Well, if you look at the left's general willingness to comply with every mandate or order that the government implements, and the way they conform to every social change almost seamlessly when it originates from the progressives and the weird trust that they have in the government, that seems to be who they worship ahead of any God.
I don't think the right worships corporations. I think the right understands that corporations create far more jobs and disturbes more wealth than the government. The flaws in corporations are greed and big fish eat little fish monopolies. But if you replace corporate greed with government greed, the government steals from you twice as much in that scenario. At least with capitalism, the small fish at least has the opportunity to become a big fish. With the socialism, the only big fish is the government while the rest of us are just fish in a tank waiting for the government to sprinkle some flakes for us all to fight over.
In bold, hyperbole I will otherwise let slide for now. I will acknowledge that the right professes (
professes) worshipping the Christian version of God more than the left, on average.
"corporations create far more jobs and disturbes more wealth than the government" Framed like that, I can at least respect where you're coming from. I disagree that they distribute wealth, though, since the Reagan years, at least. Look at the income divide. Look at how corporations prioritize shareholder interests over employees' and clients' interests.
Corporate greed and govt greed are intertwined. Look at how many elected officials get rich during or after their time in office. Look at campaign contributions. Since the horrible Citizens United ruling, if not earlier, corporations have basically bought govt. So their flaws are intertwined. I submit that many of the things conservatives hate about govt are directly related to things they turn a blind eye to when it comes to corporations and private industry. And liberals hate those things, too.
Who do you think is supposed to regulate corporate greed, monopolies, and the continuing consolidation of wealth and resources in fewer and fewer hands? It ain't the free market, because however much I hate Walmart, they're the only game in town, so there's really nothing free about it anymore. The govt is doing a terrible job at regulating corp greed because they're bought, but the concept of govt remains the only viable solution. Doesn't this fit the whole "drain the swamp" thing y'all claim to like?
Here's a line I heard somewhere recently: Most of us are 3 really terrible, unfortunate months away from being bankrupt and homeless. None of us is 3 great, lucky months away from being billionaires. Unlike human and civil rights, resources
are like pie. There
is a finite amount of money. The more some have, the less others have; this is inherently true of unregulated, pure capitalism. So no, the little fish have very little chance of rising under our current economic system. Again, look at how the income divide continues to grow. (Like, you
literally cannot pull yourself up by your own bootstraps. That would be like using one of your own hands to lift yourself off the ground.)
And the image of little fish waiting for someone to sprinkle a few flakes their way... What's the difference between the sprinkles coming from govt or coming from billionaires if whichever one is still sprinkling it just as sparsely? Again, they're currently pretty inseparable. Wouldn't it be better to have more power in the hands of the little fish to begin with?