Amile Jefferson


Oct 7, 2011
Can someone please explain what has happened to this kid? At the beginning of the year he was somewhat of a scoring threat when in the game. Against Michigan St and Wisconsin scored 6 points, against Louisville had 19 pts, against Pitt had 9 pts, against unc the first game had 13 pts. After that he has been MIA on offense. In the ACC tournament he combined for 2 pts. Now I know we have shooters and Okafor taking a lot of the shots, but when he catches the ball he doesn't even look to score anymore. And no I am not bashing him as some may think, I honestly feel like we need him scoring atleast 6-10 pts a game in the tournament to make a deep run.
My son and I were talking about that as well. He seems to have disappeared. Not as many minutes . His defense has been suspect too. He seemsto grab players in the lane as his first move. Made a really bad turnover against ND.

Hopefully he begins to play better, grab rebounds and defend.
This post was edited on 3/15 8:40 AM by madrussian
At the very least he needs to make it look like he's a threat to score, not just get the ball and quickly look around to pass. Can we win games in the tourney without much of a presence from him? Yes. But I agree, to make a deep run and compete for the title we need him to have some productive games especially on the offensive side of the ball.
I wonder if it have something to do with how Jah is being guarded now? Because when Amile was playing great, it seemed like it was because so much attention was on Jah, that Amile was able to get open easier..

We definitly need prosecution out of Amile to have a chance at winning a NT though.. He is the only true Power Forward we have.
I think Amile's recent struggles can be pointed to a few things, but most notably the following....we've been a better team with Justise as our stretch four. He rebounds better, stretches the floor for Jah, is a versatile defender, can hit the outside shot and gets to the rack.

Honestly, I think it's been the emergence of a few guys moreso than poor play by Amile. The minutes just aren't there right now.