pretty cool.

So do I. That main core of idiots over there, gary, DSouthr, Archer, keysersosay, Steat, etc..., chased all the decent posters away.
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Yea, I lack the skill to kiss a unc mods ass so's I can post at his weakass board. It's just not in me. I talk to them at their board just like I would if we were sitting at the table discussing it. If you can't handle it, ban me and move on I guess. I'm glad we don't have the type of posters here that they specialize in there, posters that go WAY overboard attacking the other teams coach personally, with ratface, Hitler, and then some just outright bad, overblown stuff. Honestly, I remember way back in the day when their board was pretty cool.
There wasn't that much hatred from them back in the day. You know when they could beat us on a regular basis. Now that K owns their asses, they really can't handle it. Hell, I guess I would be the same way if our rival was manhandling us the way we are them.

There wasn't that much hatred from them back in the day. You know when they could beat us on a regular basis. Now that K owns their asses, they really can't handle it. Hell, I guess I would be the same way if our rival was manhandling us the way we are them.


No you wouldn't. If you did you would not be allowed to post here. OFC
There wasn't that much hatred from them back in the day. You know when they could beat us on a regular basis. Now that K owns their asses, they really can't handle it. Hell, I guess I would be the same way if our rival was manhandling us the way we are them.

For many years more than I would like to acknowledge they did without Duke fans becoming total jerks.Sorta shows what type of character you have
This is gary responding to some treslyles. After treslyles made a post Gary pretty much told him his post was stupid and worthless. Tres says the following to gary:

"I can say the same about some of yours."

Then the ever cocky jackass responds with:

"Um no, not really."

21 gary-7, Yesterday at 10:33 PM

Good Lord I would sooo love to bitch slap that little puke.
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Some tool that goes by "Tom79"...

"I think we should lower those expectations there. Grayson is a million times more athletic and was doing it against the highest competition. Platek will be a nice role player/shooter his first few seasons, Allen was a star last year."

"So Tripson is athletic? Hmm, play defense/trip players...he was pathetic at times as a freshman...oh, and he shoots pretty well at times, IMO, on a matchup if a kid hung with him on every drive just to disrupt, Tripson wouldn't shoot very well at all. He is well schooled in the spastic flailing they love over there...
No, Tripson wasn't a "star" so much as media/dook shoved him forward into that position. A "star", no not really, a pretty good player, sure."

26 Tom79, Today at 10:32 AM

"Tripson"...isn't that cute???
"I agree, and I'm not sure why we're even talking about Allen ITT. There is not much real comparison with Platek.

Anyway, yes, Allen is absolutely athletic, and he can absolutely shoot... but it's also true he'a a star largely because K has given him license to be a ball-hog and fire and drive at will (whether well-advised or not). He's also doesn't play a lot of legitimate defense.

Still yes, he has become a star. But if that's their star, then IMO they are welcome to him."

topps coach responds with this benign response:

"Thanks we will keep him."

Somehow it riles up dadika. This is his response to topps coach:

"You started out OK, but you're getting just a wee bit troll-ish."

Saying "Thanks we will keep him" is somehow being a troll? Lol. As sensitive a bunch as ever over there.
My question is, was somebody legit saying Andrew Platek was/is/ever will be better than Grayson. Bobby Frasor lite? Did that Jenkins three really crush their mental spirit that badly. I guess Tony Bradley will surprise anything Jah ever did as well right?
"I agree, and I'm not sure why we're even talking about Allen ITT. There is not much real comparison with Platek.

Anyway, yes, Allen is absolutely athletic, and he can absolutely shoot... but it's also true he'a a star largely because K has given him license to be a ball-hog and fire and drive at will (whether well-advised or not). He's also doesn't play a lot of legitimate defense.

Still yes, he has become a star. But if that's their star, then IMO they are welcome to him."

topps coach responds with this benign response:

"Thanks we will keep him."

Somehow it riles up dadika. This is his response to topps coach:

"You started out OK, but you're getting just a wee bit troll-ish."

Saying "Thanks we will keep him" is somehow being a troll? Lol. As sensitive a bunch as ever over there.
I stated this before but I would love to get that idiot on a black board so he could enlighten me as to how the Carolina system is so complex
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Saw this on RR from Blueathletics in a thread titled "Calipari's coaching decision" "From his more recent comments Cal seems to be more focused on winning NC's than he did in the beginning....He's talked more about that vs. his previous emphasis on draft day"

This puzzled me a bit considering before the 2014-15 season he said his goal for the season was to get 7 players drafted and last season he encouraged all of his players (including walk-ons) to enter the NBA draft. It might just be me but it doesn't seem like he's more focused on winning titles if he's still been talking about the draft each of the last 2 seasons.
Saw this on RR from Blueathletics in a thread titled "Calipari's coaching decision" "From his more recent comments Cal seems to be more focused on winning NC's than he did in the beginning....He's talked more about that vs. his previous emphasis on draft day"

This puzzled me a bit considering before the 2014-15 season he said his goal for the season was to get 7 players drafted and last season he encouraged all of his players (including walk-ons) to enter the NBA draft. It might just be me but it doesn't seem like he's more focused on winning titles if he's still been talking about the draft each of the last 2 seasons.
He has to put winning titles on the backburner considering UK chokes just about every time they reach the final four, so he has to focus on the NBA thing more to Woo recruits.
gary taking another shot at Grayson and his assertin that he doesn't play "real defense." The guy is such an A hole.

