The New Lounge

There is some immigrant groups that cannot speak english but they are here to provide a better life for their family.

And those are some determined mofos.

Anyway, this is the good shit.

That moment, where everyone realizes they are on the same side, that they are all just one people... the relief... that’s good shit, right there.
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I’m out gents; good sparring as always. I’ll leave you with a very impactful talk from X. Spot on, even with today’s virtue signaling left, as well as stubborn right. Two party system SUCKS.

Trump would mop the floor with her. And that’s not saying much.

With Harris? Eh, I think some folks don’t understand her... she was a DA, the AG, and now a Senator. The woman generally go head to head with anyone. That’s, like, part of every job she’s had. Ask the prosecutor posting in this very thread.

After all the mass demonstrations with no social distancing it will be interesting to see if there is a huge spike in covid 19 in the next two weeks.If not we may have wrecked our economy for no reason

It’s interesting, it seems discussion of mask wearing has gone way up over the last few days of protests... I’ve seen a number of twitter reports of mask usage actually being pretty good, some clips we see (particularly of high officials) of individuals not wearing them notwithstanding.

I expect that what we are seeing right now in terms of increases in certain states is the “earliest reopening phase” states. Then we will get more in vacation states and the like during the Memorial Day phase. Then I would think we will definitely see an uptick beginning in a week or two, from the riots. I don’t think the PROTESTS likely spread it like the RIOTS did.

Was talking with my wife a bit tonight... she works in the mental health field... and she was talking about the violence and intensity of what is going on right now, on all sides... And she was saying that not only is the mental impact of covid having an influence, but that simple research shows that when people wear masks they become far more aggressive. So covid precautions might, in some ways, be making the unrest worse. Crazy to think about.
Thanks you for your response. From that, all I can say is that if my kids were still in school, they would be ahead of the curve if they had you for a teacher.

Well, that’s about as nice a compliment a dad can make to a teacher. I appreciate that very much, and if it happened I’d give my life for your kids.
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Drew Brees is a wonderful person. He's played twenty years in the NFL and will make the Hall of Fame despite being only 6'0" perhaps. If he has any teammates who doubt his good intentions, I feel sorry for them
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India is in Asia, therefore, people from India are Asian.
Many of the Asians coming to Americs are coming here to go to private high schools and or colleges/universities. That takes a lot of money. Others start businesses. They set up a family member in a business and generally staff said business with family members. This takes seed money, access to credit, and oh yeah, an intact and extended family. All things ripped from many blacks in this country from the start. The dude already explained a bunch of that, but if you conveniently ignore/deny history the arguments of others are, of course, baseless.
In no way am I minimizing the efforts and talents of these other groups. Actually, their success supports the basic premise of BLM. If people of color are given equal opportunity, they will thrive. They are not inherently inferior. They dont inherently lack morality, work ethic, or ability.
But, if you ignore the history of blacks in America, if you ignore the physical and mental health effects of poverty and disenfranchisement of so many in the black community, than, of course they deserve their lousy lives because they must be lazy, amoral, and have no interest in gallantly pulling themselves out of their self imposed abyss.
The government handouts, and things like BLM say enough.

In other words none. Thank you.

And I'm not going to go into everything you ranted about in your reply to my other post, as you have your opinions and I have mine. I am genuinely curious, though, about your half-Asian wife's comments. I said you cannot compare the types of discrimination, not that Asians don't face any. Please ask your wife when the last time one of the men on the Asian side of her family experienced something like I mentioned in the post. Also, ask her why she would assume my race based on message board posts.

Have a good night.
Kamala getting slammed by Biden with brutal fact, BTW:

Well, not so much is since the clip you showed did not capture Harris's response. And a few things that Gabbard said were incorrect so I guess if Harris couldn't handle Gabbard's lies, she might have trouble with Trump's, since he is the master of dishonesty.
As an immigrant, I wish whites in America would speak for themselves.

My ancestors were preoccupied fighting against genocide. I have NOTHING to apologize for. Stop grouping us all together.
News isn’t reported fairly, and with intensity, unless it’s a murdered black person at the hands of a white person. We can go round and round about Trump, Biden, politics, and just agree to disagree. But this right here is obvious. If someone can’t acknowledge that as a fact, then “Good Lord” is an appropriate comment.

