Bolden AND Javin testing the waters

The thing for me is if they don’t know what they need to work on by now.....? Lol why didn’t Tre “test the waters” Thats why it’s funny to me. It’s like, it should be obvious by now. :) It was for Tre. Unless they think they have a shot at getting drafted which yea makes me yea lol
I think they know what they need to work on. They may just want to know how much they need to work on those things for today's NBA.
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Javin and Bolden both owe testing the waters to themselves. I'm pretty sure both have thought many years about playing professional ball one day. I would rather have a player on my team who thinks he is better than he actually is verses one who has no dreams about their future.
Not upset. Just being honest, calling it like I see it.

Of course, **I** actually recognize that "being honest" doesn't grant anyone immunity from a host of other criticisms, including being a jerk about something.

Ok whatever you say
Once again go back and read his pro day evaluation and Javin has a jumper we just don’t see it because he’s not asked for offense he’s asked to be a hustle guy which he does well.
Look at his off season work outs he can shoot and has been working on it. Lance has put backs in college and toward the end of his career started to shoot the ball more.

Where can I read the pro day evaluation?
Where can I read the pro day evaluation?
I’m not good with back threads maybe show or one of the OFC can find it and post the comments( I’m not technology savvy).

Scouts were saying his athleticism alone would get him looks from scouts and he was a great team player. Also his shot wasn’t as bad but then again not many people have seen him attempt to shoot.
It's weird how no one on Duke's staff is able to tell Javin and Ques what they need to improve on to be able to play in the NBA.

I will say the process is probably pretty exciting tho.
Bolden strengths: FT shooting, rim protection, has improved vastly at defending quicker guards, always dunks strong with 2 hands.
Weaknesses: needs a better go-to move than the lefty hook, zero passing skills, not a great rebounder.

Javin strengths: Never stops hustling, pesky defender, can defend quicker guards 25 feet out very well (if he makes the league, this will be why.) Great communicator.
Weaknesses: extremely foul prone, very weak hands, has shown zero ability to put the ball on the floor or make a jump shot. Doesn't finish through contact.

Why go get feedback when you can just read Devils Illustrated?
Bolden strengths: FT shooting, rim protection, has improved vastly at defending quicker guards, always dunks strong with 2 hands.
Weaknesses: needs a better go-to move than the lefty hook, zero passing skills, not a great rebounder.

Javin strengths: Never stops hustling, pesky defender, can defend quicker guards 25 feet out very well (if he makes the league, this will be why.) Great communicator.
Weaknesses: extremely foul prone, very weak hands, has shown zero ability to put the ball on the floor or make a jump shot.

Why go get feedback when you can just read Devils Illustrated?
True! The next Duke coach is right here on our very own message board. Just not sure which poster will get the nod.
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Lance Thomas averaged about 4 points and 3 boards every season at Duke. He certainly was the exception rather than the rule. It would be crazy to expect a similar NBA career out of Javin. In fact, I would be shocked if Javin played more than 10 minutes in an NBA game in his entire career. There just isn't a place for guys who can't score. I am certain Javin will be back next season. Bolden, I am not as sure about. I think he could find his way into the back-end of the 2nd round and carve out a small role for himself in the league.
Bolden strengths: FT shooting, rim protection, has improved vastly at defending quicker guards, always dunks strong with 2 hands.
Weaknesses: needs a better go-to move than the lefty hook, zero passing skills, not a great rebounder.

Javin strengths: Never stops hustling, pesky defender, can defend quicker guards 25 feet out very well (if he makes the league, this will be why.) Great communicator.
Weaknesses: extremely foul prone, very weak hands, has shown zero ability to put the ball on the floor or make a jump shot. Doesn't finish through contact.

Why go get feedback when you can just read Devils Illustrated?
Add for Bolden - little effort needed to take ball from him after catch in the post
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It will either come from the masses, the podcast boys or dukiejaybilas... OFC
Well I’ve learned from reading the board, that there’s no defense that can stop the pick and roll or the dribble drive. Not sure what other form of drive you can do. If you aren’t dribbling, you’re traveling. But apparently it’s unstoppable.
Well I’ve learned from reading the board, that there’s no defense that can stop the pick and roll or the dribble drive. Not sure what other form of drive you can do. If you aren’t dribbling, you’re traveling. But apparently it’s unstoppable.

