FTB, sorry to hear about your wife's accident. Kind of puts little things like this game in perspective. Life is much more precious at times like this. I wish your wife the best and your family prayers. God Bless!
Duke 97
Bryant 55
My first post in a while. My wife was in a terrible car accident in September and I've been living at the hospital ever since. She is finally out of the ICU and in stable condition (6 weeks in the ICU). The accident was a head-on collision with a semi going 60 mph. No alcohol or distracted driving was involved; just a freak accident. The other two people involved sustained minor injuries and were released from the hospital the day of the accident. My wife was not so lucky. She lost her blood 3 times over in the first 24 hours. The trauma surgeons said she would not have survived had it not been for the helicopter that life-flighted her to the hospital in less than 4 minutes (it would have been a 30 minute trip in an ambulance). She has gone through 14 surgeries to repair numerous fractures in her arms and legs and to repair injuries to many of her vital organs. She is not completely out of the woods yet. She is still battling some infections, but it seems to be under control. Amazingly, she suffered no neurological or spinal damage.
She is my hero and truly is the strongest person I know.
I hooked up the laptop to the TV in her room yesterday and we were able to watch the game together. It is the first of many small steps back to a normal life. The game lifted her spirits because she was so excited to see all the new faces and cheer on her new favorite player (now that Cook is gone), Grayson Allen. She's excited to watch the game today and hopes to see another blowout.