I don't think coach K uses stall ball too much. I just think he goes into it too soon in the second half. 
As an ex radio news reporter I especially appreciate your preference for "listening" to the news.Quite honestly I appreciate your candor and explanation. Btw, I agree w/most of those sources you denoted.
First, people on the left think me a bit too conservative for their tastes, so perhaps you could cut out the pigeon- holding. Second, the reason the President gets gutted is because he is incompetent, corrupt and dismantling democracy. And, third, it wasn’t just the National Guard, it was the army that he threatened to send in. Activating the Insurrection Act should frighten every American.That isn’t the issue. I wasn’t the one that brought up him stepping into it. But it’s like everything else that has gone on in his term. No matter what he does, he will be gutted by the other side. The local mayors and even the governors have proven to be cowards. Policemen have been injured during this time, protecting the rights of the protestors. That’s something none of you on the left are even talking about. Yet, as soon as he threatens action, as in National Guard, he’s a bully.
Like him or not, he can’t win. Also true that the talk of the virus has, for the most part, gone away.
Where is the outcry for Mr Dorn?
I don't think coach K uses stall ball too much. I just think he goes into it too soon in the second half.![]()
Listen when Black people talk about their experiences and not automatically come back with objections and whatabouts.... Just listen. Calls for equality are very likely not about you as an individual white person. It is about systems in this country that exist and that make it more difficult for some to succeed than others.
If you see someone crying out in pain, most people are going to ask that person, "what can I do?" Very few will tell that individual, "You're not really hurt, it's all in your mind."
I’m not saying inequality isn’t still an issue; it is, even against some white people, although that is much less than against minorities.
As an independent I get frustrated about two main things:
- white liberals (and some Indy’s) who scream BLM and “I’m sorry” all while virtue signaling. They go nuts when an unfortunate even like this happens and scream from the mountain tops. What happens when a 9 year old gets capped in south Chicago? Zilch. Nada. Nothing. At best maybe a “how sad”. Then they’ll say it’s because blacks are still rampantly oppressed. I call bullshit. It’s that mentality that helps keep inner city blacks down, and it’s sickenly wrong. Asian, Indian, and now quickly Latino races are coming up fast, with Asians and Indians blowing past whites as the most wealthy races. There is no reason why a black kid from the inner city can’t do the same if he/she grinds, gets a degree, and works. Problem is, the single parent (or no parent) numbers for the black race are astoundingly high. That’s the biggest threat, IMO.
- the police being demonized across the board. Do I like cops? Generally no, I’ve beeb arrested and also beat up while handcuffed, as a “white mutt male.” We literally have clowns saying defund the police. Are you freaking kidding me? Those same dorks are the ones calling for the abolishment of the 2nd amendment. Comedic gold.
Racism sucks. I hate it. Floyd was murdered. Garner was murdered. Brown? I dunno, last I saw of him he was attacking a cop half his size. Unless that cop was Bruce Lee, I’m not sure what else he could do. But to tear cities apart, kill black cops, and have suburban “honky’s” get on their knees is crazy. It doesn’t solve anything. Treat people with respect, acknowledge the past mistakes of this country (including the genocide of my native relatives) and let’s pull together.
I am mixed as hell. My mother is white, my father is black and Japanese...which basically means I have looked like very few as I grew up. My reality as taught me to be socially fluid. Honestly, probably my biggest strength is knowing how to navigate through this world socially. I was never white enough for the white people.and not.black enough for the blacks. People very casually look and me and ask..."what are you?" So these questions of race have been surrounding me from the time I was I baby. But my parents were very educated, and my dad made more money than most. I was a division 1 athlete while probably being one of the three black kids in the advanced placement path in a large public school. I had all the opportunities and I'm still not immune to all this shit. This is me. This is us. This is our life.From what he is writing, I suspect he is black. I could be wrong.
You are black?
If I was a Democrat, I’d be mad as hell that the best person my party could come up with was Joe Biden. I’d also keep praying that they keep these restrictions in place so poor Joe doesn’t have to debate Trump.
But, even if he were to win, he’ll never serve as President, or his time will be short served.
They’ll just put him in the other room and have him watch Looney Tunes.