Well Ipsy says the Pick and Roll is the best option! OFC
Good luck to Bolden. I won’t say that I don’t want him to return, but his wishy-washy effort has never sat well with me. He’s had some injury setbacks, but that’s not an excuse for lack of effort. He doesn’t communicate on the floor either. I’ll just say..... I’d love for Bolden to return if he’s ready to give it 110%

I’m shook that Javin declared. He could seriously have a future in the NBA as a post-defensive specialist (offensive rebounding too) but he needs his final year of college to polish things off. Way too foul prone right now, another year at Duke will do his discipline some favors hopefully. I’m sure he comes back.
He doesn’t communicate on the floor either. I’ll just say..... I’d love for Bolden to return if he’s ready to give it 110%
I mean are we even sure this is true? I know Bolden has been frustrating to us fans sometimes, but what we think we see and what are true aren't always the same thing. I hope he comes back because we need him around the rim defensively.
I mean are we even sure this is true? I know Bolden has been frustrating to us fans sometimes, but what we think we see and what are true aren't always the same thing. I hope he comes back because we need him around the rim defensively.

He wasn’t named a captain because of lack of communication. I’ve never heard K blatantly say that, but said he chose Jack and Javin because they are great communicators and leaders. I think that paints the picture.... We also gave up 2 open 3’s (vs MSU) because Bolden didn’t communicate screen-switching and got caught double teaming Winston with Tre. That ticked me off good.

My opinion on his effort is just that... an opinion. I feel like he has different levels of effort.
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Bolden had several games where he was huge and a lot of games where he was a let down...just like everyone else on the team not named Zion or RJ. He doesnt communicate as well as some, he isnt as fast as some, but I think he plays solid defense. I hope he comes back but if he will be happier in the Gleague or overseas, then I wish him well.
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Good luck to Bolden. I won’t say that I don’t want him to return, but his wishy-washy effort has never sat well with me. He’s had some injury setbacks, but that’s not an excuse for lack of effort. He doesn’t communicate on the floor either. I’ll just say..... I’d love for Bolden to return if he’s ready to give it 110%

I’m shook that Javin declared. He could seriously have a future in the NBA as a post-defensive specialist (offensive rebounding too) but he needs his final year of college to polish things off. Way too foul prone right now, another year at Duke will do his discipline some favors hopefully. I’m sure he comes back.

Just my opinion but I think you are clashing effort with his quiet personality. Not a great communicator, I can see that. Not giving effort? I don’t agree with that at all. I do think his lack of intensity/quiet personality/whatever you want to call it is preventing him from reaching his ceiling. In a world where Ques is assertive and playing with an edge I think he is further along in his development. I think we agree in principle but I’m not call it effort.
He wasn’t named a captain because of lack of communication. I’ve never heard K blatantly say that, but said he chose Jack and Javin because they are great communicators and leaders. I think that paints the picture.... We also gave up 2 open 3’s (vs MSU) because Bolden didn’t communicate screen-switching and got caught double teaming Winston with Tre. That ticked me off good.

My opinion on his effort is just that... an opinion. I feel like he has different levels of effort.

Agree with BP! 'Ques doesnt nearly communicate on court as well as Jack and Javin. No contest....OFC
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Just my opinion but I think you are clashing effort with his quiet personality. Not a great communicator, I can see that. Not giving effort? I don’t agree with that at all. I do think his lack of intensity/quiet personality/whatever you want to call it is preventing him from reaching his ceiling. In a world where Ques is assertive and playing with an edge I think he is further along in his development. I think we agree in principle but I’m not call it effort.
I agree. I believe when Ques is out there he’s giving it his all. It just doesn’t seem like it because of how he is. But even this year we saw some emotion out of him. I think he made huge improvements over this year. It just sucks he had to get injured near the end. Definitely messed him up a little.
Just my opinion but I think you are clashing effort with his quiet personality. Not a great communicator, I can see that. Not giving effort? I don’t agree with that at all. I do think his lack of intensity/quiet personality/whatever you want to call it is preventing him from reaching his ceiling. In a world where Ques is assertive and playing with an edge I think he is further along in his development. I think we agree in principle but I’m not call it effort.

You don’t agree at all that he lacks in the effort department but you think that he lacks intensity? IMO - effort = intensity.
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Agree with BP! 'Ques doesnt nearly communicate on court as well as Jack and Javin. No contest....OFC

For sure dude. The bottom line is that it’s inexcusable. Communication is mandatory, blaming personality type is an excuse to me. He speaks English, he isn’t deaf, he has a voice.

