In other words none. Thank you.
And I'm not going to go into everything you ranted about in your reply to my other post, as you have your opinions and I have mine. I am genuinely curious, though, about your half-Asian wife's comments. I said you cannot compare the types of discrimination, not that Asians don't face any. Please ask your wife when the last time one of the men on the Asian side of her family experienced something like I mentioned in the post. Also, ask her why she would assume my race based on message board posts.
Have a good night.
Let me save you some time; that guy is a self-absorbed, overly-aggressive dick who doesn’t get it.
I mean, he has literally said that what police have been doing in black communities is “proceeding with caution” (‘Gee, why are the blacks so worked up?’), that he, a white guy in a $100,000+ red Mercedes, is just as scared as any black man when confronted by the cops so there is no issue (Gee, why are blacks so worked up?), and that the biggest problem in our society isn’t wealth disparity or race issues or the impact of social media on our culture or drug addiction or anything... it’s white people who are virtue signaling. Yep. THATS the biggest issue in our society.
There is a certain type of person...
... it’s not everyone, obviously, but there is this one type...
.... who gets really, really angry with these discussions.
They may give the smallest possible amount (“Well sure, there are SOME issues with racism...” Like, no shit, you think there might be some racism in a country where the laws literally codified racism until just like 50 or 60 years ago, where athlete who kneels to protest brutality gets endless death threats, and people get mad and wave confederate flags and chant “Jews will not replace us!” when you discuss talking down Confederate monuments? You think?)
... but then they crow about everyone else being wrong, that things are ridiculous... they won’t listen to voices of anyone who has different experiences and insist they had basically the same experiences even though they did not... they always feel aggrieved and attacked, that they are the target, and they have suffered the same as any black person because of how they were brought up or some challenge they faced that THEY overcame (‘I just had to work hard, you lazy blacks, you should do that too!’).... they usually blame every single problem on “the media”... they are never willing to listen to someone who is educated in the history of these issues, insisting that they are just liberal intellectuals... they love these silly phrases like “triggered” and “snowflakes” and “libtard”... and they always, ALWAYS, are so very aggressive and angry.
And they often take it all SO very personally... maybe because, deep in their subconscious, they realize that they are a bit of the problem?
So yeah. That guy is one of them.
There are a number of people on this forum with more conservative views who are worth engaging with. He’s not one of them.