Democracy is great, right people?
I'm some ways...I kind of agree with you. We should have someone better than Biden. I think this is a weakness in the 2 party system.If I was a Democrat, I’d be mad as hell that the best person my party could come up with was Joe Biden. I’d also keep praying that they keep these restrictions in place so poor Joe doesn’t have to debate Trump.
But, even if he were to win, he’ll never serve as President, or his time will be short served.
They’ll just put him in the other room and have him watch Looney Tunes.
Democracy is great, right people?
I was with you the whole way until you brought up the debates. While I would love to see her demolition of Trump, he would never debate her.Again, why does Biden/Trump keep coming up in this thread?
Since you pushed it though, Biden isn't the best candidate the Democratic party could come up with. He's the safest.
Let's all be honest for a minute. Donald Trump built his political brand on the back or the identity politics white people claim to hate so damn much. He appealed to a bunch of white folks' (not just Republicans, either) desire for a return to the status quo (middle age to old white guy) after eight years of a Black guy being the most powerful man in America. The Democrats underestimated that and allowed Hillary to run. She was literally the only candidate Trump could beat.
Fast forward four years and they don't want to make the same mistake again. They're going to run the guy who can hopefully win back a lot of those folks in flyover states who wish they had their votes back.
If I thought she could win, I would have wanted Kamala Harris to win the nomination for debates alone. A former prosecutor against a guy who can barely string coherent sentences together would be entertaining on it's own. Throw in the fact Harris checks a whole lot of boxes that Trump despises (intelligent, female, Black and quick-witted) and you get at the very least a repeat of the nasty woman thing. Worst case scenario would be Trump snapping on global television and hitting her with n- and b- bombs.
I would vote for him for president. People like him can make a difference for everybody.This guy is obviously racist (sarcasm). This is my biggest beef with society right now: whites and their virtue signaling. Most are all f’in talk:
Part of the reason there was so much mistrust of Trump was the very deep seated belief, born out by Mueller, that Trump was helped by the Russians in the election. Added to that were the purges of voters in states like Ohio. That plus the significant difference in the popular vote. But, if you remember Schumer actually said that the Dems were willing to work with Trump so long as his ideas were good for the country. Some of us from NY who were aware of Trump's membership in the Democratic Party thought that the Republicans might not like him as much as they thought. Then, almost immediately, he signed his Muslim ban order and suggested that Muslim's might have to register. Even with that, we did not burn him in effigy the way Obama was and we certainly never suggested he was not born in this country, the way the birthers including Trump did about Obama. Everyone talks about how polarized we are. In fact, among voters in both parties there is general support for gay marriage, gun control, tackling climate change, birth control and even safe abortions. The ones who oppose those things are in the minority. They get what they want because the slim Republic majority comes from those states with smaller populations. So basically the minority is both governing and giving in to the intolerants, who dress their position up in a tortured reading of the Bible.It would seem with all the political divisiveness and name calling on this thread (but to be honest it’s much worse elsewhere), that we might all recognize the fact that the biggest problem facing this country is that it’s too divided.
The right says Trump is attacked consistently, and often unfairly. I would tend to agree, that while he’s not been the very portrait of a great politician, no one from the left gave him even a chance. Do any of you recall the vitriol that spilled forth following his election night? The left can argue that he deserves every bit of what they throw at him, but he was never even given a chance. They “KNEW” he was bad before he did anything wrong. (To be fair a lot of this happened with Obama too, it was poor democracy in both instances).
The left on the other hand feels like they are a quelled and quieted minority, and in many cases they are correct. There are many other issues that they tend to express that are well documented in this thread.
So I guess my main point would be, in the near future (November perhaps?) can we look for people who are willing to help unite, rather than those who are going to use a party line to divide.
White suburbia doesn’t mean you have to be a Republican, and black inner city doesn’t necessarily mean you have to be Democrat. In fact it feels like we are nearing a moment in history when political parties are due for a major shift and reform should abound in many ways.
November 2020 write in Shane Battier for POTUS.