Let a white guy kill people in Chicago and see what happens with the media.

Mac you are correct considering the current climate of America. The black shooting victim via a white officer's pistol is the most driving force in newsrooms for ratings, lead story, etc.

In a market of several tv stations the emphasis is on getting their first, interviewing eyewitnesses, getting a police statement, panning the crime scene, etc.....That is simply THE STORY at present. It will be your lead at 6pm and 11pm.I cant argue your point in the least.... If there's any thread of controversy per alleged wrongdoing by the officer, it might be your lead story for days, played off in various angles. Point well taken......OFC
As an immigrant, I wish whites in America would speak for themselves.

My ancestors were preoccupied fighting against genocide. I have NOTHING to apologize for. Stop grouping us all together.


That’s a strange take.

I’ve heard “Please just listen.”

I’ve never heard about white people having to apologize for anything.

And grouping together? How? A vast number of people at these protests are white. How are white people being grouped together.

I have benefited from white privilege. It’s not my fault, I didn’t create it, I didn’t purposefully try to benefit from it, I don’t feel guilty about it. I realize it is a far bigger issue than anything my one simple self could create.

But I recognize it, and I’d like to try to get rid of it.

You’ve got nothing to apologize for, unless you personally did something, and I don’t know what group you think you are being put in.
In other words none. Thank you.

And I'm not going to go into everything you ranted about in your reply to my other post, as you have your opinions and I have mine. I am genuinely curious, though, about your half-Asian wife's comments. I said you cannot compare the types of discrimination, not that Asians don't face any. Please ask your wife when the last time one of the men on the Asian side of her family experienced something like I mentioned in the post. Also, ask her why she would assume my race based on message board posts.

Have a good night.

Let me save you some time; that guy is a self-absorbed, overly-aggressive dick who doesn’t get it.

I mean, he has literally said that what police have been doing in black communities is “proceeding with caution” (‘Gee, why are the blacks so worked up?’), that he, a white guy in a $100,000+ red Mercedes, is just as scared as any black man when confronted by the cops so there is no issue (Gee, why are blacks so worked up?), and that the biggest problem in our society isn’t wealth disparity or race issues or the impact of social media on our culture or drug addiction or anything... it’s white people who are virtue signaling. Yep. THATS the biggest issue in our society.

There is a certain type of person...

... it’s not everyone, obviously, but there is this one type...

.... who gets really, really angry with these discussions.

They may give the smallest possible amount (“Well sure, there are SOME issues with racism...” Like, no shit, you think there might be some racism in a country where the laws literally codified racism until just like 50 or 60 years ago, where athlete who kneels to protest brutality gets endless death threats, and people get mad and wave confederate flags and chant “Jews will not replace us!” when you discuss talking down Confederate monuments? You think?)

... but then they crow about everyone else being wrong, that things are ridiculous... they won’t listen to voices of anyone who has different experiences and insist they had basically the same experiences even though they did not... they always feel aggrieved and attacked, that they are the target, and they have suffered the same as any black person because of how they were brought up or some challenge they faced that THEY overcame (‘I just had to work hard, you lazy blacks, you should do that too!’).... they usually blame every single problem on “the media”... they are never willing to listen to someone who is educated in the history of these issues, insisting that they are just liberal intellectuals... they love these silly phrases like “triggered” and “snowflakes” and “libtard”... and they always, ALWAYS, are so very aggressive and angry.

And they often take it all SO very personally... maybe because, deep in their subconscious, they realize that they are a bit of the problem?

So yeah. That guy is one of them.

There are a number of people on this forum with more conservative views who are worth engaging with. He’s not one of them.
Drew Brees is a wonderful person. He's played twenty years in the NFL and will make the Hall of Fame despite being only 6'0" perhaps. If he has any teammates who doubt his good intentions, I feel sorry for them

Everything I’ve read indicates that they have made peace. Usually that is what happens, when people know each other and care about each other, and one says something hurtful, but then apologizes for the hurt and explains their take and says they will try to avoid hurting their friends in the future.