Tom 79:
"Like some of our current frosh, some of our fans may well learn to appreciate Mr. Platek.

As to stars, take a peak at JBII's numbers for the last nine games last season. He is a star."

"...and he does it in a true team concept and plays real defense."

Ohhhhhh, gary, you sly devil, you.....
Why do they all claim that Roy is the greatest "developer of talent" and crap like that? Because they got lucky with Brice freaking Johnson??!!

"I concur that Roy does do better with higher ranked players. I bet every coach does, but I also know that Roy excels with developing lower ranked players and can get the best out of any recruit that is willing to work. He can find ways to put them in position to maximize their potential and help our team better than almost anyone. I think Izzo comes the closest to matching Roy in this respect."
gary taking another shot at Grayson and his assertin that he doesn't play "real defense." The guy is such an A hole.

Tom 79:
"Like some of our current frosh, some of our fans may well learn to appreciate Mr. Platek.

As to stars, take a peak at JBII's numbers for the last nine games last season. He is a star."

"...and he does it in a true team concept and plays real defense."

Ohhhhhh, gary, you sly devil, you.....
I agree with Gary that Berry is a star. More in the making than already established, but i think Berry will continue is upward trend. Good player. Now with that said, Allen won a national title (which he was a huge part of), and he has been an AA already. Gary can talk team concept and all but how successful is Duke without Allen taking teh brunt of the offense on himself? Allen was also pretty efficient in his shooting. He also led the team in assists from an off guard position. So while I agree with gary that Berry will be a star, he is very wrong about Allen. His bias is showing in that regard. You don't have to like a player to admit he is a good one.
Blue metro is a disgrace if he is a Duke fan. THR is a funny.

I fixed this for you. LOL.

Honestly i believe bluenetro is a Duke fan, but he is a very misguided one. I have no issue with him saying some of the things he has but he has said some gary like things about Duke's recruiting on the national board in the past. By that I mean, he has no real idea about Duke's recruiting.
I agree with Gary that Berry is a star. More in the making than already established, but i think Berry will continue is upward trend. Good player. Now with that said, Allen won a national title (which he was a huge part of), and he has been an AA already. Gary can talk team concept and all but how successful is Duke without Allen taking teh brunt of the offense on himself? Allen was also pretty efficient in his shooting. He also led the team in assists from an off guard position. So while I agree with gary that Berry will be a star, he is very wrong about Allen. His bias is showing in that regard. You don't have to like a player to admit he is a good one.

That's kind of Gary's MO in every regard. I think that's part of the reason so many on his own board have turned on him. He might have connections and even some good info for people....but he's a complete ass to anyone who dare questions him and he's incapable to seeing another point....from anybody. Let's be honest, all of us are biased....but he's in another stratosphere.
That's kind of Gary's MO in every regard. I think that's part of the reason so many on his own board have turned on him. He might have connections and even some good info for people....but he's a complete ass to anyone who dare questions him and he's incapable to seeing another point....from anybody. Let's be honest, all of us are biased....but he's in another stratosphere.
Saying Gary is biased is like saying water is wet. Like you said he's just in a different universe- not alone though he's got some with him.

I've been on record as saying i think Berry is a great PG, I thought he was underutilized his freshman season and that he is arguably going to be the best PG in the ACC and one of the tops in the Country. I have no problem rooting against him and admitting that.

If you can't see Grayson as a great player than I dont know what to tell you. You can make up in your mind that he's a dirty player and that he's an asshole etc. but that doesn't make it true. Did he have 2-3 times that he wished he did not do something stupid? Absolutely. Guess who admitted it? Grayson Allen. Guess who admitted his mistake and took ownership and didn't shy away from it- Grayson Allen. ON the court there were few better than he was last year and it showed in the accolades he received. That doesn't come if you're not showing out night in and night out. This is also while the opposing team's scouting report and defensive scheme is all centered around stopping him.
Isn't it amazing that EVERY unc player is near the best at his position in all of college basketball. If not the very best then pretty near the top. They have said this about Berry, Hicks, Meeks, Woods, Bradley and future players Rechon Black, Platek and Felton. My gosh even Meeks is a player to fear. They talk about their 3 point or outside shooting like they are all JJ Reddicks. Also have you noticed how the players the cheats recruit are some of the best in the nation, well until they choose another school and then they weren't that good or they are glad they went elsewhere or wouldn't fit into "Roy's system". The are a very special group of fans and they compete to see who can say the most outlandish things. They have more homers than any team in the USA except UK. Damn they are such a laughable fan base its almost embarrasing.
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