Part of the reason there was so much mistrust of Trump was the very deep seated belief, born out by Mueller, that Trump was helped by the Russians in the election. Added to that were the purges of voters in states like Ohio. That plus the significant difference in the popular vote. But, if you remember Schumer actually said that the Dems were willing to work with Trump so long as his ideas were good for the country. Some of us from NY who were aware of Trump's membership in the Democratic Party thought that the Republicans might not like him as much as they thought. Then, almost immediately, he signed his Muslim ban order and suggested that Muslim's might have to register. Even with that, we did not burn him in effigy the way Obama was and we certainly never suggested he was not born in this country, the way the birthers including Trump did about Obama. Everyone talks about how polarized we are. In fact, among voters in both parties there is general support for gay marriage, gun control, tackling climate change, birth control and even safe abortions. The ones who oppose those things are in the minority. They get what they want because the slim Republic majority comes from those states with smaller populations. So basically the minority is both governing and giving in to the intolerants, who dress their position up in a tortured reading of the Bible.
There is some immigrant groups that cannot speak english but they are here to provide a better life for their family.Comparing blacks to other immigrant groups, recent or in the past, is ridiculous. Many of the groups mentioned are coming over as middle class to upper class immigrants with highly educated backgrounds. Big surprise they are successful. It would be a good story if they weren't successful. Even the poorer immigrants, past and present have largely come from intact family structures that had some level of community, if not family support. Historically, blacks in the US were denied these vital ingredients for success.
As for the grindstone concept, many have done this and many more are continuing to do this. Why not all? Why some and not others? If you ever studied the mental health effects of trauma, you probably would not ask this question. If you ever studied the link between poverty and trauma, you probably wouldn't ask this question. Cliff notes version, the long term, often permanent effect of trauma is moderate to severely debilitating mental health issues that are passed down from one generation to the next. The kind of problems that are extremely difficult to remediate even with lots of outside intervention.
News isn’t reported fairly, and with intensity, unless it’s a murdered black person at the hands of a white person. We can go round and round about Trump, Biden, politics, and just agree to disagree. But this right here is obvious. If someone can’t acknowledge that as a fact, then “Good Lord” is an appropriate comment.What on earth...?
Do you just... like... not pay attention?
He has gotten more attention than any other individual in this entire thing outside of George Floyd and Donald Trump.
David Dorn was killed by murdering criminals.
Who isn't horrified by criminals killing a retired cop trying to protect people?
This is one of the latest bizarre right wing stances... that lefties don't care about this story.
It doesn't get discussed as much because there isn't much debate or difference of opinion; the guy was an innocent man, a man trying to help others, who was murdered by criminals, and basically every single person agrees with that. When everyone agrees with something, it doesn't get talked about as much.
If I start a thread here called "Coach K is one of the greatest coaches ever," how many posts will it get?
But if I start a thread here called "Coach K uses stall ball WAY too much" how many posts will it get?
Good lord.
Oh. Definition of equality?
See, that’s tricky for me.
On the one hand, I am a somewhat strict stickler for logic, so “equality” means two things are exact equivalents. I’m at times practical to the point of unimaginative.
But I suspect you mean... like among people?
I’m. not sure how I would definite equality, in a moral sense. Maybe something along the line of “everyone getting the same chance to make the most of what they have by the people around them”? In reality a bit of a pipe dream, but at least you want to work towards that.
I do not know, I’m not sure I’ve ever really considered it? I dropped intro philosophy like two classes in (although there was a girl in that class who masturbated in class, so it wasn’t ALL bad.)
I rarely dodge questions, even if sometimes I should... I enjoy the discussion and debate.
Ive had a lot of teachers, and I do not recall ever having one like that. I’ve also worked with a lot of teachers, and never met one like that. Every educator I know well enough to feel that I know believes that a moral responsibility to truth and fairness, and pushing kids to develop a sense of themselves, of what they believe, is an essential part of the job... it’s almost THE essential part, outside of the simple act of loving the students and supporting them. I suspect that anyone who doesn’t have that going for them... well, they don’t last as a teacher for more than a few years... they may be better suited to be stock brokers or something![]()
There is some immigrant groups that cannot speak english but they are here to provide a better life for their family.