His high school and NBA scouting reports both list inconsistent effort and/or motor in the weakness columns. If people don’t agree with my opinion, that’s fine... I’m just a basketball fan - But I think it’s hard to argue against multiple scouting reports from experts.
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You don’t agree at all that he lacks in the effort department but you think that he lacks intensity? IMO - effort = intensity.

Eh, we disagree on that. I think effort goes into intensity but they are not synonymous at all IMO.
Good luck to Bolden. I won’t say that I don’t want him to return, but his wishy-washy effort has never sat well with me. He’s had some injury setbacks, but that’s not an excuse for lack of effort. He doesn’t communicate on the floor either. I’ll just say..... I’d love for Bolden to return if he’s ready to give it 110%

I’m shook that Javin declared. He could seriously have a future in the NBA as a post-defensive specialist (offensive rebounding too) but he needs his final year of college to polish things off. Way too foul prone right now, another year at Duke will do his discipline some favors hopefully. I’m sure he comes back.
I am with you on Bolden. It looks at times like he just goes through the motions and then at other times he looks like he could be a huge contributor.
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I am with you on Bolden. It looks at times like he just goes through the motions and then at other times he looks like he could be a huge contributor.

Duhon exactly! Would love to have him back, but that up and down teeter-totter swing is frustrating....OFC
Yeah heres another who disagrees w/you on that statement Chov....


Well intensity can be a measurable of anything. When something is intense it is a high amount of whatever you are describing. So if you are saying his overall play isn’t intense, I would agree. I think a lot has to do with his personality. He’s uncomfortable doing certain things. It’s not an excuse but it’s a reasoning. If you are simply saying his effort isn’t intense. Well even that I see bits of truth. But very few people give intense amounts of effort. If you are saying he’s not giving effort, that I don’t agree with.

So going back to my original point, effort and intensity are not synonymous IMO. One is a trait and one is a measurable of that trait. It’s splitting hairs I know, but the overall point I’m trying to make is not that Ques isn’t giving effort or lollygagging. He struggles with his intensity because it’s uncomfortable for him to be that type of person. I’m not excusing him, I actually think it is what is holding him back from getting to that next level. If he ever develops an edge I truly believe the skills will follow. He has natural ability, a ton of it.
We’ve gone around our elbow to get to our butt talking about Bolden. It’s not this complicated when talking about guys like him.
The world has always had guys like him. They seem to have the tools, but not the drive, then there’s the 5-9 guy you wish was 6-7, because he’s a bull dog.

If everyone is completely honest, he hasn’t been what we hoped, almost disappointing.

Even if he does play for Duke.
I'm a little late to the party, but based on the current NBA rules why wouldn't every single player possible go "test the waters"? Go thru it, get information and constructive criticism and hard facts from scouts, then make a decision.

I thought Javin played the best games of his career this past March, and I do expect him back. Boy it would be nice to see him add a solid midrange jumper to the Duke offensive arsenal next year. I think Bolden has the tools to play in the NBA. I hope he comes back one more year to build some confidence as a senior captain.
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The game def. seemed to slow down for Javin in March. He stepped up when Bolden was injured and it will really pay off if(when) he returns.
We’ve gone around our elbow to get to our butt talking about Bolden. It’s not this complicated when talking about guys like him.
The world has always had guys like him. They seem to have the tools, but not the drive, then there’s the 5-9 guy you wish was 6-7, because he’s a bull dog.

If everyone is completely honest, he hasn’t been what we hoped, almost disappointing.

Even if he does play for Duke.

In the same way that Cam was disappointing, yes. But I long ago came to grips with Ques never going to be a top-10 5-star athlete. Once that bar was removed I’ve actually been pleased with his journey in a Duke uniform.

Cam came in with even higher expectations and he certainly didn’t reach those this year. But he had his moments for sure and he helped us in some big spots.
In the same way that Cam was disappointing, yes. But I long ago came to grips with Ques never going to be a top-10 5-star athlete. Once that bar was removed I’ve actually been pleased with his journey in a Duke uniform.

Cam came in with even higher expectations and he certainly didn’t reach those this year. But he had his moments for sure and he helped us in some big spots.

Well he was never top 10