It’s only when it becomes impersonal that the issues tend to persist. People face to face, one on one, tend to be better to each other.
I heard the entire Brees statement (the first one) for the first time this morning. His comment was about honoring his grandfather who fought in WWII and not about dishonoring the Black Lives Matter movement. Unfortunate timing? Sure. But what I'm hearing now is people getting blasted for saying something as innocuous as "All Lives Matter".

If I were a famous person, I would keep my mouth shut so that what I say could not be misinterpreted. I really don't care about the opinion of an entertainer on complicated social and legal issues anyhow. Such is the world we live in.
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something as innocuous as "All Lives Matter".

Nothing innocuous about that statement. It was created as a counter to the phrase Black Lives Matter by people who did not approve of Black Lives Matter, not as a supplement by people who support the idea. It is a not-so-subtle way of both insinuating that black people only care about themselves (obviously not true) while simultaneously trying to tamp down the message.

I always love the fire metaphor to explain it.

'Saying "All Lives Matter" as a response to "Black Lives Matter" is like saying the fire department should spray down all houses in a neighborhood, even if only one house is on fire, because all the houses matter. And yes, your house does matter. One hundred per cent. But your house is not on fire.'

There is a very simple reason why “All lives matter” is a “response” and not a support.
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TheDude, I've agreed with a lot of what you've said here, but I can't ascribe to the position that because those who feel strongly about the BLM movement interpret the ALM phrase as being anti-BLM, that ALM is always meant to be offensive. Perhaps some who have used that phrase have shown by other acts or statements that they are not sensitive to the BLM cause, but that doesn't go for everyone who has used the phrase.
Drew Brees spoke from his heart, and I don't think he had any intention of hurting anyone's feelings. Not sure he should have backpedaled, but he did.
We've had a virus that has consumed the country since March. But since Mr Floyd was murdered, the virus has hardly been discussed. The media is in a dilemma now. With the mass protesting and rioting that has gone on for over the last week, how do they report it if some of these protesters get the virus, or what do they say if few, or no one, gets it? What do they do?
What we have going on now has set the country back further. The cop that killed Mr Floyd has not been defended by anyone, nor should he. The other 3 there, why didn't they do anything to stop him? Something doesn't quite add up in that fiasco.
It is almost criminal that the local leaders of the cities that have been destroyed didn't act more firm to stop this madness. Protests are fine, but a lot of what's happened are nothing but criminal. Defund the police? What planet are you living on to make that crazy statement.
Law enforcement is not the enemy. There's bad people in EVERY profession.

I also stand by my statement that there's many prominent people out there that like to pour gas onto a fire instead of offering sensible solutions.
TheDude, I've agreed with a lot of what you've said here, but I can't ascribe to the position that because those who feel strongly about the BLM movement interpret the ALM phrase as being anti-BLM, that ALM is always meant to be offensive. Perhaps some who have used that phrase have shown by other acts or statements that they are not sensitive to the BLM cause, but that doesn't go for everyone who has used the phrase.

No no, sure, I agree that not everyone means it that way.

But that is definitely how it came to be.

People started the Black Lives Matter movement, to try to draw attention to the issue of racism towards African Americans in American law enforcement.

White folks who disagreed with the concept began to come up with "responses."

The first one was "Blue Lives Matter," but that one didn't last very long.

Then it became "All Lives Matter". It didn't come from people who AGREED with the Black Lives Matter movement. It came from people who DIDN'T agree with it.

And the implications are important... and yes, implications are essential to consider; language is rarely simple literal communication of fact... implications are everything.

First was the idea that by saying Black Lives Matter, black people were implying that they do not believe ALL lives matter. Obviously that isn't true, if you simply apply logic.

Second, it undermines the message by trying to create an equivalency between all lives in America, and in certain areas, like the one Black Lives Matter is focusing on, that equivalency is false.

I get that people might not always consider what is being said by a phrase, and what is NOT being said, but there is absolutely no doubt what "All Lives Matter" is used to imply.