I would like to point out that every person who mentions Al Shaprton profiting off racial division should truly look across the spectrum and open their minds. People like Candace Owens, Larry Elder and Errol Webber have found there can be good money in making white people feel good about themselves and their viewpoints.
Yea but, as annoying as Owens is, she calls out a whole lotta truth.
Just stop because you are just running your mouth and don’t understand. I wonder why the numbers for single parent black homes are high...I let you figure that one outI’m not saying inequality isn’t still an issue; it is, even against some white people, although that is much less than against minorities.
As an independent I get frustrated about two main things:
- white liberals (and some Indy’s) who scream BLM and “I’m sorry” all while virtue signaling. They go nuts when an unfortunate even like this happens and scream from the mountain tops. What happens when a 9 year old gets capped in south Chicago? Zilch. Nada. Nothing. At best maybe a “how sad”. Then they’ll say it’s because blacks are still rampantly oppressed. I call bullshit. It’s that mentality that helps keep inner city blacks down, and it’s sickenly wrong. Asian, Indian, and now quickly Latino races are coming up fast, with Asians and Indians blowing past whites as the most wealthy races. There is no reason why a black kid from the inner city can’t do the same if he/she grinds, gets a degree, and works. Problem is, the single parent (or no parent) numbers for the black race are astoundingly high. That’s the biggest threat, IMO.
- the police being demonized across the board. Do I like cops? Generally no, I’ve beeb arrested and also beat up while handcuffed, as a “white mutt male.” We literally have clowns saying defund the police. Are you freaking kidding me? Those same dorks are the ones calling for the abolishment of the 2nd amendment. Comedic gold.
Racism sucks. I hate it. Floyd was murdered. Garner was murdered. Brown? I dunno, last I saw of him he was attacking a cop half his size. Unless that cop was Bruce Lee, I’m not sure what else he could do. But to tear cities apart, kill black cops, and have suburban “honky’s” get on their knees is crazy. It doesn’t solve anything. Treat people with respect, acknowledge the past mistakes of this country (including the genocide of my native relatives) and let’s pull together.
Ahh the old “well Asian and Indian families come here rich” argument. Sadly, there’s no evidence to this. What they do have? Parents that stay together, force their kids to work hard, and force them to get a degree or at least graduate high school. They don’t allow their kids to buy into the notion that they can’t get ahead in “oppressive America”.
I am mixed as hell. My mother is white, my father is black and Japanese...which basically means I have looked like very few as I grew up. My reality as taught me to be socially fluid. Honestly, probably my biggest
-- I'm glad you agree inequality is "still a thing." Based on the other things you have typed I'm not shocked you feel that whites are victims of inequality.
-- To be honest, the only time I ever hear any white people talk about Blacks being killed by other Blacks is either when they're downplaying a school shooting or when they're deflecting or defending the killings of Blacks by law enforcement, vigilante-types or other whites. Basically, the whole, "Don't complain about this until you fix that," mentality.
White people being vocal and trying to help with the BLM movement may be trying to help when they can. I'm sure a lot of white folks don't really know how to be an asset, or would even feel comfortable, in terms of bringing solutions to the table about how to eliminate gang-violence.
Sidenote, how many times have you described a white person getting shot as "capped?"
Finally, a good talking point for whites is always, "Blacks don't care about Black-on-Black murders." That is a stupid, uniformed point of view. I would assume those white people have never attended a Black church or the funeral of a young Black male who died at the end of a gun. It's possible for a community to have more than one concern. I mean white conservatives seem to somehow support a president who conducts himself like a dictator who threatens military action against his own constituents while simultaneously championing an amendment based on the need to protect themselves against an over-reaching federal government.
--Please never compare Asians to Blacks. The next time a white woman clutches her purse, crosses the street or threatens to sicc the cops on a Korean dude for asking her to put her dog on a leash will most likely to be the first. Just because a person is "of color," and has stereotypes put on them doesn't mean they are discriminated in the same manner.
--You mentioned fatherless homes in the Black community. Would you agree that hundreds of years of white folks tearing apart Black homes has led us to our current situation? Do you think it might take longer than a few decades to fix a problem that was a few centuries in the making?
