I've read just about every post on this thread. The problem with most of us and I'm including myself is that we can't keep an open mind and try to find a middle ground. I'm a conservative and there are some things, not many that I do agree with that some Democrats want which includes better gun control with back ground checks. Racism will always exist if we continue with white supremacy and black lives matter. I'm in the camp that all lives matter and that has nothing against blacks. I'm sick and tired of the agendas that the media has. If there's anything that is causing division in this country, it is the media. Trump has had issues bringing us together as well as Obama did. I do have one question though. How come is you are a multiracial person, and have a parent that is white, the person always claims the minority status. I think it has a lot to do with benefits. One of my friends is Hispanic and his wife is white. Guess what race their children claim? By the way Dude, you can nitpick this and show everyone you're the smartest person in the room and other's opinions are worthless. Just my 2 cents.
Man, I didn't even post anything yet, and I'm already getting attacked? WTF?
How about this; I won't nitpick it and show everyone why I'm the smartest person in the room, since I don't think that is true.
But I WILL take what you wrote seriously and respond to each point thoroughly. Because your words matter, and I will take them seriously.
I hope that is okay.
The problem with most of us and I'm including myself is that we can't keep an open mind and try to find a middle ground.
I don't think that is true. There are plenty of things we can find middle ground on... in fact, I think most of us have far more in common than different.
In terms of "Is there systemic racism against African Americans in our justice system" what middle ground do you want us to find?
Racism will always exist...
Yep... the "our tribe vs yours" is a powerful thing.
if we continue with white supremacy and black lives matter.
Whoa whoa whoa. What? Did you just present...
A) an ideology that believes in the superiority of a race, that supports the genocide of other races, that is responsible for millions of deaths in World War 2 and thousands of deaths in the United States, that was, IN THE LIFETIME OF PEOPLE ALIVE TODAY, hanging black men from trees and cutting off their penises and shoving them in their mouths, all in front of their children... was hanging pregnant black women from trees and slicing their unborn fetuses from their bodies and stomped them into the mud...
B) an organization aimed at ending police brutality and at reminding people that black lives matter the same as white lives
as... equivalents?
I suppose you think that is middle of the road.
I'm in the camp that all lives matter and that has nothing against blacks
So you believe Black Lives Matter? Good for you! Nice to have you on board! Why didn't you just say that at the start?
I'm sick and tired of the agendas that the media has. If there's anything that is causing division in this country, it is the media.
Ahh, you are one of those, who thinks that division... that's all the media.
It's not a president who mocked POWs and the handicapped, who flubbed negotiations with Iran and talked about loving Kim Jong Un, who was sued by the Justice department for discriminatory renting practices and led the movement that tried to delegitimize and de-Americanize the first black President, who said a woman who disagreed with him was an ugly pig and one that asked him tough questions was bleeding out of her whatever and was accused of sexual assault by dozens of women, who found the time to send out 200 tweets in the midst of a crisis and who faked being his own PR guy to call newspapers to brag about how rich and good in bed he was, who egged on his audience to attack peaceful protestors at his rallys and called for the military to be used against citizens in our nations capital...
No no. It's the media. Because man, when I read that New York Times story from todays edition about police funding... MAN... I get so angry!
I find that the people who blame the media are, generally, people who consume only one type of media... and I'll give you a hint... they aren't NPR listeners
I find that the people who say the problem is the media are the people who are easy to sway. For the rest of us, who consume our media with an understanding of the inherent biases, it's a different experience.
Trump has had issues bringing us together as well as Obama did.
Ah, this one.
I'll bite.
I am curious; can you give me three examples of Obama's divisiveness? I'm genuinely curious. Right wingers insist he was the biggest racist in White House history, a race baiter, but they rarely have any actual instances of it to back them up. So please, fill me in.
I do have one question though. How come is you are a multiracial person, and have a parent that is white, the person always claims the minority status. I think it has a lot to do with benefits. One of my friends is Hispanic and his wife is white. Guess what race their children claim?
Uh, what? The benefits of being a minority?
So are there some benefits? Sure... if you can check a minority box on a college application, that helps!
But the idea that it is, overall, a GOOD thing to be a minority in America, that it is a BENEFIT... I cannot even wrap my mind around that idea.
Whites have a 2% chance of going to jail in America, compared to 12% for blacks and 9% for Latinos. Black Americans go to jail for a lot longer time, too... blacks are given 10% longer prison sentences, are 21% more likely to get mandatory-minimum jail time, and are 20% more likely to be sent to prison for an equivalent crime. And black youth have it bad... they are only 16 percent of the youth population, but 37 percent of their cases go to criminal courts, and nearly 60% are sent to adult prisons.
Want to finish college? 72% of whites finish college in four years, compared to 56% of Latinos and 46% of blacks.
And what about paying for college? 72% of blacks end up in debt, compared to only 56% of whites.
Now, how about finding a job? Well, over the last 40 years blacks have consistently faced unemployment rates at least 10 percent higher than whites.
What to be a CEO of a Fortune 100 company? They are 94% white.
The idea that being a minority in America is a BENEFIT... anyone who has read and learned anything, ever, knows that is ridiculous. The only way someone could come to that conclusion is abject ignorance, and the only people I've EVER heard say this are white folks who are bitter something.
Oh, and do you know why people who are half white and half a minority are usually labeled as that minority?
Because OTHER PEOPLE look at them, look at their physical features, see enough of "non white" in there, and say "Well, that person isn't white."
It's super duper simple.
And I promise that they see themselves as EVERYTHING that they are, the same way anyone does.
@dukesince91 ... I'm sorry if I was a touch sarcastic here and there... it IS the internet, after all, and this is a touchy subject, and I am only human... but I've taken you literally and seriously, for everything you've posted. I literally took 20 minutes out of a really busy day to respond, and looked up stats and everything to give what I am saying some factual support. And I did it because I believe everyone posting here is a person worth interacting with, including you.
I hope the middle ground we found... that racism will always exist, that there ARE some benefits to being a minority, that we agree that black lives matter... can be enough that you can take seriously my points where we DON'T agree.
Let me see if I can help:
You're showing your hand by lumping a movement (BLM) that is made up largely of peaceful protesters (remember Antifa and BLM are two separate entities) which has it roots in protesting police brutality with a movement (white supremacy) that has its roots in oppression of other races and religions (don't forget the Klan hates Catholics, too) and such actions as lynchings, cross-burnings and castrations (which often ended with victim's testicles in his mouth).
To sum it quickly, if there had never been white supremacy, there would likely never have been widespread police mistreatment of Blacks and thus no need for Black Lives Matter.
I've already laid out a host of what Trump has done to divide us as a nation. I'm generally curious what Obama did. I've asked people this before and the only thing I've ever gotten is they took offense to him saying if he had a son he could be Trayvon Martin. Please educate me.
You're question about biracial folks is one I can easily answer.
America will always (except in ultra-rare situations based on one's ability to pass) see a biracial person as a light-skinned Black as opposed to a dark-skinned white.
Rather than asking a message board, though, you should have just asked your Hispanic friend. You're talking about benefits when the reality is his kids, with Hispanic surnames and features, are going to get called the applicable slurs regardless of whether they tell people their mom is white.
This right here.