I mean, if you think "All Lives Matter" you should be happy to say "Black Lives Matter" too, since black lives are just one type of life... but usually people aren't willing to say that.
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Drew Brees spoke from his heart, and I don't think he had any intention of hurting anyone's feelings. Not sure he should have backpedaled, but he did.
We've had a virus that has consumed the country since March. But since Mr Floyd was murdered, the virus has hardly been discussed. The media is in a dilemma now. With the mass protesting and rioting that has gone on for over the last week, how do they report it if some of these protesters get the virus, or what do they say if few, or no one, gets it? What do they do?
What we have going on now has set the country back further. The cop that killed Mr Floyd has not been defended by anyone, nor should he. The other 3 there, why didn't they do anything to stop him? Something doesn't quite add up in that fiasco.
It is almost criminal that the local leaders of the cities that have been destroyed didn't act more firm to stop this madness. Protests are fine, but a lot of what's happened are nothing but criminal. Defund the police? What planet are you living on to make that crazy statement.
Law enforcement is not the enemy. There's bad people in EVERY profession.

I also stand by my statement that there's many prominent people out there that like to pour gas onto a fire instead of offering sensible solutions.

A few things.

Yes, I think he did speak from the heart, and I don't think he meant to hurt anyone.

I don't think he backpedaled. If you said something that really hurt a friend in a deep way, would you say that apologizing and trying to understand is backpedaling? No; its being a decent human being.

From what I know of Brees, he is a good dude. He realized that what he said really hurt a lot of people, including friends, who made that pain clear very passionately. He didn't backpedal; he listened to what people he cared about said, apologized for causing pain in people he cared about, and said he would remember this. That's a man, right there.

I have no idea what your comments about the fiasco not adding up is...? What are you implying, Mac?

In terms of pouring gas on the fire and not offering solutions, there are those people everywhere. I'm STILL waiting for most of the people in this thread to offer any sort of actual ideas about solutions. My guess is that you are only paying attention to those types, and not doing the reading required to find the proposed solutions and discussions that matter.

No idea what you are complaining about, about people not trying to end violence. Every police department in the country tried to end it. You are literally saying something that is untrue.

If you spent a quarter of the time you spend complaining about the media actually talking about the issues that African Americans are talking about, it would make these conversations a lot more useful. I get the impression most of your understanding of these events are created by social media and online "media" sources.
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Drew Brees spoke from his heart, and I don't think he had any intention of hurting anyone's feelings. Not sure he should have backpedaled, but he did.
We've had a virus that has consumed the country since March. But since Mr Floyd was murdered, the virus has hardly been discussed. The media is in a dilemma now. With the mass protesting and rioting that has gone on for over the last week, how do they report it if some of these protesters get the virus, or what do they say if few, or no one, gets it? What do they do?
What we have going on now has set the country back further. The cop that killed Mr Floyd has not been defended by anyone, nor should he. The other 3 there, why didn't they do anything to stop him? Something doesn't quite add up in that fiasco.
It is almost criminal that the local leaders of the cities that have been destroyed didn't act more firm to stop this madness. Protests are fine, but a lot of what's happened are nothing but criminal. Defund the police? What planet are you living on to make that crazy statement.
Law enforcement is not the enemy. There's bad people in EVERY profession.

I also stand by my statement that there's many prominent people out there that like to pour gas onto a fire instead of offering sensible solutions.
One big misperception in your post that I think should be addressed (which is not to say that there are not others but this one is easy to debunk), it was not until the protests that that Chauvin was charged and even then he was charged with a low level offense, Murder in the Third. It also took a while to charge the remaining officers. As for why they did not stop Chauvin, two of them were on Floyd's body pinning him down. They did not stop Chauvin because they did not see anything wrong with what they were doing. As for the po who was standing there, there are so many possible answers that are too hard to discuss in this format. I agree with The Dude on your criticism of solutions. Care to offer any?
Drew Brees spoke from his heart, and I don't think he had any intention of hurting anyone's feelings. Not sure he should have backpedaled, but he did.
We've had a virus that has consumed the country since March. But since Mr Floyd was murdered, the virus has hardly been discussed. The media is in a dilemma now. With the mass protesting and rioting that has gone on for over the last week, how do they report it if some of these protesters get the virus, or what do they say if few, or no one, gets it? What do they do?
What we have going on now has set the country back further. The cop that killed Mr Floyd has not been defended by anyone, nor should he. The other 3 there, why didn't they do anything to stop him? Something doesn't quite add up in that fiasco.
It is almost criminal that the local leaders of the cities that have been destroyed didn't act more firm to stop this madness. Protests are fine, but a lot of what's happened are nothing but criminal. Defund the police? What planet are you living on to make that crazy statement.
Law enforcement is not the enemy. There's bad people in EVERY profession.