--I'm with you on abolishing the police. I don't know anybody of any reasoning that thinks we need to do away with law enforcement. Retrain, re-evaluate hiring practices, hold officers to higher standards and actually treat criminal officer like criminals absolutely, but I'm not for getting rid of them altogether.
--Yes, Garner was murdered. Castille was murdered. Rice was murdered. As were so many others. Aside from the color of their skin, the other thing they have in common is their killers didn't serve any time in jail.
Justine Damond, a white yoga instructor is killed by a Somali cop. He got 12 years.
It's not just about cop killing Blacks. It's the level of mistreatment by police and the fact that when cops kill Blacks they tend to go unpunished.
Part of the reason police treat Blacks the way they do is because they know they operate with little to no fear of repercussion.
Tamir Rice's murderer should not have been fired. He should have been executed.
Minnesota doesn't have the death penalty but hopefully Derek Chauvin will never see another day on this planet as a free man. Maybe then we will begin to see a difference in the way officers police Black communities.
- what else have I said that hurt you so bad? You don’t like me calling out outrage over 10, you heard that, 10 killings? Where are blacks being gunned down in the streets by cops at the same rate they’re killed by their own? I’ll wait. I suspect, based on your other postings, you’ll have a subjective response.
- where I grew up in BMore city, anyone that gets shot is “capped”. Are you really trying to make that racial. You’ve already reached, don’t fall over now. Pathetic. A majority of whites are virtue signaling; they’ll move on just like did post-murder of Garner, sadly (I bet you’ll be one). It only helps when it fits the political cause (see X and his stance on white Liberals). Yes, I read and listen to all sides, including X. Brilliant man he was.
- yea, blacks care when it’s family or friends murdered; why wouldn’t they. Are you insinuating they aren’t human, have emotion? Wow. I just find it interesting BLM, for example, isn’t in West BMore trying to help stop the crime, especially black on black murder. Instead, they rather feed into the notion that blacks can’t advance because they’re oppressed. Sad. And why are you bringing Trump in? Do you assume I’m a Republican? Yikes, you’re way off base there (shocker).
- why not compare Asians and blacks? Are you really saying Asians aren’t discriminated against? Lmao, I just told my half-Asian wife what you said and she laughed and said “another touchy, geeky white guy feeling the moment?” Well done man.
- no, I don’t agree. America today has a structure that any race can climb up and succeed. The gov has done a big job in keep blacks overall dependent on them, making it easy for fathers to leave, and mothers to get pregnant before getting out of high school. You want to blame the white race for that I’m sure, but I won’t play that game. Races of all kind, in power, have used the black race for votes/political strategy. It’s sickening, and white liberals like yourself still do the same thing (to advance your party and feel good mentality).
- you’re not for abolishing the police, probably because you’re anti-gun, so you wouldn’t be able to protect your family. Makes sense. All good there.
- you cited 5 people involved in police on citizen crime, but ignore the fact that, again, blacks at 12% of population, commit 53% of all murders. Gee, I wonder why some police, particularly in high crime areas like west BMore, proceed with caution? Insane, right?
And with Tamir Rice, it was very sad? Why didn’t the kid drop the damn thing? It was clearly shown in evidence that Loehmann yelled to the kid repeatedly but Tamir didn’t listen. I had a good friend (mixed race) on BMore city police that shot and killed a black kid who had a flip phone but would shown his hands. My friend pleaded with the kid but the kid wouldn’t listen and some witnesses were saying they thought it was a gun. The kid finally pulled it fast and pointed it at which point my friend shot and killed the kid. My friend was clearly found innocent but he still retired and is messed up in the head today from it and the guilt. Had my friend been white? He’d be all over the news.
We can go round and round, but it’s pointless. I prefer stats and fact and you appear to like subjectivity. All good - that’s the beauty of being American. Maybe we’ll see you like those white people on TMZ washing other peoples feet. If I tried that with my black friends, they’d punch me quick. They don’t buy into the virtue signaling, or singular, “privileged” BS.
How many Black living rooms have you been in where you have heard parents tell their kids, "you can't get ahead in oppressive America?"
Just stop because you are just running your mouth and don’t understand. I wonder why the numbers for single parent black homes are high...I let you figure that one out
I was with you the whole way until you brought up the debates. While I would love to see her demolition Trump, he would never debate her.
