When and why, did you start pulling for UNC?


Devils Illustrated Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Jul 28, 2010
A play on the thread at THR. I'll start:

"I really hated school growing up. I was always skipping class, faking sick, and doing whatever I could to get out of going to class. That's when I heard about this place called UNC where students are not expected to go to class and teachers would submit papers for the student, then give them an "A". That's when I became a UNC fan. I'm now a surgeon thanks to my MD from UNC (University of No Classes). Granted, I've been sued after every surgery and nurses are terrified when they see I bring in the board game 'Operation' as a reference, but, oh well, at least I never had to go to class."
I knew UNC was for me once I realized I could go to games in the Dean Dome wearing a pastel sweater vest and sit on my hands and feel normal. I'm just not one for passion in sports. I like to think of the game as a business venture, where nothing matters but profit. That's why the "Carolina Way" is mine and PJ's.
"I really like to drive around with my illegally possessed gun late at night, whether it be in Durham or NYC after a Knicks game. Sometimes I bring felony amounts of weed too. After reading about all the former UNC players with similar interests, I knew UNC was the team for me."
A play on the thread at THR. I'll start:

"I really hated school growing up. I was always skipping class, faking sick, and doing whatever I could to get out of going to class. That's when I heard about this place called UNC where students are not expected to go to class and teachers would submit papers for the student, then give them an "A". That's when I became a UNC fan. I'm now a surgeon thanks to my MD from UNC (University of No Classes). Granted, I've been sued after every surgery and nurses are terrified when they see I bring in the board game 'Operation' as a reference, but, oh well, at least I never had to go to class."

Hahaha, good stuff, FTB!
But be careful about slamming the doctors that pass through UNC Medical School. They are all Board Certified...remember that.


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Great thread. I started pulling for UNC because of all the great examples they've had playing basketball for them.such as Mahtar N'daiye, Sheed Wallace, Joe Forte, Jeff McInnis, Rashad McCants, Will Graves, P. J. Hairston, Melvin Scott and prestigious alumni such as John Edward and Mike Nifong. Forgive me if I missed someone. OFC
I started pulling for UNC after I read book called "Doing Less With More-The True Story of Roy Williams and His Mentor". Gotta love guys that cant win more championships combined than K with some of the best talent the Universe has ever seen.
I started pulling for UNC about 3 years ago. It only lasted a day because it solved my problem so quickly. You see, I injured my back really bad back then. After seeing a doctor he put me on some pretty serious medication. The medication helped with the pain but I soon found out that it also can easily cause serious constipation. I was hurting. Clogged up and I mean badly. It was then and there I realized my need to pull for unc because they really give me the shits. That afternoon, pow! Thanks Heels. Thanks so much.
I started pulling for UNC about 3 years ago. It only lasted a day because it solved my problem so quickly. You see, I injured my back really bad back then. After seeing a doctor he put me on some pretty serious medication. The medication helped with the pain but I soon found out that it also can easily cause serious constipation. I was hurting. Clogged up and I mean badly. It was then and there I realized my need to pull for unc because they really give me the shits. That afternoon, pow! Thanks Heels. Thanks so much.

Off the charts funny. OFC