I also stand by my statement that there's many prominent people out there that like to pour gas onto a fire instead of offering sensible solutions.

As I said earlier in this thread, I don't think abolishing police departments is a real solution to anything. I do however feel that there needs to be major overhauls to the standards of law enforcement and they way in which they police communities, especially Black ones.

I would, however, say law enforcement is a profession that cannot afford to have bad people. You're talking about a profession that gives individual the means and opportunities to take a human life in the course of their daily activities if they choose to do so. This is not exactly a sandwich artist at Subway. If a surgeon brings a healthy guy in for a knee scope, makes a mistake in the room and the guys dies, that surgeon's career should be held accountable. If a cop makes a "mistake" that gets the same result, he, too should be held accountable.

Finally, the protest/virus thing is people creating a narrative to fit their political view. Much like I said about race, I'm confused why a virus that has killed over 100,000 people in this country in the past three months is a political issue, but whatever.

We've already seen spikes since Memorial Day weekend. The reason that's not front page news is because something bumped it. Yes, after three months, something bumped it off the front pages of the Internet. That doesn't mean it's not a concern, that people aren't still getting sick and that doesn't mean people aren't still dying. It means after 3 months as the top headline, civil unrest and the resulting protests have temporarily bumped it from the top line.
Drew Brees spoke from his heart, and I don't think he had any intention of hurting anyone's feelings. Not sure he should have backpedaled, but he did.
We've had a virus that has consumed the country since March. But since Mr Floyd was murdered, the virus has hardly been discussed. The media is in a dilemma now. With the mass protesting and rioting that has gone on for over the last week, how do they report it if some of these protesters get the virus, or what do they say if few, or no one, gets it? What do they do?
What we have going on now has set the country back further. The cop that killed Mr Floyd has not been defended by anyone, nor should he. The other 3 there, why didn't they do anything to stop him? Something doesn't quite add up in that fiasco.
It is almost criminal that the local leaders of the cities that have been destroyed didn't act more firm to stop this madness. Protests are fine, but a lot of what's happened are nothing but criminal. Defund the police? What planet are you living on to make that crazy statement.
Law enforcement is not the enemy. There's bad people in EVERY profession.

I also stand by my statement that there's many prominent people out there that like to pour gas onto a fire instead of offering sensible solutions.

Last thing regarding the protests setting the country back even further:

If you're old enough to vividly remember Rodney King and the L.A. riots, you will remember it took a full videotape, two trials, the most destructive riots the U.S has ever seen, new legislation, and federal charges to get 2 of 4 convictions and a grand total of 30 months for each of those two who were found guilty.

If anything, I think the protests are an integral part of hopefully getting the convictions and appropriate sentences these murderers deserve.
Last thing regarding the protests setting the country back even further:

If you're old enough to vividly remember Rodney King and the L.A. riots, you will remember it took a full videotape, two trials, the most destructive riots the U.S has ever seen, new legislation, and federal charges to get 2 of 4 convictions and a grand total of 30 months for each of those two who were found guilty.

If anything, I think the protests are an integral part of hopefully getting the convictions and appropriate sentences these murderers deserve.

These things suck, but we as a nation will come out of it better.
I realize we only see on TV what the media wants us to see, but I've been impressed that most protesters have been wearing masks, or at least a higher percentage than we are typically seeing.

I see mask wearing even where social distancing is impossible as a way of saying "I'm trying to be responsible, but I have to take a risk because this is too important to ignore."
I realize we only see on TV what the media wants us to see, but I've been impressed that most protesters have been wearing masks, or at least a higher percentage than we are typically seeing.

I see mask wearing even where social distancing is impossible as a way of saying "I'm trying to be responsible, but I have to take a risk because this is too important to ignore."

Yeah, all things considered it hasn't looked as bad I would have feared.