I'm some ways...I kind of agree with you. We should have someone better than Biden. I think this is a weakness in the 2 party system.
That being said, you're coming from a position who thinks electing trump was a good idea sooooo. 4 years is gonna seem like a very short period for the "GOAT" president dont ya think? Biden at the very least will do the same.
After all the mass demonstrations with no social distancing it will be interesting to see if there is a huge spike in covid 19 in the next two weeks.If not we may have wrecked our economy for no reasonI never knew the solution to slowing down this virus was mass protests and rioting.
I’ve hardly heard anything about Covid-19 in over a week.
-- I'm glad you agree inequality is "still a thing." Based on the other things you have typed I'm not shocked you feel that whites are victims of inequality.
-- To be honest, the only time I ever hear any white people talk about Blacks being killed by other Blacks is either when they're downplaying a school shooting or when they're deflecting or defending the killings of Blacks by law enforcement, vigilante-types or other whites. Basically, the whole, "Don't complain about this until you fix that," mentality.
White people being vocal and trying to help with the BLM movement may be trying to help when they can. I'm sure a lot of white folks don't really know how to be an asset, or would even feel comfortable, in terms of bringing solutions to the table about how to eliminate gang-violence.
Sidenote, how many times have you described a white person getting shot as "capped?"
Finally, a good talking point for whites is always, "Blacks don't care about Black-on-Black murders." That is a stupid, uniformed point of view. I would assume those white people have never attended a Black church or the funeral of a young Black male who died at the end of a gun. It's possible for a community to have more than one concern. I mean white conservatives seem to somehow support a president who conducts himself like a dictator who threatens military action against his own constituents while simultaneously championing an amendment based on the need to protect themselves against an over-reaching federal government.
--Please never compare Asians to Blacks. The next time a white woman clutches her purse, crosses the street or threatens to sicc the cops on a Korean dude for asking her to put her dog on a leash will most likely to be the first. Just because a person is "of color," and has stereotypes put on them doesn't mean they are discriminated in the same manner.
--You mentioned fatherless homes in the Black community. Would you agree that hundreds of years of white folks tearing apart Black homes has led us to our current situation? Do you think it might take longer than a few decades to fix a problem that was a few centuries in the making?
--I'm with you on abolishing the police. I don't know anybody of any reasoning that thinks we need to do away with law enforcement. Retrain, re-evaluate hiring practices, hold officers to higher standards and actually treat criminal officer like criminals absolutely, but I'm not for getting rid of them altogether.
--Yes, Garner was murdered. Castille was murdered. Rice was murdered. As were so many others. Aside from the color of their skin, the other thing they have in common is their killers didn't serve any time in jail.
Justine Damond, a white yoga instructor is killed by a Somali cop. He got 12 years.
It's not just about cop killing Blacks. It's the level of mistreatment by police and the fact that when cops kill Blacks they tend to go unpunished.
Part of the reason police treat Blacks the way they do is because they know they operate with little to no fear of repercussion.
Tamir Rice's murderer should not have been fired. He should have been executed.
Minnesota doesn't have the death penalty but hopefully Derek Chauvin will never see another day on this planet as a free man. Maybe then we will begin to see a difference in the way officers police Black communities.
After all the mass demonstrations with no social distancing it will be interesting to see if there is a huge spike in vivid 19 in the next two weeks.If not we may have wrecked our economy for no reason
Yes but I am referring to massive spikes that many experts have claimed that we would have if we didn’t close down everythingThere’s still going to be spikes as we are now testing at a high clip. It’s just not nearly as lethal as led on to believe (which I kept trying to say from day one here).
Trump can’t string together two coherent sentences. Have you seen his ridiculous press conferences? It is embarrassing how inarticulate the President is. She knows how to hone in on issues and make points.Trump would mop the floor with her. And that’s not saying much.
Yes but I am referring to massive spikes that many experts have claimed that we would have if we didn’t close down everything
Trump can’t string together two coherent sentences. Have you seen his ridiculous press conferences? It is embarrassing how inarticulate the President is. She knows how to hone in on issues and make points.