Okay, then let's call it negligent homicide. One was indicted for Wanton endangerment, for shooting through a blinded window to another apartment, so what about the one(or two) who put 5 shots into Breonna? They clearly weren't looking too closely at who they were shooting, because she never had a weapon at all.
And for me personally, it goes deeper than just her or George Floyd, I've seen a black man, turned around, facing his car with his hands up get kicked in the back of the leg then assaulted by police, Jacob Blake of course, and another black man in California getting shot in the back after running from police when he was pulled over for traffic violations on his bike. He shouldn't have ran, at least from I've seen he didn't have an apparent reason for it but, you can't justify just lighting him up because of that.
I dunno, I'm just tired of it. I grew up seeing racism here in NC but from what I could tell, it was mostly just small towns, never did I think it spread to cities, much less nationwide. I'm just tired of hate and intolerance and those who are supposed to serve us, being corrupt and getting away with crimes simply because of their title (Case in point, our current Commander in Chief).
I figured they were. They're still "Recruits", I just wanted to see if they would even try to justify it.