Not ideal, though, and I am very worried that we are going to see a serious spike in a few weeks. And it seems that poor communities tend to get hit pretty hard. Between the opening back up spike, the memorial day spike, and now this... I'm afraid Americans have sort of forgotten what's going on with covid, and we are going to pay for it.
Protests are fine. Rioting, looting, the destruction of property, injuring and killing people, not fine. The solution, or a start of a solution? A powerful black person, or group, to denounce the actions of some of these leftist groups as bad as they denounce police brutality. That's a major start. But, like I said, I'm not sure healing is some people's objective. I've said this, but some of you here obviously aren't reading all of what's said.
Some of you act like only a liberal can be sympathetic to someone else's situation. Or because I'm white, and a conservative, I can't.

Trump doesn't fit into the agenda of this elitist group, which isn't exclusive to one party, to carry on as President. I'm not saying he's a saint. Because he isn't. But, he was never supposed to beat the Clinton machine, yet somehow did. They've been chapped ever since, and it's been a whirlwind.
I feel that group of evil, corrupt, and powerful people, combined with a big portion of the media, will stop at almost nothing to get him out of office. Nothing. This includes keeping Biden in his basement until November. The last thing the Democratic party wants is he and Trump debating each other. Ol Joe will get slaughtered. Make jokes about Trump all you want, but Biden has some memory issues going on. He's never been the sharpest knife in the drawer, but what he has going on now is quite sad, actually.

But, we all know he won't be the President, even if he does win. That's scary, and also very corrupt.
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I think The Rock nails it. We need a leader who will bring us all together. Hopefully we can be the leaders since we don't have one who knows how to unite instead of divide.

Protests are fine. Rioting, looting, the destruction of property, injuring and killing people, not fine. The solution, or a start of a solution? A powerful black person, or group, to denounce the actions of some of these leftist groups as bad as they denounce police brutality. That's a major start. But, like I said, I'm not sure healing is some people's objective. I've said this, but some of you here obviously aren't reading all of what's said.
Some of you act like only a liberal can be sympathetic to someone else's situation. Or because I'm white, and a conservative, I can't.

Trump doesn't fit into the agenda of this elitist group, which isn't exclusive to one party, to carry on as President. I'm not saying he's a saint. Because he isn't. But, he was never supposed to beat the Clinton machine, yet somehow did. They've been chapped ever since, and it's been a whirlwind.
I feel that group of evil, corrupt, and powerful people, combined with a big portion of the media, will stop at almost nothing to get him out of office. Nothing. This includes keeping Biden in his basement until November. The last thing the Democratic party wants is he and Trump debating each other. Ol Joe will get slaughtered. Make jokes about Trump all you want, but Biden has some memory issues going on. He's never been the sharpest knife in the drawer, but what he has going on now is quite sad, actually.

But, we all know he won't be the President, even if he does win. That's scary, and also very corrupt.

A few things:

-- I've said multiple times in this thread that things like race relations, discrimination, racial oppression and cultural bias are not partisan political issues. One of the best things about the Amy Cooper ousting is that it showed this is not a Republican/Democrat thing. It showed a lot of white folks, even ones who consider themselves progressive, have a default mechanism when Black folks get out of line and forget the order of things.

--Trump is a billionaire who, based on stories and the little available charitable information available from prior to the start of his presidency, has done little to nothing for society's have-nots, regardless or their color. Yet he's targeted by elites because he's not one of them? Literally all his decisions have benefitted the ultra-finacial elite more than anyone since taking office.

Aside from this whole everyone is out to get him (which by the way was laid from the beginning of his campaign, as it appeals to much of his almost exclusively white base, many of whom feel society is out to get them because they are now living in a time which attempts to focus on the rights and needs of others besides just white males), thing being ridiculous, he has acknowledged it's all a ruse. Four years ago he actually stated he generated the whole fake news thing so that when media criticizes he has already planted the seeds in his followers (sorry, supporters) minds. Remember, he told you guys he thought you were so gullible he could shoot somebody in public and y'all wouldn't care.

That's actually the reason I hoped that no tape would ever emerge of him hitting people with the N-word when that was a topic of conversation. I didn't want to wake up in America where I heard a bunch of white people making excuses for it.

-- You keep talking about Biden's memory issues. You're probably right but it's not like guy he'll be debating has not shown signs of dementia or senility.

Honest question:

Does Trump have chronic memory issues or chronic truth issues?

Throughout his presidency, we have seen the man say something in a press conference, get blazed for it, then type on Twitter that he never said it.

Throughout his presidency, we have seen type something on Twitter, get called out about it in a press conference, then respond by saying he never typed it.

Is it he lies or he doesn't remember?

-- Finally, what do you mean by Biden won't be president even if he does win?
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I think The Rock nails it. We need a leader who will bring us all together. Hopefully we can be the leaders since we don't have one who knows how to unite instead of divide.

I never want to see another inexperienced celeclbrity run for and win the office of president. That said, I wish we could have had Dwayne Johnson as the trial-run instead of the piece of trash we got.
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I’ve already figured it out, you’re just too slow to keep up (and that has nothing to do with race).
You haven’t figured anything out. You’re a true clown. When people don’t have an answer they tend to say things like that hahaha. I thought your basketball “knowledge” was bad but you’re worse at this topic hahaha
-- Finally, what do you mean by Biden won't be president even if he does win?
The only thing I’m going to address is the Biden question, because the rest we just won’t get anywhere. You have your views and I have mine.
Biden will not be President. He will be ruled medically incompetent sometime shortly after being sworn in. He’s not well. We talk about things corrupt? This will be one of the biggest.
The Democratic Party, in my opinion, will have a sharp female as his running mate. It’s the only strategy they can use to win.
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The only thing I’m going to address is the Biden question, because the rest we just won’t get anywhere. You have your views and I have mine.
Biden will not be President. He will be ruled medically incompetent sometime shortly after being sworn in. He’s not well. We talk about things corrupt? This will be one of the biggest.
The Democratic Party, in my opinion, will have a sharp female as his running mate. It’s the only strategy they can use to win.

You're talking about viewpoints (opinions) and yet you're predicting corruption based on a scenario that hasn't come close to coming to pass? And even if Biden is picking his VP based on that person being the "real" president, didn't Trump already try that? In 2016 his campaign pitched the VP spot to John Kasich by telling him he'd be the most powerful VP in history because they would be placing him in charge of both domestic and foreign policies. When Kasich asked what Trump would be in charge of he was told, "making America great again."

As for the things you won't discuss, very little of it was opinions. The points I made actually happened. You can Google the origins of fake news and the 5th avenue shooting comments. Trump said that.

My questions about Trump memory issues are factual. You can pick any number of times over the past 4 years when he has said something on camera or in writing only to deny saying it or writing it.

The racist tape statement I made was opinion, but it had some historical accuracy. Over the past four years,Trump's followers have rationalized or ignored his comments about the Mexican judge, the Charlottesville rally, the Black sons of bitches, the telling four American citizens of color (three of whom were actually natural born citizens) to go back where they came from and the shithole countries comment while pleading for more immigrants from Norway. They have repeatedly ignored the fact his first insult of a Black critic, regardless of status or position, is to question their intellect. Think about that. His insults for whites have been all over the map but the ones for Blacks (from LeBron James to even Ben Carson on the campaign trail) have started with their intelligence levels. Hell, his first comments about the Arbery lynching were to say it looked bad but there might be more to come out at the beginning of the video that would show a different perspective (I did paraphrase). All that is off the top of my head.

Please tell me though that a 15 year old tape of him calling a Black contestant on the Apprentice the N-word and his followers would condemn him for it.
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The only thing I’m going to address is the Biden question, because the rest we just won’t get anywhere. You have your views and I have mine.
Biden will not be President. He will be ruled medically incompetent sometime shortly after being sworn in. He’s not well. We talk about things corrupt? This will be one of the biggest.
The Democratic Party, in my opinion, will have a sharp female as his running mate. It’s the only strategy they can use to win.
IF the obvious mental defective in the White House has never been declared mentally incompetent, it is ridiculous to assume that Biden will. Also ridiculous to state such facts about Biden's mental health. You are not his physician after all.
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IF the obvious mental defective in the White House has ever been declared mentally incompetent, it is ridiculous to assume that Biden will. Also ridiculous to state such facts about Biden's mental health. You are not his physician after all.
Let's just see how it plays out then. You just can't get out of your own way, and no matter what, will piss and moan about President Trump. He could give you a hundred dollar bill, and you'd whine cause it was wrinkled.

Joe Biden isn't well, and it's only going to get worse. Would you feel the same about him if he was a Republican? I would.
IF the obvious mental defective in the White House has ever been declared mentally incompetent, it is ridiculous to assume that Biden will. Also ridiculous to state such facts about Biden's mental health. You are not his physician after all.

This is another big time rightie talking point.

"Oh, Joe Biden is senile! It is so obvious!!"

But they completely ignore the literal hundreds of times that Trump, one of the oldest Presidents in history, has said something and then denied saying it even though it is on tape, or the times that Trump has said something completely batty or wrong, or the times he has struggled saying simple, common things in speeches... and lord knows, that odd visit to the hospital that Trump had last year, where it wasn't on any plan and he just "showed up", and suddenly he was taking the belly stairs onto Air Force One and literally travelling with a doctor next to him... don't even get into that.

Nope; instead, Biden is clearly senile! How can you support anything like that! He will be found medically incompetent!

Trump supporters have this bizarre habit where they literally accuse the other side of what they are doing, and of course never having anything to back it up.

"Obama was the biggest race baiter in history!" Uhhh...

"Biden is a sexual predator!" Uhhh...

"Obama used his AG to go after his political opponents!" Uhhh...

"Clinton did lots of illegal stuff with other countries!" Uhhhh...

"Obama played too much golf!" Uhhh....

It's something Trump is the master of.

Either it is complete cognitive dissonance, or it is purposeful.

As someone once said, "Accuse Your Enemy Of What You Are Doing, As You Are Doing It To Create Confusion.”
Joe Biden isn't well, and it's only going to get worse. Would you feel the same about him if he was a Republican? I would.

Apparently not, Mac.

Apparently not.

I mean, you are okay with a guy who is both senile and a serial sexual predator, and a guy who ripped off thousands of American small business owners to boot! Oh, and mocked POWs too.
Apparently not, Mac.

Apparently not.

I mean, you are okay with a guy who is both senile and a serial sexual predator, and a guy who ripped off thousands of American small business owners to boot! Oh, and mocked POWs too.
Stop it Dude. Sometimes you're too smart for your own good. I've never blindly defended Trump. I do not, I repeat, I do not like to listen to Trump talk. I cringe. But, the actions he's taken in his 3 years in office outweigh his crazy mouth. He's arrogant, and very condescending. Yet, I bring up Ol Joe, and it's attack mode by you and a few.
It's not even a comparison. Trump's mouth is due to arrogance, Biden's is more than likely dementia.
I think he's thought about the people of our country a lot more than a politician who shows up in a city only before every election.
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Stop it Dude. Sometimes you're too smart for your own good. I've never blindly defended Trump. I do not, I repeat, I do not like to listen to Trump talk. I cringe. But, the actions he's taken in his 3 years in office outweigh his crazy mouth. He's arrogant, and very condescending. Yet, I bring up Ol Joe, and it's attack mode by you and a few.
It's not even a comparison. Trump's mouth is due to arrogance, Biden's is more than likely dementia.
I think he's thought about the people of our country a lot more than a politician who shows up in a city only before every election.

No no, it isn't that you brought up Joe Biden. You can do that all you want! Go ahead, talk about what he has done... he's got decades of political policy to discuss!

It's that you are saying that the man is clearly senile and will be disqualified from being President when you present no support for it, have no medical training, and have not addressed any similar signs in Trump. It just feels like nonsense.

And it doesn't help that you follow up with garbage like "Oh, you would complain if Donald gave you a wrinkled bill!" Like... people who don't like Donald Trump have no reason to not like him. Come on now.

Mac, can I ask you something?

If I take the time to put together a real post outlining some specifics of what professionals have said about the President's mental health, will you bother looking at it? Because there has been a lot looked at, at how Trump hits a lot of traditional markers of dementia, when you look at him now vs him from ten years ago.

Should I bother? Or will you just write off whatever I post as liberals who hate him or something?
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